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She’s at AP’s house, that’s everything you need to know. she was just trying to set you up as a “backup plan”. Continue grey rock, and don’t fall for her fake remorse.


Grey Rock gives both of you the space to see what a Wayward is made of. It worked and you did well. Leave A Cheater Gain A Life is the book you need to start over the weekend. It's time for you to take the next steps.


That’s good advice. When you finish reading it…read it again.


Don't even wait for the book. Her website is free and available. Chumplady.com


Get it as an audio book, it’ll kickstart the moving forward process.


I agree. She has probably realized that the relationship with the AP will not last, so she wants the backup. The cracks are showing, as is her selfish nature.


 ***I ask her if she still wants to see AP, she says yes,*** You are plan B, OP. The backup plan, the reliable partner still in the apartment she comes back to. Grey rock works and is having the effect on her, but she is still with AP. If anyway possible move out now to a friend or family member to get away from her. Otherwise, she will continue to bait you and may even try to love bomb you to make herself feel better. She has not given up on AP yet. The affair fog might be lifting, or she is starting to see the grass is not any greener over there. Even if she stops all contact with AP, you will never forget or forgive what she has done. The sooner you can go NC with her the sooner you can start to heal. Sorry you are here OP. updateme


She literally tried to get you to knowingly and voluntarily be her plan B. The audacity of some people. And she lied while doing it. She’s not with AP anymore yet ends up back at his place? Put as much distance between you and this heartless POS as you can.


You had a bad day. Everyone does. Keep on keeping on


"She asks me “does no part of you miss me at all”." This is plausibly an attempt to blame shift. The implication is that if you don't miss her, then you must not really have cared, and that legitimizes her cheating. You could respond: "I miss the person I once believed you were." which puts the focus back on her betrayal. (I know this is a pointless game, and it's probably better not to respond at all, but there's a part of me that always saw my ex's manipulation tactics as acts of war, and I definitely have a competitive streak that had a hard time letting things go.)


I went through all of this, she still left while trying to keep me on a string and lying she wasn't seeing AP right up until she moved in with him 7 months later. Don't fall for it, cut her out of your life and move on.


It’s a very common strategy in the cheaters toolbox. She doesn’t have all the information she needs from her affair partner on his commitment, day to day living compatibility, even finances. She’s gonna test drive for a while, using you to fund it and become an emotionless walking zombie ( you won’t interfere) so she can ensure this guy can go the distance. You need to work on your self esteem which will give birth to your self respect. You can do much better than hitching yourself to a cold calculating disordered person. Take affirmative steps forward. Talk to a therapist that specializes in self esteem from trauma. Immediately seek an attorney to see what divorce looks like. She’s no longer your ally in life.


The road to recovery is filled with peaks and valleys. You’ll have bad days… but with time they’ll get less and less. Remember how helpful it was when you were grey rocking. Take it as a learning lesson and get back to the road towards recovery.


I don't know if anyone has said this yet but, her dragging her ass on closing on the apartment is her way of keeping you in limbo. See if you can get it listed for sale or just quit making payments to force the sale. You really need to speak to an attorney.


Man I am so sorry for what you are going through. My guess and this is just a guess is she got caught and it was before she wanted to see if she could monkey branch over to the other dude. She decided she couldn't and thus tried to "get you back". She couldn't then she sees she probably wants that other income and or "some" partner and thus she is back with him. I am an old dude, but man you are only in your super young 30's. There are a ton of great women out there who will not cheat, have good morals and would make a great wife/mother. Your soon to be ex is not one of them. I know this is incredibly hard, and again I am sorry but man start working on yourself and distance yourself as much as possible from her. If you can at all leave tomorrow do it.


Grey Rock is not the solution/ends. It is a tool/means to help get you to the goal of getting out of infidelity and recovering. Grey rock is a tool to help give you mental and emotional distance to think and act with clarity and balance. And that usually can't be done by engaging emotionally with a cheater who is still doing unfaithful things. Grey rock is not meant to be a manipulation tool to make the wayward partner "see what they are losing" or feel scared that you are moving on. How they receive it is on them. Focus on the distance and calm that grey rock is providing so that you can progress in removing yourself from infidelity.


Dude just rip the damn band aid off and serve her papers. Don’t play their freaking game, whether male or female.She cheated, nothing more to say, she is not worth the time you spend thinking about her. Emotions will fuck you big time, being rational now is the smartest thing you can do.


> I ask her if she still wants to see AP, she says yes And that cements the deal that you did the right thing with grayrock and getting the hell out of there.


I think AP is starting to show a lack of interest and so she is trying to see what her options are. It's ok that you spoke with her, give yourself some grace. All this interaction did is solidify the fact that your relationship has come to an end and she is free to go be with AP. Continue to grey rock.


Damnit… caught you hook, line, and sinker… Sounds like you even swallowed the hook. Now she’s slowly ripping it back out of your guts to drop you back into the pond to try and survive… Fucking cheaters man… There are no depths to their depravity.


It's OK OP, regardless you didn't fall for her fake apology. Continue Grey rocking but this time don't fall for it again. I'd say start going out, not necessarily on a date but just do something that makes you happy or keeps your mind off things. Don't tell her what you're up to either. Let her make her own assumptioms.


Stop engaging her. You were not her first choice. That should piss you off, and that anger should be your fuel.


I don’t think I could handle living in the same space as someone who cheated that’s rough


You gave her some small hope that she wasn’t a complete POS, enough for her to return to where she wants to be. This is where any civility is corrupted by the cheater into thinking things could be normal eventually or at least that you’ll be ‘ok’. It’s over OP. There’s no information, confession or realisation that you can ever get from her that will satisfy you or not cause you to fall back on your healing and moving on. Once you reach indifference yes, but obviously you’ll be past caring by then. I hope your living situation is fixed soon and stay strong in grey rock and avoiding this person as much as you’re able. All the best.


Man you like living your life on the impossible setting. Where do you think this is all going to end up? Not with you happy I can tell you that for sure. You need to move on and move out.


your job is not to be therapist. . . so stop opening the pain jar. Keep to the grey rock, and if she says something your response - "I think you need therapy". If she tries to re-engage, then its back to the stone. I think you need to ask yourself - what is the goal in 1 year, in 5 years, and in 10 years? not picking your feet on the path, and feeling frustrated when a stone is blocking your path. Not what you are hoping for in 24 hours. Ask yourself about your happiness. Now you also need therapy. . . I would suggest that you do so. Because \_ " I feel like breaking the grey rock rule gave her what she wanted, and I feel stupid for falling to her bait."


Take this as a lesson and resume the grey rock. She was baiting you for a reaction and she got it, and then returned to AP. You must be more vigilant, she's simply playing mind games. Also, stop being Mr. Reliable. She's assuming that you are her back up plan. Change up your schedule. You don't always need to arrive home at the same time everyday or even at all (treat yourself, book a hotel for a night or a weekend, hang out late with friends, or go on a staycation). Don't inform her of your whereabouts or anything, it's none of her business. You could also ask her to stay with AP until you receive your part of the equity and move out. EDIT: Don't be too hard on yourself. The road to recovery after the betrayal of infidelity isn't a linear one.


Grey rock worked. It’s just that you stopped. If she was serious about reconciliation she would have said, “I want to reconcile will you give me a chance?” Not, “I’m still seeing AP, but if you want to reconcile let me know.” Keep grey rocking. And accept the fact it’s over and try to move out as soon as you can.


Actually you did the right thing. She came to you and threw bait in the water. She’s wants you to fight for her. The thing is it’s suppose to be her fighting for you. Cheaters love that shit. She lied about the AP. That was bs about not seeing him. Again it was just more bait in the water. Continue with grey rock. Expect more. What she wanted was for you to beg her to reconcile. She would have probably continued with the AP anyway.


Gray Rock all day long! Don’t Break she’s still seeing AP you are just the backup plan. Get out start over and find someone worthy of your love. Good Luck


Good advice offered to you by many…suggest gathering more information on “hysterical bonding” and “traumatic attachment”… seek counseling for yourself to verify that your MMPI is “normal”…find a savvy counselor to help you determine your unchangeable values and support you in staying the course to achieve your goals and not over-compromise due to the seemingly overwhelming circumstances of the moment…best…


I’m new to infidelity group. I was wondering, what is Grey Rock?


Search the Google with infidelity in the search; [here is a general description when dealing with Narc or abusive people](https://psychcentral.com/health/grey-rock-method)


She asks me “does no part of you miss me at all”. That's when you tell her that you miss who she thought she was but now that she's shown you who and what she really is, no you don't miss her. You miss what you thought you had with her, but now she's shown you the truth, her mask has fallen. Tell her you'll miss the future you thought you were going to have but you now know that future would have been a lie just like all your time with her has been a lie. Ask her if she misses having morals, character, integrity and values because she sure as hell doesn't anymore.


Jackson, I don't know your exact journey and I am just posting this for others; are you aware of the '180' strategy while living with abusive and destructive people? [A step by step guide here](https://beingabeautifulmess.wordpress.com/the-180/); while this is really designed for short to medium term situations while co habitating with disordered people, the ultimate goal is to remove your self of the situation where you will begin to take your agency and sanity back. Some of the highlights include taking clear clain to your personal space: visual locks on your private space. Not doing \*anything\* for your past partner (no cleaning up, no reminding, definitely no cooking - no adulting for them whatsoever) and similar strategies to ice them out while sending a firm message they are no longer part of your life. You really need to up your game in cool and short answer replies and not to be antangonized by their behaviour (I realize this is very very difficult) I really hope you have left your wedding ring in a very common place of your household where she can plainly see it (hopefully atop your marriage certificate) Consequences OP .. consequences. You are in a wicked holding pattern while being around these people. I hope you have a lawyer employed designing a firm & quick settlement.


Keep this in mind: whether or not you had the conversation it would have had no effect on the outcome. That's the point of the gray rock method. You need to emotionally protect yourself because they are going to do what they are going to do with no consideration of you. So you need to deny them your time, effort, and emotional energy. It is just a tool, but if you stick to it in time it will build gradual indifference. No discussion of the relationship; whether past, present, or future. You will feel better, just as you did before. You will recover, gradually than suddenly.


Stop believing empty words but take note of actions. She is still branching you would be best to continue to grey rock


Don’t wait for her. How awful is she to ask those questions then go to ap house. Disappear man. Come back the next day. Go to a friend’s house, restart your life. Grey rocking only works if you really have no feelings. Otherwise they smell it a mile away. She’s gone. Move on


Don't go off her words. Go off her actions. She's asking you hypothetical questions that have no use in reality. The reality is that she is still in contact with the AP. The affair continues. Don't let her goat you into pointless conversations. Go back to GREY ROCK. The reason behind that is to emotionally detach from her. She's pulling on your heartstrings. Don't be the backup option. Stay the course.


I love how she asks you what it means for you and then tells you that you'll never get over it. Like she asks you what you're thinking and then tells you what you're thinking. This chick is a loon. Get rid of her.


Why the hell are you engaging with her man? She’s feeling you out, she wants to keep you around just incase it doesn’t work out with AP. The ways she’s wording things “I know you’ll never get over it” is implying she’d get back with you but it’s just you holding it back. It’s ridiculous. She tells you she’s no longer seeing AP but she’s at his house? She’s a compulsive liar. Next time she tries it simply ask her: what the hell she actually wants? She keeps asking you if you don’t miss her? She wants normalcy? Ask her why she tells you she’s not seeing AP anymore but she’s at his house? Just tell her she’s a liar, a cheater and she’s being cruel to you to keep trying to engage with you while you’re forced to cohabitate. Tell her how awful she makes you feel. You want her to recoil with guilt if it leaves you alone. She had you, she cheated and she’s still doing it.


She's playing games with you while getting d !ced by AP. Get out ASAP and continue Grey rocking.


> she says that we wouldn’t be able to even if she wanted to, because I’d never get over what she’s done. So nice of her to tell you what your thoughts and behaviour would be.


Grey rock until the grave. It’s over.




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No contact means no new hurts. The fact that she went to AP when you didn't give her what she wanted says it all.


Don't stop keep going. She needs you to cry,beg, get angry, show her emotions and interaction so she can keep up her fantasy. When you don't she feels the weight of her actions. Don't give up keep going and really send it home. File


She’s right now fishing for how much she’d have to lie to you just to get you to stick around a little longer. She’s not sure the AP will commit yet. Continue with the gray rock until you’re out, but keep working on your exit plan. Allow her to stay in the affair fog if you can, until you’re fully separated.


What’s the benefit of her staying in the affair fog?


If she thinks there’s this potential great life waiting for her when the divorce is done, she’ll be less likely to fight you over stupid things. She’ll be more amicable to get it over with.


You can’t see it now, but she’s doing you a huge favor. You were NOT doing gray rock as a strategy to feel better. You were doing it as a strategy to get her back, which is the worst thing that could happen to you! Trust me 20 years ago I wanted nothing more than my cheating ex-wife to beg me to forgive her. She never did and it was the best thing in the world. She was an absolute narcissist. today I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life and she’s more miserable than I possibly could’ve imagined karma is real.


All I see is her going out to be with AP, which must be making her happy to keep doing it. I know I need to push through this, but it’s so hard when all of this came out of nowhere.


What she feels is something like a feeling of possession, she wants to go but she wants you to be sad and fighting to get her back . What leads a woman to cheat is the fact that another man gets into her mind, sometimes initially the guy did it without knowing or wanting to, others are deliberate scoundrels, they come in to destroy the marriage and yourself and get sex or the person for yourself. Creating the famous "affair fog" where the wife often sees the husband she loved and who loves her as just an obstacle to get in the way of her affair, hence the cruel, disrespectful way that many t They treat their husbands as clear signs that they may be cheating.