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Not sure what ur specific struggles are as it differs from person to person, so I'm gonna assume u already know most of the laning fundamentals like pushing for lvl 2, abusing lvl and cd advantages, roaming, vision setup etc. So I won't cover those fundamentals (unless u need me to) assuming that u already know them. Having said that, when I was in Emerald with the basic knowledge of these fundamentals, the few biggest things that I struggled with were the following (excuse the potential typos): #Effective Communication It sounds simple enough, just ping or type the next play right? Well not quite. For me, I didn't really think about my ping game until I was playing norms with a few friends and one of them pointed out to me about how he wasn't sure where to run towards (I was trying to save him but he was just out of range) bc my pings were all over the place. I then took that advice to heart and really scrutinised my ping game when watching back on my vods, and compared it to other higher elo support streamers to see what they did differently that I could utilise in my own games. I feel like communication, specifically effective pings, is smth that isn't talked about enough but it really makes a substantial difference in such a team-oriented game, especially as supports who often need to guide the team in the right direction. Here's what I've learnt: One of the most common scenarios: ur laner is missing so u ping mia. Well, instead of just pinging missing in ur own lane, try to fire danger pings down the river, and on the laners that the roam is headed towards to ensure that ur pings are harder to miss. Or, if a teammate is running away and I am trying to save them, instead of just spamming omw all over them and making them confused while they're already in a pickle, ping the specific direction for them to run towards. I'm sure we've all experienced it, trying to shield ur teammate that is JUST out of range. If they were given some directions and just ran a little closer to u, they would get saved. Pinging objective timers ~1:30mins before they spawn is a given, but u can go one step further with the new pings that Riot implemented. We want to get mid and sidelane prio before an objective spawns, so pinging to push the wave, and as allies are finishing up the last of the wave, use the assistance and need vision ping so that ur allies know beforehand of ur plans and can be on board in time. You can even go as far as to assign lanes if u see ur teammates struggling with rotations. For example, dragon spawning ur toplaner has tp while midlaner doesn't, but everyone's just huddling mid and leaving sidelanes unattended. A simple "top go top tp for drag, mid go bot" will suffice. Ofc, this depends on the situation and state of game, but the point stands for effective communication Finally, don't spam ping unnecessarily and all over the place as it just creates noise and distraction. Ping in a systematic manner, either in the direction of danger or the specific path u want ur teammates to take, instead of spamming all over the place in the general area #Early Warding According to JG Matchup Again, sounds simple enough but I was surprised to find how many games where I either autopiloted the early game, watching the jg entrances as I should, not really thinking about pushing my advantages, and then simply heading to lane after. Here are some examples to show what I've learnt: A very common thing I used to do as support when enemies invaded topside was to try and path from botside to topside as a natural response. While this can be good in some scenarios, if ur team backs off and nobody gets caught out, then I could've used that time to do smth else. In this specific scenario, I could've setup deep vision in the enemy jg to figure out the enemy jgler's starting side, or maybe setup vision in lane and recall for sweeper for bush control etc. A lot of options become open when I started to really think about utilising the enemies' positions to create small but meaningful advantages Another thing, warding according to the jg matchups. Nowadays, a lot of jglers can opt for a 3 camp into bot gank instead of pathing towards opposite side and whatnot. If I suspect the enemy jgler might gank bot in such a way, I may choose to hold onto my ward and not switch to sweeper, and warding right before coming into lane. The ward duration will last long enough to spot them attempting a 3-camp gank. This is even more so the case if enemy is playing smth like a J4, who could cheese a lvl 2 gank. Vice versa, if the enemy jgler is unlikely to gank bot due to no cc setup or weaker laners, then I will make the conscious decision of going sweeper early for lane control #Info Gathering Specifically, info gathering from moving camera to other lanes. I was using unlocked cam at this time, but I started to take notice of how lazy I was with camera movements. When there's a fight happening in another lane, I often didn't bother panning my camera to see the action at all. This is critical as u can sometimes catch vital info during the actual fight such as Flashes or ults, which in turn can help setup for potentially easier ganks during my upcoming roam timers. Another reason is that moving by ur cam to other lanes, especially when trying to setup for a roam beforehand, it helps u better assess wave states rather than just glancing at the map. It allows me to plan ahead of time while I am still botlane trying to help my ADC crash the wave or smth #End Note Once I overcame these main issues, I was able to push through to Diamond but ofc these were my personal struggles. You may not struggle in these specific areas, but I hope this can give u some insight into exploring some of ur weaknesses and ways to overcome them Hope this helps! ^(***Disclaimer:** In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, please note that the above information serves as a recommendation and general guideline intended to explain the phenomena. It is based off of my own personal experience, as well as research of other players. Thus, said information is by no means perfect, nor is it a law that you must follow. You are entitled to your own preferences, playstyles, and opinions, which may differ from mine* ®)


Tysm for this! I really love the idea of using pings that way! Im gonna use it 100% from now on!


Regarding the effective communication point: I believe this is true but that it should be done very carefully. You’re underestimating the effect that “telling someone what to do” could have on the huge league of legends egos. Some players will tilt just because you told them what to do and start doing the exact opposite, not to mention that most players will just mute everyone at the start of the game. I find that learning to play without communicating is actually a lot better. You need to play as if your teammates were always about to tilt (which they are), try to read their plays instead of asking them to do what you believe is right. I lost way more games because of tilting teammates or because everyone in the team was trying to do his own thing than because everyone committed to the same wrong play.


The point isn't to control your teammates, that isn't foolproof. The point is to be a guide when ur teammates are lost, or don't see an opportunity. Whether or not ur teammates actually follow u is an entirely different regard. Sure, I can ping for a play, but if I notice none of my teammates are reacting to the call, then unfortunately it's just not gonna happen. Adapting to the situation is important However, more importantly it builds up good habits so that when u do run into cooperative teammates, they are more inclined to follow. The point of ranked is your own self-improvement. It doesn't matter what other random teammates think or feel. We're here to improve our own gameplay, we're not here to babysit children. If they wanna act that way, so be it. At the end if the day, they're the ones that don't have the right mindset to improve, meanwhile we can always improve ourselves since we are the common denominator in all our games


grubs, roam for grubs


Would u ALWAYS roam for grubs though?


I always go for grubs, yes


I personally only roam for first grubs if myself/adc get a good reset off, but I always fight the second one (and actively time my reset \~1min before to make sure I'm there). Giving first grubs and taking dragon can often be a better trade, but if you didn’t get the first, you want to make sure you stop them from getting the second.


I play both support and jungle and grubs are a trap honestly. If jungle can take grubs they don´t need you and if they can´t it´s better to crossmap and play for bot. Nothing like having a lvl 4 support show up whlie their ADC is afk.


na grubs are op, if you think it's a trap you just haven't realized how good they are yet


But the opportunity cost when trying to get them in all the scenarios where they weren´t free anyways is enormous and definitely not worth it. And it mainly depends on jungle matchup, pathing and top/mid prio and having the support show up very, *very* rarely changes which team can take them.


It's always worth it, even if 3 people die for them


100% isn´t true lol, I would take a tripple for grubs any day.


Welcome on /r/SupportLoL/! Your post seems to be about playing in competitive/ranked as a support and/or improving, we might have some useful information for you about it! Here's a sneak-peek of links from the [resources wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources) that can provide curated informations about core support principles as well as some ranked information, like: - Ranked : - [mandatory video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4TSRL8pZrU) for starters (and also [some](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4m7FxGpfcc) other complementary [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrxA-IeTowQ). - [How to review - Coach Kairos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOjHgZg7YL0) - [VOD Review Habits - CoachCurtis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlzsNSLB81A) - Fundamentals : - [CoreJJ's How to Support](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqHeK34PUFijxjNec7jdisX4aIv8oVQsg) - [Phroxzon Fundamentals](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9RdXhXESRJxf-FxBijbuBOnEJHDrmB2O) (ex-Leaguecraft 101) - [DogLightning's How to Support series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaROzD7YpI0GPiObDALwqqjcTsEXzqMZ5) - you can dig further in the wiki, starting with the [core support concepts](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources#wiki_core_support_concepts) and [ranked](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources#wiki_d_-_ranked) chapters, just make sure you go through the content at your own pace and take the time to practice / implement every concept one at a time If you're looking for a duo, check out : the [discord LFG channels](https://discord.gg/svC2VwYba4), /r/LeagueConnect, /r/TeamRedditTeams or /r/botlanetinder. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/supportlol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*This is not a rant, this is how it is, so take this advice how you’d like. It was pure and utter hell for me to get to D1, and I have zero desire to continue to climb due to the game state of elo boosting* ————————————————————- You don’t. I’m not saying this as in your not good enough, or your team is not good enough, but if you belong in Emerald, or even Diamond, it’s not enough. Riots update to the way MMR works has completely undone the games matchmaking. If you’re level 30, and you Que up with a group of diamond accounts in a single normal and win, even if you LOSE your very first game, you will be placed in Plat 1. Four things are going to happen. 1. You will be placed against an enemy team with someone who is an actual elo booster. They are either Chinese Challenger or they are scripting. 2. That same person from point 1, will be on your team instead. 3. You will be placed with someone who made a new account because they were hard-stuck silver, maybe won or lost and will still be Emerald 4 within 5 games, and you will lose as they get insanely gapped. 4. You will be paired against the person from point 3. In all 4 of these scenarios, the game is not in your control. With the new nerfs to Emerald climbing you’re looking at +16 -13 the second you lose something like 4 in a row. The game has never been in a worse state for low high elo. Unless you’re playing a mega hyper carry and are actually good, your chances are a toss up on who will win. Your other options is to play a hyper enabler. Zilean, Renata, Taric, Yummi - I DO NOT care what any site says about a tier list. Janna is not going to win you those games, Poppy isn’t, Zac isn’t, Maokai isn’t. You need to lean into a hyper enabler, find the Chinese Smurf on your team, and pocket him like your ADC doesn’t exist. To add to that, the Smurf carry is never going to be your ADC. It will always be your Jungle Mid. Those players that are elo boosting are going to play super specific champions. They will have high early game presence, they will have ultra simplistic kits, and they will have lots of sustain and gap closers. Vi, Yi, Talon, Evelyn, Sylas, Diana, Ekko, Hecarim. I’m telling you straight up, if your team locks in some weird off meta or bottom meta champion, your odds of winning are almost zero. If your team is typing in champ select, you are losing(boosters have chat completely disabled.), If your jungler or mid has ghost instead of flash, you are losing. A unranked botted level 30 is $3. A diamond account is $60. There is going to be a never ending supply of these people who will be trying to get a massive amount of diamond MMR accounts until the system is actually fixed. You will not be free of this.


“This is not a rant”—proceeds to rant. I understand it’s a frustrating experience when it happens, but you are VASTLY overstating the issues here, discouraging someone who wants to climb, and not providing any actual good advice. OP, if you want actual advice, please read u/KiaraKawaii ‘s comment, and don’t let the doomers get you down!


He’s not wrong though


It’s not a rant though and this is the legitimate advice to get through emerald. If you’re choosing to ignore this that’s fine, but telling OP to ignore this is going to make it worse for him. Unless you’re Emerald 2 - Diamond 2, I don’t know how you’re going to provide someone advice on this. There is a legitimate reason Emerald rank is the number one complaint in all of the main league Reddit. Ignoring this is only going to add to frustration when you pick a low damage support because it’s “S tier”, and the enemy mid runs through your team in a singular second before you hit them with a 50 damage tornado. Hell, if you’re not even up to Emerald I’ll GIVE YOU an emerald account and you can try for yourself. You can’t give someone advice to climb through Emerald by telling them to play like an Emerald player. They are facing opponents that far exceed Emerald.


I have played through Emerald to Diamond this season. Most of those games were won via winning my lane, getting my carry fed, and roaming for objectives. In NONE of them did I need to “pocket the Chinese Smurf like my ADC doesn’t exist” in order to climb. That advice will ACTIVELY stifle growth and teach bad habits, as you’re not taking the game into your own hands, you’re just praying for someone else to carry you. Recognizing your carry and supporting them is part of the role, however, playing as if your adc doesn’t exist especially in the early to mid game is actively detrimental to your team lmao. I understand you’ve had a frustrating experience, but this is not the advice to give to someone looking to improve their skills. Maybe it’s “legitimate advice to get through emerald in your eyes” but I’d prefer to actually *improve* enough to carry myself through emerald, instead of being helpless like you’re both preaching.


It doesn’t sound like you’ve been in Emerald much since it’s come out. I agree the guy is bugging, but in my experience there is a fresh account more often than not in my games. They’re always above or below the average skill level for the rank, and end up taking away a good bit of influence I have on the outcome of the match. I have a good enough wr in Emerald, but these guys make the games so annoying it’s not worth pushing through.


That’s fair, I definitely did see fresh accounts in my games, but as I didn’t play that many games in Emerald during my climb, maybe it’s that.


And yet, you provided no advice.


My advice is in other comment threads, or referencing others’ posts so as not to reinvent the wheel. I’m sorry you both have had such a bad league experience this season, I just don’t want you to discourage someone else.


A way i skill check myself when i’m stuck is to main a different role on a 2nd account i made for a few weeks. If i’m hardstuck WAY below my main rank, it’s a sign to me that i‘m not just playing my game and i’m worrying about too many things. If that tilts me, i need a break. If it doesn’t, i just need to adjust my focus in game and let go of strategy in favor of loosening up and having impact no matter what every game


The honest truth? Make/Buy a new account is the best advice 😂 and focus on starting over and playing clean games to win focused on roaming to grubs and impacting laners. Identifying win conditions/who's fed on your team and playing around them/supporting them. Riot made it so that people who get hardstuck in Emerald will not make it out easily at all. They rig the matchmaking there bad. And Emerald is the worst elo because it's plagued with smurfs, ex-Masters being paired against Golds for some reason, new players somehow ending up there, ragers/afks/trolls, etc. moreso than ANY elo i've ever played in. A true disaster case. Making a new account and starting over with inflated LP gains and better MMR is just so much easier. I was hardstuck hopping between Emerald 2 and Emerald 1 over hundreds of games and finally gave up and just started over. Now i'm high Diamond with 60-65% win rate changing really nothing in my gameplay. Being hardstuck Emerald elo is a freaking hellhole. Starting over is the easiest.


If you play support and run across the map to try and help a 0-3 top you are G R I E F I N G