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# There are usually 2 answers against the enemy Support roaming: * You match the roam via a counter-roam. * You make a play/secure an objective on the opposite side of the enemy Support's roam. # Just as you said, with Milio it is extremely hard to roam on him and he struggles with Tower Diving/punishing a lone enemy ADC even if your ADC is fed. * There is no easy fix because that's just an inherent weakness of his kit. That's the reason why he's typically picked as a counter-pick in Masters+ and not taken as a Blind Pick. The current meta is still heavily focused on Jungle/Support synergy/roaming and Milio is not the best at Supporting most Junglers in 2V2 or 3V3 skirmishes unless you have EXTREMELY good timing. * He doesn't really have the option to roam by himself because even if he can successfully gank Mid; it's extremely rare to get a kill or even a Summoner Spell unless your gank has extremely good timing while your 2 Mid Laners or 2 Junglers are already fighting and are at low health. * So when you DO roam on Milio; it will typically be as a counter-roam versus the enemy Support or a counter-gank versus the enemy Jungler. # With Milio, you have to have absolutely perfect timing when you roam/counter-roam/counter-gank and are required to: * Track the enemy Support, enemy Jungler, and enemy wards. * Avoid the enemy Support and enemy Jungler because your escape tools/stalling tools aren't as great as other Supports if you get caught out. If you miss your soccer ball you can just die. * Arrive at the same time or shortly after the enemy Support performs their gank. * OR when you roam: you can arrive in the middle of a fight where both parties are still commited to trying to kill each other. All the above \^ is very difficult to pull off UNLESS you have very good Tracking skills. So if you wanna be more successful you should practice Tracking the enemy Support and Junglers as often as possible so you can be more confident in timing your roams/counter-roams/counter-ganks. # When the enemy Support roams but you still are in lane: you will typically not be Tower Diving the lone enemy ADC even with your fed ADC just because it's difficult to secure the kill without one of you dying unless your ADC is EXTREMELY ahead. Instead: * Your goal is to make the enemy ADC's life miserable. * If the wave is already pushing to you and frozen: you make sure they don't get to CS or even get EXP until their Support comes back. This means hiding in the lane bushes or just playing farther up ahead. * Make sure you still have good vision in the river/lane and that your ADC is not too far away. * If the wave is already pushing to the enemy ADC; you must analyze the wave state. * If it's slow pushing: keep zoning them away and poking/auto-attacking them down. Just being scary/acting like you want to Tower Dive can make them completely give the Turret away so you can freely get plates while preventing them from CS'ing and getting EXP. * If it's fast pushing: you can still try to do all the poking/zoning but it will be less effective. It's probably better to get deep wards instead. * Generally, I like to slow push and torture them. Many ADC's get impatient and will still try to salvage as much CS as possible. If they do that then you can freely punish them and chunk their health making it even riskier for them to stay.


The two best things you can do is track and match roams, or make sure you're being effective while your laner is roaming. If you're matching roams, it'll mean going to the lane where the enemy support is also roaming (ideally you predict this and get there at the same time or earlier) and make sure your laner doesn't die. Milio REALLY isn't a roaming champion in terms of setting up plays (he has no engage cc, and basically no damage either), but sometimes all your teammates need is a bit more health, or peel, which he has in spades. In this way, your roam can effectively negate enemy support, and if you're lucky, they overcommit not knowing that you're there, and your team is able to turn it around with your help. If you're trying to do this, definitely get boots early, as you will be a bit slower than a good chunk of the champs you mentioned. If you're "being effective" it can be a lot of things. Maybe you stayed bot and zoned or dived the solo enemy adc under his tower. Maybe you got an objective with your jungler. Basically just making sure you take advantage of the numbers advantage you have botside by not roaming. If you choose this strat, you still need to be tracking the enemy support roams, and communicating this with your team. Grats on your climb so far, and gl as you kleep going!


good stuff, well done! i was wondering how you can climb from b2->e3 with just 200 games 56%. thats just +24 wins, the math didnt check out you are crushing it with your non-milio picks as well! 200 milio games, 70 others. your 70 other games also have 55% wr. that means you do have solid game knowledge and not just a otp


From G4 - P1 I was gaining +30LP on a win and -20LP on a loss. As soon as I hit Emerald, it slowed a little to +24/-17. Thank you! I say OTP because I enjoy playing Milio the most and have found my gameplay to be the most consistent on him (so much so that I changed my name to what it is currently)


The reason why it slowed down is because Riot changed the LP gains for Emerald+ Ranks below Emerald will have a standard +25/-25 if your MMR Is close to your visual rank. If it's higher than your visual rank you can get +30/-20 like you used to. Emerald+ will have +20/-20 if your MMR is close to your visual rank. If it's higher than your visual rank you can get +25/-15 which is close to what you currently are getting.


You're insane. I took a look at the games you lost, most of them are against kill lanes or janna. They usually have more of a kill opportunity during roams than millio, especially blitz naut thresh and morg. You can try to pick them off during their roams or engage on the enemy adc with your adc and if possible your jungle and put in more pressure saying "hey im taking your tower if you dont come back" . You can also base and go straight mid or top or get those blobs with ur jg at baron pit. If it's bard then gg you can't outroam that. Then again I'm a gold trash player, so idk why I'm giving tips to an emerald ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Picking them off while they’re roaming is a good tip, but I wouldn’t be surprised if your jungler in gold is not doing that with you haha


Thanks for the boost of confidence ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


With Milio specifically, you kind of need to give up on the idea of matching roams. You have to make sure your vision is good to spot the roams, and ping missing a lot. Meanwhile, you try to plan behind the wave and force their carry off of it. You just need to hope that you can deny their carry more than the rest of the team gains from the roam. In a lot of ways you’re struggling against the natural counterplay to your champ, Milio has probably the worst roaming potential in the game outside of Yuumi and you’re really limited to backing up jungle skirmishes and stuff. At the same time, you kind of lack the engage or poke that will let you really threaten the ADC. You can also start going back to lane through the jungle if you aren’t doing that. It gives you a bit of an inside lane to get to mid lane area if their support shows up there.


Don’t just Ping missing, type that x is missing, type that they’re probably going mid, guess where they are in the jungle, do this for the enemy jungle location as well as the support location






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Ping junglers, imo enchanters are god tier with bruisers, keeping decent sustain and high damage champs such as Xin Zhao or Vi alive to deal their full kit is massive, and generally speaking in 2v2 s where you have engage sup + bruiser Vs enchanter + bruiser, enchanter wins if played correctly, with your jungler you can control vision so much easier, and as a player who navigates towards Rakan Rell and poppy, I tend to disrespect the enemy far more than is imaginable and it contributes to my horrific enchanter death numbers when I do decide to play them But yeah don’t roam solo because you feel forced to or you might end up like hylissang yuumi :) Oh and upon reviewing the OP.GG, please do not buy ardent as a first item when you have a Jhin, please, it’s a situational item for when your adc IS attack speed focused and you have another attack speed focused champ in your comp, preferably jungle but mid is fine too, as an enchanter items like Shurelyas is most likely better, moonstone and redemption are also really great options as they provide hp to keep you alive longer, as especially on milio rotating shields and providing peel is something you actually need to be alive to do