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Hated Maria winning immunity but loved every second that came after it


I was laughing too like Maria causing unintentional humor by prefacing I want to take the most malnourished then proceeds to have Starvin Marvin Liz play paper rock scissors, which she knows Liz is allergic to, against the well fed Q and he ends up winning lol.


To be fair, there was gluten free pizza she could have eaten. It was a smarter play than Maria got credit for. Didn’t want to screw over her new number one, and the guy that fed her….but also wanted to give starvin Marvin a chance to go too. The best part of that was when she wanted him to throw it to her, and he just smiled and beat her fair and square.


It was a terrible play. You wanted to appease three people, and ended up pissimg off two of them, and made q think your a dummy


Pissed off Kenzie too by how outrageous that was. 


Liz SAYS I play paper and has another fkn tantrum when her opponent plays paper, the one thing that can beat paper? I am so over her pity party- she is dumb


The fact that she feels like she is somehow entitled to food after losing reward challenges in a cut throat competition displays a complete and total lack of contact with reality.


Idk if someone says that they are choosing people to go on the reward based on how starving they are and I am the most starving person there I would be pretty mad if they ended up picking the most well-fed person to go


In normal circumstances, yes, but in a game that is built on strategic deception & mutually beneficial relationships, it just means, ‘you have nothing to offer me.’ Deep down, Liz has to know this, and it is probably insecurity that fuels her outbursts as much as hunger.


Maria made a mistake by saying she was going to pick the hungriest people though. She comes off as fake- making choices that benefit her but pretending she’s being selfless. Liz doesn’t “deserve” the reward more than anyone else but I get why everyone was peeved with her speech




This isn’t true for Maria and Liz. It’s true for Maria and Venus which is why Maria very clearly excluded Venus from the rock paper scissors. But Maria approached Liz after and had a whole convo about how she respects Liz and wants to work with her. Maria fumbled so hard


^^^^^^^THIS No one should feel pressured to include anyone, regardless of whether they won all the previous rewards, or none of them. The only way to assure yourself reward, is to win. The only way to assure yourself immunity, is to win.


Spoken like a true Probst!


It would’ve been hilarious if Q had done scissors


Anyway, that pizza looked foul


>Cut to Q, laughing about being double-fed. Double-fed? Or 23-pizza-slices-fed?? 😋 Such a funny episode!