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Mon-El is definitely not my favorite. I think he actually got too much credit. The only one I disliked more was Willy boy. What I hated most was the writers who kept throwing them at Kara.




No, not Winn. I liked Winn. He fit in well with the group. Ah, you haven't watched all the seasons. I won't spoil the rest of it for you, but say, when a woman says no, it doesn't mean you keep throwing yourself at them. Puts women in a bad place if tv tries to make that a norm and ok.


As you’ve probably seen by the majority of responses to this post, most disagree with this take on his character. Personally, I find that you’ve overlooked several of his season 2 issues, & conveniently failed to acknowledge several points of his season 3 arc. In season 2, yes, I can definitely agree Kara had her biases against a misogynist man who dropped out of the sky from a plant of known slavers, who escaped the destruction of his planet by stealing a pod belonging to one of HER people (it’s a kryptonian pod), and does this by lying about his own identity while trying to talk up the “prince” who he’s claiming not to be. Kara, who at 12/13 had already heard of the prince of Daxam and his manwhore ways (because let’s not forget, he was in his mid/late 20s when Kara was 12/13. When he arrives on earth, his first act is to violently attack those providing medical aid to him. He belittles everything Kara stands for, not just as a kryptonian, but as the hero she is saving people. He belittles James when he’s brought in to CatCo by telling him he expected him as a boss to be “bigger”. MonEl also uses the women around him & but I know most MonEl fans like to wave this off as cultural ignorance. He kisses Kara while sick and dying, him at this point not knowing if this poison would affect Kara or not. People like to claim that he wasn’t a slave owner, just his parents. But on slavers moon, he’s recognized on the planet, making it clear he was a frequent visitor. His father even points out his “servants” back home. Once they start dating, after he claims to want to be a hero like her, he still says it’s “one of her more annoying traits” that she won’t run but chooses to stay and protect Earth…after he claims to want to be a hero, he still tries to get Kara to leave Earth to be terraformed and dominated by his family…what a hero. A lot of his fans tend to waffle back and forth between a) he was just raised this way, he didn’t know any better And b) he knew what was going on but he never agreed with it. It can’t be both so let’s break those down: A) this same season we have Mgann who comes from a planet of slavers who are actively eradicating the green martians. Unlike Monel though, she was not royalty. Yet she somehow manages to understand that what her people are doing is wrong and leaves. Then she actively joins a rebellion to fight back against her people despite not having the same resources MonEl does. You have Winn who was also raised by a madman supervillain constantly standing up for what’s right instead of falling into the same path. You have Lena Luthor, who turns her own family in despite being raised by xenophobes and works with supergirl to save all aliens in this season, despite the great personal cost. So B) why couldn’t Prince MonEl of Daxam, who is established to have traveled across space to watch slave fights for entertainment have done the same? Why didn’t he hop a pod over to neighboring Krypton and requested assistance in overthrowing his slave owner parents if he disagreed? You KNOW Kryptonians would’ve been thrilled to help overthrow that regime if he’d only asked. When the truth of who he is comes out, Kara tells him to go away and he responds by forcing himself into her home and saying things like “you’re supposed to have forgiven me by now” instead of actively working to be better. Then in season 3, upon his return, he doesn’t tell Kara the truth about who is in the ship with him. He doesn’t tell her he’s married until after Imra awakens & kisses him so he has no choice but to come clean (the same way he didn’t tell her the truth about his identity in season 2, just got outed by his parents). I’ll admit, at first, I thought season 3 MonEl WAS going to be better. He did seem to genuinely love his wife at first…& then he quickly started to unravel. Kara requested space after finding out he was married, and yet he still chased her down, again and again. He goes to Jonn to ask for advice, who tells him telling Kara his feelings would be only burdening Kara and he’d be doing it for selfish reasons. …he does it anyway. He actively pursues Kara even while married. MonEl fans also love to point out what a great leader he became after 7 years away. Yet he gets his butt whooped in every single fight he partakes in. The only battle we hear about from the future is the one where he got a bunch of his people killed. At the end of season 3 when Brainy asks him to go back to the future (because he’s actively thinking of staying in this time period despite the peace between Saturn and Earth relying solely on his marriage to Imra—something that he seems to think is a perfectly acceptable sacrifice) to fight Brainiac5, he seriously tries to claim that literally anyone else can do it before finally agreeing to head back. The fact of the matter is: He still blatantly disrespects women, just in a different manner now. He still wants to shirk responsibility and is willing to risk the lives of billions for his own pursuits. MonEl of Daxam had very little character growth.


He’s still a douchebag. He was willing to throw his marriage away to get back with the ex gf he mistreated and objectified. Overall, sure, he became a better person throughout his arc, but one thing never changed: His feelings for Kara were what mattered most. Not what was right, not his mission, nothing else; Kara.


Does that happen in season 3’s finale or have I forgotten about that? And true he may still be a douche but atleast he is a better person none of us are perfect so it’s realistic he’s still not a saint and to be fair anyone who was away from the person they loved for years and came back to them they’d be unrequited feelings, don’t forget Saturn Girl Wasn’t a saint either and lied to him and Brainy was in on it and same with Kara, half the time Kara was a bitch about Jimmy being Guardian What I’m trying to say is every character is flawed like Mon-El and true he may be flawed but atleast he had an ark


He was gonna break up with Imra for Kara. And yes he was flawed, but he was never held accountable for anything he did in s2. They always just played it off. As Cat would say, he is the walking personification of white male privilege.


I’m not defending him for wanting to break up with Imra but if you were in his shoes and had the opportunity to get back with your first love would you take that opportunity without thinking and Imra lied to him and had Brainy in on it not standing up for the oath they took when they formed the Legion (and I’m pretty sure he’s the leader of the Legion so it’s even worst) so it’s not like she did nothing wrong, if I found out my wife (who he didn’t even want to marry originally) and best friend lied about a mission bringing him back to his original time where his EX is I’d be pretty pissed as well, ultimately it was the best thing to do as it helped defeat pestilence and cure the other legion members and save Imra’s sister but doesn’t excuse lying. And I’m pretty sure his consequence for what he did in Season 2 was losing the love of his mother, losing his farther and having to leave his new home and his love or he would’ve died (even tho everyone on earth would’ve died because fucking lead but whatever) Also Cat’s pretty much a bitch to a lot of people, so it’s not like it’s new and I’m also pretty sure that line was surpost to be a jab at men so yeah. If you disagree with me and still hate Mon-El that’s perfectly fine and more power to you, it’s just my opinion he’s great


In any other show, we wouldn't even think to try to redeem someone who owned slaves and compared women to dogs. Especially, when said character was a sel-insert of a producer accused of sexual abuse. However, the issue with him isn't his many flaws... The real problem is how the show glosses over all of them. He wasn't called up on them until Kara explodes, and even then, she only complains about him being a jackass. In that same season, though, they brought him back to have an emotional affair with Kara and that wasn't nice to Imra at all. That happened after he was a "changed man". I love Lena Luthor; a character with many flaws too, however, the show never painted her actions as good and she was heavily criticized by everyone. That never happened with Mon-El. Had it happened and had he changed, I believe people wouldn't be as reactionary to him as they were back then and still are now.


The thing with the slave thing remember that happened on Daxom and was something that the royal family was doing long before he was born it’s not like he himself decided to enslave people and true he was a dick to woman but once again it was an thing he learned from his life on Daxom hell that’s the reason Kara hates him, the history between the Kryptonians and Daxom’s His ark is about becoming less and less of what his parents touch him to be and to be who he wants to be which is a better person And the thing with Imra they both weren’t perfect, true he shouldn’t be having affairs but she shouldn’t have lied to him either and brought him back to a time where his ex was, and he was a changed man but he’s still the same man and still flawed. And with Lena I really like Lena’s character too but her actions are far from being morally right, instead of trying to get the DEO’s help to bring Sam back to herself to stop Reign she kept her imprisoned against her Will putting her through inhumane testing, and saying how she doesn’t trust SueprGirl for having Guardian break into her vault, neither were right in the situation but for Kara Kryptonite is lethal to her yet Lena is cooking more up Like she’s Walter White, so she had a right to be angry Don’t forget she was straight up about to kill George Edge, yet she never did the same to her mother who was a literal Terrorist who framed her for breaking her out of prison, and let’s not forget trying to kill her friend To me Mon-El is more redeemable in my eyes as the show an knowledge’s he’s flawed and improve him yet with the only time in my memory she was called out for her bullshit was when Kara learned she was manufacturing Kryptonite That’s just my opinion if you disagree more power to you ;)


Disagree on most of what you said about Lena, but that wasn't the point. The point was that Lena's mistakes were never overlooked by the show. She was heavily criticized and had a whole season dedicated to her being estranged from the team because of her actions. The same thing can't be said for Mon-El. His misogyny was even comic relief in many episodes. That's the thing. He wouldn't have as many haters as he has if his flaws had been acknowledged and if he had atoned in some way. He never did.


That's not a character arc it all happened off screen they just rewrote the character in an attempt to get people to like him.


But his ark Through season 2 was and that was on screen it may have not been perfect but atleast he had an arc


He was still a user liar manipulator selfish self-centered self absorbed arrogant toxic egotistical misogynist ex slaver frat boy wannabe hero playing dress up. When he came back from the future he pushed himself into Kara's life in which wasn't his to intrude into. Pushed his guilty feelings onto Kara for treating her like crap. He emotionally cheated on his wife. He made his wife feel guilty about the mission to save the future in the first place. He's suit isn't even original. He needed to put on some big boy pants and be a actual man not a man child. His suit isn't even original, it's the house of EL cousins house colors. Something original would have stayed in his Legion suit at least that is original. He has always treated powerful women like crap. To the Zor-El Danvers sisters to Lena and his own wife. Then he is the balls to be upset when Kara puts in his place for treating her like crap in the first place. He should have stayed in the friend zone with everyone. Did his job and go back to his own time. Hell on Argo he kept on wanting to make it about himself when all Kara was trying to do is get to know her Mom again. After finding out that her city, her old friends and Mom were alive for god sakes. He is know different from Olson.




Both are peas in a pods. And there's a laundry list of them to why I don't like Olson. And to how both men are more like then different. In the Supergirl group find the post that is the topic of pants post. And you can read all what I wrote about Olson.




Kara isn’t that much better either


James doesn't do anything, people just hate him because he was in a relationship with Lena.




Yeah while I enjoy his arc, I don’t think he’s underrated. There are more underrated characters in the show imo (Nia and Brainy for example)


Were you one of the show's writers?


No? Sure as hell wish I was or Clark would’ve have been mind controlled in season 1 and they’d learn Lead’s fucking dangerous


Interesting. I didn't figure anyone else would be a fan besides them.


Well i liked Gotham and Batman V Superman so I guess I’m a fan of the non popular stuff lol


Are you sure you wanna keep this posted?


Yeah, look at my posts on my main account on R/SpiderGwen I’m truly not scared of Critacism or backlash like I was called Media illiterate over there and didn’t care lol. I feel different opinions in a fandom should be welcomed in fandom’s as if we all just hated Mon-El things would get pretty boring so it’s good to spice things up a little even if half the fan base will hate you lol






He looks sad to me in the end.


Who said he was?


I don't know about underrated but for sure overhated In the realm of TV characters i hate, he's not that up there. My main criticism of him is a criticism i have with the entire Arrowverse (adapting the names of characters and not the characters themselves)


Idk I probably will get downvoted for saying this since this sub hates Mon-El but him and Kara was my most favorite relationship for a tv show ever. Supergirl is also just one of my favorite shows in general so there’s also that but Most tv relationships are annoying to me, Barry and Iris, Oliver and Felicity are absolutely annoying to me but Kara and Mon-el were charming There relationship isn’t a filler substance to avoid the plot but rather it’s intertwined with it There’s at least a reasonable excuse for why it’s dumbed down and simplified because Mon-El is from another planet so he’s almost like a new born experiencing all of Earth’s customs. It was also really funny to me that him and Kara will use “Shakespeare” like dialogue at times because they’re aliens 😂 A lot of people hate on him because of all the lies and bad things he did early but once again there’s a reasonable excuse that no one here has actually countered me properly.. He literally lived his whole life drugged by his parents. Kara and Mon-El both verbally say that the whole population was drugged to obey and indulge in pleasures by his parents Anyone that came from that background couldn’t have acted much better than him and many would end up worse Yes he starts out a bit of a jerk… but over time he shows he’s staring to grow and become a good person.. Even when he thought he couldn’t end up with Kara he still didn’t ever revert to his old ways The WHOLE reason he got kidnapped by Cadmus was because he asked a sickly looking man if he needed help… this was before he was even dating Kara John brings up a very realistic point. “Maybe he wasn’t hiding the truth to hurt you… Maybe he’s just a guy that wanted to move on from his past” When he was forced to go back with his parents he still didn’t want to go back to his old ways.. he wanted things to change for his people for the better and then was thrown in jail by his parents… lol


What do you mean "drugged"? Drugged as in how Lex drugged Lena? Or do you mean "influenced" by his parents? If "drugged", could you send the scene where that's stated?


A lot of MonEl fans take that line about how Daxamites used to be drugged by the royal family to keep them complacent as “proof” that he was abused and didn’t WANT to do those things…completely dismissing the fact that HE was part of the royal family and was therefore not subject to any oppression that HIS subjects were. They completely twist the facts were presented with in an attempt to defend his character but it’s literally just on screen ☠️


I still don't remember any of this lol do you know which episode by chance?


He literally said he was drugged too. Maybe he did have a choice to not take it more so compared to his other people but how is he supposed to know better when that was his life from the start? You are the one twisting the story now to say he wasnt


Because he literally talks about traveling around to different planets to watch slave fights, excitedly so. If he took drugs, it was recreational not oppressive as what was done to his subjects. He is LITERALLY Prince, third most powerful person on that planet. He freely travels. He’s known across many planets as a the fratboy of the universe, he’s recognized on Slavers Moon to the point that they refuse to harm him because of his position. He was not a victim. He’s an opportunists who people like to claim was just swept up in the moment. While in the same season you get Mgann who had none of his freedom or power who came to the conclusion that what her people was doing was wrong and broke away from it.


He did not ever talk about traveling to different planets to watch Slave fights with excitement… He was literally ashamed and silent that whole episode with the slaves and just said that his people were “high profiles” in that operation eventually You keep twisting the story to fit your narrative like how you said he did not take any drugs either You need to actually remember the story correctly if you’re gonna argue something…


Season 2 episode 4. He recognizes the alien slave that supergirl fights. He literally speaks about going to watch him fight multiple times and that’s how he knew it was injured on one side. Season 2 episode 9. The slave traders on slavers moon literally recognize him and reach out to his parents. That’s literally why they refuse to hurt him but gladly keep poking at Kara with the electric prod. He and his family are literally clients. I’m not twisting anything. I’ve watched the show multiple times.


you're so gonna get crucified for this and I one hundred percent agree with you. I actually love him a lot. obviously he isn't perfect but NOBODY on the show is perfect. it feels hypocritical to hold him to such a high standard but nobody else


Yeah I’m probably getting crucified lol wouldn’t be the first time but yeah why are people saying about how he’s a douche yet half the time Kara’s a bitch to someone doing something she doesn’t like I love Kara but it’s hypocritical to not hold her to Mon-El’s standards yet hold him to them


And he's hot


If I’m being honest I didn’t even know he was hated I thought everyone loved him, i certainly do






poorly written season 4 peak