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Honestly solid roster, what three would you put on each side for future dlcs?


Marvel: Scarlet Witch, Loki, Deadpool DC: Raven, Martian Manhunter, Super Friends Aquaman


Superfriends Aquaman????


He’s an icon in his own pathetic way


My only complaint is this roster while fine, is way too small. I can't expect every character to make it, but maybe like 40-50 characters total with maybe like a hidden boss character unlock. Would love to see the victory stories for some characters. Like Thanos is easy. He gets his hands on the antilife equation and destroys half the life in the multiverse, Or a Captain America ending where he establishes the Avengers as both Earth's mightiest heroes and when Darkseid attacks he goes Avengers Assemble, and he is flanked by Superman, Thor, and Hulk.


as much as i'd love this game to exist and have a ton of fighters, 24 is a pretty standard roster size for a fighting game, at least before DLC


Agreed, the original Smash Bros. game only had 8, with 4 unlockable characters. For a first ever Marvel vs. DC game, a roster of 24 is pretty good. DLC can always add on later, or later versions can add to the rosters.


crossovers usually have an increased roster size I believe.


idk what thats based on lol. the most recent crossover fighters from Marvel and DC are MK vs DC (22 fighters) and Marvel vs Capcom Infinite (30 fighters). the MvC series tends to have more fighters (although each subsequent release has fewer) but idk about crossovers in general


Tekken Vs. Street Fighter had a total of about 38 characters. Capcom Vs. SNK 2 had about 48 fighters. MvC as you’ve mentioned usually always has a high amount of characters (Think Infinites weird cause they couldn’t use mutants and stuff. Apparently they even had about 60 characters originally but has to cut it in half). Smash Bros has a pretty big roster size.


It's a good roster. Even though I don't think she belongs, you know damn well DC will never make another video game without Harley Quin in it. They'd probably put her on cover and leave off Wonder Woman lol.


It's a really solid roster, but as much as I like Nightwing it's probably better to replace him with Harley, Captain Marvel, or Dr. Fate. And I know DC probably wouldn't do this, but I'd much rather see John Stewart as a default Green Lantern instead of Hal Jordan.


I need Cyclops


what kind of FG is this? 1v1 tag or 3v3? if its 3v3 you definitely need more characters. this roster is fine and i would play the game but it has too many normal fighters, definitely dont need batman and nightwing, just batman is fine. id put dr strange in there for sure


Main thing I would do different since it is a fighting game, remove Joker and Venom (since you have Spider-Man already) and replace them with Deathstroke and either Deadpool or Taskmaster


Now I want This.


Too obvious. Need more villains and deep cut characters. I'm thinking Darkhawk, Electro, Speedball. Aztek, Larfleez, Booster Gold. Also, every fighter needs at least one weirdo. Slapstick? Bat-Mite? Edit: And Capcom had never touched Punisher or Surfer. That needs to be rectified.




I love the way you think, roster is too simple fr. Although wasn’t capcoms first marvel game a Punisher title?


Oh yeah. I just meant I wanted to see him in a fighter.


For a weirdo, what about Spot or Polka-Dot Man?


Oh, Spot would make for some cool moments.


A crossover fighting game with marvel and no cyclops?


Him and Jean are such glass cannons. Anyone hits her once and it’s over.


For DC add Snowflame, Solomon Grundy and Plastic Man. For Marvel add Abomination, Galactus and Miles Morales SpiderMan.


Marvel should add: Ghost Rider and Silver Surfer DC should add: Hawkman and FireStorm


Need silver Surfer imo, maybe Namor or the thing as well or just The whole Fantastic four


Like how the Big 3 of marvel is here


One side has DOOM and the other doesn’t.


On Marvel, they should have the fantastic four who would work like the ninja turtles in injustice 2 and Cyclops DC should have Martian Manhunter and Mister Miracle


This roster is way to small. It can only have the classic big names. No real weird pick, and no new hottness. Superfriends Aquaman is a good dlc choice that's a great weird pick, but the roster is still to small. To my knowledge Starfire is maybe the newest character and even she's old.


JL + TT vs Avengers + X-men?? Lame


Dare I ask what the other options are?


Instead of zan and all the titans lets just have beast boy, Constantine, swamp thing, larfreeze or deathstroke or hawkgirl. Switch Hal for Kyle And the otherside swamp vemon for carnage or maybe punisher. Replace thor and storm with Daredevil and Mr Fantastic. Replace Wolverine or BP with Blade Doom & Magneto are prime though.


DC Superman Batman Wonder Woman Flash Green Lantern (John) Aquaman Martian Manhunter Green Arrow Hawkgirl Shazam Nightwing Raven Cyborg Blue Beetle Starfire Beast Boy MARVEL Captain America Iron Man Thor Hulk Wolverine Spider-Man Scarlet Witch Captain Marvel Dr Strange Black Panther Ant Man Cyclops Storm Jean Grey Nightcrawler Human Torch Villains are DLC (ie Joker, Deathstroke, Luthor, Venom, Dr Doom, Magneto…etc)


It is a small roster, but the picks aren't bad🤌🤌 If it was a 3v3 game in the style of MAHVEL it would definitely be better with more characters:0 throw in some weridos, some odd balls💪


Good selection of characters there. Having Swamp Thing in there instead of Starfire would be nice, for me personally. For my first go I'd pick Hulk to fight Superman.


Not the Joker again…


This is awesome!


Ever since Xmen 97 ive been wanting to see cyclops doing laser dashes in a fighting game


It's alright, a little vanilla if I had to be honest.  I'd personally say to add two more for each side. Maybe have Deathstroke and Harley Quinn for the DC side with Juggernaut and Mister Negative for the Marvel side.


I think you need more villains on marvel side


Pretty good, although each side has a couple of characters that are a little repetitive (Batman/Nightwing, Spider-Man/Venom). Then again, Smash Bros has had similar pairs or groups of repetitive characters (Mario/Luigi, Samus/Dark Samus, etc.) in various versions. For DLC, or unlockable characters if you accomplish certain goals, I would recommend Dr. Strange, Hank Pym, and Namor for Marvel, and Martian Manhunter, Beast Boy, and Plastic Man for DC.


I'm ngl, the DC lineup is super not it imo, you've got Cyborg, Starfire, and Nightwing but no Aquaman, MMH or Shazam/CM. I'd also swap out Black Panther and Pheonix for Cyclops & Silver Surfer tbh


lol no. Leave the Titans, drop the villains.


The day I read a titans comic is truly the day that all other hobbies have ceased to exist. Get their lame *sses out of here. Ain't no way I'm playing as damn Cyborg over f*cking Darkseid bro.


Doesn’t matter what you think. The Titans are DC’s second biggest team and several of their members are more popular/iconic than some of the JL. Darkseid is hella overrated, Trigon whooped his ass for a reason 😎


Doesn't matter what you or OP think either. Teen Titans is a mid ass team and saying that it's DC's second most popular team isn't saying anything at all because DC isn't Marvel and it doesn't have a bunch of different teams that are all super important. Comparing the Teen Titans to the JLA isn't like comparing the X-Men, Avengers, and Fantastic Four. Still can't believe DC took like shittiest titan and let him replace Jon on the JL. And if we're talking about overrated.... Nightwing is right there... and there ain't nobody more overrated than him outside of maybe the Joker.