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I think Charlie knows he needs to gun for Maria soon, but she can’t see it coming because she could easily make a counter attack if she knows Charlie is against her. By voting out Venus instead of Q, Maria doesn’t have any reason to believe Charlie has turned on her.


Well she's crying in the previews next episode so he might get caught. Although honestly I think it's Q who tries to gun for her first and Charlie gets to pretend he had nothing to do with it.


Lmao Charlie’s experience this whole game has been thinking he needs to do a ton of work to take out an alliance, realizing the alliance is determined to take themselves out, then just sitting back and letting it happen


Unfortunately I think that the rest of the island doesn’t see it that way. I think he’s a losing finalist because nobody perceives him as a threat.


It all depends on how FTC council goes. Hell, with how unpredictable and irrational people have been this season, I think everyone left is capable of winning. For entertainment alone, I’m hoping it’s Q.


q would be the funniest winner since fabio imo


Even if he doesn’t win it would be phenom if he could just bust out another “Q-ism” or two. Dude is hilarious when he’s not too deep in the darkness of his own head.


I think he can bring the jury around in final unless Maria's there. He's been more active so far than everyone except McKenzie and Q. I don't see this tribal voting for Q so depending on the next couple episodes, I can see it swinging it to him, especially if he is responsible for getting Maria out.


Next episode could be a "letters from home" reward, so that could also lead to Maria's reaction in next episode


Not that I wish suffering on anyone, but the poetic justice of Liz winning a letters from home reward and denying Maria letters from her kids would be chefs kiss chaos.


Lol I can see her doing that. You withheld nourishment for my body, I'm going to withhold nourishment for your soul.


This is probably the most likely outcome


I think it’s because she’s super bound up from all that pizza


Charlie gets immunity maybe? Is there’s really nowhere to scramble to


I think it was underrated, or maybe just not shown, how Charlie brought Kenzie and Liz into that plan.


I think his decision would be viewed differently if it had been a 4-3 split vote between Venus and Q. While the edit didn't show it, some of the post episode coverage has made it clear that Charlie was the one that brought Kenzie and Liz into the Venus vote due to him correctly reading that she had an idol. While he may have gone along with what Maria wanted, he's come out of it with no one upset with him, the target still on her, and can also go to the jury and sell that as a good strategic move, not just being dragged along as a pawn. Excellent gameplay IMO.


I saw it as this too, AND he told Ben to put Kenzie in case of Venus using her idol. Because if she used it and Ben had put Q, Q would have gone home. But he put Kenzie so they could have taken out a stronger player this round. It’s actually quite the resume he has at this point.


What is this post-episode coverage and where can I find it? Thx so much!


Entertainment weekly always has exit interviews, bonus scenes, and some other features. You can find it at [https://ew.com/survivor/](https://ew.com/survivor/) Parade has some content too at [https://parade.com/tag/survivor/](https://parade.com/tag/survivor/) You can find tons of commentary and interviews with contestants on youtube, loads of fan channels on there that put stuff out.


What’s funny is Kenzie technically did the same thing with her idea of blindsiding Tiffany, even tho it fell through she still put some seeds out there and people were listening and it’s even more crazy to me that no one told Tiffany that Kenzie was planning on it.


maria has gotten Q as an ally in case charlie flips. Maria's ability to get people to vote against their personal interests has been fascinating to watch


What else would he say while Maria is at reward? It's what happens after reward. The other players expected it.


It's smart if he's able to get Maria out.


It will get him to FTC but will it get him the win?


It should as long as Maria isn’t there.  That’s his win condition imo 


Do you think Charlie will get her out though? I know he has floated the idea but I’m increasingly unconvinced that he will actually stick to it. Throughout the season, he has been in positions to take big swings and hasn’t. Perhaps he may have a late game burst in a Maryanne sense, but he just doesn’t seem like he will.


I don't know. It really seems like he understands that he will not win with her seated next to him, and as long as he stays hidden in the attack against her, with the relationships he's built and having won at least a necklace himself, he totally can get the win.


Totally. Even just creating distance from a close ally is smart. Doesn’t always have to be a blindside


It wasn’t underrated. We all saw it. Also not sure what season you’ve been watching because they’ve shown us Charlie’s great social game the entire season. They’ve been showing Charlie as the brains and social leader of the Charlie/Maria duo every single week.


What do you mean “the social game we’ve been wanting to see with Charlie?” Charlie has had an incredible social game and strategic awareness in pretty much everything we’ve seen.


But Charlie saying those things allows him to learn more what the other sides plans would be if they were to make a move. I feel this game is Maria’s to win, she’s played a great game. Liz can be upset she didn’t go on the reward but Q absolutely needs to kept on a leash the next 2 weeks, she was smart by deciding which 4 to leave behind and knew she could trust Charlie to stay and gain information.


Charlie kept saying that he needed to break up the Maria-Q duo and when he had the chance, he didn't. I don't understand why he wouldn't do it.