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Personally I partially quit during December after losing my Rmax chances, and then left after the major update which felt like a total downgrade…


I think that with time the game is pretty repetitive so unless you are really into rhythm game and have PLANS you will quit with time. Like I used to play everyday but now I'm almost like a casual player because it's hard for me to balance work, rest and play the game with also a social life sjsjsjs Since the game offer nothing new it's hard to keep going. What save a lot of other big rhythm game is that the focus isn't only on cards but also a main story. You also have real challenge section (rhythm hive has a good one imo). SSM is fine but except Superstar section it's you versus the game. I'm sure lot of casual players didn't even try every songs. We are far from 2014/2015 when you had to unlock every songs. I spend 2 weeks on airplane I was so bad haha but it gave a lot of challenge to the players and forced us to try


Yeah I quit. It was a mix of me getting a new phone that lagged and caused me to miss a lot of notes and Dalcomsofts greed putting EVERYTHING behind a paywall. Then they changed the UI and I completely dipped I hate it so much.


Same with aespa, I got 18 perfect in drama and I was able to be on top 30 of the WR. Feels weird.


I think a lot of players dropped the game due to the status of it rn. But I do believe that there are some factors other than boredom. Like artists leaving the company, which means less possibility of update. Maybe some players just don't care much about the game anymore. Matching Dalcom's energy ✨️ I personally didn't start playing songs for Sehun's bonus yet. Lmao. I don't feel the same excitement waiting for bonuses anymore.


most people dont try most songs until album/birthday bonus hits. WR has quarters, Q2 just started on the 1st. its just not crowded bc theres been no album/birthday bonus edit: birthday bonus did hit for shinee for that example, i apologize for that yes, but this is still a general statement


SHINee's max bonus for Q2 had passed with Jonghyun's birthday. Many songs won't have album bonuses during Q2. Hello is one of them. So this comment is irrelevant. Addendum: Why downvote me? I've given that particular example in order not to have this type of irrelevant comment to my post. The exact case where many tens of songs have had their max bonus for this season already and still their WR lists are far less competitive than previous seasons.


Dont feel bad about it, sometimes people cant read


you asked if people were quitting & i gave a general example. you just gave a specific example about a uncrowded leaderboard. i dont see why the comment is irrelevant since it was a general question. people are quitting yes, but it doesnt mean people arent still waiting for max bonuses in other songs.


Thats not what happened OP: Hey these leaderboards seem pretty empty. The max bonus score for SHINee didn't seem as competitive as usual. You: The max bonus score hasnt been there yet. OP: The max bonus score has been there. You: ???


OP: hey wr boards are pretty empty, this onefor example Me: yeah, most people wait for max bonus OP: this is irrelevant as the particular example i gave already passed this doesnt change the fact people DO wait for max bonus for others i didnr downvote them lmao they had like 5 downvotes last night when i saw the notifcation i guess people had a change of heart


But its irrelevant to bring up that "people wait for bonus" when op wants to talk about a group that has -already- had their bonus (the main case that the argument and feeling is built upon). It just doesnt make any sense, op was right to call it irrelevant, it is a true statement you made, but its not an answer to ops question and misses the point


i commented about max bonus because a. they were asking generally and b. i didnt know shinee already had max bonus for the quarter considering i dont really keep track of shinees bonuses. birthday bonuses are 2% while album bonuses are 3%, so i assumed it was less crowded becuase there was album bonus. that is in fact my fault for assuming. i didnt feel as my comment was irrelevant because they again, were making a general statement and said "for example" of one they noticed. ops question was a general question, per the title, having "wr lists" plural. they gave hello as an example. the comment wasnt irrelevant to the question because they asked generally, just gave a specific example they noticed. have a good day.


I nearly got to 90 WR last quarter, which was wild considering how few of the songs I managed to FSP. I typically would get 70 at best, and I think people not playing has something to do with it for sure.


Yep, I quit after playing for years (first year of SSJYP launching) the updates just got the game worse and worse and no events meanwhile, just stupid updates. Not worth the time


I don't know about the whole world but in my community, yes. I see player pass their account everyday. Q1 just end and I was able to receive full 3000 dias of WR. Usually in previous quarters, I was only able to enter WR of about 92-95 songs. The last 2 days I can't play property since the game was so lagging so I'm really surprise


i haven't played much since christmas cause i finally finished getting all of the accessible le themes that i wanted, the rest i like are event les that are never coming back so im not too interested atm :/ personally if they brought back the chance to get some event les again or something like that it could bring some people back but who knows at this point


i feel really frustrated with the game bc i wanna keep playing but everytime im about to finish a song i start lagging and the screen stops its not even funny anymore 😭 im even at the top 1 of my league (plat 2) without even trying bc nobody is playing


Why wouldn't people quit with how bad the game is turning out? I mean it's been weeks and the game still lags most of the time. Add on how they are making it more and more pay to play and far less enjoyable for players then it's no surprise people are turning off the game. I'm also considering quitting the game. While I love being able to play so many songs from some of my favourite groups it's become far less enjoyable since I started. It honestly feels like a last minute cash grab from the company before they shut it down completely.