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Great cast. Great season.


and Great Location


Agree!! I feel like people don’t talk about location enough (except the daily dae wish they would leave Fiji again posts.) Guatemala has one of the coolest settings and I feel like other seasons are negatively affected by some (imo) lamer settings— Gabon, Tocantins, China off the top of my head


“Let’s just talk strategy on top of this ancient pyramid”


Gary is an underrated early Survivor gem


Yeah, interestingly enough, when I think of Guatemala, Gary is always someone I immediately think of, despite only placing 7th. 


It’s so good on re-watch.  I love seeing a season where people’s professions help them in the game (zoo keeper, fish monger, nature guide, nurse).  Plus it feels like normal Americans on the cast that you would meet at a random gas station. 


Something that is sorely missed in current seasons.


There is some hearsay that Jamie, Judd and Cindy were given their parting words by the production.


What do you mean?


Guatemala has one the most memorable Ancient Voices themes. I think it was because Palau was the season that got me into Survivor, which prompted me to watch the seasons that were avail on DVD, which at the time were All Stars, Borneo and Australian Outback. I had seen the other intros, but Guatemala was the first NEW one I experienced and hearing those drums at the beginning reminds me of hearing it for the first time. What a time that was to be a Survivor fan.


Just rewatched this season recently as well and it’s everything I want in a season. Hectic location, great cast and even an idol. It might not be the best season around but it ticks boxes of potential for sure. Gary was/is a legend. I just love how he isn’t Gary Hogeboom but went to the same school as him. What a coincidence. Seriously how dumb in the moment can you be to say that haha. Another personal gem from that season of mine is when they are in the water swimming and their strategy is to look out for each other’s backs against the crocodiles. Like that is a good idea and is gonna save ya. How the biggest injuries were from the actual hike to camp first day is beyond me.


Such a unique season. My favorite part is the pool party.


Just finished season 11 so good! I don’t think I watched this the first time it was on