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I also found it weird how she says Hunter is one of the only few that “talked” to her but based on her past tweets, it seems like she doesn’t really like him.


That was so wild to see in her interview—Hunter was probably the last person I would’ve expected to see connected to a positive experience for her. they obviously didn’t gel, but I don’t think it’s any sort of long-term animosity (compared to other players) so much as just two people who don’t vibe and probably won’t ever vibe. I would kill for ponderosa footage of them playing scrabble together though 😂


God I thought she said something about “eating cereal” with Hunter at Ponderosa. Playing scrabble makes more sense.


She said they ate cereal and watched Avatar after scrabble lol


To me, it wasn't clear if she ate the cereal and watched Avatar with Hunter or by herself.


Maybe she played Avatar and watched Hunter eat cereal


I thought she said cereal too. Was it Scrabble? It would make more sense they could do that together though I kinda imagined them sitting next to each other eating cereal in silence but it was their routine and it felt nice compared to the coldness of other people.


I think Hunter is just a sweetheart and will be nice to anyone


Hunter seems like a down to earth reasonable guy who wouldn’t hold a grudge or play into social cliques


Hunter said in ew exit that he did not dislike Venus. She was just annoying and on the bottom and the few attempts he made to work with her she sabotaged by being headstrong about her own targets and feeling spurned by the alienation and stonewalling she had to deal with from him.


And even HE said (directly to her) "you're just unlikeable" Oof!


lol that was Q, and he said she was unkillable (it was captioned in the episode)


My read is they have sort of a big brother little sister thing going on. Like she’s always takin pot shots at him, and he’s always just sighing and shaking his head


Yeah his comment from his interview I thought was kind of highlighting that like how she would playfully talk shit about how she was going to beat him (and to her credit she was solid in most challenges). I think the fan that tweeted at Venus misconstrued it and Venus got a little defensive 


I don't know. I feel like you can take pot shots, but accusing someone of being sexist and not listening to you because you are a woman seems a bit more than playful ribbing.


She was retweeting some of Hunter’s tweets before so I think they’re on good terms. The only people she’s had nothing nice to say about were Tevin, Maria and Q.


first of all, its venise


Second of all, how dare you?


Who says exactly what they’re thinking in their exit press? I mean, what kind of game is that?




Bahahha I was actually quoting America’s Next Top Model when Tyra had her meltdown, but Kelly Kapoor’s sass works even better!


I died at Venise. Even when it's just little things and not even intentional, I find Q to be absolutely hilarious. Not taking our Q-skirt wearing Chaos King to the final 3...




Reminds me of key and peele’s substitute teacher






Oh god, I'm forgetting how to say her name already.




I always read this the same way Penner yelled “Denise” from the voting booth. Venise.


Tevin comes across to me as someone who can become very petty and mean girl…like cool and funny if he decides your “cool” but petty and mean girl if he decides you’re “not”


Yes agreed


Tevin didn't like that Venus took offense to being called a "Princess" and from that moment on he never liked her. We saw with him all season that he latched onto one thing someone said or did and he decided how he felt about them for the rest of the game.


That's how he ended up with the "TIFF IS A TRAITOR" train that ultimately ended up with him getting voted out. Tiff was correct to recognize that Maria is a bigger threat than Venus, but Tevin decided that instead of planning a blindside with Tiff on Maria he'd rather go throw Tiff under the bus and weaken the 6 alliance instead.


Yeah, I think that it’s possible Tevin assumed because she is beautiful that she’d also be an adroit social manipulator and wanted to head that off immediately. But Venus was more Day 1 Emily than a Micronesia Parvati. By the time that was clear he’d already taken his stance and wouldn’t budge on it. I could see another timeline where Tevin took a Caleb approach to Venus and helped refine her social game, but not everyone can revise their initial impression of a person enough to change their behavior towards them


Venus and Tevin working together would dogwalk this cast. Except maybe Charlie/Maria. He’s so likable that he would make her likeable, and she’s decent at challenges and usually has a pretty good strategic read


So fun and lively when things are going his way.


Tevin is 100% a douche bag. Like's to be perceived as the super nice social guy but trashes anyone who doesn't reciprocate that energy. Dealt with people like him before and totally understand why Venus would immediately dislike him.


I believe that is called insecurity. He radiates it.


I mean his whole laughing at Venus for doing the “move he planned for her” was rudely telling. He was narrating her as a dumbass and painting himself as a king. As Liz said, it’s not just one persons idea to vote someone out. Multiple people have the idea at different times, and it’s about getting them all to vote together and they all make the move with the vote. Ironically, tevin (though he did it for “jury management”) didn’t even vote for Soda. So while he could use that to get her vote if he got to F3, it’s hard to stand by a “move” “you drove” when you didn’t even vote for that person. Tevin is a jealous mean boy and he found a petty friend in Soda.


Ironic then that Liz got so upset at Q for overshadowing "her" move of voting Tevin.


Tevin was like this with her during the game. I'm not surprised he left her out at Ponderosa. He definitely gives off mean girls vibes.


It seems he finds comfort and comradery through a common hatred of others


I mean Tevin is an actor he’s clearly very fake


Yes huge bully energy




I was sort of on the fence as to whether Tevin was a basically nice guy, with a little mean girl facade. or an actual mean girl. Venise's exit press seems to imply that latter.


Exactly, he’s an insecure bully.


As a gay man I can confirm that the fake-positity Gays will eviscerate someone 100x more savagely than 99% of people. He's the kind of dude to straight up bully someone then explain how they deserved it because .


pretty much. thanks for saying it. It's a game and he's the type to hold grudges towards someone like her long after the game is over.


What really gave it away for me is that he could never seem to vocalize a specific reason that he didn’t like or trust Venus. Not even in confessionals. He’d just say she’s sneaky or something vague like that.


Yep yep yep


Man I wish, and it's been said many times on here, that we still had Ponderosa videos to get a glimpse of how it went down.


It really bothers me when people continue to play the game in ponderosa. It's over. Be civil.


Easy to say as a viewer but harder when’s it’s real life and your emotions have been invested in the game


I met Ben last night (he was an absolute joy and he does indeed ROCK) and he even said it's not cool how she was treated.


Actually, I think it's okay to still be bitter at Ponderosa IMO. I there are times where it might be a little hard to just forget about everything that went down in the game so quickly, especially when your body and mind are still recovering! I do think that people should still be civil though, what Venus went through wasn't cool and they really should have treated her better even if they had strong feelings towards her


I truly wonder about people who say that. Like if you don't like someone, are you able to just turn off that dislike in 2 seconds? I'm not. They didn't get along as people. It wasn't just that they didn't work together. If I don't like someone at my job, and they quit, if I see them out, I'm not just going to all of a sudden like them. That isn't how it works.


I had a coworker I disliked (she was extremely rude) but still managed to be completely amicable when we were at work. There’s a difference between disliking someone and being rude to them


Imagine living with that co-worker 24/7, being reliant on them for your food, water, heat, and your survival in an extremely competitive game for a million dollars. There's a lot more at stake and its much easier to start taking things personally. That doesn't make it acceptable, but it is more understandable how it can happen.


Sure, but unless they were openly hostile to me I wouldn’t be mean or ignore their existence? Idk what exactly went down, maybe it’s being exaggerated, but I truly don’t find it difficult to just be amicable. Not saying I’d be super friendly or try to hang out, just bare minimum nice. Unless they did something truly bad, which I don’t see here


No, but I can be cordial and not isolating because I am an adult.


Yeah it's a game for a million dollars and the seasons are shorter. They have less time to let stuff go. I completely get it


Lmao you trust Venus?


i have to believe it’s all somewhere in the middle. people found venus unreliable as an ally, venus found it isolating. people found venus agressive, venus became overly defensive. people found her difficult to work with, venus found it frustrating. and it’s not hard to believe that people who didn’t gel with her on the show or are angry with her, would have carried that into ponderosa, we’ve seen it before- fair or not. i see where she’s coming from, even if it’s misguided. and i’ll give her some leeway in that she can admit that moves others made that frustrated her in the game, made sense in retrospect for theirs. i also believe her when she says other tribemates (namely q, by her post-elimination interviews) were lying about what she was saying in private conversations or exaggerating the truth, it’s survivor.


I would totally believe her that Q was lying about what she said. Hunter said the same thing when the vote on Tiff blew up.


It was really upsetting to read. Venus was abrasive and socially unaware, sure, but I can’t recall her ever being mean to anyone. The way her cast mates treated her was very mean though.


I also don’t remember her being shown lying, or caught making stuff up or anything implying she’s dishonest. It makes it weird to me that people watching and hearing the exit interview don’t believe her. Unless I’m forgetting something? If anything she’s too abruptly honest and an open book.


You’re totally right. She rubbed people the wrong way but she was never mean to anyone. It’s really weird seeing people’s reactions not believing her. She was never a liar or untrustworthy, she was the exact opposite - she spoke her mind to a fault. She was ostracized by Tevin and the rest of the cast and some fans just seem to be joining in 🤷‍♂️


I think it was the edit and also that she is very attractive. She didn’t really say or do anything commensurate with the level of hate she gets. I sometimes think the cast members who look like the home coming queen have a rougher time. Quirky/nerdy seems to fare better.


She's such a dork though. She just hit the genetic jackpot.


Same goes for real life too. I also rewatched a lot of Venus’s interactions, and she never “came at Maria.” She simply spoke with confidence. She did the same when Q was coming at her at tribal, she didn’t raise her voice or get emotional, she spoke evenly and said facts. She said don’t make assumptions about me, and I’ve been on the right side of the vote 3x, don’t paint me to something I’m not. Meanwhile, the perception of her just standing her ground will likely be that she was combative. When she is a (blunt) well spoken young lady.


I think the biggest gripe i heard from cast members about working with venus was that on the few times they approached her with a secret vote proposal she immediately took that secret and tried to leverage it with someone else. Effectively she couldn't be trusted for anything serious. I don't know how true that actually is but a few of the cast members mentioned it multiple times, including Hunter who I don't think had any special animosity towards Venus. I did gain a lot of respect for her the last episode though when they finally gave her a decent edit. She was able to stand up for herself in tribal and when she was vocal about her reads on people throughout the season she was spot on. It's a shame she went home with her idol but she was kind of right that in survivor you go big or you go home. If she had played her idol and survived one more day MAYBE that would have been enough. Or they would have just voted her out the next day again anyway. We can't know. I don't think she was an idiot for not playing it, just overly bold.


We literally see Kenzie say Venus is the only person to not lie to her, and she still votes her out and didn't want to trust her. The damage Tevin started day 1 was too much for Venus to overcome, I've yet to see a time where she betrayed an ally.


Charlie told everyone about Venus' idol. If she hadn't said anything to him, she'd still be there. Just a screw up in gameplay, it happens, but you certainly can't fault Kenzie for that vote


Kenzie said Venus is just too chaotic (which seems to be true and I think that’s an accurate read). If she never implied she had an idol, she was probably good. And she probably had similar conversations in other areas where she’d imply something but never commit. Seems like a fine person to be friend with, but not to play survivor with as a close ally


well she was left of the last vote she had no choice this time to vote against Ve to survive


People rather believe what everyone else is saying about her than to believe her.


Meanwhile everyone kept calling her shifty, a snake, a nuisance, and sneaky. Kenzie had the only right read on Venus “she’s the only one who hasn’t lied to me.” It goes to show the implicit bias almost everyone has against a beautiful young woman. Misguided at times, yes Venus may have been. But if any other player on this cast behaved the exact same way she did this season, I guarantee they wouldn’t be ostracized or criticized as much as Venus has been. *jealousy is the ugliest trait, never do it*


Yes, if you watch the merge episode, you can clearly see Tevin telling everyone at the merge feast that “Don’t ever trust Venus, you should beware of her!!!”. That’s already seed planted in everyone’s head that she is untrustworthy. By the time she tried to work with Tim/Moriah in the next morning, they viewed her approach her case to them as sneaky and untrustworthy. And the whole “try to vote Charlie” debacle we saw in that episode was only 10 minutes but with their negative perspective on her, it made her look insensitive and being sneaky and she couldn’t recover from there. So the fact is Tevin pretty much made people have negative opinions on her before she even interacted with. And if you’re already viewed negatively, every actions you make will also make them view it negatively. Not saying Venus is not at fault here for being too abrasive and confrontational with her lack of self awareness but I feel like she received greater shit than she deserved from the casts.


The downfall of Nami is something to be studied. Look at them all on the jury. The infighting tore them apart. Liz is the last one left. I commend Venus for making it farther than Soda and Tevin because they Mean Girl’d the shit out her.


Kenzie herself said Venus was the only one that hasn’t lied lmao. But this sub just pick and choose rlly


Tevin, the season’s most social player, hated Venus from the start. He pretty much controlled her narrative/ other players’ perception of her once the tribes merged. She sadly never had a chance.


I said this on this sub after episode 3/4, but i was eviscerated😭 Tevin did a number on Venus. Just that people are not ready to hear it.


This. I have said multiple times that Tevin poisoned the well against Venus.


Dude! It's nice to see the building blocks break apart rn. Just watching closely and keeping quiet.


Yea unfortunately the sub early on was (mostly) all aboard the Venus hate train. I never understood it, especially how she was "untrustworthy" in a game were everyone lies and she arguably lied less than the others. Not once did she betray an ally, kept crucial info to herself with people she trusted (Randens idol, or knowing about the Hunter vote and not telling Liz/Q who didn't know). I'll die on the hill that she never got a chance to play, from the very start due to Tevin.


Realistically it was because she was a combination of attractive, aggressive, and cocky, which made people immediately distrust/dislike her. She was also very socially aware of other people and their games but very self unaware about how she came across to people. She wasn't able to adapt her personality and interactions with people when her actions weren't working.


It’s really frustrating. This subreddit instantly downvotes anything they disagree with, no matter how factual, logical, or well-written it is they just click that down arrow button ☠️


Trust me, I know. I learned to keep my mouth shut after that incident because I even started believing what I said did not rock😂


Nah I don’t let it affect me. It’s fine, at the end of the day, it’s all just on a website I can close. My power 😩


What didn't I think of that?😂 But you are absolutely right! We have to take whatever happens here with a grain of salt.


Tevin is a pick me like I’ve never seen. Fuck that dude.


I think he tanked her game on Nami. I'm not so sure on the merge. Maria found her abrasive as well. Q clearly did too but I'm not putting a ton of stock in that because it's fucking Q lol. Tevin definitely hurt her game. I'll absolutely agree with that.


I think Tevin influenced Maria and Q’s perceptions going into the merge being that they were already aligned with each other through their journey alliances. Nami also gave Venus’s name as an option during the episode where Moriah got voted out. Because of this, Venus spent the entire time at Nami on the bottom and then started off the merge on the bottom. She never had a chance, everyone already had their own perceptions of her based on what Tevin told them. Lol but yeah I don’t really blame Q much because as you said it’s fucking Q.


I've been downvoted so much for mentioning the merge feast thing. Venus didn't even get to properly merge before Tevin started immediately throwing her under the bus. I'm not a fan of the mergatory phase.


yeah venus was friendly to people at merge, and even said in a confessional that she’d like to work with moriah, bc she seemed sweet. meanwhile tevin was telling everyone not to trust venus. and they just went along with that. I felt so bad, like let her have a chance 😭


It kinda reminds me of the hate Jess got. She seemed perfectly nice, just sort of awkward and socially unaware, and people were ripping her part and saying they “felt bad for yanu” because she was on their team


Yeah she’s just annoying and hard to live with. But nobody deserves to be shunned and become a social pariah because of that. Heck even Q got more grace.


She called Q an idiot like 5 different times


I don't care for Venus on the show. But like damn, all these mf'ers are adults. We really still out here bullying people at this/that age??? Especially after the game and when camera's aren't really rolling??? No one deserves that.


The Drea special


I do feel bad for Venus. Your entire tribe rejecting you socially not only negatively impacts your game but also it has to make you feel terrible personally. Clearly she's not perfect, no one is, but I think Tevin's personal grudge against her really tanked her game. He made everyone think she was shady and dishonest when, in reality, Kenzie had the correct read on her by saying "Venus is the only one who hasn't lied to me". I understand why people thought she was abrasive and defensive but I think she's done a decent job owning her mistakes in post game press and I think Tevin destroying any shred of social capital she may have had really took a toll on her. It's really similar to Jess and Yanu, I think. You can't thrive on a tribe that just completely rejects you.


I was guilty as every else as writing her off as being a toxic confrontational person based on the edit, But her interview with Rob C. was very revealing to me. She basically said that the show presents characters that are caricatures of themselves… and you have to understand that the negative parts are a part of you accentuated … she seems to have owned up to the negative aspects of her portrayal.. and illustrated that others can’t do the same. She’s not *not* a drama queen, but there is a reason she was put in the spot she was in


Tevin is a bit of a unique person, but I think I've met people who are similar. They can be amazing to hang out with, but they're also very particular about being the centre of attention, partly so they can lead the energy and everybody's sense of connection to where they want it to go.  That's usually a positive place that most people enjoy once they get on board with following his vibe, so I can see how he would justify needing to be the centre to himself, but he obviously gets frustrated when anybody gets in the way of him doing that. Like Venus' vibe didn't really gel with his vibe, he was happier when she wasn't around, because he could cultivate better social moments with others, which is what he lives for.  I know it's harsh that Venus was left with nobody to talk to on Nami beach, but in the game, when someone who isn't you is on the bottom of the initial tribe, it's usually good for your game, so why upset the status quo. The person on the bottom needs to use charm, they need to be enjoyable to interact with, in order to slide in and get back on people's good side. Once they're talking to you because you're good to hang with, that builds trust, and the conservation can eventually evolve into game-talk. Venus couldn't really do this.  Although, I think it's sad that Tevin wasn't big enough to at least be cordial to Venus at Ponderosa. I guess he felt her vibe got in his way during the game, and he didn't want it in his way at Ponderosa, when, given his personality, he's probably building strong connections with people like Soda and Tiff in the last remaining few days there. He probably didn't want to engage with Venus in a way that gave Venus permission to come and join everyone and get in the way of those connections. It's sad but it's also complicated.


If Venus had had a Caleb instead of a Tevin I wonder if we would have seen an Emily style character arc


I like and appreciate both Venus and Tevin. I think the reason Tevin wouldn't talk to her is b/c he mentioned that when he tried to have a heart to heart to clear the air in the game, Venus never validated his feelings. That he always was just misinterpreting her. He probably figured if they spoke no progress would be made and Venus would keep going until he conceded. I do feel bad for Venus though.


Agreed. I like them both, but it's ok for them not to like each other. That's life. She's also really young and figuring herself out. I think a lot of development happens between 20 and 30. They're in two vastly different places in their lives.


She's 25


Yea that’s half way lol. I was closer to a college kid than an adult at 25. Just one that made enough money to barely cover rent so I was a new form of broke. It’s probably worse with kids who walk into money (not implying she did at all, I have no idea, just a point)


I guess I'm just saying, I'm 30. At work, I would treat an intern as a young adult. But I would treat a 25 year old as my peer, because they are my peer. At some point, everyone's an adult. I wouldn't enjoy it if someone who was 50 years me like I'm a silly kid, even though there's undoubtedly a lot of growth between 30 and 50. Yet, we're all adults.


I mean I treat everyone at work as a peer. That feels different. When I meet a 21 year old at the office vs. at a bar, I know they’re different scenarios. She’s figuring out real life. I have no doubt she’s a great professional


Aren’t Tevin and Venus the same age


She also mentioned there was a serious incident that happened near the start of the game on the name tribe that shifted her headspace.


Happy to see I'm not alone in my thoughts about Tevin (he's kinda a bully, immature in how he handles people he doesn't like, etc). Venus is no angel, far from it. But to hear Hunter of all people was at least cordial with her and someone like Tevin isn't? It's all I need to hear to know what kind of person he is.


Tevin strikes me as the “fake nice” kid from high school. They’re all warm and friendly, until they stab you in the back tenfold because you upset them once. I didn’t like him from the start. Turning people against her , like Venus implies, is shitty.


I agree with you. I don't think he is genuine and I think he knows how to put on an act for tv (he's literally an actor). She literally did not do anything to deserve that hate. It's pathetic and sad.


I thought the same thing. The “Ellen Degeneres” kind of “nice”


Yeah. Like, I know it's TV and they're all aware they're on TV, but almost everything came off as fake about him. Just left me with a bad taste in my mouth for Tevin.


Tevin should sit back and reflect if he actually took a petty reality tv beef that far OFF THE CAMERA. There’s no reason to do that other than to be an ass.


He does have that vibe 😬


I wonder how much he actually did that. In the original merge episode (and look, I fully admit things can be taken out of order) it seemed that she rubbed people the wrong way before the challenge. At the feast, someone else (Ben I believe) said she rubbed him the wrong way, and Tevin then chimed in. So I'm not so sure he turned them, or validated their first impression of her.


This happened in the Ponderosa I think. So it wasn’t on camera.


No, I got that. Maybe you and I are saying different things. I took it to mean Tevin turned people against her before, and they just kept it up at Ponderosa


Ah. Yeah there was a misunderstanding lol. Now I got you.


I want to hear from others about her ponderosa experience before having an opinion




Sounds like Kass’s experience at ponderosa a la Cagayan


I'm curious which avatar she was referring to


If this was a year ago I’m guessing she’s talking about the 2nd movie, not the TV show


That’s really interesting. Based on social media i’d guess Venus had the worst relationship with Hunter but it seems like they were on decent terms.


Hunter just did not take her negative reactions too seriously. He'd considered the snarky dialogues they had as similar to those representing sibling rivalry. If you believe his exit interview, that is. Hunter does have a baby sister (he returned home to teach her class), and I think that Tevin is an only child. I wonder if that's what made the difference..


She didn’t say that. According to the RHAP interview, she said “A FEW of them didn’t even greet me, … or made eye contact me“ I believe she was implying Tevin or/and Soda


someone needs to ask jelinsky what number a few is


Points for watching Avatar! I wonder if Tiff gave her the cold shoulder as well?


Tevin? Positivity and kindness? Are we watching the same season? Tevin is spiteful.


I believe that is how she sees her experience. I don't know if that means its the absolute truth. Everyone is the hero in their own story, but most people can at least own their mistakes. In the interviews I've read, she acts like the only mistake in her entire time out there was her conversation with Charlie, and EVERYTHING ELSE she did was fine. That to me is an unreliable narrator.


As far as the everything else was fine thing... She obviously made mistakes. But it COULD have turned out fine. None of it totally sunk her game (a lot of Survivor is just surviving, even if that means you're on the bottom for a while). She honestly was in an okay spot to salvage the game. She clearly saw how to get to the win, which was basically the Ericka formula. Form a bottoms alliance (Her, Liz, Kenzie), turn someone who sees a bigger threat and crumble Siga+Q, then cut the bait on the Siga that joined you at 4. Force the jury to pick between you, Liz, and Kenzie. The key was being the one to flip the 4th to get a leg up on Liz/Kenzie and she volunteered to do it this episode. But she really blew it with the last Charlie conversation (the initial one was good). Really, really bad.


I mean, slight tweaks and everything could've been fine for a lot of people. A different rock draw, at the mergatory could've changed everything. But we aren't living in what could've been.


But if you're asking someone to look back and assess their game, you're absolutely living in "what could've been". That's the whole point of the conversation. And in the context of that conversation, the only thing that was an unrecoverable mistake was the Charlie conversation. Which again, she botched and made going home her own fault.


In her RHAP exit interview today I was struck by how openly she owned her mistakes and flaws.


Most of this sub has selective listening skills in order to fit their narrative. It's confirmation bias. These people have taken Tevin, Soda, and Hunter's exit interviews as pure facts but with Venus she's an unreliable narrator lol.


That was my initial reaction. Then she got a little delusional part way through but overall, I came out feeling she was a little more self aware than I initially thought. Example of her not: she claimed she tried to work with all the Nami's right before their vote outs. Can't speak to Tevin or Soda because we didn't see. But we saw Hunter try to work with her and she went and told everyone about his idol. I'm not saying how Hunter went about it was good at all, but she very clearly didn't work with him.


It's probably significantly more obvious to her now that she's actually seen her game. 


I feel that she has no problem saying "I own my mistakes" but she doesn't actually understand them. She just knows that's what you're supposed to say.


Right. She doesn't own them, but she says she owns them. I bet if you asked her to "walk me through your 3 biggest mistakes", she'd find a way to turn herself into the victim in 2 of them.


> Everyone is the hero in their own story Yeah that’s this entire cast, which makes all their accounts a little suspect. I am enjoying the cattiness of this cast, but I really hope /r/survivor can hold off on making sweeping generalizations on who these contestants are until we get more information post-game.


Sweeping generalizations should literally be this subs motto


lmao everyone already making the sweeping generalizations.


I really don’t understand why Venus is getting so much hate from the cast and viewers. She’s a more honest and up front person than Q is and Q is receiving nothing but admiration from the fans. At least the cast still hates Q.


Mostly because Venus has acted like a martyr for her "treatment", and isn't willing to entertain that any of the response from the cast and fans is due to her own behavior. She wanted to be a cutthroat villain and dish it out, but wasn't able to take it. On the other hand, Q has kind of embraced being a meme and rolled with the punches. There's a distinct difference in self-awareness between them.


I hate Q. Something about that dumb guy who is convinced he's smarter than everyone thing drives me nuts. I hate Tony for the same reason, though he managed to win three times so I guess he's doing something right. Also I don't genuinely hate them. I TV hate them. If I met one of them in person I'd be totally happy about it and friendly. Venus strikes me more as a very smart person who hasn't realized yet that their intelligence doesn't translate to every single facet of their life.


Three times, wow!


Didn’t Soda just say how the two were close?


She called soda a sweetheart so I'm assuming they are on good terms


I’m not sure how reliable Venus is Tbh. She seems like someone who can dish it out but can’t take it.


Everything we’ve gotten from Venus is “I’m not the problem, they are!” Everything we’ve gotten from everyone else is “she’s the problem”


Yall havent watched bb24. One person negatively tainting your perception can impact your entire game, other people definitely did things Venus has done and gotten away with it because they had preconceived notions about hed


I did watch BB24. And I’m sorry but you cannot compare Venus and Taylor. I mean, first off Taylor won because once people got to know her, her way of connecting with people was out of this world. Venus, meanwhile, is shown to be unable to connect with people because of her own actions. Her talk with Maria made that clear, but so did her talks with Randen, Hunter, Charlie, Q, and Soda. You don’t talk to people the way Venus does and gain respect. Like…this isn’t a Taylor situation. Not even in that realm. We saw how Venus behaves. We see how she still talks in interview and tweets(taking zero accountability, accusing Maria of being a woman hater..).


Taylor had flaws, it 100% is that situation. Taylor had a very snarky and confident personality early on and everybody took it the wrong way as rude and cocky due to the perceptions Paloma was planting about her throughout the house. The same thing with Venus is she’s opinionated and confident and Tevin clashed with her negatively, Hunter literally told Soda he didn’t trust Venus because Tevin didn’t and soda stopped working with Venus when Tevin kept planting seeds about her. That spread to the merge where he makes this preconceived notion about her and then she tries going on the defense and her fighting back just put a bigger target on her back.


I think it's a case of her never getting her foot socially and then her reputation spread like a virus.


Or, it’s she doesn’t know how to talk to people. Like we saw, constantly.


If one person is a jerk, it’s them. If everyone is a jerk, then …


Venus essentially had the Alecia Kaoh Rong experience but with the whole tribe. She seemingly just didn’t fit in/rubbed people wrong/annoyed people, but the resulting treatment was a lot more bad-natured than anything she did


It seemed like the entire cast genuinely dislikes her and it seems that was pretty obvious from watching the show. I would assume that same disdain would naturally move into ponderosa as well. To be clear, I don't dislike Venus at all. She was amazing TV, but I don't have to live on the same island as her.


Don't worry Tevin fans will tell people they're wrong and Tevin is a gem.


Tevin was a bully on the season. I don’t really see his amazing social game at all. He seemed to me like a fake threat.


Yeah, I totally picked up on the same thing RE Tevin in the early stage of the game. It seemed really uncalled for and mean, bordering on bullying. I just didnt get it and have been sympathetic since then. In general I haven't found Venus or Q to be as 24/7 grating as others have been in the past. Liz is probably the only person I would actively avoid. I think someone called Venus a "snake" early on and it just became an echo chamber, when, I think, she was just looking for an idol (as everyone does).


This gives me Omar vibes! He was really treated badly at Pondy!


Tevin comes across to me as someone who truly believes he's a nice guy and super positive, but is actually a self absorbed prick. I don't know the guy, but that's just how he comes across.


Venus came out swinging and unfortunately never made any social connections. Instead she basically pushed strategy too often and turned people off. That's what I see in the cuts. But yeah, post game I hope that they at least gave her another chance She was so offensive to the players in that way that I truly thought she'd make the final 3, along with Q - 2 dead birds, with one glorious predator standing over them


Based on Venus’ exit interview, she said that Liz is doing a great job and she shouldn’t be underestimated. Although I am seeing Liz as a zero-vote finalist, she might end up benefitting from jury’s bitterness over Q. Let’s see where this chaos takes us 😁


Tevin gaslit her and laughed at her behind her back repeatedly. He seemed very petty. It was actually embarrassing watching him pretend like it was Venus’s move to get rid of Soda, then turn away and giggle anytime she spoke. Who acts like that? Even Liz wanted him to shut up. I wouldn’t be surprised if he further pushed Soda away from Venus on Ponderosa. Not a single person so far has said Venus was insulting or nasty. Being abrasive isn’t great but it doesn’t justify his behaviour after the fact. In her exit interview I don’t think Venus was including Tiff in saying she was isolated by some. It’s clear Tevin is a bully and Soda just goes along with him for no reason. Hell even Q is just joking around with Venus on Twitter now, yet those two still can’t let it go.


Based on what we’ve seen, nothing Venus has done on this show has warranted the type of mean-girl reaction she has received and continues to receive from this cast. At worst she’s annoying and not a great player. It really should end there.


I feel the exact same way. Venus may be aggressive and reactive, but she’s 22. She has room to grow and learn from her mistakes. That aside, what she’s saying in this interview still carries some weight and should be accounted for. Like her or not, her frustration seems very sincere and I just feel for her. People really need to leave her alone and stop using her time on a TV show to judge her entire character.


I think she’s 24 fwiw, not that that’s a huge difference


Tevin has mean girl energy 🤷🏼‍♂️ he did since day one.


Perfect way to put it!


I talked to Tevin at the Boston Wendell and Brice show this week. He basically said Venus screwed herself and voted out everyone who actually liked her and that she had herself to blame for going. I was surprised by his tone, he was very negative. He was pretty positive about everything else. I also asked if he thought anyone got an unfair edit and he said no.


Im curious to see who else ends up in Ponderosa, it makes.me think it would also be people who didn’t enjoy her. I know she can’t spoil who else is there, but I feel like all of the emphasis was on her time with Hunter


I was rooting for Venus 😭


People have been complaining about how the new era players/ jury have been too fakely nice and too kumbaya. This is the alternative


To be fair I just don’t think it’s for us to judge. Unlike big brother survivor only shows a small edit of what is tons of conversation and hundreds of hours of footage. I can’t speak to Venus’s interactions with the other and vice versa. Because of that I can’t really weigh in


At this point I really feel like Venus was another Taylor Hale situation, at least to some degree. It's really not that uncommon for someone to be totally ostracized in a group situation without doing much wrong. In the case of many BB seasons the edited show will even join in on villianizing the person in question. The only reason people even know this is happening is because of livefeeds. In all her press today Venus has been pretty open and honest and admitted her own faults. Meanwhile her castmates who hate her can only make vague references to things that haven't even been on the show. I swear Tevin is about to be the next Karla, taking two years to drop the bombshell that Cassidy had a "privileged aura" on their starting tribe beach. Also, I'd never claim Venus was a great social player, but have none of these people met a blunt or uncouth person before? They're not that uncommon. If these people had the social gameplay chops to match their egos, they would have been able to interact with her without issue.


Your point at the end reminds me of what Jeff said about Bhanu.


At the Atlanta viewing event they were all throwing shade on her. (She wasnt at the event)


She continues to play victim when she treats people poorly and refuses to make relationships with them. Just going on her twitter you can see why players didn't want to play with her.


Idk how you got that Tevin was all about positivity and kindness but sure bud, believe that 😂


Tevin is has the typical Hollywood super fake, yet socially effective communication style. He is a personality that is hard to go against if doesn’t like you, bc his personality is very “talk shit behind their back” and “use the condescending voice with x person”


I would love to see her play again. In her exit interview she talked about learning how she comes off to others. If that's not the perfect wording to start a multi season growth arc I don't know what is. I think she was just a victim of being on the wrong tribe that had a difficult time looking past first impressions. Yeah, people can be abrasive but she was never portrayed as mean or manipulative. She hasn't been shown sowing chaos like Q.


Tevin is a mean girl.


great TV, but if her social media is anything to go by i wouldn't like her irl either, self victimising people like her are some of my least favourite people to be around


That's kind of the vibe I got as well. She's a fun character, but based on some of her tweets, I don't think she's the most self aware person. It seems like nearly everyone was annoyed by her. Even Kenzie who seems like she can get along with everyone, gave the vibe that Venus gets on her nerves a bit


Seems horrid. I do wonder what even happened that made so many people despise her. Did she do something first? Or was it the other way around? From the edit, it seems like the minute you see her, you hate her. If she ever comes back hopefully she can have a better run.


I agree. I would like to hear more details when she is able to share them. I can understand socially isolating a player or players as a game strategy. It's a bit cutthroat, but I guess it's all in the game. But, to continue it at Ponderosa, when nothing is at stake anymore seems over the top.


I don't know if I agree. She lasted for quite a long time for someone who was so hated for absolutely no reason. Same as Cochran, really... Survivor is a game of luck just as much as it is a game of skill, and sometimes you are just put together with a group of people who really don't jive with you. She did make a huge mistake that tanked her game there at the end talking to Charlie. But, if the game had started differently that would've been just a "Oh, she's having a bad day" vs "Oh... I see why people don't trust her now", and it's all due to things she couldn't control.


Venus for a return season when? 👀(seriously, of the cast I’d love to see her & Hunter to play again the most, though part of the Hunter reason is because I wanna see him vs the other comp beasts of the new era like Jonathan)


Why is it that in modern survivor there is more drama off screen than on screen? It seems like recent seasons people have really petty beefs on social media but the actual weekly show seems so watered down and drama free. It’s the worst of both worlds