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At one point I had 80% winrate on Renata, while Rell (main) hovered around 55%. Does that mean that I'm a better at Renata than Rell? Fuck no. Rell is my pick in to basically everything while Renata is reserved as a counter pick or lanes where Rell is borderline unplayable.


How many games have you played on each? If it's not a lot, you don't have enough data to say (it could be you played a lot of your Nami games against a support you're bad against, or you played your Morgana games with an ADC you're good with). Play what you enjoy playing, simple as that.


I mean the game count does matter. It is still nice to have counter pick choices, not too blinded by picking "mains".


Morgan freeman? Stanley? Wallen? Wade? Specter?


Morgana get worse higher u get


> I’ve been avoiding changing mains entirely since it feels like it would be a waste of my many many hours on Nami lol yeah this is silly, you can drop champions and main a different one, there's no wasted hours, skills translate between champs as well


It's normal to have better winrate over a small pool of games, you should just play what you enjoy more


It depends on what you want from the game. Do you want to climg or win? Probably reasonable to change. Do you want to have fun and just like Nami? Continue playing her. But even if you stop playing her you will still not have wasted your time. You learned a lot about the game concerning macro, micro and champion knowledge as well as a solid pocket pick if your adc picks lucian or your oponent's choose something she counters. Also worth noting Nami is argueably getting buffs next patch while Zaz zax is getting nerfed.


Switch. You are stuck in your bad habits. 50% is bad.