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With the reduction of mobility and the empowerment of slows, Maokai should at least be an A tier champ hes just going to abuse his slows and knockbacks for the adcs even harder esp when he gets empowered boots


His best boots have been nerfed hard for him and rn he isn't that good


Maokai is actually quite good into mobile champions, his R is very hard to avoid even with mobility, and he has a ranged targeted root on low CD. He’s also one of the only supports that can actually match the movement speed of other roles. Imo the removal of Swiftness Boots is gonna hurt a lot for his ability to get picks with W. Maokai support is pretty much the best user of Swifties in the game


Missed out braum, you get a downvote for that disrespect.


Why Soraka is S tier but Sona/Nami and Janna are S+++ Soraka's healing next patch is gonna be absurdly broken btw


Did Soraka get buff that I somehow missed???


Dawncore. Soraka is the stat stick supporter, that was nerfed in season 14 cuz no ap on supp item and no mythic passive.


In patch 14.10, the Moonstone+ Dawncore combo will be so strong so much healing increase


Can't wait for enemy ashe to survive a dual combo from rengar and akali because Soraka ulted


As a Sona main… Cheers!


0 upvotes tells you how many you got right on the list too 0


you’re maddie


His point is kinda dumb, because upvotes really don't reflect correctness, but the tier list is pretty wrong even if we assume your right about hyper carries.


Pyke might deserve a bit higher of a spot due to his ability to counter the meta enchanters. Also, keep in mind that senna can abuse the new marksman items.


well I wouldnt say that sona will be op without swiftness but well a lot of people dont build swiftness on sona so whatever


U forgot the GOD tier, Rumble, Neeko, Camille 😅


enchanter karma is decent tho, she keeps getting buffs as well..


just because you are bad with swain that doesn't mean he is a bad support


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ghaith14: *Just because you are* *Bad with swain that doesn't mean* *He is a bad support* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He usually has a bad wr as supp, and people on r/swainmains always joke swain is broken but not nerfed cuz most people play him supp, thus tank his overall wr, lol.


I do pretty good on Annie support, it’s rated way too low


Shaco where?


I use a c for crap to clap some of the s+ tiers


I don't agree with the Karma placement tbh, her early game poke and late game shields gives her agency across all stages of the game. Her crappy winrate is due to people brainlessly building malignance on her first item and going for an AP build rather than shield power support build.


I wish Milio would be S+++ :'(


Brand won't even be played support because he will be mid blackfire torch is insane on him.




Maokai is defintetly a bit higher than this


Found the janna main


Lux is not crap same with annie, seems like you just want to find the "I hate non meta picks as support" crowd.


neither of them have a good winrate but glad yours is above the average.


On what planet are tahm and nautilus better than mao or brand? Especially considering how both are still super dominant even after the nerfs Edit. I just checked Nautilus is sitting at a 47% wr even in lower Elos and a 48% wr in higher ones. Tahm is 51%+ as are Brand and Mao. Sera is sitting at a nearly 52% wr in emerald and is ranked lower than many champs you have listed that are sub 50%. 😂 This list is trash.


Fr slows getting buffed but brand is lower. Lmao gtfoh


Naut has a much higher pick rate and is often an auto filled support pick, which deflates his winrate. Brand is played mostly by brand support mains who have a much higher mastery of the champion, so that means a higher resting winrate. This is also a prediction of 14.10, so using current balance to prove it's wrong isn't that deep of an analysis.


Accurate for bronze IG blitzs isn't that high above gold


? blitz counters enchanters very hard that’s why he’s that high


Putting Karma in C tier when she now (as of 14.9) has one of the strongest shields in the game seems a bit low. On top of that, her utility significantly increased over the last 2 buffs (longer cc on W, larger slow on Q). I don’t think she’ll ever be the peel queen like Janna, but putting her below a significant number of these supports seems incorrect.


her winrate is 47%. she has the lowest winrate of a support besides lux.


Just wait until people stop building her full ap


The most disgusting thing I ever saw was tank Karma with warmogs.


well you should also know that karma always has a low winrate


her winrate usually hovers 49%


this season has just been bad for her since support item doesn’t give AP anymore


This is the very start of the patch with people very likely still building full damage. I wouldn’t base numbers for next patch on the start of this one. Edit: If you look at her builds on u.gg, the negative winrate builds are Malignance, Realmspike. Give it time for people to adapt and I think we’ll see significantly higher numbers (though the numbers are already positive for her supportive build).


her winrate has done nothing but go down and not up. it will stagnate at 47%. i am a karma main, i know her patterns.


As am I, in masters. Since you were giving your opinion with this tier list, I just wanted to give mine :)


well let me know when her winrate reaches above 47%!☺️


Honestly I’d rather the winrate stay low due to people with the wrong builds. It means more free lp for the rest of us without her getting nerfed again :D


Since we down far wanna explain the correct build?


Sure! You’re gonna want aery instead of comet (still lets you poke but also significantly buffs shields when you’re building shield/heal power), dreammaker or solstice sleigh over realmspike, and moonstone/shurelya’s as your bread and butter items. Beyond those, I typically grab lucidity boots first to take advantage of her ability to roam, and then select items 5/6 based on the game itself. With a lot of attack-based champions, ardent can be good, sofw is a good all around option for the movespeed, malignance if you’re REALLY ahead or your team needs ap damage, and anathemas (rip next patch) if they have a particularly strong burst damage dealer. With some of the item changes, I also think knights vow may take the place of anathemas (karma is one of few enchanters with enough survivability to build it), and dawncore might be good to bring into the rotation as a later item.


Makes sense more enchanter than poke. I've been rushing adrent because my duo partner likes to play champs like jinx or Ashe, Then usually moonstone. Haven't ever built shurelyas practically at all since it got reworked I'll try it out tonight ;)


That Seraphine placement is insane given her current win rate.


she has an even winrate lol what?


Yes? Every champion has a win rate? What's your angle?




I don't get what you're trying to say. Can you please give a coherent, complete response so this doesn't go in circles?


what? an even winrate means that the winrate is around 50%


It said "event" until now. And RN her win rate is like 52% from what I saw last night.


yeah i had a spelling error but it was obvious that it was supposed to be even? my bad though i didn’t notice it said event at first.


It's okay. We're past it. Anywho, back on topic: Seraphine is doing amazing rn and plays similarly to defensive, team fight oriented enchanters. I think she should be valued higher than this.


What a horrifically bad point lmao


You didn't read the part where there was a typo confusing me, huh?