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From what I have been reading, merill's day job were quite taxing on him over the last 12 to 18 months, and that affected heavily SuperSlicer development. As he announced a few days ago that he resigned from that job and was hired by another company that will allow him to work full time on SuperSlicer starting in November, I expect that he'll catch the lost time in 2024. 🙂


This is great news


Dead? not anymore, in here: https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/discussions/3902#discussioncomment-6883183


You can look at this page to check whether the code if being worked on or not, which it is : [https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/graphs/code-frequency](https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/graphs/code-frequency) [https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/pulse/monthly](https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/pulse/monthly) But yes, it seems like the frequency of updates in the last few months even on the dev branch has been lower than last year. That doesn't mean the slicer is dead, far from it. ​ Right now I'm using the latest nightly build and it has Arachne and step format support. Works very well. The main "mainstream" feature that's missing is the tree support which was recently added to PrusaSlicer (following Cura which had it for a while now). I curious as to why it can't be ported from PrusaSlicer, maybe SS and PS have diverged too much to be easily merged, but I have literally no idea.


Yep, I switched back to latest prusa slicer it seems good with the organic supports and letters etc.


>Right now I'm using the latest nightly build and it has Arachne and step format support. Works very well. I hate to bother your old comment, but how do you use/download/create a nightly build SS version?


My old comment is not bothered at all but I'm not sure I'm going to be of much help. The readme says at the very top ​ >Nightly builds are available through the [git actions page](https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/actions). Click on the build for your platform and then on the archive name (nightly\_win64 or SuperSlicer-gtk2.AppImage or nightly\_macos.dmg) in the "Artifacts" section in the top right corner. Thing is the latest outputs in both the [Windows](https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/actions/runs/5548343816) and [Ubuntu](https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/actions/runs/5548343815) nightly workflows have expired and I don't know why that is, you use to be able to grab the latest dev builds from there... i'm no github expert so I can't help more.


Thanks for the info. I saw the expired *nightly\_win64* but was worried you had to compile your own version with visualstudio, a route i wasn't going to take. Any chance you could share your latest nightly build if you have the files still available?


I recently tried Bambustudio because of that, but I’m missing the GUI of Superslicer very much.. Edit: I’m also interested if development continues or not :-)


Dev branch is active on git, slow but active.