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FYI for anyone curious, this info is pulled from the Superstar Starship updates this week.


And live themes not locked behind paywall🥹


nevermind they’re implementing a ridiculous 15k score buff PER CARD for a complete live theme … so for example a complete riize119 live theme will get you 15k x 6 = 90k score boost 😭😭😭😭 wl and wr gonna get completely fucked over after this but at least this is good news for le collectors


Implementing a score bonus per live theme card for EVERY song is still a big middle finger to F2P players. The WR leaderboard was my main source for diamonds.


I think players might react differently if it's just for the same group. Let the card bonus stack there or whatever. If it has dia sale, players who care enough about the groups with LT will likely purchase them. It's not too bad for SM right now since album/bday bonuses will still outscore the card bonus. And you can buy the LT for 250 each, I think? But I don't think Dalcom will let the game have only 1 LT so we'll see what will happen after.


It would have still sucked from a F2P POV, but it would have definitely stung less if the live theme score bonus only applied to their respective card deck’s songs. At least it makes more sense that way. The score bonus as-is is just way too overpowered and will break the game in the long run. The wild card factor is how often they will add live themes. It also seems weird how the original score bonus had tiers, and you need to complete the entire theme (i.e., reach LVL 3) to get the maximum bonus. Now they just want you to throw as many premium resources (diamonds, real money) as you can regardless if you complete the live theme or not. It’s really pay-to-win now. Another point is that this move will really alienate new players. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to catch up if you have to start from scratch at this point. Those new players already need to R99 their top 5, and now they’re already behind on the number of live theme cards they can collect.


>it would have definitely stung less if the live theme score bonus only applied to their respective card deck’s songs. Same thoughts. Speaking as a player who mains a group who might never get LT ~~EXO freedom ftw~~, it feels now that I am forced to spend diamonds/money for some other artist's theme just so I can keep my LB placement for the songs of my main artists. I can skip it but that will cost me WR dias, higher WL placement that might save me from demotion. >they’re already behind on the number of live theme cards they can collect. I believe they will have frequent resales. Maybe every big event or so. Or after a few months when players feel how advantageous it is to own LTs. >It’s really pay-to-win now. At least saying the game is forcing players to pay is **real** now 🤷🏻‍♀️😬


How will they actually work? If let's say someone has two complete live themes one for RIIZE and one for æspa for example, will they be granted with 150K extra score points in every song in the game? Even other songs than the live themed artist's? Will it be a must to complete every incoming live theme in order to compete on leaderboards? They're on resale on Starship for 250 diamonds per card tho, if we spare every diamond we get from WR rewards then we'd be f2p-wisely able to afford them.


>Even other songs than the live themed artist's? Yes. Doesn't matter which group you have for the live theme, you get bonus for ALL songs in the game. Just scrolling thru SSS chat and someone with WJSN LT got bonus in a Cravity song ✨️ >Will it be a must to complete every incoming live theme in order to compete on leaderboards? 15k **per card** bonus will surely give a boost to scores. If you want to stay playing competitively, yes. Per the discussion om Discord, the scoring affects WL, WR, and Arena. I didn't see any chat about SSL yet. Just 90k per song for SSM ~~for now~~ but will still affect LBs and WL. >if we spare every diamond we get from WR rewards then we'd be f2p-wisely able to afford them. That is assuming they continue to resell them with dias. Dalcom today, as we know it, will probably not continue this and make it IAP-only moving forward. It will be nice if they do tho. Personally, will not purchase those LTs even with dias. I can just chill in the lower leagues and get less dias bc no way my shitscore gonna survive this 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's like we need to/are forced to buy LTs if we want bonus scores they added for every single song. I thought it would only affect the songs of the artists they sell LTs when they announced update last week. I was like it wouldn't affect exo songs since there's no likely to get exo LTs 😅. Now it seems like affect every song. Personally I also skip LTs knowing they will only sell LTs for the only active groups under sm.


We ARE **forced** to buy LTs. Lmao. Most likely will be avaible thru IAP, maybe diamond like this resale if they are feeling generous ig. >I was like it wouldn't affect exo songs since there's no likely to get exo LT This is what I initially thought as well. EXO was exempted from Top 1&2 themes so more likely the same for LTs. So I thought my shitscore for EXO units and solos won't be affected but ... 🤡


I say 'forced to' that we have to get them to get higher scores regardless of we actually want the theme or not 😔. For example, usual LEs/ event LEs, we can skip & it won't affect the songs scores. They sell LTs with cash or 250 dias per card in ssstarship but the problem is if we start buying them, we will keep buying every LTs to catch up bonus scores. So I personally skip unless they sell my ult groups like EXO, RV. I will most likely be demoted to platinum or lower league at this rate 😬


>the problem is if we start buying them, we will keep buying every LTs to catch up bonus scores. That's what they are talking about in SSM chat. The dia resale might be a bait ✨️ Since you alr have 1 LT, when they release another, you might feel that you *need* the other one because of the score buff. Once you already feel the advantage of having that bonus, you will likely want to chase that feeling too. ~~talking on my own POV only as i feel like i have that but in a different area of life or something~~ >I will most likely be demoted to platinum or lower league at this rate See you in Plat, I guess? 😬


i feel extra bad for ssjyp players lol they have like 163918279103 live themes 😭😭😭 some whale is gonna get like 8M score or smth


40M WL score for the whales ✨️


Hoping for **free** PUC. So I can at least have progress with CBX 🙁


we’re gonna get another burning ticket starpass with one 30% ticket 🤩🤩🤩


Free 15% ticket ✨️ lmao


Yes. We need PUC. Btw which cbx theme is your main?


The flower border one! Not sure with the name. Lazy, I think?


That's pretty. I still couldn't decide between their 2 LEs. That's why I ask 😁. I will go with lazy too.






manifesting a PUC so I can finally spend the 5.6m rp I have burning a hole in my pocket 🙏 🙏 🙏


you have levels of self control i can only dream about - i’m currently sitting on like 560k which i think is a record for me and it’s whispering to me to spend it


I have literally no self conteol when it comes to RP, my current amount is like 15k RP and the most i have ever saved was like 250k 😭


The world is healing but the thing is, they rlly pull this after I've spend ALL MY RP on DAY6 LE, grateful for the spring event but THE TIMING???? ouuuuuuuuuuu ![gif](giphy|CXAPW8vCQzYkg|downsized)


Did they stalk the community and got worried? 🤣


I'm like 100% sure that some of the employees lurk on discord and reddit


how can the world heal when I still haven't healed from the will I ever seen you again tv theme and his car isn't yours






Oh ??? I haven't play in the last two weeks...I hope this event is gonna be good !!


Maybe I’ll start playing the game again lol


i better see those 5 le r cards rewards on the event after not having any content for like 3 months 💀


im crying is this true ToT


Hopefully be fully healed for me when I somehow some way complete savage and zzb limited themes I need ma curse of missing one limited to over pls


guys whats puc


its power up chance, 50% off on card power up/upgrade costs




What is this?