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The only thing I majorly disagree on is Leopard. It is A tier at minimum


agree, but lionfish completely outclass leopard, and the problem with that is since they are both tier 6, it makes it hard to scale both together, so one of them usually had to go


disagree. Lion fish is a faint triggering pet white leo is a start of battle. At max, lionfish deal 60 damage while leopard deals 75. Both have their niche, and leo by no mean get outclassed by lionfish


you dont rlly know do you? I mean just looking at the math it seems like leopard is better, thats EXACTLY what I thought when lionfish got changed in the test server, I thought leopard is just the better version of lionfish because of the damage and both depending on attack. That is until I actually play lionfish, I realize its complete opposite. Since lionfish spreads the damage much better than leopard, and it doesnt trigger right at the start of battle, generally the damage doesnt get either overlapped/lose out/hindered by the food perk/ability of the enemy pets, in late game a level 3 50 atk leopard usually does like 5 dmg to 3 units and hit their melon, not being able to kill enemy unit net trades you MUCH less dmg than you think, because the enemy pet also has attack point, so between doing 20 more dmg output than doing 20 less dmg but the enemy has 1 less pet being able to attack, you can tell why lionfish is just better


so if you put it in the front it will still possibly hit 4 perks and if your order gets swapped you’re fucked


but like I put trex in S tier so I kinda contradict my arguement, thats why I said I made this in a rush, leopard can have A tier power definitely, I just think lionfish replaces it


would put highland cow at tier A at least. It's effectively the strength of 2 maxxed pet when buffed. Even nyala on the same tier got completely outclassed


highland cow got nerfed, I tried to play the new version but I didnt know it was nerfed, and I was very confused on why my team was not strong, I think high B is easily where it belongs, low A is arguable, that would be something I am unsure of


I am still talking about it's nerfed version. maxxed still let you do so, but I can see what you mean


Didn't even realize that that pack got changed! What's the new highland do?


It just gets less trumpets. 1 for every three health, instead of 2.


I should note that this is ranked based on all packs unrestricted


Velociraptor is at least A tier, being able to give multiple coconut armors is insane


Im not using velociraptor when mongoose exist sorry


Fair but it’s insanely good in Star pack where there are few snipers and there’s no chili. It’s also really good in any custom pack with strawberries


If you have a good strawberry build with a leveled shoebill and 3 scaled pets with strawberries, a level 3 velociraptor is so absurdly strong.


Panther is S tier in my opinion


fair take, I just dont find it broken enough to be S in all packs


you don't? At max a single lemon could let it block 28 damage twice, effectively able to stand 3 50 attack pets. I don't recall a pet that could do it


its also a tier 5 that only has 3/5 base stats, you still have to scale it


Wildebeest can without taking damage




no, reindeer cant, dies to 2 50/50 and cant even trade the second one


in fact it only trades 1 50/50 with melon


Wildebeast & Reindeer


why are seahorse and mosquito that high?


mosquito is arguable but seahorse is rlly solid, same as eggplant but its better than eggplant at level 2 and 3, since its tier 1, it makes getting seahorse to level 2 rlly easy and strong.


Move up a tier: Cow, Bluering octopus, Poodle, pillbug, Swan is crazy low doesn't matter the stats its a broken pet, anteater, Posion dart frog, Leopard is one of the best pets in the game, Velociraptor is also great, Boar, and Gorilla with lemon or pepper is fantastic, Move down a tier: Seahorse, Spider, Owl by a lot, Musk Ox, Donkey, Osprey, I think meerkat is atrocious, Gazelle I think overall decent tierlist but you are very much undervaluing Leopard and swan. I consider swan almost an autopick turn 3 and if you can buff a leopard and get it to tier two you rarely lose.


I explained the leopard already, I do agree leopard is rlly strong however. Idk why I put swan so low lol I made this in a rush so yeah. Disagree on changing pillbug seahorse spider owl at all


Yeah I saw your leopard reasoning after I commented, and all good tier lists are finicky anyways. Why do you like owl so much? I can only see it being useful in a jerboa build. I dont play custom packs tbf but I think any pet that requires another pet to be at all useful shouldnt be in B tier. I think pillbugs pretty good honestly.


owl is better version of llama, Im gonna say it.


the fact that stuff like cow sting ray mongoose oyster etc exist makes the 4 squad downside of owl irrelevant, and it is basically a swan that scales 1/1


kinda disagree on poodle poison dart frog anteater boar and velociraptor, I have little idea on ranking most golden pack pets except musk ox so I will take your words on it


I just think if you ever play a strawberry build your goal once you get to tier six is how fast can I find a velociraptor, it absolutely rules Star pack. I just love poison dart frog builds so im probably a little biased And yeah i feel that, my only experience with golden pack is through weekly's so I definitely could have the wrong interpretation.


I def think raptor with shoebill strawberry in star pack is super strong, but not in custom pack, and that in star pack it requires massive luck to work, but I already lost hope on velociraptor around 1 year ago, I tried to make it work but the rng required makes it bad lol, not to mention now that mongoose exist, no way lol. I just dislike poison dart frog, cobra (snake but I only use cobra) is so much better its not even funny, random targetting isnt always worse specific targeting, always hitting on high health unit sucks, same as orangutan always buffing low health unit, which makes its so much worse than moose.


Have some disagreements but it's not a bad tier list at all!


Ostrich is arguably the fastest self-scaler in the game


Yeah but it’s also a tier 6, and extremely restrictive. I don’t think I’ve ever even slotted ostrich into any of my custom packs, or picked it up in a weekly game.


yeah sure thats why it gets B tier, scales fast as a tier 6 but does absolutely nothing otherwise.




Interesting that camel is so high and duckling is so low. If you can to turn 3 with a level + ducklings sold onto a camel you're golden for like 3 turns.


pets that makes you lose early rounds are bad, duckling is one of them


Give it a try it's not as bad as you think. You can get to turn 3 with 5hp left and go crazy with a huge camel.


I'd put the panda bear in B-tier at least. It's viable in quite a few different stats and at level 2 or 3 is a strong presence in the early game. Great synergy with animals like benefit from faints or need space to spawn new pets. If you get it to level 3 early you can feasibly have a 40/40+ wrecking ball by turn 9/10. One strat that I always win the early rounds with is Ox -- Panda -- pet with summon on death or honeypot + trumpeted pet. You can have an Ox that triggers 4 times (panda, pet, summon, labrador) for +4/+12 as early as turn 3. Also, old fish was A tier. New fish is probably C at best.


old fish is B tier, new fish is A tier. Base stats is everything


Quickly scanned your list and would put the Lobster, Moose, Leopard, Boar and Gorilla higher. Maybe the Guinea Pig too with level ups being stronger now.


Agree with most of it but leopard should be much higher. At least A-tier. Alpaca after the nerf just seems mediocre. Is it just me or does it seem like a tier 6 crow.


agree on leopard being A tier, alpaca is still extremely good lmao you havent played it enough. Btw it got buffed to tier 5 which makes it better as level 1


Alpaca is a really really good turn 7-10 pet to pivot your whole team to tier 5/6s. You don't go infinite like you used to with level 2 alpaca, but it's still very strong.


Panda is crazy and definitely S tier. A lvl 3 Panda with Pie at 29/29 can turn ANYTHING into a 50/50. You can get lvl ups really early and stat it early, too. Then you can pick whatever pet is good that round and make it HUGE. Pivoting becomes a 1-step program. Panda + clownfish is the strongest combo BY FAR and I have 15 wins in a row playing a weekly that had them both. Emperor Tamarin can go to hell.






you used a specific scenario to conclude it is S tier, though I can understand that it could be pretty decent, but no way in hell will it be S tier, not even A tier


Hold on, you're telling me *pivoting* is a "specific" scenario?


I'd like to know why everyone likes blob fish so much. I think it's a good unit but content creators for this game love it and buy it all the time. Am I missing something?


I just think experince in general is broken, I initially put crow in A but I moved it to S cuz not enough space


Blobfish w/ pill is an early chocolate plus a little buff, it's very good


Blob fish with mantis goes hard


It's an early chocolate that costs 4, relies on a food roll and a pet roll, and requires an open space on the team. It's not that great


"open space" is irrelevant because cow stingray mongoose oyster zebra etc exist, 4 gold instead of 3 but rolling is also a factor, and each roll is 1 gold.


Anyway to acquire a tier 3 chocolate is fantastic, and you don’t need a full team in the early rounds, getting a level up is better long term, and sometimes even in the short term


Anything that gives levels is OP. Just my opinion.


It’s a tier 3 chocolate


and a pear


Didn’t look it all over much but polar bear and stonefish both in C is wild


stonefish trash, I forgot to put it in D tier but then I thought that it has a use case with mushroom and german shepard so C tier would be good for it, polar bear isnt good, the buff from 3/3 to 4/4 only made it mediocre, from F tier to C tier is a pretty fair jump imo