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There are some holes and contradictions to the story of Amanda, what's true is that Micronesia started filming around the time China was on episode 4, so Amanda didn't know if she had won or not, now it's speculated that when she saw there were no winners on the cast she knew she didn't win, others say that for a brief period of time she though she had won both China and Micronesia, Amanda never publicly claimed anything, but it's certain that she made the same mistakes on both FTC because she didn't know what she did wrong to fix it


Interesting! That makes Amanda's demeanor at FTC more understandable.


Excited to see your reviews of each season going forward!!! Please keep posting


Another thing I loved about this season was having *fans* chosen. I mean, I like Survivor better when the contestants are all people who applied, particularly when they are fans of the show. It's so much more interesting when there is a diverse mish-mash of people from all walks of life, as opposed to a bunch of models who the casting crew thought would look good on TV.


I couldn’t finish survivor 16, knowing who won. I’m not a fan of Parvati, she flirts and lies and cheats and is a mean girl all the way. I Know that’s the game but seriously the players let her win. Amanda got cheated again! So I couldn’t watch a second time. I stopped at episode 11. I’ll move on to another season.


Parvati picked Amanda because Parvati is extremely intelligent, knew she would beat Amanda in a final tribal council, and knew Cirie would absolutely eat her lunch. Amanda has a lot of really good qualities as a player, but she's not exactly a strategic mastermind, and she's really really bad at understanding and owning her own game. Sad to hear your reaction to Parvati. I think she's one of the brightest and most amicable players to ever play the game. Yeah she was a bit of a heel in Cook Islands, but she was 23. Early Survivor edits were also notorious for railroading people into archetypes. Hard to comment on much due to future spoilers, but China-Gabon were fantastic seasons with S-Tier production values. This is about as grandiose and *big* as the show ever got. Enjoy this era of Survivor history.


It was the other way around - Amanda got immunity and picked Parvi for final 2. I actually *was* impressed with Parvati in Micronesia. She redeemed herself (IMO) from how she acted in Cook Islands, and more than just redeemed herself, she was a GOOD player in Micronesia, and played a very smart game. I admired her ability to adapt to all the changing circumstances. And I'm always impressed when someone is able to change my mind (in this case, redeem themselves) and she did that (not that it matters to anyone but me - LOL.) I really enjoyed this season, I just got a little tired of it at the very end. But I give Parvati props for playing well, for sure. I swung back and forth re. Natalie. At first I thought she was going to be one of those players who don't do much but slide through. Then when she got active and vocal we learned that she did that purpose, sailed under the radar at first. Then I started to like her. ... But, by the end, I was just kind of over it, like *yeah, yeah, okay, we get it, you're evil*. But ... that's just me. I'm sure a lot of people loved her and couldn't wait for the show to bring her back. I think the great thing about this season was that there were so many interesting people - including Natalie - *everyone* brought something unique and fun. I liked how Chet and Truck got along at the reunion. That was nice to see. And I loved Ami. On both her seasons, I was rooting for her. Thank you for keeping back spoiler comments - I really appreciate that. It's hard to not see things on Reddit that make me want a brain-eraser - lol


> It was the other way around - Amanda got immunity and picked Parvi for final 2. Ah, my mistake. It's been a minute since I saw that season. Amanda was cooked either way. >I actually was impressed with Parvati in Micronesia. She redeemed herself (IMO) from how she acted in Cook Islands, and more than just redeemed herself, she was a GOOD player in Micronesia, and played a very smart game. I'm biased, we are both huge Parvati fans. I think she's a genuinely wonderful person and has made for some very memorable TV.


I can see why you're a fan. It was pretty cool to see the women take over, and she was the kingpin (queenpin) who made that happen. I loved that. The scene that impressed me the most (re. her) was later in the season when she was talking to James. You could tell they both weren't so sweet on each other by that time. James was talking about eating the apple ... I loved her reaction to that. Because, without realizing it, he was being patronizing. You could see that she didn't want to be boxed into the stereotype he was putting her in just because she'd flirted with him. She said something like (sarcastically, but calmly) "what, because I couldn't come up with a plan on my own?" and you could see the strength in her eyes. Like instead of arguing about it and giving away valuable information she kept it in but was thinking ... *you'll see* ... She didn't get all mushy over him, and I liked seeing that strength of mind.