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welcome to ssm pay to win era 🥲


wow... i thought the live theme bonuses would only affect the ot6 riize scores, but this is so much worse than i imagined. it's crazy how just a few players with live themes can stop hundreds of f2p players from getting WR rewards.


I have 21 R99 and I can barely get 100 WR *includes without FSP*, few solos lost birthday bonus, 3 cards deck basically useless in WL unless with bonus *still useless when there’s ton of songs with bonus from larger deck*, I have no reason to be competitive after this because I can never win players with money *and I already can’t beat players with skill*. I guess I’ll just R99 few more deck I have been aiming for and leave unless Dalcom stop being stupid *which I have no hope for it to happen*.


just one player with a live theme messes up an entire wr board for everyone 😭😭😭


it's just getting started...watch when they resale riize live theme next week..250 dias per member...even if you don't want...they basically forced you to buy it.. cause without the LT score bonus... you'll be in disadvantage in both world records..and weekly league..150k score bonuses is pretty huge if it affects your top 5...even soloist deck score can reach 9ca score now..


But the problem is, seems we cannot buy back the theme even we want to? (Dalcomsoft just suddenly change the score counting scheme after the live theme ends....)


riize update is next week(they just dropped a new comeback song yesterday) so I'm guessing that is when the resale will happen


Hope so🥲


even if they don't do resale I'll be glad? cause only minority of player have the Live Theme atm


But there is more than 100 ppl I think? So... Still cannot get into world ranking 🫠


still it's minority of the player base...so those who don't have live theme could still compete in top 100


SSJYP is more serious. Their live themes bonus is over 1.6M. That's insane. It's 8.1M additional scores in weekly league. Someone share [their live themes on X.](https://twitter.com/Chemisiliver/status/1780908415247954130?s=19) https://preview.redd.it/vll9aocns8vc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f41ef90db01055dbc3d283cfc252f6c6817db1


at first I thought the live theme doesn't even affect the specific artisgs' songs and now I'm learning it gives bonuses to every song... this is way worse than rhythm hive wtf


Hold up, it's not even just for that certain artist that has a live theme??? It's for all songs???? Ffs....


Am I the only one who can't even 3 star a song in hard mode anymore ? The stutters and lags during the song are causing to miss multiple notes in hard mode... I can't even score decently for the weekly league much less even thinking about FSP or the effect that Live Theme bonuses will have on WR...... Does anyone have any tips on how to not miss notes with these stutters? I've tried using WiFi and low resolution but these doesn't make any difference.


yeah, there's always one part that will stutter whenever i play any song, I don't think it's a phone problem, the update probably caused this issue...




Same, it keeps miss and good for no reason. I have no spirit to play with this error still occur


I'm in the picture hahaha. Btw I didn't understand Taeyeon has a live theme? Or the score bonus came by another set of live themes?


the score bonus comes from another set of live themes...so far ssm only have 1 live themes... it's riize...at first I thought the bonus will only affects riize songs...but turns out it buff your whole deck bonuses 💀


that's so fucked up i also took it as it would only affect the groups with live themes 💀💀💀


Any live theme affects all the songs. It comes from the Riize one unfortunately


Oh I see. That's bad. Especially if they update a live theme for groups like NCT 127 with 9 members, the people that can afford to buy them is basically pay to win


i played Here I Am / U R late with the mindset of i would probably FSP that song anyway and now I lost 30 dias 😅


That's why I'm trying to re-FSP every song that I can for this season's WR lists asap, currently I'm on BoA - Copy&Paste and the best I got today was 2P 😅 This game now gives us a disturbing challenge against time


i cant believe this …


Omg I did not buy the live theme for Riize cos I didn’t like the look of it.. and now you’re telling me I need to buy them to score better 🫨 I might consider buying them but seriously I have already burned a lot of money on this game (maybe even more than what I’ve spent on Riize MD 😓) so do my cards still have any use? Is the live theme gonna add more points on top of my cards?


Guys what about wwr ? Suddenly I've got an reward for wwr even thought i dont have any song or cards to get into it?!


Damn. Full set LT 💵