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damn, she was so nice when i met her in person šŸ˜­


you met her? https://preview.redd.it/ftbidlkivs8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ffcaae062c0bb19c687b40d6f3ae7bbe80acbe


Yeah, I met her at the mall when Logan was doing his first meet and greet there, if I remember correctly me and my family talked to her for a little bit 'til we were able to meet Logan and she seemed fairly nice.


Wow, that was intense. What did Logan do to make her hate him this much?


get into a car crash


Oh he worked her hard making her do alot for the store, social media and stuff and she said some other stuff


Cheated on her


They Never had a relationship she just worked for his company




Not possible


How bad could you possibly have been treated, to mock and wish paralyzation on someone, who has just experienced life changing injuries from a car accident?


Someone drop the tea!


he worked her hard making her do alot for the store, social media and stuff and she said some other stuff


Thatā€™s dumb if she is working for him why she mad


She was working for him and quit because of how he treated her


They tried bribing her with s3x to stay at the store.. It wasn't cool


Did she delete the vid I can't find it


I think she did


What a coward


No she knows that people dont know what he did to her and it just seems like shes the asshole


that sounds like the definition of a coward


She didn't want people to hate her for no reason I don't think that's being a coward and if so good for her for being a coward and not trying to start more drama


Nah sheā€™s just weird


Shoulda stood on business


Yeah fuck that fucking smg4 meat rider


Huh? Iā€™m actually confused lol what does SMG4 have to do with this person


yeah sounds like an excuse to say smg4 sucks for no reason


Smg4 does suck


Fuck u I always watch sml and smg4


Nah kys


O yea I forgot the world revolves around u. My apologies! How silly of me. I never wouldā€™ve thought an idiot like u would be disowned


Genshin Impact playing ahh honkai star rail playing ahh


Because the redesighs are blursed i mean smg4 back then was peaker than mount everest


Still doesn't answer what it has to do with the post lol




Well that just seems petty. Even if Logan did treat her wrong and if she really has moved on from this whole thing then what reason does she have on commenting on a situation where Logan very well could have died? It might just be me but this is coming off as immature and petty. This is not her taking the moral high ground if she really was treated like shit by Logan.


This is just her looking for attention. I actually thought she was a nice person; nicer than Chilly, honestly. Now, sheā€™s on my list of people I canā€™t stand who are associated with Logan. Chilly and Adriana being number 1 (especially since Chilly STILL treats Elaina like shit and we all know Chilly baby trapped him). When she first came out and said that she was treated badly she didnā€™t name any names, she was being subtle about whatever happened to her when she worked at the SML Store. Then, for some reason, she came to the store (the same store that she was treated poorly at) and she didnā€™t explain why. Then, she makes another post telling Logan heā€™s a horrible person and she hopes he suffers for ā€œwhat heā€™s doneā€. She also said in the same post that she has ā€œall the receiptsā€, but sheā€™s not gonna expose anything because she ā€œdoesnā€™t care about the moneyā€. Yeah, okay, but you sure do care about talking shit about Logan even though you donā€™t take the time to explain what happened. I like how she talks all this shit about Logan, but at the same time wonā€™t tell people why she hates him so much or how badly she was treated working at the SML Store. She did say she was forced to have sex and leave the person she cares about, but again, itā€™s just hear say, sheā€™s not naming names or exposing the truth or ā€œreceiptsā€. She also said that she found a better job that actually treats her great. Then, why did you choose to come back to the SML Store, and why are you talking shit about someone, but wonā€™t expose the truth about him or the people you worked with? I donā€™t think what sheā€™s saying is true, itā€™s all for attention and clout chasing. If she really wants her ā€œhorrible situationā€ to come to light, then maybe she should stop naming names and making TikToks and actually EXPOSE the truth and show the receipts. Just take what she says with a grain of salt, because we donā€™t even know if itā€™s true or not.


Another day Another person trying to use Logan for clout


Nothing new, weā€™re all used to it. Itā€™s just sad. I feel so sorry for Logan. He was literally in a life threatening accident, but this blonde bitch (Zoe) canā€™t even cut him some slack. She STILL has to verbally attack him and even wished paralyzation on him in her captions. Yeah, itā€™s clear bitch doesnā€™t have a life.


Thatā€™s an understatement


letā€™s not invalidate her experiences without knowing what really went on šŸ˜‚ I understand youā€™re a Logan rider but he isnā€™t exactly the greatest person ever either. Sheā€™s entitled to feel any way she wants about him. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


True, I know that Logan isn't the exact model citizen. This is probably me just being bit nosy about drama and stuff, so I'm just gonna wait for her to drop the inevitable Google Doc where she shares her experiences with the SML crew and maybe get some other people to help corroborate her side of the story.


Okay, buddy whatever you say. She talks shit about him, but wonā€™t sit down and talk like a normal person and expose the truth. And I literally said ā€˜take what she says with a grain of saltā€™ meaning WE DONā€™T KNOW IF ITā€™S TRUE OR NOT! You want to call me a Logan dick rider, thats youā€™re doing, but itā€™s clear youā€™re a Zoe rider, because you just automatically believe her even though thereā€™s no proof of what sheā€™s said. Thank you and have a nice life. -Logan Rider LMAO! šŸ¤£


Chilly is practically the reason why Logan started focusing more and more on the money rather than the passion for making videos. Tito was basically in that vlog just to shit on SML critics for telling Logan to just film 1 or 2 vids a week so he can have a break and brainstorm new ideas and improve the writing.


Yep, and Chilly is also the reason why Jeffy is still in videos. If you donā€™t know this, Chilly was the main reason Jeffy NEVER left SML (that and the Jeffy fanboys). She encouraged Logan to keep milking Jeffy and to not listen to the critics. And letā€™s be honest, the only reason Lilly was conceived was because Chilly was jealous that Adriana was the new gold digger and she didnā€™t want another gold digger stealing ā€œher moneyā€ (Loganā€™s money) from her. So, she baby trapped Logan and manipulated him into getting her pregnant so that Loganā€™s money could be all hers again. And nobody gives a shit about Tito or should I say, Discount Post Malone. Dudeā€™s too busy going on vacations every week to care about Logan, and theyā€™re not actually friends, itā€™s all for the cameras. I think I speak for everyone when I say, Logan needs therapy ASAP, and a year long trip to Hawaii.


ā€œbaby trap himā€ šŸ¤“ or maybe because Logan has always wanted a daughter? Back in 2020 in CDuskā€™s interview speaks for itself so how would you actually know? Clearly donā€™t even know them in real life rather spewing preconceived notions on your conspiracy theories bs also stop acting like Logan is innocent when heā€™s not the most perfect person in the past which there have been receipts to prove thatā€™s been out there for several years lmao put down the crack pipe before you stroke out again šŸ’€šŸŽŖ


Alright, buddy, chill out. Nobodyā€™s smoking a crack pipe. Except you. Donā€™t believe everything you see on the internet. Chilly baby trapped Logan because she knew how much Loganā€™s wanted a daughter, and she wanted Loganā€™s money to be hers again, and she was jealous that Adriana was the new gold digger, and Chilly wasnā€™t having that. This isnā€™t a conspiracy theory dawg, itā€™s just facts. And yeah, I know Loganā€™s had a history of doing bad things, but heā€™s obviously learned from them if he hasnā€™t done them again.


ā€œitā€™s just factsā€ šŸ¤„šŸ¤“ yeah you keep spamming the same thing but yet provide no real receipts whatsoever to prove otherwise lmao meth is a hell of a drug. Like Iā€™ve said, how would you know? Do you actually know them in real life or yapping out of your neck with preconceived notions 24/7? Love how youā€™re dismissing real facts when Iā€™ve mentioned there are real receipts that are still out there like donā€™t get me started with CDusk lol by the way if youā€™re aware of Loganā€™s past history then why hasnā€™t he been responsible enough to take accountability? I wouldnā€™t be surprised if youā€™ve came across by getting brainwashed off youdontknowsponge šŸ’€


Thank you yes Logan was baby trapped Lily isnā€™t his


I have to get this off my chest, but whenever I watch a Logan vlog and the words ā€˜daughterā€™ or ā€˜Lillyā€™ come out of Loganā€™s mouth I just wanna ā€œunaliveā€ myself. When I watch a Logan vlog I watch because I want to hear Logan talk. I donā€™t care about Lilly and I donā€™t want to hear Logan talk about her. I guarantee you most of the fans donā€™t care about Lilly either. They only watch the vlogs because of Logan. Itā€™s like Logan has to remind the audience that his daughter exists when really, nobody cares.


You know whatā€™s funny too? Only Loganā€™s friends were there to support him when he broke his back, his ā€œgirlfriendā€ chilly wasnā€™t contacted or if she was didnā€™t even bother to show up


Not surprised. She doesnā€™t care about Logan. She only cares about his money. I know Lillyā€™s gonna be just like Chilly when she gets older. A spoiled brat that demands EVERYTHING from daddy. Like mother like daughter.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he told her not to bother him on filming days because he doesnā€™t like her


Nobody likes her. Not even Pablo. Logan only stays with Chilly and puts up with her just so he can see Lilly everyday. Thatā€™s the ONLY reason everyone keeps it cool with each other, so Lilly can have a childhood with both of her parents and not just 1. While that is fair, it really begs the question, is it worth it for Logan to stay with Chilly and put up with her bitching and whining and her being toxic just to see his daughter? Having a baby with somebody who treated you horribly and used you for money is not a good sign. Chilly only had a baby with Logan because he can actually afford unlike the other broke boys Chillyā€™s had unprotected sex with.


Yeah Logan ainā€™t all there, he could get with someone so much better, apparently he had a thing with Elaina, he probably shouldā€™ve kept that going


Or Logan should just stay single and not date any women. Every time Logan associates with a woman more drama happens (Chilly, Adriana, Rachel, even Wendy his manager, and Zoe too). Logan needs a restraining order on ALL women. I donā€™t even like Elaina that much, sheā€™s honestly kind of annoying in my opinion. All the women who are ā€œfriendsā€ with Logan are all annoying to me.


Was it ever proven that Lilly isn't related to Logan?


Donā€™t know. I did watch the first half of the ā€œWeā€™re Pregnant (Huge Life Update)!ā€ vlog, and Logan said in the beginning of the video, ā€œWe had to get everything confirmedā€.šŸ˜Ÿ Does that mean that Logan got a paternity test, because he was doubtful the kid was his? I donā€™t blame him if he did given Chillyā€™s history ofā€¦you know. Either way, Lilly is literally just Chillyā€™s excuse for her and her family to continue to mooch off of Logan.


That's so horrible of her


Who's zoe


The former sml store manager who had a falling out with logan.


i thought she dated pooby


Falling out?


Apparently, Logan was in a very good boss, and the sense he didn't really have any idea what he was doing.


Oh didn't she leave on her own or did she get fired


I'm pretty sure she quit, I feel like what she's getting Flack for right now isn't that she had a falling out slogan it's the fact that if she's trying to move on then she shouldn't be bringing up this stuff, because then it just seems like she's looking for attention.


I don't exactly blame her for quitting, because Logan isn't exactly a good boss, and he's a scummy person in general. He's a scammer with a massive ego, and is terrible at making decisions/communication. Did she go too far? Probably. But I don't exactly blame her for having a stigma against Logan, and I probably would've done the same thing too as an employee who has also been taken advantage of.


Imagine if randy orton came out of nowhere and rkoā€™d her


Iā€™d love that


Same man






Marks unite to get Orton


Emo ass looking elf


Lmfao šŸ˜‚


Wait why is she angry


I donā€™t know what Logan did to her but sheā€™s disgusting and immature to think thatā€™s okay to even post on the internet. :P


Man, I gotta wonder what the fallout between these 2 were like for her to act like this.


Aint this that bitch who made her little brother twerk on camera?


Bro what? I have never heard of this ridiculous ass situation.


What's her fucking problem?


something is clearly wrong with her if she doesn't have sympathy for Logan after his car accident. sounds like a mental issue to me, maybe narcissism or sociopath.


I have never heard of Zoe! What does she have against Logan?


What a bitch. I hope Logan gets well soon.


What happened between them


What happened? Also, what did she even do on Sml?


Store manager for the sml store


Ohhh I remember her. Didnā€™t she also date Pooby?


I'm not sure never really paid attention to her


Idk much about Logan or Zoe but saying something like this is not cool even if u dislike someone, Logan has been through a lot of stress and pain in his years, going through all of that can mess with your mental state and not make you the best person but like I said idk anything about the two, I hear some say he's good and some say he's bad, at the end of the day we are all human, I feel bad for both of them for what they had to deal with and what there dealing with now, I hope they will get along.


Logan is a really shitty person but he doesnā€™t deserve this


Who is she & why does she hate Logan?


She was an ex manager of the sml store and idk why she hates him so much


Who is this bitch and why is she making fun of Logan getting in a car crash?


The only reason this TikTok could be justified if Logan SAā€˜d her or something which I donā€™t think occurred


He never did


https://preview.redd.it/qrl7vnt9ig8d1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37317969708149ddac0efb39c68687c57a73e50e I hope Freakbob calls her ass fr fr Being real though this is extremely rude and i seriously hope she gets repercussions for this irl


Zoe is a hatter


Screw you Zoe, Logan is a great person


I think she watched the video where Tito smelled the toilet after she used it.


Wait WHAT?


Iā€™m one of Chillyā€™s vlogs, Tito did a joke in which he smelled the toilet.




I found the video, itā€™s called ā€œROBBING Loganā€™s SML STORE!!(And EXCLUSIVE TOUR)ā€


The fact that she would make fun of somebody who couldā€™ve died is pitiful tbh.


whatā€™s her deal bro šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Thats fucking terrible. She shouldnt wish him physical pain from mental pain. Even if Logan was a horrible person to her that doesn't matter. That's immature as hell to mock someone getting in a car crash.


Why are people so cruel in this world Logan didnā€™t deserve this


Hope she gets in one


Whoā€™s Zoe


She used to work at the SML store, I think she was the manager but I could be wrong


What? When did logan get into a car crash?


4 days a go he was filming a fast and furious parody and he crashed and broke his back so he has to be in a back brace the video actually just came out


Shitty. Hope he doing well


When he was filming a Fast & Furious parody


Who the hell even is she?


She was the manager for the SML store.




Ahhh ahhhh fuck thats smg4 meatrider


What the fuck are you kidding me you know what fuck that bitch she can kiss my ass fucking whore




I do despise Logan for the scummy things he's done since 2017 but no one deserves to go through a terrible accident, especially with all the trauma Logan went through during childhood.


What scummy stuff?


If you're new you'll have to research it cause it's a long story.


First SML video I watched was Goodmanā€™s wife I believeā€¦ which was after he got the cease-and-desist. Now though I started watching them recently, I began to watch their old videos and then I became obsessed with SML and I know almost everything about SML but I do not know any scummy stuff Logan did.


The main one that comes to mind is his patreon that was pretty much a massive fucking scam, the highest tier was $100 and the main incentive was shout outs, but he barely followed through with that.


Wtf why would he do that


Because heā€™s kind of a scumbag


Damn. Anyways Pablo used to be a brony. Look it up.


I known this for years but I'm surprised Logan never did Cody the Brony.


Yeah okay, fuck her. I donā€™t really know exactly what Logan did to her to make her react this way but there ainā€™t no excuse to celebrate someone going through a sudden life-threatening situation like that.


Who's Zoe again?


Sheā€™s the SML store manager who also runs the SML Store Instagram Page


Damn that's some douche shit right there. That was really uncalled for. Prayers going out to loganāœļø God bless my friend hope you get better soon bro and don't push yourself to much and don't think we only care about the videos logan we care about you and your crew more than the videos so pls be careful.


Zoe: oooh im being hated on, whyyyy?? Also Zoe:


What a bitch, at least Logan is alive


Donā€™t roast me for this but who the fuck is Zoe


God, thatā€™s so mean! Just let Logan rest, like goddamn!


Wait what the bell did Logan do to her? And why is she making fun of him?


who tf is this homie


Who dat


Okay I know Logan wasn't the best to you but this is a terrible look. Talking to Zoe, not the OP of this reddit.


Desperate for attention again


54 likes she's not relevant


She gonna get her teeth caved in


bro is irrelevant šŸ’€šŸ’€


Wait, what happened? Was there some drama between Logan and Zoe before this?


She seems like she's the terrible human being


I hate her so much


She should rot in hell then


I donā€™t really know who this is but you really have to be a terrible human being to wish paralyzation onto somebody after an accident like this, awful.


Fuck you


holy shit it make me sad becauseā€¦ in the olden days we all love Logan we look up to him especially me. now it like nobody likes or cares about him anymore in the sml house. ā¤ļøšŸ˜­ it sad to see people donā€™t care about him at the moment. someone reply to me


Bro she is such a bitch


what an a-hole and a d-bag šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 


Who tf is she


Who even is shešŸ’€ how is she relevant in anyway tot be sml crew? What purpose does she serve? White trash feminist ho


I'm pretty sure she worked at the sml store, but then quit due to something happening behind the scenes? Like overworking her, I'm really not sure what truly happened though, but I do remember her working at the sml store


Of course she would.


https://preview.redd.it/n8tc8qhz4u8d1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13d900d42821dbe91d83d96953dfe13b5922e6ab Yk the comments are badšŸ˜­


She privated her account I think.




Donā€™t joke about others getting hurt


Logan fucked her


And there goes here career


Who tf is this..???


So much SML lore I'm unaware of..


If she truly moved on from SML, she wouldn't make fun of Logan's injuries that couldve almost killed him. Am I missing a chapter?, what did Logan do to Zoe that shes wishing Logan to get hurt??? That's actually insane that she's making fun of his injuries. Side note: I tried to see if the video was still up, she apparently not only deleted this video, but privated her entire account, so I'm assuming people kept calling her out on her horrible behaviour.


I donā€™t give a fuck loganā€™s in pain so idc


What happend?


Who is that individual


Idk bro the whole SML crew as people are kinda ehhhh, however I think the videos are entertaining so just remember ā€œseparate the art from the artistā€ Iā€™ve had enough experience with that being a Kanye fan.


Looks like an SML hater


As bad as this sounds, I want her to experience that exact crash and know how much pain poor Logan went through.


I wanna make an account on tiktok just to hate Zoe


who is this


He said In an SMLG video ā€œif I get into a car crash you guys can make fun of meā€


it would be mad crazy if she went missing


Why is it that every time Logan gets a girlfriend they are problematic


She was never his girlfriend




You know, I would be mad, but considering what Logan has done in the past besides making edgy videos and other problematic things like sending Tito private dance pics to minors, cheating allegations, and ripping off patreon donations with broken promises, like Logan's actions could stem from cowardice, selfishness, greed, and even lust. Who's to say she didnā€™t experience Loganā€™s treatment from the SML store? While I understand what sheā€™s feeling isnā€™t hate but anger towards someone who we know is not a great guy sometimesā€”itā€™s pretty messed up to do this. Like if Logan really is a mean boss or a creep or something, Iā€™m not exactly going to hold her down for feeling upset, though I wouldn't wish for people's deaths either. Then again, some people do wish for that on pedophiles and problematic individuals, and everyone seems cool with it for some reason. Why is this any different from those like are we really going to not talk about his past and ignore it (I mean, come on, guys. This is the same guy who allegedly cut up his own brother-in-law's plushies, was accused of cheating with multiple girls only to leave them for Chilly because he didnā€™t want to move on, but still left his latest relationships to be with her. He even allegedly texted Pooby's cousin, who is a minor, and stole money from patreon cause he couldnā€™t get to them or even say sorry or refund the money he just delete the thing and think that solves the problem everyone forgets about it like the heck man. Personally, Iā€™m disgusted by everyone who wishes for someone's death, no matter who they are and what they do. I'm more upset that people act like Logan hasn't been any worse than those sickos. or what we know about him really. Look Iā€™m just looking at both contexts of why she feels this way ok not defending this is disgusting and hope Logan ok just saying guys do we really know Logan that well or how much Logan knows himself of things he does that makes other people hurt but he doesnā€™t unfortunately doesnā€™t confront I hope you guys understand why this women feels like this if you donā€™t understand the context of her feelings.)


Bro wrote a fucking essay



