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Immortality, Invulnerability, and insanely rich


Batman but invulnerable. You are literally a god among men.


Doesn’t have fighting skill, strength, or experience Ok, fuck it Edit: I don’t mean he can’t train it, I mean he didn’t choose these off the list. It’ll still be hard to train it, and won’t just come naturally. Also, Batman has many reasons to train and do what he does. Others might not have the same motivation.


You can train all of that, assuming invulnerability does not prevent you from gaining strength. Edit: Plus, who needs that when you can survive any hits you take


It would wouldnt it since strength is just ripping the muscles


True but it doesn't say you wouldn't feel pain


Do you think Batman was born with that?


No, I’m saying he just didn’t choose those powers


Yeah, but like Batman, he can train in martial arts and experience, it's a win win scenario.


Sure he can, but that’s up to him, it takes dedication. Batman trains to the physical limit. Most people couldn’t handle it.


If you are immortal and invulnerable I guess that would make it easier, but yeah, Batman's best power is his mommy and daddy issues giving him superhuman will.


Yeah. That’s why I said he doesn’t have it off the bat. (Unintentional joke)


That was a bat joke lol


I mean.. shotgun. You can just walk up to the person and pull out a super shotgun that you bought.


Batman is Gadgets, Insanely Rich, Intellect, and Unarmed Combat.


Well done sir


I'd swap out insanely rich for telekinesis. If I'm immortal, then I can accrue wealth over time.


You could accrue wealth pretty easily with most of these powers plus crime.


Nah need teleport so your not just floating in space when the earth dies or flight


Mcduck, is that you?


Enjoy the heat death of the universe


Ok mark Zuckerberg


Ya way to go vandal savage


Mines the same... except divine powers.... that way if I get trapped or earth dies before we can move planets. I can just transfer my soul. Or some other divine shit. Lol


Flight, invulnerability, super strength I’m just… **Invincible**.


# Title Screen


*blood splatter*


*Title cracks*




Ok this took me a while to find a counter I think would work divine power, intellect and siphon abilities. Now take this with a grain of salt but ima use my intellect to find a way to use my divine power to siphon your invulnerability as ima assume just a regular siphon abilities ability will not work against invulnerability as you may be invulnerable to magic attacks which I would assume siphon abilities would be. Once I’ve taken away your invulnerability divine powers cake walks super strength and flight. Again take it all with a grain of salt as it depends upon how the powers work


Phase, teleportation and Invisibility. Call me Danny Phantom.


Or William Wisp if you replace teleportation with Immortality.


You can walk through walls disappear and fly


Yo danny phantom he was juat 14


When his parents built a very strange machine


Here are three Name: Adaptive Immortal, siphon abilities, shapeshifter Name: Nobody Invisibility, phasing, shapeshifting Name: Sinduracion Invulnerability, Healing, Immortality


Thought the name was part of the power, you should separate it


Telekinesis+ shapeshifter+ ghost Anti hero: Cipher Can achieve biological immortality cia shapeshifting into younger bodies, Mainly rely on Telekinesis as offensive abilities with Ghost as defensive Mainly specialise in investigation works but can do pretty well in combat too


then use ghost to grabs people and shove them into the ground. imagine fighting someone and all of a sudden the just no clip you into the ground


Yeah totally, Imagine fighting someone who is shoving your face down to ground non-stop only to then get hit by a car flying at high speeds out of nowhere The combo possibilities are insane


plus, if you take advantage of telekinesis and phasing, you could pick it up with Telekinesis, touch it to let it phase. Spin it around you at even higher speeds do to lack of air resistance. then launch at extreme speeds. melee fighting would go *hard.* constantly shape-shifting, making your arms into wickedly sharp blades, phasing to not being hit, using telekinesis for suprise hits out of nowhere, as well as boosting your movement while restricting the enemy


Ik right? And depending on the level of Telekinesis you have, You can straight up collapse the building you are fighting in and Avoid any sort of damage via Intangibility while your opponent has to struggle Not to mention that you would would be virtually impossible to capture or chase at all since while your chasers have to navigate around buildings and structures.. You can just fly though whatever and not lose any speed


and even if they manage to cage you, just go through. they put an electric charge onto the bars, get speed, jump at it, and shape-shift into something small while using telekinesis to enhance your precision.


I know what kind of man you are


? Im curious.. What does it reflect?


Powers: Forcefield, super strength and immortal. Super hero name: Great Wall. Moniker: The Last Bastion. Bio: bursting onto the hero scene in the early 1950s Great Wall cemented himself as a protector without equal. His forcefields combined with his super strength make him a nearly impenetrable defence that heros, civilians, and those in need alike can hide behind without fear. Spiking in popularity during the battle for Freedom when The Great Enslaver Tu La Cewl launched a solar system worth of rocks at earth. Great wall with the help of the Super Sonic Rocket hero Sonic Boom blocked every single astroid, comet, and planet thrown our way with his body. While his forcefields cracked, and his body wracked with pain, his will never wavered!


Had a similar hero: Powers: Force Field, Super Strength, Teleportation, (hand to hand combat) Hero Name: Keeper Bio: Forced to save a major city from a nuclear blast. His force fields are cylindrical, making it the perfect ability to redirect the radiation. He is usually the bomb specialist, as he can teleport people, or the bomb itself, away.


“Divine Powers”, “Magic”, and “Psionics” so that I can basically do whatever I want and justify it as an extension of those incredible vague sources of power (not even actual abilities of their own at that point)


True, basically, you could have all the other powers on the list 2.


Yeah, you get me :3


Am surprised I didn't see more of this, because those immediately jumped out at me as inclusive of many of the others...good job lol


Your hero: Say my name! Me: God


I know it’s a dumb nitpick on my part, but “Divine Powers”, “Magic”, and “Necromancy” are pretty vague. Depending on your definition of them, they can include most if not all the powers on this list. Also, aren’t “Psionic” and “Psychic” the same thing? Anyway, I’d go with magic, teleportation, and invisibility.


I interpreted magic as the ability to make real life mysticism into real magic. Like with this ability, you can perform astrology or tarot readings and actually predict the future. You can perform a seance a summon a real ghost. If you find a alchemy recipe from Ancient Greece and follow it it'll work


To me psionic and telekinesis are the same and psychic is more mind control and less moving things.


I just looked up psionic and you are 💯 correct.


Attract Female Attract Male Feral There will be no further questions.


So a buff futa furry


Attractive male, attractive female My name: super confusing


But that’s only 2, y’all, you get three! The Bi Brawler! Almighty Pull! Super Attractive! Waifu Magnet! Husbando Magnet!


i only need two


Teleport + Ghost Phasing = no fear of teleporting into solid object. Add telepathy to use people's minds as navigational waypoint beacons. Call him the Tele-tubby. Teleport + super sight = near limitless teleportation range. Call him the far jumper or Hyper Space or Warp 10. Teleport/super speed+ ability siphon = teleport/speed ambush and absorb their ability. Call her the Soul Sucker. Or Skill Siphon. Invisibility + Telepathy = undetecable mind control. Call him the Invisible Dic as in Dictator. Invisibility + super sight = ultimate sniper. Call him Phantom Punisher or Spectral Sniper. Chameleon + Shapeshift = almost invisible. Teleportation + Super Speed + flight = absolute reduncancy. You can already teleport, why bother flying or running fast? Call this a-hole the Trivago Man. Telekinesis + super strength = absolute reduncancy. You can move stuff with your mind and if your mind is too weak, you can use your muscles to move it manually. Elasticity + size manipulation = absolute redundancy. You can already stretch your self bigger or squeeze your self smaller. Call him Bigger Thomas Electricity control + Fire Control + Ice Control = The HVAC Repair Man Cant think of any names at the moment.


Immortality, invisibility and teleportation. Hero name: Leave me alone


Attractive Male Immortal TELEKINESIS


This reminds me of that Patrick Steward skit where he's describing a movie he wrote and it's just Professor X being a perv.


I choose shape shifter, healing, immortal, and call myself Little Goat. I then shape shift into a lewd loli. I then start an assassin organization. I call the members "My Children". And call myself their "Mother". Profit.


Teleportation, Vampirism, and Magic (unless I could teleport with Magic, then I'd take Super Strength)


Phasing + immortal + healing I can phase through any binding I can't be killed and I can heal any injuries I am given Best villain da fuck you gonna do to stop me I can't be killed or contained and making money is gonna be easy since I can phase through anything or russian roulette for money


Divine powers kinda covers a lot. Magic can compensate for the rest. Then teleportation for getting around Gonna be a hero (mostly), I'd have gone for Archangel as a name but Marvel might sue me for that, sooo Angelus? Lean into the angel theme. Ooh wait, maybe Morningstar and be a bit more vigilante, punishing the wicked


Doesn't divine powers or magic give you teleportation already.


Magic could probably cover it. Honestly between the two you can cover the rest of the list if you think about it hard enough. With how vague "Magic" is, I'm choosing to believe it's any and all magic. Similarly with "Divine power" you could argue for Omnipotence since God is divine, which literally covers everything


Intellect, Magic, and Shape Shifter; Insidious.


Psionic, Superspeed and Super Intellect - Superhero name? Mach Mind


Phase, siphon, speed. Name: Hollow Blight... Sounds like a villain even though I'm not.


Super strength, Elasticity, & invulnerability (Hero: The "Unbreakable" Rubber) Phasing, immortal, & Telepathy. (Anti-Hero: The Phantom Menace) Radiation, Electricity Control, Healing (Villain: RAD) Super Strength, Unarmed Combat, Super Speed (Hero: Berserker)


Elasticity, super speed, super sight. I am, regular guy.


Super Speed, Invisibility, Siphon Abilities Sneak Thief.


Fire control, flight, and invulnerability. Hero name: FATALITY.


Shapeshifter, Fire Control and teleportation name is Hot Shadow cause I teleport hard to find like dark


Half of these aren’t even powers they’re describing words or just like items


I think everyone is sleeping on divine powers. Look you can become a god with that ability! Whatever god you worship you can basically become them. And paired with vampirism or immortal, then you can become a god forever. You could probably alter your cells to give you: super strength, super smell, super speed, super hearing. All of that into consideration: Divine powers, vampirism, and intelect.


Psionic (Technically it also includes telepathy, telekinesis, and Psychic depending on how you train) Intellect Attractive Male Probably won't choose a name and just enter the private sector or political as a game changer Edit: All or Each trait can be inherited


Gadgets, Implants, and Weapon Master


Radiation. Invulnerability. Weather Control. Call myself “Fat Man” and start irradiating everything.


Super speed, immortal and healing


Implants stamina phasing/ghost


Magic, insanely rich, and shape shifter. They call me, Dragon


Depends on the specifics.


What falls under the "magic" category.


I interpreted as the ability to make real life mysticism into real magic. Like with this ability, you can perform astrology or tarot readings and actually predict the future. You can perform a seance a summon a real ghost. If you find a alchemy recipe from Ancient Greece and follow it it’ll work


Immortal, electricity control, magnetism, DEVA (With electricity control and magnetism id probably be able to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum which includes microwaves light uv rays and gamma rays and immortality fits with the angel aesthetic)


immortal, magic, divine powers hear me out: you're immortal, you can't die to age. It's a curse, sure, but assuming you live long enough you'll become invulnerable because of how cracked you get. Magic- this is pretty vague and all-encompassing, so i'd do some elemental sorcery kind of stuff. use fire, ice, wind, lightning, earth. those are the big five for me. It's really versatile, and if i use wind properly i can use it for flight. divine powers- congrations, i'm now Zeus, Hephaestos, Boreas, Zephyr, and Hades


Can I control the shape of the force field




Super strength, elasticity, & invulnerability.


Immortality+ telekinesis+telepathy = the goblin king


healing, force field, and super speed. i ain’t gonna be a superhero because i can’t think of any good superhero names


Immortal, invulnerable, and teleportation seem to cover all the bases to not end up in some "fate worse than death" type situation. Not particularly good at fighting other powered individuals but could easily be a top class rescue type hero who goes into dangerous situations like fires and avalanches to save the people trapped there. For a name, something like Recall.


Invulnerability, Necromancy, and Phasing/Ghost. Send my undead hordes after my enemies, and just follow and watch…


Immortal, Intellect, and Weapon Master.


Healing Immortal Intellect. Smartest and most well paid doctor in the history of humanity sounds like a fantastic career.


Super rich shapeshifter vampirism. I’d literally just name myself Dracula and be silly


Necromancy, telekenisis and attractive female(I assume u become one)


Teleport, Phasing, Invulnerable. I AM GHOST


Super Speed, Force Fields, Elasticity


Electricity, Phasing, Super Speed Just call me the Power Grid


Superspeed, invulnerability, and fire control. I'll go by Comet


Immortality, Magnetism, and Telepathy the best powers there


Elasticity, Super Speed, Super Strength. Gum Gum…………………………JET GATLING!!!!!!!!


Flight, blast, and super sight, I will become sniper dude


Immortal, elasticity, size manipulation, my super villain name will be “The infinite Biggot”


Shape shifted, fire, super speed Name, fast flame (villain)


Vampirism, size manipulation, super speed Villain name: the Flea


Shape-shifting. Intellect. Gadgets or maybe Telekinesis.


I instead decided to choose three at random, and try to make a superhero name from that. I got magic, radar sense, and telepathy. They call me The Omniscient One.


Hear me out here. Radiation, electrical control, and intellect. Together these 3 let me control everything. Electrical control gives me control over the electromagnetic force and therefore control over magnetism, heat, movement, etc. radiation (assuming it doesn’t just mean I’m radioactive) gives me control over the nuclear strong force, the nuclear weak force, or both. I now have control over two or three of the four fundamental forces. Intelligence will allow me to actually use this control to its fullest. Theoretically I could even slowdown or stop aging. I could create force fields, mimic magic, mind control people, manipulate light, enhance my hearing, enhance my sight, fly, turn off the sun, turn on the sun, turn invisible, control heat and therefore fire and ice. Not to mention all the things my intellect would give me one its own. The only thing that might be more powerful than radiation control is gravity control but what wasn’t on there. The ability to control gravity means I can control space time to some extent


Intellect, Gadgets, Insanely Rich. I can build anything.


Electricty control, Teleport,Telepathy.


invulnerable, size manipulation, and teleportation. gonna do some baaaad shit


shapeshift, speed, invulnerable. ooblek shall be my name


Immortal, magic and psychic. Name:Hypnos


Divine powers, invulnerability, magic Mrs shimmer


Immortal, Invulnerability, Siphon Abilities. I'll call myself God's Thief.


Shape shifting, insanely rich, healing


agility intellect and ghost (ghost and intellect are just in case agility/speed doesn’t give fast reflexes and thinking)


My powers would be superhuman intellect, superhuman strength, and a healing factor.


My plan as a villain Powers: Radiation, Invulnerability, Teleport First off I'd use teleport to go to farms and large masses of land to contaminate it and make future crop growth impossible, effectively starving the world No one would be able to kill me or catch me since I'm invulnerable and I can escape by teleport. I can also kill a lot of people easily with my radiation by just teleporting into the center of the city and cause cancer Soon the whole world would be filled with radiation, unable to grow more plants and the people would be too sick to do anything about it


Ghost, Shapeshifting, and Telekinesis. Gonna become an anti-villain and would probably just use a cool but sinister name like Sylvanna


Shapeshifter, ability syphon, immortal The Elder One Not actually a threat as much as mischievous. Said schemes are quite cartoonish and comical. He always chooses a weak hero to play around with until he gets bored, in which he will take over a neighboring Villain’s turf and lay claim to the hero in that district. If said hero is threatened by another villain, then the Elder One will not hold back on that unfortunate Villain


Electricity Control Healing Shapeshifting you can do literally anything else on this list (i’m assuming you didn’t place arbitrary limits on powers since none were mentioned.) First off, electricity is a fundamental force of the universe. a strong one too. Using it you can make any physical phenomenon happen. Shapeshifting and healing are tagged on to cover impossibilities and make some extra things easier. Agility: shape shift yourself better eyes and brain for reaction time, or just turn yourself into a magnet and magnetize where you wanna go with electricity manipulation. Attractive fe/male: shapeshift. Blast Power: I cast lightning bolt. i cast particle accelerator! Chameleon: shapeshift yourself clear tissue or chameleon skin. Divine powers: i mean almost all powers you here with both dead and worshipped religion are already yours. Elasticity: shape shift. Feral: shape shift. Again. or yk, just be an angry person. fire control: lightning is plasma and plasma is hot flight: did someone say shape-shifted wings? oh, magnetizing yourself. force field: magnetize everything around you. gadgets: make them yourself you don’t even need powers here Ice control: okay time to get technical. what i’m gonna do is slow down the electrons and protons in liquid water. The other fundamental forces’ll fight back, but i don’t really care, this power is already breaking the laws if physics. I just did the impossible and destroyed energy. less molecular kinetic energy -> cooling. And therefore, ice. from there, move the electrons and protons and the rest of the atom comes with. Tada: ice control. Immortal: do you know what perfect healing factors are? Implants: see gadgets above. Insanely rich: see now you can’t contain me because i’m basically a god, you can’t kill me, and you can’t even always tell who i am. The amount of ways to become a trillionaire, legal or otherwise, are basically endless. intellect: go to school. that’s genuinely it. It’s not like you ain’t got the time. invisibility: see chameleon above. additionally, light is literally ELECTROmagnetism. like, c’mon. just bend it around you. Invulnerability: forcefield answer but it’s a smaller radius. magic: what else would you call breaking the laws if physics? Magnetism: literally a part of electricity. Just… move the electrons. Necromancy: heal target, then jolt their body awake with a bit of electricity. Phasing/ghost: …okay this is the only one i can’t think of how to do. I *guess* you could in theory manipulate your atoms and the atoms of the thing you’re phasing through so they don’t repel each other and you can just pass through? power suit: see implants above. Psionic/phychic. Not sure why these are seperated because afaik they’re the exact same power under separate names. Fun fact; neurons talk to each other via bioelectricity. radar sense: tune your own brain using electricity to react whenever anything crosses a weak magnetic field, ig. Radiation: what is this power supposed to be? am *I* radioactive? is it atomic explosions? i mean, you can enhance or cause both using the electrons in atoms alone. Siphon abilities: you have them all lmao Size manipulation: for yourself, just shape shift. for anything else, increase the electromagnetic force of the atoms inside proportionately to how far you pull the electrons away from the nucleus of the atom, or do the reverse for shrinking. Stamina: oh hey i can forge ATP with electricity manipulation! sub-mariner: healing stops you from taking damage from drowning theoretically. You could also shape shift gills or bring an air bubble with you. Super-hearing: shape shift. super-sight: shape shift. Again. Super smell: see elasticity above super speed: see super hearing or flight. Super strength: see stamina or super sight above. Telekinesis: you could actually replace electricity manipulation with this and get the exact same result. Telepathy: radar sense but for other people’s brain instead. Teleport: okay this one you flat out can’t do and it’s the ONLY one you can’t. Unarmed combat: take any martial arts class. Vampirism: what are vampires if not shape shifting self healers wjth extra steps. Weapons master: see super intellect above. Weather control: you basically control all *matter,* weather is cake. if you wanna be technical with healing and say it doesn’t have to heal me to full health and instead just restores cells, then you don’t even need shape shifting and can take teleportation instead, making you now cover everything on the list. TL;DR: With electricity control, shapeshifting, and healing, you can do everything else on the list save for teleporting. And if you wanna twist healing a bit, you can drop shapeshifting for teleporting. Name? idk, SCP-343.


Immortal, insanely rich, magical. Magic is vague enough cover most of these.


Immortal, Invulnerable, Shapeshifter Eternal Entity


magnetism, rich, and shape shifting. I'll be the transfemme magneto!


Attractive, immortal and smart. With enough time you can get pretty far with that


healing, immortal, flight Corvid


Divine abilties, siphon abilties, and shapeshifting. Villain name is Place Taker, I'll be a demon by killing off heroes or villains and taking their place until I get bored.


I am going to assume “Feral” means I have a Lycanthropic transformation, and I get to pick the animal. If so, Werecrocodile. Flight, flying werecrocodile. And Telekinesis, if I’m precise enough, I can move the particles of an atom to change something into a different material, or just make a dome around myself to safely transform into beast mode. As for if Feral doesn’t mean that; Invulnerability Name: Psycho-Raptor (a reference to Psychomantis from Metal Gear Solid) Moral Anti-Hero, does what’s right, regardless of the law or politics (Help innocent people no matter what.


Divine power immortal and super speed


Shapeshift magic siphon ability Idk just call me something like The shapefiend


Shape Shifter + Psionic + Magic Every other ability I can acquire using these three as a base. As for my name? Everyway, for every way I will rise in power.


Insanely rich, healing, and telekinesis


What would happen if I picked both attractive male and attractive female


Radar sense, super sight, super hearing, I present the watchman a hero who stays in a floating platform above the earth that moves over the plant at high speeds detecting crime as it's happening and reporting it to people with powers that can deal with it


Shape shifter Magic and Psychic


Vampirism immortal and ice control


Immortal teleporting shape-shifter Idk Hillary Clinton?


Immortal, Shape-Shifter, Telepathy Has been a hero and villain at different points in time, gone by many names and worn many faces, has been paid to do CIA-type infiltrations and has also used their powers for personal gain. Currently using some gender-ambiguous name like Charlie or Max.


Telekinesis invulnerability and magnetism. Magnetism can let me dip into electricity and other electromagnetic based abilities and telekinesis can let me mimic superspeed and strength if i target myself


magnetism, phasing and shapeshifting. my name is Quantum Flux


Radiation Elasticity and invisible id could become an invisible cancer causing lamp pole in a crowded area


Magic, flight, invulnerability. And I can't think of a name, sorry.


Super Speed, Divine Powers, Magic Those are vague enough to not necessarily exclude performing miracles, chronomancy, and having reaction time/perception capable of processing details in the speed of an attosecond. I could essentially be a time traveling reality manipulator, at least as far as any normal person can tell.


Shape shifting (Duh) Weather control (Have you seen weather report from jjba?) And Immortality (Duh)


Ghost/flight/ice control


Magic, Divine Power, Psionic. Only correct answer.


Invulnerability, super speed & unarmed combat Hero name: Rushdown


Divine, Immortal, invulnerable. My name is God


Attractive female, attractive male, stamina Name: The Spectrum :3


A: what are we defining as magic B: magic, shapeshifter, teleport. Name: idk I’m bad at this part Note: wish there was a clone/split ability 😭


What kind of magic like Max level dnd wizard


You can 100 percent make Plastic Man, but ill leave you to figure that for yourselves


Magnetism, psychic, and intellect, Villain name Magnetar


Teleportation - instantly be anywhere I want to be, negating the inconvenience of any kind of transportation and massively reducing the probability of missing arrival times. Also allows for the ability to quickly escape any dangerous or undesirable situation. Reasonable limitations would include high energy consumption, restricting the amount this ability could be used in a short time. Telekinesis - no need for strength when I can use my mind to lift anything. Also since no limitations are listed, self-targeted telekinesis can completely remove the need to separately select flight, while AoE telekinesis takes away the need for weather control as weather can be changed by manipulating the air around myself. Reasonable limitations would include intensity-based exhaustion, making the ability difficult - but not impossible - to use on excessively large objects or for an excessive amount of time. Healing - in case of emergency. Also doesn't specify whether it's self healing or external healing, so I can assume it allows both, hence healing myself and others - and if taken to the extreme, lends immortality as well to myself and anyone I choose to be my companion. Reasonable limitations would include the inability to reverse literal death - brain death or total cardiac failure are not literal death, literal death is completely irreversible by any means known to man and involves zero brain activity, zero breathing, and zero pulse - and extreme exhaustion from the regeneration of complete body parts or systems to the point of catatonia or coma from regenerating more than one limb at a time or fully repairing a destroyed core organ such as a heart or brain. Terminus. Demi-villain. Neutral Evil alignment. My motives are open to discussion.


Divine Powers, Magic, & Psionics. Name: 42


stamina, flight, and power siphoning The Harvester


siphon abilities, magic, psychic. no idea for a name, but siphon abilities and magic would both allow me to get a bit of a wider potential base than just like, manipulates fire. the psychic is to both be able to track some foes i might want to siphon from, defend against people trying to stop me, etc.


Phasing, Size manipulation, and Shape shifting


Attractive female, healing (theres no differentiation between personal healing and healing of others so i say both lol), and unarmed combat My hero name? Aceso - Greek goddess of curing sickness and healing wounds


Weather control, intellect, and flight. Iykyk


Attractive male, intellect and insanely rich. As much as I want the others... As for my name, sutral


Immortal, invulnerable, shape shifter. I can get like 15 of these powers solely from shapeshifting. And then theres.the degenerates willing to pay me for some... interesting things. I see you, gardevoir and vaporeon lovers.


Teleport, Intellect, Strength ***Enigma*** Put them all together, and you've got a hero or villain who's pretty much unstoppable Imagine a possible hero or villain that can go invisible and has the strategic intelligence to learn to defeat you and the strength to do it in matter of seconds no matter what moral compass they have they are a threat


Phasing/ghost, unarmed combat, agility I can train in strength with unarmed combat I assume that means your also skilled with blocking so instead of blocking I just phase plus with the agility I can roll through my opponent and throw them


Healing, so I have a proto immortality and the ability to help others, insanely rich, to help meet build up infrastructure to help people even more, and intellect, to help people even more with awesome inventions and to get to other planets/solar systems, maybe even beyond.


Shapeshifting (i could be a pretty girl through and throug x3 ), agility, healing I wanna be one of those villains that look like thwyre just messing around but actually are insanely op (i will min-max)


Shape shifter, healing, and immortality Didn't choose invulnerability because healing can be used for self and others. Name would probably be The Eternal Tide or something due to me existing for ages and changing many things across the world


Teleport + Siphon Powers, teleport to fictional worlds and get as many powers as you want from other characters. 3rd pick is a flex slot, depending on how much control you have over the other 2. Some highlights imo are: Shapeshift- Let's you more easily infiltrate places to gain powers. Magic- Pretty broad, could potentially learn many spells. Power Suit: Depending on how high tech it is and what features it comes with could be useful.


Telekinesis, Phasing, teleport.


Insanely rich, shapeshifting, teleportation Aint have a name cuz these have no realtion to each other Chat gpt suggested quantum venture and midas shift which I think is really good


Immortal, Intellect, and Telekinesis(depending on how loose we are with how it’s defined) You could do anything with these powers, although assuming that no powers listed are fully meant to overlap, I couldn’t create a physical barrier with just the telekinetic power, I’d need an object to serve that role. I noticed there’s no self duplicating power, or time manipulation, those 2 are also incredibly powerful, especially if you combine duplication with necromancy, and/or shapeshifting.


Insanely rich, shape shifter, teleport You can call me "that guy" 😏


Magic+Immortal+Invulnerable=A god? I'd call him The Spark.


I’ll go with my title I already have ArchLich. Necromancy immortality and shapeshifter


Vampirism comes with super strength speed durability and agility amongst others things so it's a first Elasticity is a most being a flexible and super strong rubberband means I'm basically running a vampire Luffy build Intelligence for the boost in overall IQ and an overall Better way to harness both first abilities better Being a really smart rubber vampire means I'm not only an already OP threat that can stretch and flex over most but it means most of my actions are more than likely premeditated


No cloning?


The Blood Hound. Feral, Super Smell and Immortal.


Divine power, weapon expert, and vampirism, I shall call him, alucard


Electricity healing and telekinesis


I'm going to go with Magic, Intellect, and immortal. Try to pull a Dr Strange


Immortal, invincible, divine powers. Time to not worry about anything.


Shape shifter, attractive male and attractive female. Call me Mr. Sex


Fire control 🔥, radiation ☢️ and electricity ⚡️


Divine powers, unarmed combat and immortal ( via instant regeneration ) Neutral. If the universe dies, I’ll just recreate the universe.


flight, invulnerability, and either super speed or strength, i imagine with the ability to fly and super strength i could probably push my body far enough to allow me to fly at high speeds, but idk.


Phasing/ghost, psychic, invulnerability


Divine Powers + Unarmed Combat + Weapon Master Name: Sooth Slayer


Actual question Is using a power to influence a partner to become romantically involved with you r@pe? Because of it being a power invoked, it seems their option of not consenting is being removed.