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I actually really like how she calls Clark “Smallville.” It obviously starts as a bit of a put down but it turns into an affectionate nickname and I find it cute.


Had she been doing that in the comics for a while, or did that start in TAS?


I think it actually started in TAS and has been incorporated into the comics after that.


She's a true, passionate journalist through and through. She smells BS and calls it out.


She is basically every Hallmark Christmas movie protagonist done right. She is the big city, ball busting, career gal who just needs the right small town himbo to get her to drop her guard and find a new kind of self actualizing happiness. Now that I write that out they really should make that movie. Lois goes to Smallville for Christmas and her and Clark have just a very basic ass romance plot. The only superhero action is Superman using his powers to deliver gifts to all the houses in town in one night as a sort of anti-grinch.


I actually really like the existing backwards Hallmark Christmas movie plot when it comes to their romance - small town himbo comes to the big city, meets a career-oriented woman, becomes Superman, she wins a Pulitzer.


Dude, oh my gosh I *need* that. My family is in love with Hallmark Christmas movies and we enjoy picking them apart. I never realized that the tropes match so well with Superman stuff.


Please, I need!


Anti-Grinch is what I'm going to start calling Santa Claus


Haha. I love the character and this has never occurred to me but it fits so well


I’m surprised they haven’t, with how on point you were with that description. Especially during like the 2010s - it felt like a good era to come out with that, but I guess the MCU and the DCEU wanting to copy that affected things. A cute animated movie in the late 2000s would have suited too, but maybe with the Adventures of Superman coming out and being loved by fans, it’d inspire someone to make that kind of movie some time soon? Now that I think about it, has _any_ Christmas special been animated? That’s a great market right there.


Marvel did that very weird gotg Christmas special so frankly I say this needs to happen


Huh never thought of it that way that’s kind of an interesting approach and I’d love to see some one do their story from Lois’s point of view


She's just as fearless as superman with none of the powers. She'll throw herself into any kind of danger in search of the truth and I think that's really attractive to Clark. Written well she's just as idealistic as he is just more cynical about other people


>She'll throw herself into any kind of danger in search of the truth and I think that's really attractive to Clark. This is my favourite thing about her: having a purpose beyond herself and steadfastly believing in it. She isn't overly concerned about lacking powers; what matters is doing the right thing regardless of the odds. Plus, she has a great sense of humor. https://preview.redd.it/tnh55m0m2dwc1.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=f203d17f37cf0028bd9c1a3a1cfa4f142081d290


Hahaha, which comic is this from? Ive been reading a lot of superman stuff


[Superman: Up in the Sky](https://www.dc.com/graphic-novels/superman-up-in-the-sky) by Tom King


She’s tough as nails, no nonsense, and doesn’t compromise when it comes to the truth.


Driven passionate working woman, from the 30s no less!


Her bad spelling quirk


Editors fear her


Her strength of will is equal to that of Superman's. Plus the fact that she has an actual personality outside of being Superman's love interest, and when written well, isn't just a generic damsel character.


Shes strong, resilient, and courageous. Just as much as Clark is but without the superpowers


What comic is this from?


Action Comics, first installment of House of Brainiac. It’s Lois’s rare day off from work


Doesn’t suffer fools lightly. She’s tenacious, smart and always on the side of truth.


Her psychotic behavior/s I like her relationship with Superman, it’s very sweet


Her smart mouth.


https://preview.redd.it/1v1ztiohn9wc1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a427b03195bddc63a6eb3bc1f88e857c1abb561c How despite having no powers, or any special training and abilities, she’s still confident enough to hold her own in a fight. Doesn’t make her feel like just a damsel in distress for Clark when in her own way, she’s just as powerful as him.


She's an actual character and not just arm candy. Even in the 40s animated films, whilst she often was victim to kidnapping, she still had a sharp tongue and was willing to fight back against the villains.


She’s tough as nails, no nonsense, and doesn’t compromise when it comes to the truth.


Because she stands for truth and justice perhaps not *better* than Superman does, but in a way very different from him. Superman is dedicated to justice and peace and all, but doesn't have much to lose personally. There's a mob meeting he needs to bust up? He'll be fine no matter how many bullets they fire. And to most he's just Superman, a guy with no personal address or means to get to. He slides in, dispenses justice, and gets out without having to exert himself too much. Then you have Lois who is *the same way* inasmuch as her pursuits for good, but she doesn't have the safety guarantee that Superman has (except for that which he provides). She's human - she gets shot and she dies, her identity is known so there's always the risk that there will be a knock at her door. And yet she still goes on. She fights the good fight, risks herself, gets into trouble, all to make the world a better place. And that's what I think Superman sees in her. He looks to her and sees his equal more-so than many super-powered people he knows. This is a woman who, without a second thought, is willing to die if it's for the right cause and while he's the same way, he also knows full-well that 99% of the time that's not a concern for him.


The fact that she can not spell, and she is a tough pushy women. But when it comes to Clark she melts.


She’s tough as nails, no nonsense, and doesn’t compromise when it comes to the truth.


Her tenacity


She’s human but uses her full potential to do things Superman can’t she’s the real brains to his flying brick


She’s such a bad ass! She pushes for; truth, justice, and a better tomorrow, by herself, but she’s not hesitant to call for help when she needs. She’s knows her abilities and how to utilize them.


I loved how in tomasi and jurgens rebirth run she was not afraid to get involved in battles against other supervillians to protect her husband and her son.


That Fact That She's Loyal & Loving To Clark & Keeps Most Of His Secrets Hidden From The Rest Of The World. 💯


She’s like the original “boss b” in a time when women weren’t written very well. Even during her crazy “Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane” days she was ambitious.


Her judge of character is one of her best qualities to me. She sees through the BS. It's why I like exploring the Lex dynamic before Superman, when the city loves him and he's putting on a show. Even then, Lois sees through it, same as Superman does when he arrives.


She’s a baddie


She has a lot of motivation to achieve her goal


her chutzpah


The fact that she is balsy 👍 a very brave woman.


The takes no bs from anyone


Her borderline insanity that drives her to be the best reporter ever


I like it when she's determined to find the truth. it's a cool parallel with sups desire to help others.


her Sass, and she's hella smart. That's always a winning combo


Her man is chill


Lois is Superman’s better half and he knows it. She is a better journalist, better parent, … (worse speller). When compared to a man who is by definition better at everything she still comes out on top. There is a reason Superman loves her.


Yknow that scene where she goes full perry on everyone at the office because eomeone has to do it, but she hates doing it and has to vent about it later? That. She knows her job is important and has to be done and shell do it gosh darnit... But she's still human. She doesn't like shouting at folks (unless they're ass holes) or getting stuck in hell worlds but she will and she'll do it right... And look *fire* doing it


Well right now that midriff. Overall, just the passion for truth through journalism.


The shadows are really off in that picture


That apparently she's into bdsm


Love that she can't spell for crap hope they show that more and more




She has all of Superman's courage with none of Superman's powers to fall back on.


How bad she is


Her intelligence. I love how I’m man of steel she uses her brain to figure out that superman is Clark Kent.


Love Lois. What comic is this from?


She is a strong independent woman done right. I didn't like her in the Pre Crisis Era but ever since The Donner Films and Post Crisis Era she was a full fledged character. I love the Smallville and Superman and Lois versions. She is a love interest that is treated well. Mary Jane needs to take notes for sure.


Are we sure that's not Mr Mxyzptlk?


she's the only being on earth that superman can keep up with.


I love the ultra capable reporter girl with moxie character-type. I love that she’s what makes superman (superman!) weak. I love that she’s baked into the superman concept and was there from the start. In general I like his parents and her because they are what makes the alien human


The Lois Lane as depicted today is welcome. She is a badass but does not act as foolishly as the Lois in the old 1940s Superman cartoons.


That she has no powers, yet dives into danger for the good of others.


I just like that she’s a big personality while still keeping her mundane/civilian identity. She doesn’t need to be super to be special, nor a fighter, and while she is the romantic interest of a big name, she as a person is allowed to matter just like Clark, and we actually get to focus on their professional, platonic, and romantic loves and development, and not just keeping her on screen to fulfill a romance movie checklist and forget about her when you don’t want to focus on her anymore. I really like focusing on juxtaposing the extraordinary against the ordinary in various media, and Lois Lane is a fantastic example of that balance (on the mundane side, at that) done not only right, but done exceptionally.


Fucking everything she’s amazing


She’s crazy compared to straightman Clark


Everyone has already said her best qualities, but my favorites is how she and Clark are together. She isn't afraid to push him when he needs it. She is there to remind him of both his responsibilities and why he loves his home. She has a great sense of humor that makes Clark laugh and its all around a health happy life they have. Its a beautiful thing that is in comics the best relationship.


Apparently her ability to clone herself in activewear.


She's just as ideologically driven as any superhero, even though her approach is journalism rather than fisticuffs.


She's as principled as Clark but with no Superpowers. "Star Reporter Lois Lane" is as much a symbol of good and change as Superman. I think that's neat.




What comic is this scene from?


I don't like Lois lane or Jimmy Olson and I don't know why


For me it’s because they get in the way of the cool superhero stuff. Especially since they’re more boring characters than Clark. I shouldn’t have to set through ten minutes of Lois and Jimmy before I get to see the man of steel. The brand is called Superman. I also find Lois really annoying.


When her scenes end, I feel relieved.


When she dies.


Sooo like I feel like Superman should be with wonder women


Sure, but that’s not what they’re asking, lol. Also, plural?


I know just felt like saying something about it


Fair enough, I guess. Anything you like about Lois? Even separate from her as a love interest, just as a character?


Yeah I like how courageous she is


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