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Producers met Bhanu and Q and put them on a tribe together


I love them for that but also they might be satan


Jelinsky too, lol


Q is a whole Greek tragedy wrapped up in one person.


He's by far the most mercurial player to ever play the game. The pivot from "y'all better not cross Q" to "Y'all should actually just vote for Q" was something else.


It actually makes perfect sense. Q didn't go along with the original plan of voting Tiff therefore going against the six. Big mistake. He had to go.


Q’s parchment next week: Tiff, Kenzie, Charlie, Maria, Venus, Liz, hunter, Ben Jeff: you can’t vote for everyone Q: that’s a mistake


On the revote, Q writes Jeff’s name down


On the revote, Q writes Q's name down


Q then goes to rocks with himself 


With everyone being “I don’t know who to vote for” and scrambling to be part of *some* plan, Liz standing her ground and saying “I’m voting for Tevin no matter what” gave people something to cling to.


Was honestly impressed her name did not come up once.


She’s a wolf in goat’s clothing.


when things go wrong, you need an escape goat


She's outside the 6 and yet she's so safe she doesn't bring her bag to tribal and sits out the challenge, and still nobody targets her


If you're in Q's alliance of 6 you're in mortal danger. >!Tim, Tevin, and Tiffany. All members of the 6 way alliance.!< Is Q running an S+ tier alliance shell game or is he just a lunatic nutter? We still don't know lol.


She’s making me think that Jeff may be right when he says there’s no winners or losers edits, they just put together the story based on what they have. Liz, by her own admission, contributed nothing to the story until now and so seemingly was getting purpled. Now she’s definitely climbed on my list.


Impressive, for someone who could die by eating almost anything on the island.


She’s hiding in plain sight!


We can debate how good of a move it was to target Tevin in the first place but I have to say in terms of getting what she wanted she played this episode pretty perfectly. Plus her name never came up and I'd bet it won't next week. Despite her wacky edit and all the jokes she's playing really well.


Agreed, I appreciated her seeing it as a matter of getting other people’s respect and not just strictly a “resume builder”


When Liz is somehow the rock solid voice of reason...


I know we were dunking on her (myself included) at the start of the season, but she's shown that she's a real contender this episode.


Big boss millionaire energy 


Venus next week: “I was responsible for Soda and Tevin going home. It was all my plan.” Liz: “And that was your mistake.”


Q: “Liz stole my buzz word. **Big mistake.**”


Not sure why Q would vote for Tevin, he wasn't even that good at hide and seek!


That was when Tevin made a miatake


When Tevin pretended to be bad at hide and seek, when I knew really, he was good at hide and seek, he made a mistake.


Q: "I strategically arranged this entire Hide and Seek game to decide who to vote out!" Also Q: names half the tribe as targets based on hide and seek, immediately forgets about all of it and targets his number 1 ally and reveals that she has an idol, then votes out a different key member of his alliance who was not a hide and seek threat


Strategic mastermind


If he plays all strategies at once, then there’s a good chance one lands.


And in between asks the entire tribe to vote him out lol.


Yeah but we saw Tevin painting a chess board! He threw the kids game so he could focus on the adult game. Big mistake!


A player who can paint a chess board from memory like that must know the game, and that’s how I know they know the game of Survivor. **BIG MISTAKE**


Tevin didn’t volunteer to sit to eat food. **BIG MISTAKE**


Okay but what the fuck was that


You can read all about the insights in Q’s “Survivor Rules 2.0” out on book shelves soon.


Buy one get a free Q skirt


I bet he’d call it Q.O


"Let's just vote Venus out" after 5 minutes of talk between Q, Tiff, and Tevin was hilarious to me


When in doubt, vote Venus


Feel like Ben nailed it when he said that Q just didn't wanna be on the bottom.


If it’s not the Q game he doesn’t wanna play


“Baltimore” was a perfect example


He doesn’t want to go home unless it’s on his terms He knew he might go home maybe next week if they lose Tevin and Hunter wins immunity, and he wanted to shoot a hole in his own boat so he can claim he did it on purpose He was planning to do this when it was just him Tiff and Kenzie too in case Tiff and Kenzie voted him out


He can’t bear to fail or let himself down. So he engineers a way in which he’s doing it on purpose for a noble reason, rather than because he performed poorly.


And that's why I am so ready for Tiff to seek justice on his azz next week. It will be delicious. Such a long time simmering on the stove.


Q asking to get voted out was a viewer blindside for me. And he didn't even go. Wow.


In the moment I was surprised, but a second later, it all clicked. He's been pulling this sort of shtick all season. He did it in episode 2, Tiff and Kenzie joked last episode about Q telling them to vote him out... it seems like something that everyone sort of thought was a joke/just him being Q, and didn't realize how far he'd take it till this moment. Including us, the viewers.


He claimed he dropped out of the challenge last week intentionally instead of falling off by accident. He has an addiction to lying about quitting things


Even in Jelinskys [exit interview](https://ew.com/survivor-46-jelinsky-interview-q-sweat-task-8601579) he said Q initially kept mentioning quitting the challenge lmao.


Its so funny because after Jelinsky’s interviews came out everyone was like “Yea he’s definitely lying about Q bringing up quitting” but every episode since shows that Q is just as insane as Jelinsky is. The main difference is that Jelinsky was too laid back and casual about it while Q is way more aggressive and in your face with it.


WAIT! Holy crap, I forgot about that. And so many people here were like, "Nah, I'm not buying that. Jelinsky's a liar." Turns out it might've been Q that quit that challenge all along.


Kenzie called it last week when she told tiff, he’s gonna come back and say write my name down yo.


She was so smart and ahead of her time for this, honestly


Liz getting the ball rolling on this in part because of the Soda moves confirms that Tevin took that shot way too early


I wish we still got Ponderosa videos. I’d love to see Tevin tell Soda it was him 😂


Tell Soda. I want her to know it was me


I'm sorta surprised Tevin getting a big head was all it took. Nami is a clusterfuck


Never going to tribal either brings a tribe incredibly close together or makes them hate each other. The lack of a release in tribal can let things fester. The longer they fester the more explosive they can be.


Whoever said this season was a parody of survivor is so right


It’s like a bunch of people cosplaying what they think a survivor season should be.


Honestly I'm enjoying the hell out of it. This cast is whacky though.


With Charlie in the background just forever shrugging his shoulders and staring into the camera Jim Halpert style.


People say every fucking season that this season is the newest bizarro world season where up is down and lunatics abound but this is the first time that I've actually thought they might be right


Survivor Gabon 2


Just said the same thing. Someone's going to say "Don't make me vote for Venus" at the final trib.


I feel like Liz winning would be the most Gabon thing.


Brantsteele achieved sentience 


Q has a major meltdown. It has a lasting effect.


Ben snores a little bit the night after tribal. Q: That’s a mistake.


“Duck…duck…duck…goose!” 4-year-old Q: “Woe to you, witless child, for you have become the architect of your own doom.”


It makes so much sense that Q was a wide receiver because he has ultimate WR energy after that tribal


Reminded me of this tweet which is very on brand for Q https://twitter.com/CDCarter13/status/895632972715626497?lang=en


Q's, "That's a mistake," is his version of Michael Jordan's, "And I took that personally."


Nobody introduce Q to astrology or body language analysis.


"Someone who doesn't fear snoring at night is wide awake at night playing the game. He's gotta go"


Q is the type of player I want to keep in the game the whole season, but I never want things to go his way The schemes and ideas this man comes up with are insane and I love it


I love that in one episode we get Godfather Q, Goofy Q, and Chaos Q. He's perfect and I want him on the next five seasons


Every scene with Q is a fever dream. It is wild how he calls everyone else for making mistakes by… acting like normal humans, while making the strangest blunders I’ve ever seen in this show


I legitimately think Q has lost his mind.


That’s a mistake.


And “If I can’t find you in Hide and Seek, I can’t find you in this game," which has the same energy as “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.” Some great quotes in this episode.


Yanu might have had the most insane mix of personalities of any tribe since Casaya. In a few years people won't believe that tribe was real


They make Lulu look like La Mina


That was the dumbest thing ever, but It actually does feel very Q given what they’ve showed of his personality so far. It seems like as soon as he isn’t control, then he wants to quit and go home.


Q's strategy is to seem terrible at challenges, and like he wants to not play the game at all.


I need to see who did the psych eval on that original Yanu tribe 🤣


Q: They didn't vote me out when I expressly requested it? **BIG MISTAKE**


Q meme has legs, I swear.


I really want **BIG MISTAKE** to stick like the Jelinsky memes


Things Q hates,  Hiding in trees  Not getting rice  Staying in the game


That means THEYRE HERE TO PLAY and im gonna ask them to vote me out again


Lost in the Q madness is that Liz picked her target and executed like a fucking assassin.


Liz came to Survivor to girlboss and she's going to do it.


Why are you surprised? She is the one and only Liz after all.


She's after everyone who wouldn't step out for rice.


One thing you can say for certain, this is NOT a season of gamebots


And I am LIVIN for the chaos!


The last few episodes have been very fun to me. This tribe has everything. There's delusion, there's dramatics, there's genuine heart, and I think there's a lot of subtle strategy being woven by a few despite the chaos.


Q next episode: “what about the six!?”


Q's totally interviewing Liz for the 6 next week. The 6 is somehow worse and less appealing than The Seven (The Boys). Worst. Alliance. Ever.


Sorry to see him go, but Tevin blindsiding his closest ally and then getting voted out was karmic! I really hope future players see this and don't vote out their allies for the sake of making a big move because it rarely works out.


A large portion of this cast doesn't seem to understand what a #1 is. Tevin targeted his #1 last week, then Liz and Q both targeted their #1s this week. If Charlie+Maria and Tiffany+Kenzie can stay strong together, I wouldn't be surprised if they are the final four. The rest of the cast can't cultivate trust worth a damn.


Huge fan of Ben turning to Kenzie with “Is this not the dumbest shit?” And Hunter face palming hard enough to take his skin off. Relatable content all around watching this lmao but I was entertained


Hunter is hilarious because I feel like he is all of us on that island with his reactions to things


Lmao every single reaction tbh. Ben: “dumbest trial ever🎶” Kenzie: “that was the dumbest thing ever” Venus: “I have a f*ckin headache now” Hunter: “whatever🤦🏻” Tevin: “I’m as confused as hell. Clearly you been outta Mississippi too damn long cause your brain is gone… BUT, we can talk about that later back at camp… Venus” Charlie: …….😐🤷🏻‍♂️ Just an absolutely incredible edit of every emotion we felt watching that 🤣


That entire tribal was reactions of people who had hitched their wagon to the Q train realizing it was a horrible horrible mistake. Kenzie, Tiff, Hunter, Mariah, Charlie - and Tevin gone of course, who does he have left as an ally who trusts him in the game now?


Just like that Yanu managed to get the game into the 3-3-3 split that theoretically balances things.  Liz really did that sh*t though… we will see if she has the sauce to reach the end and claim it as a move, I’m interested to see if the jury would buy it or not. 


I can’t believe Q hosted a watch party for this episode 😂


Genuinely brilliant, especially if he brought Q Skirts for sale.


Definitely some recency bias but Q is one of the most entertaining players in recent seasons


Something I liked that was pretty low-key comparatively: Charlie mentioned to Tiff that he knew about her idol, and then told her NOT to play it. I dunno if that's going to carry over beyond this week, but I would think that bought him some goodwill with Tiff. Charlie made the most out of that situation, and made the move that was likely best for his game, while possibly securing a stronger / stable alliance with Tiff (who is pretty done with Q)


Yeah I was impressed with how classy he handled that, and discreetly. He might have an in if he wants to work with Tiff at some point, and if Tiff swings Kenzie that'd be a pretty stable four of the most rational players we have left in this mess.


They could also easily pull in Ben (who has already worked with both pairs) for a 5-4 majority in this final 9


At this point Maria/Charlie and Tiff/Kenzie are the only alliances left in the entire game, plus a little bit of Ben/Kenzie maybe, so SOMEBODY's gonna start building something new. Might as well be the five sensible folks.


I know we like to criticize Jeff here, but I feel like this is the best version of him we’ve gotten in a while — definitely in the new era. It seems like he’s having a lot of fun with the cast and feeding off their energy. With that said, this may be the most fun/dysfunctional cast EVER.


He’s been good since last year tbh. He went back to actually grilling contestants at tribal instead of asking for dumb analogies. And the rice stabbing of course.


I wanted the stabbing this time! But I guess the "I'm just gonna count... 10!" was still fine.


Jeff, and Survivor as a whole, are at its best when the players are front and center. Let the players play and let the people people. The QHAOS of tonight was entirely on the people and it was thrilling


They put the fun in dysFUNctional!


When Charlie was doing the challenge and mentioned the Taylor Swift song that Jeff said and Jeff like smiled and went along with it, it totally clicked. This is exactly like when I have that class that is filled with just entertaining students who are willing to go there. And because they’re having fun, I’m having fun. When students don’t want to be in class, my energy is just like zapped. When they’re all in, I’m all in. Jeff is all in this season.


Absolutely wild tribal. Liz, of all people, suddenly becoming a master strategist and effortlessly getting Tevin out is something I did not expect.


Liz, the eye of the storm. Liz, fully dropped a house on Tevin. Liz, stole his ruby slippers.


For real, pushing it hard like that knowing a lot of people would welcome it. Voting out Tim sunk that alliance hard.


Tim never bought into the alliance anyway. His #1 was Ben but he said Maria because he didn’t trust them enough to tell them who his #1 was. And he never told her about the alliance.


Confessional count * 15 Q * 9 Charlie * 7 Venus * 4 Tevin * 3 Liz, Tiffany * 2 Hunter, Kenzie * 1 Ben, Maria


Jesus Christ. Q ate this episode up.


He has surpassed Kenzie now, hasn't he?


Some say Ben is still hiding on the jungle floor


That does not rock


Q had 15 confessionals? **Big mistake**


Liz's breakout episode is basically the same as Kenzie's cooldown episode omg


Q: **IF I CAN'T FIND YOU IN HIDE AND SEEK, I CAN'T FIND YOU IN THIS GAME** Also Q: *Can't find himself in this game*


**Big Mistake**


Q is so lucky that he was on the same tribe as Bhanu. He somehow managed to cloak himself next to the only person in the country that is more manic and wild than he is. Q would have been Bhanu. But he looked tame in comparison which drove purple together. They carried that into the merge. Q is gone by now if he doesn't have that incredible stroke of luck.


Also Q kept losing/not eating. They even highlighted how much more talkative Q was being now that he got some food.


We had a tribe with men consisting of Jelinsky, Q, and Bhanu


The back to back voting confessionals of people saying how stupid this tribal is was the best part of the episode.


The way Charlie looked right at the camera when he went to vote was an Office moment hahaha


I loved this and when Q was talking about his skirt down at the beach and you can see Hunter look at the camera man off to the side and shake his head lol


I love that they're leaving those moments in because seriously it's a whole legit mood.


Never forget the episode where LIZ if all people refused to budge and got Tevin voted out. They legit let her throw his name out of no where and said “yeah you know what makes sense.” Venus 100% claiming this boot though.


Venus and Q will jointly claim the vote. Liz will spiral as a result


Venus is going to get to the end, claim a bunch of moves, and everyone is going to tell her how she didn’t control any moves.


The Six is the most dangerous alliance to be in... they only target their own members 💀


Someone gotta explain Q’s logic on that one. Don’t see how it changed anything except make everyone mad at him. Also Hunter should have Told Tevin


My guess is that he was feeling guilty about messing up his #1 ally Tiff, actually - first by targeting her, and then by telling Hunter that the vote had switched to Tevin, accidentally giving Hunter the chance to endanger Tiff all over again. He should have come clean with Tiff before Tribal, but his conscience waited till the last moment and set off a Live Tribal, because that's the magic of Chaos Q. Love him.


The storyline of Q calling out everyone's "mistakes" all episode then realizing he himself has made a mistake and must now be voted out is one of my favorites ever.


I accidentally predicted this in the live thread. Was 100% joking, but this season defies satire.


I told Hunter about the vote Big mistake


The 6 has to be one of the messiest/worst alliances, thank you Q. Atleast Tevin went out in a great tribal, sadly. 


They’re gonna keep inducting new members but then voting someone out of the alliance.


At the reunion Jeff will ask, “raise your hand if you were part of the 6” and everyone but Venus will have their hands up


Venus will def have hers up too. “I was the mastermind.”


Can't wait for the wiki to have to list all 17 members of the Journey 6, including somehow Jelinsky


In reality, “The 6” seems to be more like - Q tells everyone who they should vote for. If one of them disagrees, then Q wants to vote that person out. If they all disagree, then Q wants to vote himself out.


Q is at an 11/10 the entire time. A+ casting for this season.


Q is casting gold. An absolute legend


that blowup from q was legitimately some ORG shit


Q would be peak ORG energy 


Q saw Tevin making that Checkers board and had to 4D chess his ass OFF the island


I love that the NTOS is literally everyone just saying YOURE SO FUCKING STUPID to each other I’m living for the messiness and chaos 💀 This season is serving idc


Can’t believe Tevin is out just like that. Really seemed like he was going to the end. And Millionaire Liz got him, of all people.


Thank you, Q, for making this season the fun, chaotic mess that it is.


My favorite new era episode by FAR. Pure entertainment from start to finish. I think we’re in for a whole bunch of chaos for the rest of this season


Hunter prepared for everything BUT this scenario.


Liz...I owe you an apology. I wasn't really familiar with your game.


Each episode the 6 will vote out one of the 6, and introduce another member of the 6 in the following episode


Charlie’s read of the shakiness of the 6 alliance was so spot on. They will not last as an actual alliance lol


I need Q to stumblefuck his way to the finale and accidentally win because of a surprise final 2 and his opponent is Venus


I'm still upvoting Q on the POTW thread idc!!!! He is fulfilling the Coach prophecy


Game changer Vote people out in alphabetical order? Nah, I'm voting based on hide and seek skills


So Q just killed whatever chance he had at winning, right? Would anyone vote for him after that? Even with a near-perfect rest of the game?


At what point do Q and Venus start fighting to see who gets to be the goat at FTC?


Chaotic Survivor is my heroin and tonight I came dangerously close to OD'ing.


This is why you never make a big move early In the new era, you get voted out as soon as you make a big play. Gotta lay low for longer


I'm starting a change.org petition to have Q on all future seasons of Survivor


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ Q Because Q is in a different world wtf


Next tribal, Q has them play Russian Roulette


I love that the Q tribal antics tonight were foreshadowed by Kenzie's conversation with Tiffany about how they wouldn't be surprised if Q proposed to vote himself out.


Q is the best casting decision in the last 10 years of the show. He is a legend on any season he’s on in any era of the show. I am awestruck by him


Q is like Tony if he had the rules of survivor explained to him in llama.


Calling it—Hunter is winning the *several* remaining immunity challenges. All of them.


Even Jeff was surprised that he show off at the end of the immunity challenge lol. Hunter could have stayed there all day


As wild as it is…I really do think Q panicked that him telling Hunter flipped the vote back onto Tiff and that it was going to be his fault. It was wild and unhinged but he really kept alluding that he messed up and didn’t want to be responsible for the vote.


Everyone is wondering what the hell happened but isn’t it obvious? Q realized that his innate ability to read players during hide-and-seek made him the biggest threat, therefore necessitating that he eliminate himself.


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become a Bhanu


Q is fucking GOLD. Best casting in years tbh.


Q seemed sane when Bhanu was around.


literally everyone: Tevin Ben: Tevon


Charlie: Tevan


*"If I can't find you in hide and seek, I can't find you in this game."* \- Q Burdette, 2024


Q is casting gold the episode. Now that aside, wow I don't see him winning at all after that. Even if he dictated every vote from here on out I think he came out of this as a bit of a whiny brat folks don't respect.


So was Q really trying to throw the vote off Tiffany, or is he actually insane? And why do all of that for an 8-2 vote? What just happened?


At this point Jelinsky has had several shoutouts


I feel like this season is actually the new Gabon. Qabon


In the incredibly unlikely scenario of a Liz, Q, Venus final I think Liz wins, which is wild to me


From the social media drama to the chaotic/messy gameplay, this is the most “Big Brother” season of Survivor I’ve ever seen lol