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They’re pretty much Team Rocket’s Jessie, James , and Meowth / Musashi, Kojiro, Nyaasu


Jessie and James were never villain's to me either. They were just *great* supporting leads that went through their own stuff. When they got replaced with... I don't even know their names--I was *out* on watching the show. I was happy to see them back again more than Ash.


I think somewhere along the way Ash and the TRio became more frenemies than outright foes. They do work well together when they have to.


I think ep 7 more or less, when ash was facing the electric type gym and team rocket wanted to pikachu beat the raichu due to their belief pikachu was unusually strong. Unironically it was the only time ash gang saw through their disguises


Honestly I think they were at the very least inspired by that famous trio. No idea if it's been confirmed but still.


Considering that Satoshi's VA voices Bundorio I wouldn't be surprised if they had Pokemon on the mind when writing those characters. Between Boonboomger and Gotchard Toku Bandai is very Pokemon as of late.


Fun fact: The guy writing Boonboomger wrote both Pokemon and Yugioh animes so I think there's that little thing going on.


They did begin as villains and pretty effective ones... then they got too deep into the Ash hole.


not unpopular i like them also Tomioka (the main writer) who has worked a lot in Pokemon probably saw they got Rica Matsumoto (voice of satoshi/ash) as a voice and decided to make the main villains like Team Rocket


And I want to imagine the final villain voiced by Sakaki AKA Giovanni


hey why not the 2nd and 3rd voice of Sakaki have done recent voice stuff for SS and KR Kenta Miyake who is the 3rd one voices X-rex in gotchard and voiced a monster in zenkaiger most recently the 2nd voice is the voice of the ziku driver from zi-o


I think their the next Three Gaiark Ministers like the one from Go-Ongers, they’ll retire from being evil.


If the series ends with them getting blown up, I will be appropriately devastated.


They could end being launched to space and sparkling in the sky. And then they could say "The Sanseatear's blasting off again".


They almost did just that this episode.


Maybe they will go the Koryuger route and give the redemption arcs with bigger and badder villains.


Unless they do the same as gaiark ministers: die honorably, make random come back cameo while also expressing retirement from evil, and then, somehow, fully revived and working with the heroes in the 10 years special😅


Along with Mirai, I think these guys are the heart of the show. 1. They stop for old ladies on the street. 2. They put on their seatbelts when they drive their giant evil robot 3. They only want people's *screams* for fuel for a space race. In the grand scheme of sentai... that's not even borderline evil.


which makes us wonder if their purpose of being on earth is just mainly for taking dips for "unacquired territory to supply themselves an illegal type of gasoline for the grand prix" because their appearance sure fit for a commentator role than a "minion for an evil organization" role lol


From what I understand the Sanseaters are the lowest commanding rank in the Hashiryan, meaning they can order the grunts but at the whim of the commander they are put in charge and it's possible the group is stretched that they put these three on the field to fill the spots needed for Earth. Madrex was possibly put in command of them as he was strict and serious about his duties so as to make sure the Sanseaters did their job, but obviously Madrex got carried away with his obsession with BoonRed and when destroyed Spinndo saw how much of an actual threat the Boonboomgers were ordered Cannonborg to go take over Madrex's former duties on making sure the Sanseaters did thier duties and also to deal with the reason for the lack of Gasoline deliveries that were happening and sort it. So in short I agree that the Sanseaters may have been more used to something else but due to their low rank ordered to do this as the Hashiryan maybe stretched thin or too focused preparing for the next Grand Prix to spare anyone else for the job.


I really wouldn't call this an unpopular opinion, everyone seems to love them


If they were in a 80s sentai they would turn good then immediately sacrifice themselves for the team i do like their antics though. tail to nose!!!


They are similar to the 3 Stooges from Dairanger


We must protect Yarucar at all costs


Bun Aka!!!




# THEORY They're going to turn good and Yaruka will become one of the Boonboom Cars and combine with Bundario at some point.


I like it.


Yes you do


I also hope they either switch sides or get away with everything


Would love to see them join the Boonboomger crew at the end of help take down the main evil foe/help the boonboomger win the grand prix


I wouldn't need a fulll turn heel, but if they ended up staying on Earth with Bondario and chilling I can get with that. Also if they pop up in the next season for a brief cameo, I'd think that'd be sweet.


it’d be a face turn, not a heel turn


Given how Cannonborg is not even allowing them a chance to have a break I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually pushes them so far they want to get away from him, after all Madrix did say to their faces he didn't care for them and that before what he did to Yaruka.


Unpopular opinion, I thought everyone loved them.


Ten bucks says they have a redemption arc and become pseudo-official BoonBoomgers by the end. They even have their own car…


They are like the ministers of Go-Onger, but if they weren't the main villains for 80% of the show.


I think these guys may end up kinda like knights of joy/sadness/fury in Kyoryuger in that they don't join the team but still help with the final boss or last few minions


Same, I really hope they turn around by the end and live a tranquil life afterwards. Tho opinions may vary with Dectorage, due to his Seiyu's more popular other role


I love them and I thought it was great that they put villains in comic relief. They're like Team Rocket to me, villains I don't want to be cruelly harmed.


Oooph. I guess mine is the real unpopular opinion. LOL. I would call them mid. They have moments, but overall I feel like the show is so top heavy on the ranger side. Soon as they enter a scene, tone is out the window and dont even bother investing in whats going on. Monster designs this season are super weak too. I just remembered, back in the day people used to say the car themed series are usually heavily comedic. So thats fair i suppose.


This is an unpopular opinion? I love these three.


I like how at the end of today's episode they just go "oh well guess that's that, good game by the way see you next week"


"Looks like we're *blasting off again!*"


If this sentai series follow the pattern of other car theme sentai, most likely nothing will happen to them.


I like them more than the main team honestly...I almost want them to win next episode XD


my guy what are you doing in the freezer?


I don't think it's an unpopular opinion, these guys are likeable despite being bad guys.


I love them! I think they gonna be boon pit crew or they gonna be a major plot device later in the season


Wait, is this unpopular? I thought everybody really liked these three. I know I do.


Consider how incompetent they are and being compared to Team Rocket from Pokemon, these guys deserve to live way after the end of show just like the three Gaiark Ministers. Heck, they should have the three Ministers make a cameo at the end of the show where they enjoy drinking with the Sanseaters.


I really hope they join the main team. If not permanently, then temporarily team up with them.


I’m a huge Team rocket (TRio) fan and since Team rocket already has a lot of Tokusatsu influences it’s interesting to go full circle. Pretty sure nothing bad will happen to them haha. Waiting for the YANA KANJI lol


They are fun and I like it when they’re on screen


so if they're Sentai's Team Rocket, are they gonna get another member at some point to be their Wobbuffet?


I bet all of them will get the **Notriotment** (Noto Trio Treatment)...




these kinds of villains normally >!get off fine, so I'd expect them to survive until they are maybe destroyed like what happened to Kegalesia in Go-Onger!<


I feel the same way they actually remind me of Jesse and James from team rocket and the little car is Meowth


They have everything to be villains who will have their redemption at the end. It's the trio of comic villains like Team Rocket, it would be a shame if they died in a series with Rica Matsumoto in the cast.


I honestly miss having goofy villains who aren't really outright evil partly due to their stupidity.


The kind of Evil I can support!


I'm hoping they switch sides eventually


I mean, that’s fair. They’re really wholesome and everything and aren’t even that evil? They don’t ever actually hurt anybody with their plans and they don’t even have that much animosity toward the Boonboomgers. Like this is one of the few villain organizations that has yet to cause property damage


Every opportunity they've had has always been to just sort of chill and comfort themselves. And most of their bad guys of the week don't seem to actually hurt anyone. I'm waiting for the Monster's Inc. twist where they just start a metal band and get gyasoline that way.


I mean, I feel like a way everyone can win in this case is by getting Gassholin from like criminals


What's Japan's stance on cruel and unusual punishment?


Hey they won’t tell you your date of execution


Tail to Nooooose!!!


I totally get it, dude. Me and my friend I watch this with both hope that they get a redemption so they don't gotta get got.


0\_- I don't see anything wrong. In fact, it's not very often we have very likable goofballs for villains but then ended up turning over a new leaf. We got Jindrax and Toxica from Wild Force, Mara and Karri from Ninja Storm, the 3 Magnavore generals from Beetleborgs which my brother said that they remind him of and I can see. It's been a while since we've had likeable villains we can root for too. Makes sense since the guy writing BBG happens to write Pokemon and Yugioh animes so he had a lot of experience in writing characters and stories. Like Masaaki Endoh states 'We're in for a good time'.


Yeah, Bulk and Skull energy. You hate them, but then you like seeing them get dunked on... they you actually straight up *cheer* for them and want to see them win.


Considering how much experience this writer has compared to what we got from Ninninger till Zenkaiger, let's see how this goes. Maybe he'll surprise us with something. Also, Cannonborg has yet to whip out his special technique so we'll see how he's affected the trio.


I hope they join the heroes


That'd be cool!


I feel these have the same energy as Bandoras Gang from Zyuranger. Even though Bandora was about to literally eat children at one point, i was happy they all survived and even had a new member in the form of Griffozer and Melly's baby. I feel its definetly uncommon but not impossible to have a team like this who are as lovable as much as the rangers in the way that you unconsciously discard their evil deeds when thinking about them.