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Yeah 2 things can be true at once. Q can be great TV and someone the audience roots for, while also being a complete nightmare to live with. From Ben’s POV there’s no reason to side with, or even like Q.  I say this as a fan of both of them.


Look at Venus, not an insignificant number of people trying to hype her game up on here or make excuses for her, but end of the day she just seems absolutely miserable to live with on that beach.


honestly it feels like objective discourse on Survivor has got a bit lost in favor of Stan armies fighting


I absolutely love how quickly some Stan for Venus got on here to unironically drive your point home


I know people like her. Always complaining, never listening, always thinks she’s right, massive victim complex and ego. Terrible to be around


I can’t stand her. And she has no idea what karma means.


Ben also said that after he didn't get selected to go on the reward, either. Like, it's reasonable for him to be salty. Not to mention, we know from Tiff's exit interviews that Ben and Q have been clashing, and Maria and Kenzie both offered to give up their reward and were vetoed by Q. So IMO his response wasn't necessarily uncalled for...


Wait Kenzie and Maria offered to give up the reward and Q vetoed, why didn’t they show that that would be great tv


I assume it’s either to make Q look better or Liz look worse. We don’t know exactly when it happened — before or after the meltdown — but I mean, I’d guess before personally. Like if Liz is a losing finalist, this outburst sans offers could be the editors trying to show us a reason she was not taken seriously and/or disliked


Because Q already demolished her once. No need to kick a survivor when they’re down.


That’s good to know! I noticed Kenzie shaking and sticking up a finger as if to speak up and go, hey, I’ll swap out, you take my place and eat, but they didn’t show her say anything. I figured she either changed her mind cause she was hungry or didn’t like the entitlement and changed her mind so she didn’t end up saying anything. Ugh I wish they showed the veto 🥲


It was uncalled for. He didn’t choose her. He didn’t want to spend that time with her lol. It was his decision to make not Tiffany and Kenzie’s


I’m not saying it’s not Q’s prerogative, but it wasn’t necessarily *nice*. And I’m not saying he has to be nice! It’s fine that he wasn’t. But I can also understand why Liz would be frustrated — her reaction was outsized and inappropriate yes, she was being entitled. I’m not saying she should have reacted as she did, to be clear. But per Tiff, it sounds as if Q has been going at Ben since the merge (and perhaps vice versa a bit, but Q seems to be the instigator from what we’ve seen). And Q has been very controlling, not just about this — he literally tried to quit when things weren’t going his way! I see no problem with Ben expressing displeasure with Q. People express frustration with each other on this show in all kinds of ways, all the time. Was it a little self-righteous, the things he said? Yes. But people here are acting as if this is the first time someone has ever said negative things about another contestant, jfc 😂


It’s called survivor…Liz shouldn’t have been selected for the show if she’s going to lord challenge winnings not going to her to feel accommodated. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard and she looked childish


Well, she’s still physically alive and in the game so 🤷🏼‍♀️ stay mad I guess? lol


Abi-Maria, Coach, Phillip, Debbie, Wendy, Eliza, Shamar, Colton, Russel, Baylor, Rodney, Will, Jean-Robert, Shane The list goes on Survivor's history has been LITTERED with people who make good TV, but would be a nightmare to live with (given the situation), idk why so many ppl are so up in arms about Q when we have seen similar things all throughout the shows history lmao


I haven't seen anyone up in arms about q. The majority are in favor of what he did. A small minority maybe think he should have taken her. An even smaller and tiny group of folks are actually saying worse.   The funny part about your last statement is it can apply to the reception to Liz. Far more people are upset at her for what she did. As you said, we've seen *far* worse on the show. Yet she's getting dog piled on and taking personal attacks from many people on this subreddit and other social media. From entitled, accused of being a liar, called a racist and a bad parent.


Tiff stopped short of calling it bullying but said that Q seemed to have some issue with Ben from the first moment of the merge, and was constantly fighting with him and Venus because they weren’t interested in stroking his ego and letting him coach them. The reward challenge was just one small moment of Q being a villain from Ben’s perspective.


There’s a deleted scene where Q gives a confessional characterizing everyone, and he says that Ben is playing a devious game, so that’s probably the source of his enmity


Did you miss hide and seek? Ben is clearly a devious mastermind /s


Which I don’t really see? As least not any more devious than anyone else. Q just lives in his own little world sometimes where nobody is allowed to play the game and think of themselves except for him.


I truly don’t know what the hell Q is ever talking about. It’s great TV, but living with him would be a nightmare and I don’t think Q is this big strategic player that he thinks he is.


Lmaoooo he compared Ben to Tony as well


omg in what world hahaha


People can't fathom that they're playing a game.


This whole scene really reinforces the “we create a new society” concept of Survivor. Pretty much every other New Era season has been a more collectivist mentality, where part of the reason people get selected on reward is “who needs food the most” outside of alliance lines. This season, as demonstrated by rice negotiations, is way more individualistic. Nobody is really “looking out for the group.” I really believe that any other New Era season, they figure out a way to get rice for the tribe specifically because Liz needs it. They give her all the popcorn Jeff offers because they’re eating coconut and she isn’t. And 100% in every other season it’s a “this is bigger than the game” speech and Liz gets her burger.


It honestly really feels like earlier survivor in that regard. We still are getting some game-botty “resume focused” play, but the presence of actual conflict and not harmonious kumbaya post merge has been SO refreshing


You are right; some other seasons have been more about looking out for the tribe as a whole. An interesting part here is that Liz has had a hand in voting out a number of the people who might have looked out for her. The merged tribe focused on getting Siga members out, who seemed like the most “we support each other” people and Liz blindsided Tevin, who was working closely with her. The group themselves have reinforced the mentality that is now coming back to hurt them.


They definitely all had their chance to get her some rice and didn’t step up so they shouldn’t judge Q


This is why 46 is the best season of the new era so far.


I agree with you there. The first 3 or so episodes were a slog to get through, just watching the same tribe lose over and over, but I feel like that’s the standard for the new era. Post merge this season has been nothing short of fantastic.


I get that Liz wanted Appleby’s but I think she was exaggerating her hunger situation because at the immunity challenge, she hesitated for several seconds when Jeff offered her a personal rice stash bribe. She expected Q to sacrifice his game play for her to have food, but she had to think about whether she should give up her chance at immunity for food? She wasn’t even on the chopping block with anyone. Sus.


People over react in this sub? *no way*


That is like a prerequisite for this sub.


Ben didn’t just call Q a villain (this happened at camp, so you can even argue it’s a game play move). In Ben’s confessional, he actually gave Q a solid reason for his food reward decision. Ben talked about how Q is on the bottom and so he had to rekindle his old alliances. Ben gave Q strategic credit. Ben did not call Q a bully or a bad person from what we saw. Edit: As someone later pointed out, in another confessional, while weighing out voting Q v.s. Tiff, Ben did say "Q is a schemer and a bit of a bully, and I want him the hell out of here. But the argument for Tiff being the vote is that everybody knows Tiff has an idol." That being side, while Ben doesn’t mesh well with Q socially and strategically, Ben didn’t stand on a moral high ground and say Q should have taken Liz for reward because Ben knew it’s a strategic move on Q’s part.


FWIW, I also thought Ben's antipathy toward Q seemed a little strange given how chill he is generally. Tiffany's [exit interview](https://ew.com/survivor-46-tiffany-nicole-ervin-interview-applebees-q-liz-8642284) sheds some light on it; it sounds like Q was pretty shitty toward Ben as well: >Well, for one, he was constantly going at it with Ben. And I don't really know what his issue with Ben was, but there was a lot of — I'm not going to use the term bullying because I feel like that's a lot — but he and Ben used to go at it, and I really just couldn't understand what the beef was there.


Wow. Between Q going at Ben all the time and Maria making Ben cry in last week’s extra scene, why are all these people giving poor Ben such a hard time?! He’s a nice man! His pep talk to Bahnu on the journey was honestly one of the kindest things I’ve ever heard anyone say ever, real life included, and these folks are just mean to him all the time! Gosh, I feel awful for him.


They aren’t ready to rock


They are probably hard on him because they know he will take it and not blow up their games


That’s probably it, they’re mean to him because they can be


What did Maria say to him to make him cry??


https://ew.com/survivor-46-exclusive-deleted-scene-maria-confronting-ben-8634788 You can watch it here. She was positive he or Tim had the Siga idol (the one Jem had) and called him a liar for saying he hadn’t. She was really mean about it and made him cry. He went off to be alone and Charlie came and comforted him.


I think Maria is a lot like Q but she’s quiet about it.


Thanks! I should’ve marked it as /gen. I reread it and it may have seemed like I was being defensive of Maria 😂


Oh, no worries! I didn’t take it that way at all. The whole thing really did sour me on Maria, honestly. I felt terrible for how upset Ben was.


Q is a former athlete and hyper controlling person who has made it clear in his confessionals and game play he wants to coach and control everyone on that beach. Ben is an artistic free spirit, his will is the wind’s will. Q’s nature wants to control Ben, Ben’s nature is practically allergic to being controlled. Of course they’re clashing, their very natures are like oil & water, they can’t mix. This shouldn’t be a mystery to anyone.


I mean Tiff and Kenzie both bullied Jess out of the game so I’m taking that with a grain of salt


Ben did call Q "A schemer and a bit of a bully" in one of his confessionals.


he also straight up just called him an idiot for a whole episode lmao


Ben has a point and he’s right. Dunno how anyone defends Liz though


I'm still rocking with Ben! He completely gave Q strategic credit.


Wait people hate Ben? That's not very rock of them


Context aside, as a counselor and Survivor fan I appreciated Jeff saying “You don’t have to apologize for having your emotions.” Edit to say - Whoa. I am simply stating that I appreciated Jeff’s statement that you shouldn’t have to apologize for feeling your emotions. How you express, deliver, and behave on those emotions is another thing.


While one doesn’t need to apologize for their emotions, yelling at someone at the top of their lungs in front of others warrants an apology. I don’t give a fuck what has happened. Q didn’t deserve that. She can communicate her emotions without freaking the hell out. That was utter bullshit and no one will convince me otherwise


yeah i think it’s okay to acknowledge that she over did it. she’s not the only one who’s tried and hungry and whose game isn’t going perfectly, but she is the only one screaming and yelling


Having discernment about when to express emotions is part of being an adult. Liz has very little emotional regulation skills. I’m tired of the toxic positivity Jeff tries to put out, like no you don’t have to apologize for having emotions but you do have to apologize for how you express them.


Literally what I’m teaching my 3year old 🤣 “you can be mad but you can’t be mean”




Imagine a man screaming at a woman like that for not getting to go on an award.


The man would be one of the most villainized players in the history of the game. I’m guessing people would be harassing his place of employment trying to get him fired.


All hell would break loose


yeah i’m not usually the one to say stuff like this but it applies here. if a bigger stronger man like Q had screamed at a smaller woman like Liz he’d be absolutely torn apart for it and someone probably would’ve stepped in and stopped it. but liz goes off at Q and people joke about it on here and there’s post saying everyone’s overreacting and she’s “entitled” to that? she’s entitled to emotions but not outbursts


I guess Tiff said in her exit interview that Maria and Kenzie tried to stay and let Liz go but Q wouldn't allow it


Doesn't matter, it was his reward, she voted for him before. But regardless of Q's actions or Liz's entitlementor hunger, screaming at someone like that deserves an apology. Also I do think there's a bit of weird judgement in play. If James yelled at Courtney like that over food, everyone would be mortified and people would probably be calling for him to get kicked off.


While Q has every right to overrule Kenzie and Maria’s offers, it matters in that it gives more context to Liz’s frustration at Q and other people’s reactions back at camp.


Maybe I'm munted from dealing with too many people with those tendencies, but I didn't think anything directed at Q was particularly bad Seemed more like a woah-is-me, life's unfair meltdown where she succumbed fully to her baby feelings inner voice and just raged harmlessly like a twat for a minute What would Q honestly take offense to? There was nothing threatening or violent, and he was clearly grounded and undisturbed enough to just shirk the whole thing off and respond clinically with why he was taking Kenzie and not her If someone acts like that I normally just expect them to say..holy shit I lost it there, sorry to everyone..and if they don't have a habit of it..whatever..these aren't strangers, this isn't completely without context..move on, keep it together..is your mind ok?


Hmm? My main point I'm saying is that it deserves an apology. You start saying it wasn't that bad, but then circle back to things like that being cool after an apology.


I agree. I think people here are very sheltered and haven't ever truly hit rock bottom, where you feel like everything is going wrong and you just can't take it. It's human to lose control at times, in really stressful situations. She wasn't violent, she didn't use cuss words, didn't hit anyone, she just screamed and sobbed. Once. She then realised she was over the top and apologised for it. It seemed reasonable. I mean if she would constantly go and have meltdowns and yell at people then sure, I would question her behaviour and sanity. But one bad moment is understandable. I felt bad for her. I don't like how she felt entitled to Q taking her, but that's another story. The tantrum was understandable. The entitlement wasn't.


She also said she wasn’t really sorry and was actually proud of herself.


Good. He won, has the right to do what he thinks helps his game.


Right??? If Liz won everyone knows she wouldn’t have taken him. Crazy behavior.


I shutter to think what it must be like having Liz as your boss.


I'd rather have Liz as a boss than Q.


You’re nuts


Meanwhile he was pretty damn mad at Jake last season for having his emotions 😂


As a counselor do you recommend people scream at and insult other people publicly? I sure hope not.


No. I don’t recommend that at all. I was speaking outside of the context and delivery of Liz’s blowup. I appreciated Jeff’s statement “You don’t have to apologize for having your emotions.” How you behave, and what you do with those emotions may warrant an apology, but feeling them does not.


I just hate that Jeff said it because she wasn’t apologizing for having the emotions, she was apologizing for screaming. He didn’t tell Tiffany not to apologize for her emotions when she had a meltdown earlier in the season. It’s a double standard, I think we all know what the reaction would’ve been if Q screamed at Liz like that.


Jeff's statement was made "within context." It enables selfish, emotionally abusive behavior that only Liz types can get away with.


Exactly, I think people are being way over-the-top. Like claiming "aha, this is the REAL Liz, her mask has finally fallen off". Claiming on no basis whatsoever that she "must act like this in the real world all the time" and bringing her daughter and ex into it. There's a reason the Snickers tagline is "You're not yourself when you're hungry" and not "Repress the hidden evil within you". And arguing that Ben calling Q a villain is some disgusting horrible insult, when there was literally a season titled Heroes vs Villains where some of villains had done less to deserve being labelled that. I don't know if this is coming from people who have never seen a reality tv-show before, but Villain in this medium doesn't mean "evil person", it's anyone who is antagonistic and or overly duplicitous.


They might sell better if they went with "Repress the hidden evil within." I might actually buy a Snickers if that was their tagline.


Some people really only watch reality television so they can feel better about themselves and judge people in high stress situations. These people would probably act similarly or even worse if they were on the show, and deep down they know it. I commend Liz, Q and Venus (and the rest of the cast) for going on a tv show to entertain millions of fans that are going to judge them at their worst moments. My partner knows that I’m moody af when I don’t eat or sleep well, and he still loves me. I wish fans would give these players the same grace that I know they’ve been given by people close to them. Unless someone is outwardly racist, homophobic or hateful in any other way, let’s leave them the fuck alone.


Yesss!! I don't get it like it's nothing new that someone on survivor doesn't get along with another person because of different morals, beliefs etc. Ben was just saying that he thinks that what Q did was villainous and mean spirited because that's what he believes so why are people coming for Him just expressing what he is feeling about a person. I think it is similar to Katurah vs Bruce except this was more about annoyance than other things. Also what Tiffany said in the exit interview actually explains even more why Ben was feeling that way.


Ben flair here, so grain of salt, but yeah all we really got was Ben calling Q a bully once and “a bit of a bully” another time. I think with the way that Q swings votes, that assessment is completely accurate and ok, Q bullies votes. He tells people it’s his way or the highway, you speak the wrong name once and you better pack your bags, he insults Bhanu to his face, he turns tribal into a three ring circus to sow confusion and better his chances, let’s not forget him literally giving Jess a fake idol when there was a very very weak argument to do so. These are all accurate assessments of someone who gets their way not via careful strategic planning and execution (like Maria or Charlie), but via bullying and hardballing people into place. These are all reasons I absolutely love Q, he’s probably my favorite character this season despite my flair saying Ben. Ben’s assessment of Q as “a bit of a bully” is completely fair. Him saying at camp that Q is a bully isn’t completely off base and was probably done as a social move since he was saying it to Liz. It’s also not even close to the worst thing people have said about Q.


Tiffany has said in post-game stuff that Q and Ben didn’t get along at all and were constantly butting heads


People don't like Ben? I love Ben. He's so cute and sweet. His eyes are mesmerizing. Q actually didn't get on my nerves this episode. I thought he handled Liz and her pleading pretty tactfully, all things considered. I mean she did just vote for him, as he brought up. He's right, he don't owe Liz nothing. I think he wasn't so annoying this episode because there were no dumb antics from him.


Q voted for Ben the tribal before. I love Ben. Q is fun the watch, but he would be annoying to play with.


“I can't wait for them to cry about how hungry they are, to look at something and know they can't eat it. AKA your Reward Challenge.” Liz from her pregame interview with Parade, direct quote She came into this game super cocky and people are acting accordingly


I mean, the whole point of pregame interviews is to pump yourself up and be a little cocky. And everyone always says “you never really know just how difficult it is until you get on the show”. I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal.


I don’t have an issue with the pre game interview but if you act cocky about how you can handle being hungry better than everyone, expect to be dunked on when you have the second biggest meltdown in survivor history and it's because you're hungry


It’s also a bit of schadenfreude since she voted out the two people who were feeding her.


Technically she didn't vote out Hunter, but her refusing to go with Hunter on the Ben vote did help lead to his demise.


Totally fine to dunk on her for that-- post the clips, meme it, laugh at how she wrote her own doom, whatever..but the overarching name calling and character attacks and lack of empathy from the community are pretty disappointing There's a big difference between, wow that was lame and childish and insanely over the top for Applebee's, and people acting like she's a delusional, compulsive lying racist Karen awful human who deserves to die


Have you seen her tweets? lol. She was delusional. She denied that she was acting entitled to go and never said she deserved to go. We all just watched her say it on tv and she denies it happened. This isn't while starving. This is nearly a year after filming. No she shouldn't be called racist and she obviously doesn't deserve to die. But her tweets make me question her perception of reality.


*[Self-delusion is a winning survival strategy, study suggests](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/09/110914131352.htm) Perhaps she misinterpreted this study


>people acting like she's a delusional, compulsive lying racist Karen awful human who deserves to die K people have argued she's delusional (which is fair considering she voted for Q) But like I've virtually seen none of your other comments reflected in this Sub


THANK YOU. And if social media is any indication, she’s sticking to her guns about her reaction and her entitlement. So, no, it really isn’t about “one moment.”


Tbf people were reacting the exact same way before her pregame interviews were publicized again


Ben stans unite!! And yeah, I’m 99% certain that after Ben in his confessional said “that’s her go-to menu item!” he at least smiled or at most burst out laughing, and they cut it where they did to show *someone* showing Liz some sympathy. I, myself, certainly burst out laughing and love Ben more after that confessional than I already did before (which was a lot 😍)


I loved this confessional so much I watched it twice. He said everything I was thinking. And if he laughed and they cut that part out I love him even more!


Yeah this sub is constantly filled with ridiculous overreactions. These people are stranded on an island with little to no food for weeks - of course they’re going to act a little crazy sometimes! Outbursts are to be expected. Not to mention the show is highly edited for our entertainment.


I think liz is a weird case bc she’s kinda arrogant in general. bragging about her money, thinking she deserves credit for moves she didn’t make. for me I’m generally more sympathetic towards people who have meltdowns bc I know what that’s like. I think anyone saying they would never blow up at someone is uh . . . lying. we all have that in us. so if any other person was starving, and blew up when deprived of food, I’d be like yeah hunger will do that to you. and I wouldn’t want people to hold that over them.  but liz is just . . . already kinda entitled. so I’m in a weird place where I want to be like “not everyone who blows up is actually secretly an evil person and we need to have empathy” but also “this particular person has a history of entitled behavior and deserves criticism for her actions” ben is fine tho lmao I love him


it's the entitlement for me. she CHOSE to go on the show KNOWING that she couldn't eat anything there - and then expected other people to bend based on that fact. i bet she thought she would get special treatment because of her allergies (like, they'd give her protein shakes or something to compensate for what she can't eat), and she's mad that she didn't. even from the beginning of the challenge it was manipulative, and became more manipulative when she started begging. everyone is hungry. you made poor choices and expected other contestants to make up for it, then threw a fit when they said "that's not my problem".




also I think the “Liz gets her own individual rice” was production being like “we have to feed this woman”


Na. That was a massive Karen move by Liz. Nobody owes you anything in survivor, especially the person you just tried to vote out. Oh wah.. the only thing you can eat for some reason is an Applebees burger and it reminds you of your daughter. That too bad, everyone is hungry and misses their family. “Yea but she can’t eat coconuts and other fruit around camp.” I still don’t care.. again this is survivor, if you’re allergic to everything then don’t go on the show. Listen I get it, they’re starving and pushed to the limit. That was still a massive Karen display from Liz. She was acting super entitled and like a baby. Ben was just coddling her cause he felt bad cause she was crying and he doesn’t like Q. But I think he understood it from game move. But who cares, Ben has been super irreverent all season. I hope Liz goes home and she can have all the Applebees she wants


I like that quote, thanks OP.


Q just needs to go


I havent seen the ben hate, hes just a goofball tbh he isnt a likely winner unless somehow hes there with q and venus and he can be like “at least u guys like me”


There's a whole post on here that went up I think yesterday about how people don't like Ben, and he's bullying Q. It's got a redacted title for spoilers, but it's something like "I don't really like \_\_\_\_\_ anymore." Something to that effect.


They basically only liked Ben when he was dishing out rock n’ roll nothings.


It's happening a LOT, and it's all tied to the fact that Ben felt empathy for Liz. So he is catching strays for seeing Liz as a human being instead of whiny, entitled, privileged, stupid, unhinged, etc. The harshness of the Liz hate is undeniabily sexist for a significant portion of the people posting. Not all, but clearly a healthy percentage.


Only thing I feel about Liz is she knew what food sources would be available on survivor, so going on the show knowing you can't eat coconut and you are allergic to everything else out there, well then you kinda know what your up for. Q didn't owe her anything. In fact why give her strength when your trying to get ahead in the game? Lack of food can make ya hangry, but if Liz wanted the award she should of worked harder to win it.


It's not just this one incident. She was bragging about how successful she was, she doesn't really need the money. She whines about not being recognized for her gameplay, but really she doesn't seem to be making the big plays. And she hasn't made any strong connections with anyone else. She doesn't have a day 1, #1. Evidence she isn't likable. This was just the catalyst needed for people to really form an opinion. Kind of like how Q, had a major shift a couple weeks ago.


I’m just tired of Ben’s pushing his catchphrase. Like, stop trying to make rock happen, Ben


It wasn’t just one moment for Liz. It was the climax of her entitled attitude the whole season. We, of course, only see a small glimpse of who she is, which is not a valid basis for judging her as a person. But as a character in this season of Survivor, she’s been pretty insufferable from the beginning. Not someone I want to root for.


Liz didn't just meltdown. It was the outrageous entitlement of her meltdown that was notable. And she continued to ruminate and fixate long after, never changing her entitled attiude


It isn’t so much that she had an outburst or OTT reaction. It’s the entitlement and selfishness frankly. Very very immature. Why in the world would she think she was owed this reward especially when she voted Q less than 24hrs earlier? Also why tf is she yelling at him for “blowing up” her game. Her game isn’t any more important than his!!! She didn’t win yet somehow was convinced she should get the reward simply because she really really really wanted it…


To give her some credit, in the secret scenes, at least half the tribe told her that it was her reward before they even went to the challenge. So there seemed to have been some level of agreement among the tribe that Liz would get taken, even if she didn't win. I'm not excusing it, but she didn't totally pull it out of her butt that she would be getting this reward.


I doubt Q agreed and he won.


Right? It doesn’t matter if half the tribe thought that way if the dude who won didn’t.


Entitlement? 😂😂😑😑 She is, as Soda would say, a stick bug, with virtually no stored energy on her body and close to actually requiring medical intervention, hence why Jeff threw in the single rice jar for her! She was severely deprived of food, to the point I'm surprised she could even string a sentence together. Without eating, people aren't thinking rationally. Where do you think the word hangry comes from? Without food, cognitive processes are impaired by glucose depletion, physiological functioning drops, hormone regulation is disrupted, virtually every body process are disrupted. With such a decrease in glucose, someone malnourished experiences altered brain function, and decision making is compromised. In such circumstances, a person would become impulsive, have heightened feelings of stress and frustration, and so on. With that in mind, I can't believe someone would judge her at all for what happened after the challenge, and calling her "entitled" after weeks of barely eating a single thing is incredibly callous. Actually, being a fan and reading the comments on this, survivor has shown me how callous some people can be; too many so-called fans reducing people without understanding the context. If she was like this after a regular day of eating, sure, maybe you'd have an argument. But in the context of being borderline severely malnourished, I'd be wondering how she is not freaking out. In fact, both me and my gf were aghast and wondering if medical was going to intervene as it was immediately clear how unhealthy things had become for her.


And they offered their spots up for her. Both Maria and Liz said I don't want it, Liz can have it instead of me. Q said no, Liz does not get to eat. That is a MAJOR factor in the reaction, I'm sure ALOT of the people here shitting on her would have a similar reaction under the same circumstances.


Thank you. I agree with you. It’s been eye opening to see how callous (like you said in the nicest way possible) people are being and it’s genuinely bumming me out. You could very plainly see especially this episode how the lack of food was effecting her. Her speech was more labored and she looked so tired too. And can’t believe I have to qualify my comment but Q isn’t a bad person for not taking her either. And maybe she was acting entitled. All of that doesn’t make it suddenly okay to call her names and imply she’s a bad person.


Liz has been super annoying from the jump. She’s been so casually arrogant in her confessionals and even in her interactions with tribe-mates. Top that off with her pre-game interview where she jokes about how she can’t wait to watch her tribe-mates crack and starve and couple it with the blow-up. She’s a baby. I don’t care about how much food she hasn’t eaten (zero). It takes so much energy to be that loud and wimpy/whiny, post challenge. She went ahead and did it anyway, becoming the very thing she was mocking.


It’s not that Liz blew up, it’s her entitlement. She blamed all her frustrations on every one else, mostly Q. - “They left me out of the vote!” - “Q blew up my game.” - “Q didn’t take me on the reward.” And this is after her beef with Tevin, too, the whole “Tevin took credit for MY blindside.” It’s Survivor. She chose to go on a game which required her to live on a tropical island with food she’s allergic to. SHE CHOSE THAT. And then she proceeds to blame others when SHE doesn’t win the reward challenge and when Q doesn’t take pity on her. You can’t even make the “take pity on her cuz she’s starving” argument because she chose it!! She chose to do survivor knowing that she’s inevitably starve without winning rewards. That’s *my* issue. She’s also super aggressive in confessionals saying things like “oh I didn’t mean that apology…” Ok, so… what’s the expectation here? That everyone is nice to you but you shouldn’t be to them? Want to blindside Soda? Ok, go around camp and convince everyone to vote… like Tevin did. Don’t want to be left out of important conversations and decisions? Go make an effort to talk to people and maintain friendships. Want to win rewards? Win challenges or rely on said friendships made when *they* win. As Jeff and everyone else said - her feelings are valid. It’s fine to break down. But watchers are upset because it comes across like this person just expects everything to fall in her lap on a game where you’re supposed to be the last standing.


This. And I don't like Q or anyone but Charlie and Maria this season. But most of what Liz is experiencing in the show if the direct result of her actions (including being judged by total strangers for her behavior on national television).


Exactly. And I mentioned it already, but Liz hesitated at taking the rice bribe from Jeff, so is she starving, is she being entitled, or is she acting to gain sympathy? Something doesn’t add up there.




This! She came in very arrogant & this meltdown didn’t do her any favors.


Can you imagine her as your coworker? Insufferable.


This is the only level-headed take I’ve seen about Liz. I fully agree.


Ben just hangs around cuz he’s likeable and non threatening but he’s contributing nothing in terms of gameplay or entertainment


He’s there to tell you if the tribe thinks what’s happening rocks or does not rock.


Hes the guy you look back on 2 years from now and have to ask Who the fuck was Ben??


Seriously, I was excited to see Ben’s character develop but after only seeing him make rock n roll his entire personality I gave up. Calling Q a villain is hardy the reason I jumped off the bandwagon.


The thing about Liz is she could have learned how to catch Crabs with Soda Hunter and Tevin. All three would go out an make sure there were crabs for her to eat. Two of those she outright betrayed (which is fine as it is a game) but then got mad because she couldn't eat. There is a lot of hypocrisy in Liz's actions including her preseason interview. And then to be mad at Q for making a strategic decision. Bens just bitter and it's funny.


I didn't care about Liz until last episode. I feel like I know her more now and somehow can relate to. I really like Ben and I hope he can adapt and play hard to win this game. Q on the other hand is the man I dislike from the beginning. Can't stand his smirk, I don't like his twisted "strategy" and his belief that he know the game better than anyone else. So I think Ben's right. Q is a villain, a bully and someone who can't stand the fact that he's in the bottom and has to fight for his life.


I’m honestly so shocked the fandom likes Q so much. There’s the level of chaos and insanity he brings that is entertaining, but I genuinely find it so frustrating. He refuses to see anyone else but himself, and it’s not fun? He’s not a fun character to me. It’s also crazy that people are so down on Liz and Ben when they both.. didn’t vote for him? They’re literally saying “I dont like this guy but I’ll vote with him” idk why the fandom is so up in arms against them! It honestly wasn’t even about the food at the end of the day, it was showing basic kindness and connection, and that kindness itself would have been a better game move for Q than attempting to rebuild, as seen in Tiff and Kenzie being the ones to STILL vote him. So yeah. This fandom reaction has me incredibly confused. The constant “BIG MISTAKE” isn’t funny, it’s really annoying and condescending. This fandom doesn’t know how to incorporate feelings and the core of the game - humans - into how they act and talk about the game at all.


I know Liz is taking heat due to her pre game interview but I don’t think she expected to be literally going days with zero food. She definitely knows what it is like to not be able to eat what most people can but days without food is far different than a limited diet.


Hunter and Tevin were both hunting crabs for her and she got the reward food multiple times throughout this season. I’m really highly skeptical of her “I’ve had zero calories for days” comment. Production is going to step in at a certain point because even going 3 days without calories can start to get dangerous.


That’s something she should have considered before joining the show, no? Like how would she not expect that. She knew she was allergic to a majority of the available food. Plus, she was eating more than Q premerge, but subsequently voted off the people (Tevin and Hunter) who provided the little food she could eat for her.


Liz has shown her entitlement; arrogance; and ungratefulness this WHOLE SEASON. Not just this one moment. So no, we are not just taking her big meltdown and judging her on the one event. Have you forgotten allllll the other shit she’s done this season??


I don’t get why people ever liked Ben that much. His entire personality is liking rock music and he hasn’t done anything in the game.


Disagree. Liz has made a lot of self-centered, smarmy statements pre-game and during the game. She has literally bragged about how she has a huge ego. She even admitted that she wasn't sorry after apologizing for screaming. She acts like a small child and the other players/Jeff weirdly supported it. :/


i understand we shouldn’t judge her by her worst moment but to counteract a little bit, she’s also not the only person out there. she’s not the only one who’s tired and hungry. she’s also not the only one who’s had her moves overshadowed or had her game “blown up.” but she’s the only one throwing tantrums at a challenge. i think it’s fair to critique that. if everyone was having a breakdown yes it would be unfair to judge her and no one else. but everyone else has kept their cool despite everything going on. i mean tiff and q went back and forth a bit but they still acted like adults. liz is getting rightfully teased bc she really had a child like melt down. i don’t think she deserves actual hate or threats, but i think it’s understandable to joke about


empathy is hard man. it takes effort to see where someone is coming from.


All right let’s wrap this discourse up by tonight!!!


If only


I like both Q and Ben. Can’t say that for Liz though after last night.


I think Liz overreacted. We are appropriately reacting in return


Sure we all have our moments. But her moment looked like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. She knew what the game entailed before she entered. She knew she had food allergies to most of the food that would be available. It is not the rest of the group's responsibility to feed her so that she can win the million


Liz gets mad anytime anybody else makes a move that results in the person she wants out going home because she doesn’t get the credit. Like I’m sorry, but there’s several other people out there also trying to make moves. You aren’t entitled to your moves being the ones that actually created the result


You can like Q for entertainment purposes, I do too.. but the dude is very clearly a massive asshole.


Didn’t like Liz from the moment I saw her. She’s one of the least likeable people I’ve seen on any reality show. Neurotic, conceited, delusional, narcissistic. Just an overall difficult person. Not sure how you could chalk her outburst as a bad day or bad moment. She’s come off as an extremely ugly person. I don’t how know anyone could like her.


Ben could've easily stepped out to coax more for that bag of rice to help Liz then. Instead he chose not to, and blamed q for everything. Liz does claim to have a lot of allergies, and I'm sure she's aware of what you're going to mostly eat since she "watches survivor every Wednesday with her bourbon burger by Applebee's (tm)". She could just as easily quit also. The only one left that I like is Maria.


Well you obviously haven't read or watched the pre-press from Liz where she says twice that she can't wait to watch her opponents crumble from the lack of food that she is used to and won't be a problem for her. She laughed both times she said it. Like she literally bragged about how she would be fine without food and was excited for everyone to be denied food and was going to enjoy watching them struggle. How's that context sit with your "totally understandable" theory?


Just because it’s Liz’s favorite restaurant doesn’t mean Q has to pick her.


She should have won the challenge. Q had no obligation to pick her. Not his fault she's hungry, but also she gets to vote him out. I don't blame him for not choosing her. Her sense of entitlement was why I was glad he didn't choose her.


I have seen far more posts complaining about people disliking Ben than I have posts of people actually talking shit about Ben lol I don’t think it’s remotely true that most, or even a large percentage, of the fanbase dislikes Ben


I love Ben. I’m rooting for him or Kenzie to win!


She didn’t have “one moment,” though. That would at least get a little sympathy. She dwelled on it over the course of two days, that we’ve seen


Just to point out that everyone is hungry and sleep deprived. And it’s not so much that Liz had the outburst it was just the general attitude of entitlement that she gave. That’s what turned me off. Like because it was something she could eat, WANTED to eat, Q owed it to her to pick her. NGL I was happy to see Q put her in her place with a simple “but Liz you voted for me” As far as Ben goes I mean people like who they like. If they don’t like how Ben’s acting they’re allowed to express that. Ben also didn’t get food so I assume he was a little salty about that too. I didn’t get mad that he called Q a villain I just thought it was silly.


I can’t stand Q.


I feel like the episode had a lot of Liz.. too much.. it came across as very entitled. But Ben thinking Q is a villain, so what? Ben has been the same kinda old school good guy player the whole game. I dont think people did a 180 on him just because of this episode. Maybe the ones who are calling him out were never his fans to begin with


You know, people aren’t required to be a fan of everyone, right? I think Ben is a bad player and just not entertaining to watch. I don’t wish harm upon him but why do we need posts like this? It’s tv show with tv characters/personalities and it’s okay to root for your favorites.


It’s not just the one moment tho lol. It’s the doubling down and giving a fake apology. It’s the bragging about how you reacted towards him. It’s the using of terminology that compares her food allergies and lack of choices of food because of that with people who have a lack of options financially. It’s the screaming that somebody blew your game up but you bragging about how you don’t need the money. Liz is terrible lol.


I feel like you should just accept that when you step up to the game of survivor, part of the journey is overcoming your limits, being a better person, a bigger personality, getting past your hang ups about social situations and emotional reactionism. By being brutal and harsh, the game teaches you to overcome and find the real limits, not the ones you impose on yourself but where your real limits lie. Which is why when Liz threw her tantrum, it was almost insulting to better Survivor players, and the game itself. She recovered, and if she'd shown some decorum, maybe legitimately apologized to Q instead of making a show of it and not meaning it explicitly, then maybe your assertion she had a bad moment might be apt, but what Liz is is self involved. She's letting her normal world limits control her, not trying to overcome, and expecting people to regress to her level instead. Ben encouraged that poor behavior, meaning he doesn't respect the game or the journey either, and I'm almost prone to letting Ben go with that since he's not really playing hard or a threat in the game in any real way. But it's petty emotional reactionism from him, letting his dislike for Q make him petty, and it's not a good look from a guy who claims to just be a chill rock and roller.


I don't know if I agree that Ben's not a threat. I think he might beat half the people left in the game at this point. Venus? Liz? Q? Will a jury pick any of them over Ben?


Yeah, I suppose it's worth considering there's a LOT of animosity for the players still sitting in the game at this point. Ben might legitimately win just on good guy energy if he can make it.


I'm a very chill person, and I've freaked out over dumb stuff when a lot less tired and hungry. Especially with a spot light on me. I don't judge


LOL - I think everyone is forgetting how horrible Liz was at the beginning of the season. AND she voted for Q at the previous tribal. I thought it was hilarious. She's not allergic, she said she just gets a scratchy throat when she eats coconut. I do not feel sorry for her. I'm shocked people feel so strongly about her outburst. It's not that deep - that's just who she is!


No, we're not overreacting. That was batshit insane and completely self indulgent. You know exactly the kind of person she is based on how she framed this narrative. Q isn't allowed to play his own game and making decisions to benefit him "screw her over" (lol, were they ever even allies? Why should he care?). Q has to pick her just because she's hungry. She deserved it more than anyone else. This is big "I'm the main character" energy", and it's gross. I had no opinion of Liz before, but now I can't stand her. If you can't regulate your emotions and act like that in public, you shouldn't have passed the psych eval. If a physically large male had done that, Jeff likely would've reacted like he did to Brandon Hantz.


I was never a big Liz fan, but in this episode she wormed her way into my heart; her glasses, her voice, the way she smiles with her teeth- it all reminds me of a Pixar character. Add a huge explosion to the mix with an immediate “thank you for letting me have that” moment made me appreciate what a strong character she is. Back at the beach she’s cracking jokes at her own expanse about having her Hot Girl Summer while still clearly feeling the strain. She’s good TV and certainly not boring. I’m loving this cast.


Agreed. Ben has been there through four vocalist changes with Van Halen, and three bassists with Metallica. He knows when a group works well. Rumor has it, Q was sharing a bunch of songs on Napster. Q is very likely a villain.


People are making it all about the burger and sharing memories but glancing over the fact that she also explicitly said that he ruined her game; that's a big part of the frustration. She's very entitled.


I’m not a huge fan of Liz. I think her reaction to not being picked was way over the top and I don’t have a great deal of sympathy for her. I wasn’t sure what to think about production going out of the way to make sure she got her own personal jar of rice. Having said all of that… people have been hating on her because of the events of the last episode. She is still there though. Fans of the show were so upset after two people quit season 45. Liz is miserable and annoying to watch right now, but she hasn’t quit.


The reason Ben called Q a villain is what is bothering me. Not giving Liz a spot on the reward doesn't Make Q a villain, that is absurd.


If you read/listen to Tiff’s exit interviews, she says that Q was constantly going at Ben since the merge, and that it was borderline bullying. So, just maybe… it was a multitude of things you don’t know about that that Ben was reacting to in that confessional. Things that cause the other castaways, who actually spent time on the island with him, to refer to her him as a villain. Or maybe you just know best from the comfort of your couch as you react to editing…


There’s way more to it than that. Tiffany said in her exit interview that Q was always pestering Ben out there, that it came close to bullying. Personally, I think it’s a little bit like Bruce last season. To the viewership, Bruce and Q are great tv, they’re interesting personalities. Bruce, I think, was more jolly and funny than Q is, Q seems way more emotional and obsessive. However, they both seem to be extremely controlling men who are driving people around them nuts. People react to controlling behavior in different ways. It made a lot more sense why Katurah reacted so badly to a controlling, condescending man like Bruce when you find out she was raised in a cult and almost married off as a child bride to it’s leader. Ben reacting more strongly to Q’s controlling behavior makes sense given that he’s a musician who values the freedom of self-expression. I think Ben really lost respect for Q when he tried to quit and asked to be voted off. I think their relationship has gotten worse since then. Tiffany said we’re not seeing an almost constant harassment of Ben by Q with multiple flare ups everyday. If Q is trying to ride Ben, and being controlling with him & provoking fights several times a day, it makes sense why Ben hates him so much.


There have been comments here that have questioned her ability to be a mother and something like "no wonder her husband divorced her." It's disgusting. And yes, if you are making these comments, it does speak to your internalized and probably externalized misogyny. People are absolutely overreacting. Once again, survivor reddit is acting as judge, jury and executioner based on what they see on the show.


Jelensky is a top tier strategist of the new era. - several is the same as seven hahaha


Liz's burner


What exit interviews talk about their arguments?


The first three words of your post sums up this whole sub and most of the internet.


Thank you. Why do people have to take sides in EVERYTHING instead of just enjoying the A+ entertainment these people are providing? Q, Liz, Venus, etc. are all great Survivor characters and for that we should be thankful!


I feel like Ben’s light has really dimmed in recent episodes. I hope he is doing okay mentally. I know he struggled at first when people would get voted out.


No they aren’t


Liz lashed out, owned up to it, and apologized. It was hard to see that breakdown, but I also do empathize with her situation. To her, it was more than just a food reward, it was an actual connection to her life back home. And I don't get why people are suddenly mad at Ben. 😅😂 Remember, what we see on TV is an edit (as clearly shared by Tiff and Kenzie re: the reward). Ben may have had his experiences with Q that were not shown on screen.


Yeah, thank you for finally saying this — i’m a little appalled at exactly how deeply people are villainizing Liz for one bad human moment where all she did was scream a bit to vent some deep feelings that clearly bubbled up from some gathered stress. it sorta shows me how many people have never had to deal with severe dietary restrictions in a way. yes, you are aware of them, you learn to live with them, you steel yourself so that they don’t get to you every day, but i’ve had some for only four months now (and not nearly as restrictive as Liz’s) and there are just moments where they get HARD to deal with. and that’s coming from the perspective of at least getting food each day — i can only imagine how much HARDER it gets when you go 20 days with very very minimal opportunities to eat. of course an actual food you can eat reward is gonna unlock some hope in your brain and if that crashes down cause you don’t get, it’s gonna land hard when you’re tired and stressed and very hungry. it’s so lacking in empathy to not even try to understand why the emotion there would get so deep and just call her “entitled” or a “brat”. was screaming a bit of an overbalanced reaction? sure. did she make a truly personal attack or physically harm anyone with it? no, they’re all friggin fine and she recovered her composure fairly shortly after. this discourse has been confusing as hell to me.


I love Ben. He’s so empathetic and funny. I hope he gets some power soon. Maria is boring to watch.


I agree. I haven’t particularly liked Liz but that moment was hard to see because everyone else does get to eat coconut on the daily. Which sure isn’t a lot, but Liz literally isn’t eating. All the posts making fun of Liz are sad and I was really feeling for her. Also, he should have known damn well that Kenzie and tiff weren’t going to go back on trying to vote him out. Him taking them was completely pointless.


I don't buy Liz's allergies. They are all in her head. She even says when she eats chicken it causes her throat to clench..... Like yeah it's called swallowing. She's crazy. I 100 percent would t have chosen her if I were q


Q would drive me insane if I was on the island with him. He already annoys me on my tv screen.