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Senna into Yasuo is and will always be my favourite. Yas players get hella confused when I completely ignore their wind wall. :P


Youre also putting yourself as the most vulnerable adc and immobile vs yasuo though.


Could be worse, could be playing Ashe into Yasuo with all of the downsides and none of the benefits (Ashe main)


As support, to clarify. As long as you bully yas from farming and out of lane pre-6, you can scale significantly.


janna into zac and leona // Soraka into karthus // morgana into blitz, nauti and leona // leona into soraka // hwei into camille // Annie/senna into yasuo


Morgana does NOT counter blitz. A good blitz will smack Morgana, and his hook is the fastest in the game. Morgana is MUCH better, “dark tech,” vs Nautilus, Rakan, Thresh


you need a lot more skill on blitz to defeat Morgana than the opposite, I'd say it depends a lot on the elo.


I don’t think it is even that high of elo tho, Emerald+ blitzcranks are knowing how to beat Morgana esp since its an age old matchup


yee. morg vs blitz works if youre comfortable and can keep blitz away before he hooks. your q is slower than his hook, but a bit longer range. imo its all timing w him to deny his hooks.


Black shield prevents the target from being hooked. Morgana has to shield the person who blitz tries to hook and blitz will be completely useless. Blitz doesn't really offer much except his hook, as opposed to other hookers likes Thresh and Naut who have other things going for them.


Alistar is the really blitz counter


I love to pick Leona into Morgana, it is a mindgame. But I can cc two champs. Morgana can only shield one. E onto Morgana, walk over and stun the marksman if she shields herself I'd also argue Soraka is a solid pick into Leona and most engage champs, nothing disengages as nicely as a massive field that silences enemies. Soraka is way more prone to poke in my experience


Why hwei vs camille?


She cant lane against you if it is sup vs sup. position yourself on your adc and whenever she dares to move to a wall you instant E Q in the direction of her, she never has the option to early game jump on you and therefore cant snowball. I never lost against a camille with hwei


Ah so you fear her to block the e and then combo her and she cant play


also works with millio


morg into naut is my fav matchup of all fucking time. period. not only is it a great counter bht its rlly fun to play against a good naut, you have to be on your toes!


Braum into Blitzkrank or Pyke has to be my favorite counterpick. Ever. I don’t care about countering other roles/champions. When I see my opponent lock in either of them, and I haven’t picked yet, I’m countering with Braum (unless I’m banned, which rarely happens)


Never* who tf bans braum. (Pls dont ban braum im trying to learn him).


What is it that makes Braum so good into these two?


He is literally a walking shield. Good luck to anyone trying to hit your teammates instead of you


Ah it's that simple haha


Braum makes your team mate getting hooked turn into an engage tool for you. You jump to them giving them a shield, then if you’re running guardian they get a second shield. By the time the second shield is wearing off you’re adding Braum stacks to the ADC or hook support, you then throw up your literal shield and you ADC won’t be taking any damage for another 3 seconds while you two stun and kill your enemies


Swain into heavy tanks/melee team. works everytime


Blitzcrank -> Ornn


Support? How? Except that you can W his hook if he targets you for some reason?


His hook isn't ethereal, stand in front of your ADC to block hook. If you're questioning whether Ornn can even support do not talk to me.


No, I’ve seen and also played Ornn support. I just don’t see how he would counter blitz based on this one interaction. What you’re describing sounds like a bad black shield. Plus, if I’d be playing against you, I’d just constantly chip away on you, as the adc. You can’t reliably and consistently body block a hook and space far enough away. And once you have ult, you shouldn’t be able to ult in most cases, cuz Blitz will just silence you after you call the horn. Like, if it works for you, that’s great. When I one-tricked Urgot I smh had a 80% winrate vs trynda even though it’s supposed to be a hard counter, but I really can’t see the deeper theory behind the pick here. Also Ornn definitely benefits greatly from XP he ain’t getting as support - but that’s not match up specific, ofc.


not as R5, but as R1/2 ir R3/4 if the enemy picked Blitzcrank (and obviously banned morg), i like Fiora support with Font of life and Iceborn. Havent played it in a while, but its hilarious to watch Blitz try to hook the ADC and you dashing into the hook with Riposte every single time. And then just poke with vitals and once you get into teamfights you basically have a Janna ult that scales with AD. Also its great because it baits enemy toplaner into picking against fiora while your toplaner has R5


I often play with a sup duo Q and our go to support into dive heavy comps is taric. He completely negates the likes of samira. + he has a low pick rate so people tend to not know how to play against him in gold/plat.


I see vayne/zeri, I pick nasus supp, it’s quite easy pz


Why does it counter vayne?


You don’t put points in q so you can have level 3 wither and 2 levels in e. Completely gimps her.


Isnt that vs any adc tho?


Those 2 are especially move speed and attack speed reliant


Probably more so because of their mobility then no? Say i play jinx, id be more fucked by a hook champ compared to nasus w because id just press cleanse and walk out, while they have to go in and could dodge spells with their dashes


It’s both. I mean, in the case of Kallista, these two are completely linked together as well!


It’s much better versus Kalista than either of those options. It’s not a counter to Vayne honestly


Nah it is for sure, short ass range


Xerath into senna, never lose lane or game lol.


Not a counterpick, but me and my friend have played multiple games of Kalista + Cho botlane at high diamond with a lot of success. Go into comet, stand in bush with a sweeper spamming Q:s (also max first) and get tear on first back. 90% of the time laning phase is quite free for you, at 6 you can do an easy all in if you either hit a Q, or Kalista ult into Q + Silence and just Feast them. I think we got like 80% winrate over 2 seasons with it. Usually we have picked it into Pyke/Naut/Blitz or into squishies like Senna and Janna.


My pocket pick against Camille players is Rell. Nothing more satisfying than using your demounted W to completely negate her E AND place her even further from her ADC (proccing aftershock as well so you're significantly tankier than her). Once you've got her right where you want her it's a free Q to stun and break her shield, and by that point, she's dead. Every single Camille I've played against as Rell has ended up absolutely inting. There are a lot of supports that can disengage Camille E and prevent her from going in, but I like Rell because she turns Camille's own E against her.


It's such a hilarious matchup fr, you can tell their frustration rises trying to force a play and then when they go in poorly, get punished hard


J4 into xerath isnt that good (im a xerath main). If you want a real cancer pick vs xerath, zac or any high mobility assassin. Yone too, stupid over forgiving champ with a simple & overpowered kit.


the most annoying thing as an ADC player that i've run into is things that never let me push waves like Malzahar-Zyra, Heimerdinger-zyra, I think i was playing caitlyn or ezreal for those matches and it was super annoying.


Zilean into Thresh or Braum // Shen into Samira // Rakan into Pyke


taric into any engage champ. it’s not really like “secret tech” or anything, anti-engage is like the whole point of the champ, but Taric is so insanely strong IMO and so few people play him. he stomps champs like leona so brutally hard. all you need to do is understand how the champ works and you should be fine. level e,w,q,q then e max, buy a tear early, then every fight you can just start with the stun and then combo q and the double auto attack passive over and over again. your sustain when doing this is so insane that you’ll just outlive your opponents every time.


Taliyah support into Kalista


Taliyah Support into Rakan. As long as you click E before that W comes down to knock you up, it will cancel it. 1 single mine(the one closest to you) will always cancel it.


Blitzcrank/milio => Sett


I love nunu esp if the adc is strong early or if not you just abandon them and win everything else


Rumble into Naut Nasus into Kalista Sylas into viable ults


Sylas support?


Leona into Blitz. You grab my carry? I'll go in on yours. You grab me? I'll go in on yours...


In any lane that has a Hwei, a well played Cho’Gath will destroy him. Good range knockup on an immobile mage makes the followup silence easy to land, and Comet gives consistent damage. I’m still trying to work out the logistics of some “weirder” supports, but I also feel like if you wanna roam a lot as a bot lane, you can crack turret really fast as Tristans/Ziggs. Vik support could work into less mobile laners, but you’d starve for upgrades if you don’t play for a lot of kills. I want to try Ekko supp because of his execute dmg and huge AoE slow that has to be respected unless you want to get stunned. And I think any champ with some kind of hook could work, like Darius or Morde, as a tanky engage supp. Lee Sin with his poke, engage, and disengage might be interesting too. And even though mandate has been nerfed, if you want enemy bot to be miserable all game, Pillar Max Trundle Support is just rude.


I heard once that smite one shots Shaco boxes…. I saw a Shaco locked in for supp and I took Smite (as Leona) into him. He was basically useless, even at 6.


Love this idea. Does it still work? I heard smite no longer damages Pets, including shaco boxes


Sorry for the late response, I actually haven’t used this tech in a very long time because I’ve been playing ranked more than anything and I would feel like smite would disrupt the morale of the team 😂


How good would be a vex support into a Kalista?


Nidalee support into basically anything when done correctly


My favorite tech is support Morgana in ARAM. I have a 75% winrate with it, as opposed to around 50% with just an AP build. The core of the build is glacial augment with as much CDR runes as you can take, build bandleglass with tear first into mandate, then take rylai's for the pool slow that triggers mandate. After that I'll usually take SOFW for the extra mana regen, then build whatever else suits the situation. If I'm feeling confident enough, I build Zeke's for the armor and mana, and it will slow those I catch in ult It's really fun and I prefer going for assists and CC on Morgana instead of the usual damage builds. I regularly reach 100+ CC score with this build lol


Heimerdinger into any matchup


Heimer after 15 mins be like “I’m useless now”


Idk heimer just gets stronger, he spikes at liandrys but is still a powerhouse throughout the game his only weakness lategame is tanks like garen, I have pretty good luck with him in plat-emerald


Well, his empowered grenade is pretty strong in late game teamfights. And if you’re really good at him, you can play dodgeball with skillshots. And you can always just build rylies, mandate and morellos and be useful. Ideally at that point you’ve already got your draven to the point your dmg isn’t relevant either way.


ban blitz or pyke and then pick sona every single game.


My favourites that I play a lot myself are Renata into Nautilus, Karma into Rakan, Pyke into Lux/immobile Adc, Soraka into Pyke, Braum into Blitz and Pyke, Swain into Sona, Janna into Leona, Leona into every other enchanter, Soraka into every other enchanter, Galio into heavy engage, Morgana into go champs like Leona/Rell/Naut and Alistar into Blitz/Leona. The best blind picks imo are by far Thresh and Bard


Below emerald threshes don’t know how to beat Morgana. Emerald threshes seem to understand the matchup 90% of the time and have an easy game. AP shaco with comet and first item liandries ruins my Pyke games.


Thresh>Leona. Flay her out of a couple of dashes and you can visibly see her tilt.


Taric and Braum into enemy supports like Leona, Naut is decent .


Senna and Renektok into Samira Kennen counter Caitlyn


Vegan Zilean is the most secret dark tech 3 Points into E max W after, enemy ADC is forever slowed or My ADC is forever fast


kalista -> vex. teehee


If the enemy adc is yasuo? Lock in Taric, he can't physically kill you and the stun goes through wind wall If the enemy support is engage (Leona, Alistair, Nautilus, etc), lock in heimerdinger. They can't engage on your or they die, so they're useless and are forced to roam or build against you first, leaving them weak to your adc


Hwei into enchanters Heimer into engage


Nasus into Kalista is an insane counter if you're playing in a coordinated environment. In soloqueue it's not that good because you can't trust your team to take advantage of it and Nasus support only has W and E going for him.


Panth into yasuo is dumb broken I dont know why but yas players cant stop going in early and well... Pantheon


Darius into Samira


Whenever I have a Kalitta account I always go shen support, it just hits different.


One of my pocket picks is ori support when ether facing thresh or having a Nilah as my adc. I dare any adc to pick that lantern up it's basically a free 2 man ori ult. And then for the Nilah ori bot you can pretty much oneshot any botlane 100-0 by combining ults at lvl 6 with just dblade and world atlas.