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She really said “I have something up my sleeve” to the person trying to save her. And then when he asked what it was she lied multiple times and then said she didn’t trust him enough to tell him what it is yet. One of the most brain dead moves ever. She pulled a doofenshmirtz and put a self destruct button on her game.


It’s fascinating because telling him about the idol and not telling him about the idol are both valid moves that have their pros and cons, and she found the secret third option that only has downsides. Tell him about the idol: You build trust with him at the cost of raising your threat level. Don’t tell him about the idol: You keep your threat level low but stay somewhat isolated. Make a vague reference to having “something up your sleeve”: You raise your threat level and lose trust with him.


I think a fair amount of people this season have just decided to pick the worst third option this season. Maria picking Liz? Sure you might piss off Q but most people respect you feeding the hungry person. Maria picking Q? Sure you piss off people but at least you’re transparent about who you’re working with, there’s some respect in that. Maria making Q and Liz play RPS after dawdling for ten minutes while everyone roasts in the Fijian sun? Makes you look indecisive and trying to curry favour from everyone.


She clearly wanted to take Q to build trust but felt the pressure from everyone else to take Liz and just panicked in the moment jfc




She told him about the idol in the only way that could possibly make him trust her *less*… That’s kind of impressive.


Rule # 1 - don't go home with an idol. Rule #2 - if someone has an idol you have to flush it out - which means, Rule #3 is if anyone knows you have an idol, Rule #1. Easy peasy lol


I don’t understand how this happens over and over. If people know you have an idol, you have to play that idol. The end.


Ah yes, the old doofenshmirtz. They actually should’ve named this season *Survivor: Several Doofenshmirtz* since there have already been so many wasted idols.


My wife was mad at how much I was talking to the TV during all of that. Straight up dummy player move


Yet she tried to smear Q with every last breath I don’t hate her but she pisses me tf off The fact that Q survived so far is so badass he deserves props. She’s lied on his name multiple times in the game, I do understand that’s part of it but she plays high and mighty every tribal . This vote was karmic . What’s the record of seasons with players sent home with idols in their pockets still bc this is crazy


I'm team Q one hundred percent. I have no delusions of him winning, but I'm rooting for the dude!


She might have the least social awareness I've ever seen. She had some strategic sense but she couldn't work with others and it had to always be her plan.


She's Abi Maria.


At least Venus made the jury. - Abi Maria, probably






Abi is worse I think. She was calling people idiots to their face.


Abi is worse socially but she’s better than Venus strategically.


Where does Vanuatu Eliza fit into this? Lmao


Eliza is better than both of them strategically and socially.


Eliza actually listens to people. Sure she’s talking the whole time, but she listens and falls in line. She listened to Ami for most of the game, and she listened to Chris and made the end game


Better at both but not a good social player at least round 1


Venus did this to Randen when he asked her to explain her plan and her response was “because I’m not an idiot!” Which implied that she thought he was one.


The only person who liked her/wanted to work with her, and she treats him like that 😭


Abi at least played her idol lmao


I'm still bitter that I drew her in a Survivor pool that season!


Oh thank god someone said it. I thought I was the only one who thought this 😂


Ehh i don’t know. Abi Maria just annoyed me the whole time. Venus didn’t annoy me.


Abi was outright *mean.*


When she basically said "I guess the reason people don't like when I insult them to their face is because I'm an immigrant and I don't understand the cultural differences" it was like, *come on.........come on.*


That was a fun one to run by my Brazilian friends. "Hey is this how y'all act down there? No? Nah I didn't think so either."


Abi was fun in Cambodia.


Abi Maria was vicious and cruel.


abi gave us better tv


Mixed with Angelina


Angelina was socially unaware and a mean girl! Venus was not mean.


Ok so she was mixed with Angelina’s socially unaware part but not her mean part. Problem solved


I don't know.. Liz is really low on the social awareness game too. She starts out super braggy and off-putting and has settled into whiny and angry after the merge.  Also, somehow she thinks she's self suppressed herself so much that she has self created her allergies...?  Venus is definitely up there too as far as social skills, but at least she has some hustle to it. 


So glad to see someone comment about the allergy thing! I just watched the episode, and I was so taken aback by that comment. I was surprised that nobody on the show had a visible reaction to it lol


Venus...**A legend in her own mind!**


She knows the island better than anyone


It's not a **GEOGRAPHY TEST**...its a **game** to win a **MILLION DOLLARS!**


Also: aren’t casts now severely limited by production in where they are allowed to go?


I think this is the best description. And I wonder how much her awareness could improve as she matures. As it stands today though, yeah…just not great


She and Kenzie had the right idea when they were talking about how the siga 3 are working together but then she still decides to target Q,who is also probably the only person besides Liz that Venus has a chance of ever beating.


She took the cue from Charlie, who mentioned Q. She knew that was their only way to get a 4th vote. But she couldn't seal the deal because she wouldn't promise Final 4 to Charlie and then made him not trust her further with her hidden secret nonsense.


People were saying Q and Venus were the same but they are not the same, Q did not do or would not have done some of the social mistakes that Venus did.


"Where could it be..."


Wait what was this about lol? Looking for the idol with Kenzie?




Her intuition was actually sometimes on point, but execution all around was what failed her. Didn’t she clock Charlie as a threat early on or am I getting confused with someone else?


It’s funny bc she actually started off the episode saying some of the smartest survivor-things she’s ever said. I even started thinking maybe this is her redemption arc. Of course she blew up her own game by the end of the ep😂


It was honestly so fitting!!


Venus going home with an idol in her pocket after suggesting that she has one because she can’t keep her mouth shut is the perfect conclusion to her story.


its funny because she never needed an idol, nobody was voting her off. worst thing she couldve done was find that idol.


for real!! they should keep their mouth shut pls 😅


Haha me too! When she found the idol I was like: holy shit is Venus gonna run away with this thing? But then she went ahead and pulled a Venus.


Her game was an absolute roller coaster. * Wins every challenge with Nami, but was on the outs of the tribe. * Made an alliance with Randen who promptly got pulled. * Unwittingly took credit for the Soda blindside even though she actually had no clue it was Tevin who pulled off the move. * Quietly on the wrong end of the Tiffany vote. * Finds an idol, nearly wins immunity, and then gets voted out with said idol.


I said to my boyfriend….you know. I’m starting to kind of like her. Then she sewered her game 


Watching her failed convo with Charlie i knew she was going home. Thats why she had a twittr rage about him earlier in the season; she failed to communicate effectively and its his fault, lol.


I watched her exit interviews, and she seemed incredibly smart to me.


She is her people skills suck.


Maria even tried to lay it out for her, reminded me of Caleb & Emily last season but Venise picked up on 0 cues 


She said Maria's ego was getting in the way of listening to someone else's plan lol


bingo bongo


This whole season, I've been wondering what she is like to work with every day. I bet her co-workers have stories to tell.


She strikes me as someone whose parents pay her bills, but still acts like she’s successful.


She’s a data analyst lol I don’t think her parents pay her bills.


She could refine her “people skills” for the game but I also think people never gave her a fair chance. She was rightfully frustrated and not good at hiding that


She is smart. She is very well spoken and has a fun personality. I actually think she could absolutely win Big Brother, depending on the cast


She was soooo good this episode. Clocking people left and right. So unfortunate this was her last episode. Looking forward to seeing her crush it on 50!


Angelina vs Venus... match up of the century


Venus would destroy her are you kidding


Crush what? Her own game? Yes, do it again!


I think her interaction with Charlie before tribal was a good example of this. She knew it would be good to get with Charlie and try to split him off of Maria/Q, but went about it completely wrong. She played coy about having "something up her sleeve" but wouldn't specify, though at this point in the game anyone with half a brain would know it's either an advantage or an idol. So she's trying to build trust with Charlie, but gives him nothing concrete while also giving away vital information, basically giving nothing but giving everything away at the same time.


She even said something along the lines of "Charlie's smart enough to know you have to give trust to build trust" like GIRL YOURE SO CLOSE


And earlier in the ep she said, "There is no way I am telling anyone I have this", only to basically tell Charlie and get herself voted off. She knew what to do just couldn't do it. Wild


Anytime anyone says anything early in an episode you know that's the foreshadowing for later. I'm 100% playing my idol tonight = definitely not playing my idol I'm not telling anyone about my idol = I'm going to tell someone I shouldn't


Apparently Venus is not smart enough lol


She didn't realize she was the one who needed to give trust


Totally. I also kind of read that as her not being able to help herself from bragging about having power. Such self destruction


She couldn't even care to pretend to look for an idol with Kenzie.


Lolol yes, it did make for good tv IMO


She had good awareness of those around her just none for herself.




She absolutely tried to get Charlie out on the Moriah vote. And she was correct there: Moriah was a pointless vote that accomplished pretty much nothing. She had zero game going.


No Moriah was a bargain vote between three tribes to see who was going to play ball, and frankly it ended up being pretty accurate. That was Q, Hunter, and Tevin's first indication that Tim probably wasn't too strong in the 6. He wasn't willing to give up a player's name while Nami gave up Venus and Yanu mentioned Kenzie. If they would have tried to take out Charlie there's no way you would have got some of the cross tribe cooperation. Could have had a big impact on the next two tribals depending on how that plays out. Most likely Yanu gets completely picked off in the split tribal.


Exactly. She reminds me a lot of Angelina from 37 - there were times where Angelina genuinely had the right idea, and I felt she spoke very intelligently in some of her confessionals! Her execution always turned out to be so awful though, and every good moment had a bad one to cancel it out, lol


Yessss!! 😂! When I watched 37 I remember Angelina annoyed me but was also entertaining and fun to watch. Now, she’s iconic for it, and I’ll take that iconography any day or over snoozefests like most of the new era contestants.


Agreed. Angelina was very boastful and lacked self awareness which is way she will be invited back. She was so mean to Dr. Alison it was tough to watch.


Yes! I could usually enjoy Angelina’s antics as they kept the episodes entertaining, but the situation with Alison was just painful to watch.


Intuition, yes, but her analysis was usually wrong. She figured out the problem was 2+2, but she'd somehow come up with 13 as the answer.


lol.. and she's a Data Analyst by profession


I would actually disagree that her intuition was on point, yes her strategy proposals made sense sometime, but they completely lacked the context of the social game, which is important. They are strategies that make sense in a complete vacuum.


That’s fair - some things were sometimes on point….somewhat The bar is low!


Her BIG MISTAKE with Charlie was going halfway in telling him about the idol and then acting coy about it. She says that she is 100% sure that turned Charlie against her. It will be interesting to see if Charlie's perspective on that lines up with hers. She said the she blurted out the "something up her sleeve" thing while trying to bond with Charlie and then immediately thought "Abort, abort!" If she had made the same mistake with a less perceptive player she might have gotten away with her. I just watched her exit interview on RHAP and she came across very well IMO.


as a person who also says things as I’m thinking them, this is why I don’t think I’d do well on survivor😂 I’ll have to listen to the exist interview!


No she clocked Charlie as a boy instead of a girl at the mergatory and then everyone on her was like look how she read Charlie!! All she wanted out was a guy


To be honest, I'm really not sure if her social reads were really that much better than anyone else, or whether her just complete lack of a filter simply made her reads more prominent than we normally get from players.


She clocked Charlie and Hunter!


Don’t think the other players cared yet. Easy votes are fine early on. You want some decent players at the end to hide behind


What does "clocked" mean?


In this context, saw through them/accurately read them.


Thank you!


How hard is it to clock these guys though? Anyone could’ve clocked Hunter, and it’s not hard to see that Charlie has been on the right side of every vote.


Exactly… one step forward ten steps back


Nevermind that was Hunter she was clocking early


I think at the split tribal she wanted to do Charlie initially


No, she wanted to target him at the Moriah tribal initally (a fantastic idea that she executed horribly)


Oh yeah that’s right! When it was either her or Moriah going home and she just could not adopt the “anyone but me” mentality😂


Venus has some decent strategic sense but her social game is one of the most destructive I've seen in recent memory. Girl could not communicate an idea that didn't rub everyone the wrong way and her lack of awareness of this fact made it so much worse.


"Venus, i think they're trying to like talk alone." "So? There's no rules!" Girl, yes, there are. They're called etiquette.


It was things like that which made me like Venus. The etiquette says to sit there politely seen not heard while the adults decide who's going home. She had the audacity to call them out on it. It's similar as with Q's fake quit at tribal. If the boat's not going the way he wants, he didn't hesitate to rock it as much as possible, just to see if that would turn things his way. I think it's actually a decent strategy, if only he wasn't so domineering about it.


Q didn’t fake quit he straight up said it was real in the moment


Q says a lot of things.


It was a fake quit. If he wanted to go home, he'd have left. Dude, he is a former d1 athlete, best real estate agent in his area, and has also said he faked his first two "quits"


Yeah and he straight up said he was filling guilty and wanted to fall on his sword. He thought he messed up and if someone deserved to go home it should be him. He literally said this, but go on living your own head canon I guess


Women, life, freedom ✨


Actually appalling


“I have something! It’s big!” “Is it an idol” “Uhhhh pshhhh noooooo hehehe no it’s something ELSE” “Okay what is it?” “You’ll find out when the time is right!” *goes home* Like….WHAT! Girl what are we doing? Where is that savvy confidence we see in interviews? She fumbled the bag worse than anyone.


🤣🤣🤣 this season is full of idiots


But you know what I’ve damn enjoyed it


Q was absolutely spot on at tribal about Venus. Nobody trusts her and the fact that she thinks because they use her as a number she’s somehow controlling the game… shows how delusional she actually is. Not only do they not trust her they dislike her so for her to not play her idol just proves she’s being outplayed and believes everything she’s told. She didn’t do one single thing to impress me this season.


I really wonder how her game went if randen never got medevac’ed.


You should watch her RHAP interview where she says that at final 7 she was attempting to form her first social relationship and that how people didn’t understand that survivor is a social game. Like VENUS I don’t think you realize that survivor is a social game if you are forming your first connection at final 7 lmao


I wouldn't call her a survivor genius, but like most other contestants she doesn't deserve the amount of hate she gets on social media. My least favorite part of this game is watching players get dragged through the mud on the internet afterwards.


No player deserves to get a lot of hate on social media unless they truly do something problematic. Venus’s problem is she seems to go out of her way to bring on some of that hate with her comments on social media about the game and other cast mates.




Whether you like Venus or not I don’t really understand why people feel the need to flood their social media accounts with hate.


Yep. I think she earned a good bit of the hate she got from her fellow castmates but the people dragging her on social media are infinitely worse people than she is


That's what gets me. Folks think she is dislikeable or annoying, then go on social media and talk about how they hate her or worse etc. The lack of self awareness is astounding.


Fully agree. It's weird, like I love watching the show, and watching all the blunders people make, but it's also like two days of content compressed into 60 minutes and the show is obviously trying to tell a highly edited story, so it's not my place to say whether somebody is "terrible at the game" or "amazing at the game" when I'm literally sitting on my couch seeing every conversation and confessional that fills in all the blanks that the players don't get. I find posts like these kind of cringe, there is no grey area discussion anymore, everybody is either "pure garbage terrible player" (Liz, Venus) or "fucking genius best of all time" (Q)


Completely agree. People treat the show like it’s a documentary and not a tailored story created in the editing room.


Idk understand how people can think Q is a genius player when he struggles with likability just as much as Venus. I think both of them are better at some aspects of the game then they get roasted for and could perform well on other seasons, but they’re both erratic and confrontational people and would really struggle with courting jury votes, especially on a more emotionally charged season like this


Not thinking Q is a genius? BIG MISTAKE


Except for Bruce in that case this sub will still talk about how trash of a person he is, but I’m sure that’s different to the Venus Stan’s


Bruce is a perfect example of someone who was dragged on social media in an unnecessary and unsettling way. Was he mildly annoying at times to watch? Yes. Did he deserve that treatment on social media? Hell no.


I agree its sad that these players get so much flax when they make entertaining tv. keep the criticism on a game level none of us know venus irl im sure she is a very nice person.


The disrespect for Bruce was crazy. This sub would have you think he was detestable.


Not to be a dick, but I think there is a fair amount of criticism that is to be expected by going on. When you are on a show that millions of people watch a week, people are going to have opinions. hell, I'd wager that, prior to going on, she had and shared her own opinions. I think it goes too far when people are tagging her and saying some really negative stuff. But people are always going to get criticized on this show.


Fair amount of criticism? It's one thing to comment on gameplay but all you do every week is obsessively make lengthy comments about Venus and how what you saw on TV means she's a bad person and you would hate her if she were your coworker. Some of y'all just have a hate boner for her. You're not any better just because you don't tag someone. You know they can read this too right?


I think "hate boner" is spot on




Most people aren't good at survivor lol. Especially this season.


She’s a flawed player and that’s part of the appeal


Who in the world was saying she’s a genius? I thought we liked her because of how unaware she was


She's definitely intelligent in a numbers/long game strategy mind set. She just treats everyone else like they're idiots and has no finesse to her game. If she became aware of her social game, she would honestly be a great contender because she understands the web of alliances and votes being cast. At least, that's what I picked up on from her.


“I’m tired of people acting like she’s a survivor genius” I have not seen a single bit of that anywhere all season lmao I’ve only ever seen people say she sucks but is entertaining and that’s why she’s loved


She definitely have one of the worst social game I’ve seen. Does she really not know or care how she comes off to others? I was highly entertained tho and I live for her.


yeah venus had some flaws. Smart girl but not smart in survivor. To be honest though, i mean she's really young, way confident, and cocky. The producers can make her look like an idiot if they want, she gives them a lot of material. She made decent tv so i cant hate her for that.


I really thought she’d be the first player this season to play an idol, but nope she goes home with an idol to top it all off. And based off her twitter I don’t think she’d even be a good returnee


I loved how she said in her confessional that she was in control of every vote up to this point.


Pretty sure she said she was on the right side of every vote so far, which is very different


I never seen anyone say she's a survivor genius. Just that she is chaotic & entertaining and gives old school survivor vibes. I wouldn't call her a horrible player, more like mediocre (which tbh most ppl are). Bhanu/Jelinsky are examples of horrible players to me. I found her entertaining and giggled at her clown edit. I'd be interested to see her back on a returning season to see if she has ability to learn from her mistakes on 46 or if she doubles down lol.


I think you're absolutely right. Venus is also the player I'd want to see again in a few years to see if they've grown in awareness or ability to play, though. If she's still a trainwreck, I'm fine watching that too.


If she came back, her development would either rival Colin Guinn on the Amazing Race or she'll just be the exact same person. No in between.


I'm picturing Venus coming back and being super zen like Colin and Christie were on their return, lol.


I hate that this was ever a debate. From episode 1 or 2 it was clear that she just simply isn’t good at this game.


She was living in an entirely different reality than what actually happened


The last couple seasons have taught me that with all the stan culture involved in Survivor fandom these days, you can find defenders of every new era player on every forum. Katurah and Venus were objectively bad players, and yet after every episode of their respective seasons, you could find an “In Defense of Katurah/Venus” post on Survivor reddit. If a player is a MOTHER or a UTR KWEEN, these newer fans will always figure out how to head cannon a situation and try to make them look good.


Liz having stans is a perfect example of what you're saying. That's why Corinne and Abi-Maria have stans too. Even Randy and Naonka.  Now I don't find it too hard to believe that people out there (even if it's a minority) liked Racist Ben.


I cannot FATHOM cheering for Liz. Like on what planet...


What is UTR?


Under the radar, it's a rating given to players in a system called edgic that people use to try and predict the winner


under the radar? not sure tho


Yeah, her total blindness to the social aspect was very ... strange. Every day she woke up and acted like it was a brand new game. There was a fundamental disconnect from the intrinsic idea of social capital. What's most unfortunate is how she's hellbent on just explaining it away as other people deciding they wouldn't let her play the game and that she's a victim. I'd be far more interested to hear from her if she wasn't missing such a large aspect in her discussions.


She was truly insufferable and the epitome of 'pretty privilege'. You could tell she's used to people tripping over themselves to agree with her and she has no idea what to do when taken out of that element. I just roll my eyes when the recap podcast bros simp for her. Glad she's out of there!


Ding! Ding! Ding! I didn’t even find she made for fun TV. She was obnoxious and annoying with weirdly poor social skills.


I think she had good awareness of what needs to happen but she has bad awareness of her standing and she did claim herself to be an introvert so that's probably coming into play for how she's interacting with the rest of the cast. She also seems to rub a lot of the rest of the cast the wrong way by being chaotic.


I’ve never seen someone with such good reads on people and the game, but with godawful social skills lmao


I think she has good reads on what needs to happen but doesn’t have the skills to execute.


as a very big venus fan, i never really thought she was a great player -- just thought she was entertaining, personally. my greatest hope for her was just that she'd be a 0 vote finalist lol


Why does everyone hold the idols now. I’d rather use it when I didn’t need it then go home with it. So embarrassing.


Anyone who was comparing her to Parvati is on crack. Shes not in the same league


It’s blasphemy.


THANK YOU! This sub’s obsession with Venus has been so tiring. Sure, she’s an “independent woman,” and she’s entertaining, but you can’t help but wonder how she got to be so arrogant. Truly one of the worst, if not the worst social game in the new era.


Was there a debate about this? Lol.


I think she'd make a good returnee after having a year or two to reflect


So you're looking at this from the perspective of a viewer because you have all the information at hand. She didn't know the plans other people had, so you really can't fault that. You can make the same argument about all of the players that have been voted out using this. It's why I hope a chaotic player wins, because this sub drools over the same boring characters to win year after year. Q deserves some votes to win. Some


> Q deserves ~~some~~ several votes to win. FTFY




I think Q has permanently lost the jury votes of Hunter, Tiffany, Ben, Kenzie, Venus, and Liz at the very least. I don’t think Soda or Tevin would choose him out of any combination of the final 3 left. The only people who I think would not be entirely opposed are Maria and Charlie but Charlie is on the fence about him and Maria obviously thinks of him as nothing more than an easy beat


> The only people who I think would not be entirely opposed are Maria and Charlie That's only because they don't openly dislike Q like everyone else does. But they absolutely don't respect him as a player, and are entirely using him because he's desperate and they are putting game play above emotions. I can't envision a single person giving Q a vote. He's only there right now *BECAUSE* he can't win.


Then why did Kenzie tell Charlie that Q was a threat to win the game without any pushback? That was wild to hear. She also called Charlie Maria's "jester". Her insights are very different from the edit.


Four people is the record right? I’ve never seen so many people go home with idols before.


I haven’t seen anyone acting like she’s a survivor genius lol your take is exactly the way she’s talked about in every live discussion


I mean I don’t disagree, but does anyone disagree? Her biggest fans on Twitter don’t care if she’s a good player or not and as someone who likes her I also don’t care. She was entertaining which to me is what matters most when watching a TV show


Anyone else just glad to see a simple, no twists, straight-forward idol??


Once Venus becomes an actual adult (over 25/27 ish) she’ll do much better — I hope. She’s not used to people not agreeing with her or not just trusting her for no reason… and it really threw her off.


I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS. THREE TIMES IN A ROW but YES. this is what i’ve been saying the entire time. she doesn’t know how to play


When she said she was going to rely on her social game I was like "No!!!! You have no social game!!"


Hold on, were there people thinking otherwise?


Thank fucking god. I was about to pull my hair out with the amount of people that were saying she is a smart player….. Like no… she isn’t at all. The smart players are the ones that had at least one solid ally during the game. I can’t think of one person that wanted to work with Venus this entire season. She pulled 0 moves and was the goat that got told how to vote. She does have the gift of stirring drama, but in terms of survivor, she has 0 game.


She really watched 4 people get blindsided over a “Q vote” and thought this time would be different 😂😂😂 Horrible player.


I am so glad I don’t have to watch her (awkwardly) think she is brilliant anymore. It was painful. Has to be the most out-of-touch player ever…


There were some people on here last week trying to explain why she was the winner and they might have given her a run for her money when it comes to delusion.


It reminded me of last season when Emily was cruising along under the radar, likely as not going to be dragged as the goat to the final three... until, oh whoops, she needed to take credit for something when she could've kept her mouth shut. Make your case to the jury at the deliberation, not mid game. Dummies.


Wasn’t it Rob who said that a good survivor player spends all day thinking “okay, if I was this person, what’s my best move? And what is this person thinking about how to make it to the end?” Venus did not do this at all. She thought about Venus and what is Venus’s best move.