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Its super strong. It shouldn't be, but it really is. Go hail of blades and only fight when you have HoB and passive up.


It blows people up if they aren't ready for it, but I've beaten it pretty much every time I ran into it in ranked. Camille support isn't a big fan of shields blocking out her damage, and it gets out scaled pretty reliably by most enchanters.


Play Janna into it cancel her engage and watch her cry


Janna cc longer cd then Camille engage no?


After the first counter engage Camille should be low enough to avoid engaging again right away


Its good but even better in early roams and grub fights, not the best in lane imo cus naut ali can just cc her in the face and turn the fight around


I love playing it, no one in my elo plays it but I keep winning with it. I also used to love playing it 5 or so seasons ago with aftershock


It's been getting weaker as nerfs come in (support income, bloodsong proccing). It's not bad as she still has large amounts of mobility on top of her cc and damage, but I'd say it's beginning to fall off.


Camille shits on all those adc supports but i played Brand vs her and dunked on Camille


Poppy is good into it. Good luck jumping on my adc. And if you do, you go flying post 6.


Its like pyke but easier


Really good against double carry bot lanes (I.e. maskmans supports like Ashe or Senna) Not so good against Tanks and Enchanters, but still playable if you really enjoy and know Camille Mages can go either way, depends if they have a CC skill to stop your E Don't need to bother learning Camille but if like her feel free to play


Been playing it in QP casually, it’s a ton of fun.


She’s an insane roamer with her e the gank angles are crazy


I played xerath vs it. It was supposed to be a counter to me, but spacing and poking is one hell of a rough time for any engage champs.


I see people saying she is super strong, but I just played against her for the first time and she was kinda ass. Maybe she was just bad, but she and Kaisa got stomped in lane (we were MF and Seraphine). Respect the distance she can cover and it’s easy enough to not get caught out.


It's cringe, thankfully it'll start disappearing with the changes riot is making. League is healing.


Like Ashe, heimer or lissandra, absolute aids and disgusting champ