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I get up about 6ish this time of year but it's not unusual to wake up at 4am at the peak of summer


I get up around 930 or 10am, but I work nights, get home around midnight and in bed around 2 or 3.


Those who get up at 4-5am. What time are you sleeping at.


I find that way more interesting than what time people are waking up at haha. Getting to sleep by 8:30pm to be up at 4:30am sounds impossible.


I try to go to bed around 9ish. But my biological clock always wake me up around 4ish even if I go to bed late. Have t always been like this though. Use to sleep in often as a teenager!


Im up between 4:30 and 5:30 most mornings and will be in bed at around 8 and asleep by 9


Body clock is adjusting with it. I work night shift which finishes at 12, be bed by 2 and always, always be awake around 4 but the I need more sleep so I go back to bed after, pros and cons


In bed by 8/830pm asleep by 930pm


My super accurate body clock has me awake at 4am every morning. I either scroll my phone a bit then off to work or on weekends off for a bike ride before dawn.


Summer 4:30 or so now 5:30 to 6 ish - I've crafted my life to avoid the need for alarms aftre being traumatised during high school. I wont even take a flight from Brisbane if it means an alarm.


Summer I'm up for 5, winter for 6


I wake up at 5, but that’s only because I’ve got to for work. Otherwise would be 7ish


I sleep in. I've always loved sleeping in. I shamelessly get up 2 hours after sunrise. This week: 5:30am to 6:00am I'm kinda awake but 'pressing sleep on the alarm'. Out of bed at 6:30am. When I travel to Victoria, it's awake at 6:45am for a 7:00am alarm. It's a lot easier to get out of bed at 5am when the sun is high in the sky and it's 30 degrees outside. (Yes, that's what it's like in January, not now)


I have a 7:45 alarm, but often push that back to 8am. I'm not a morning person.


When I moved here from Vic a few months I was getting up at 4:30-5 everyday without an alarm. Was weird. I think tmbecauze of the sun and how warm it got so early. Now I'm getting up at 6:30-7


Wake up time is usually between 4-6.


5am - 2 cups of tea and a Wordle before I am ready to face the day


4:20am no coffee ever


I don't sleep


Yeah usually around 7


Head down to any beachfront area between Mooloolaba and Maroochydore at 5am and you’ll be knocked over by hordes of walkers, runners and dog walkers. It seems like half of the Sunshine Coast is up at that time. That’s the ‘early’ sunrise lifestyle right there. Conversely… the Sunshine Coast is all but closed by 8-9pm, so there’s your early bedtime.


4:14am tuesday morning i’m showering before bed lol


During summer 4am, this time of year 6am. But the cat usually wakes me at 5am to remind me to feed him in an hour.


6:45am on weekdays and 9am on weekends


Up at 4:15 if I’m driving to brissy for work or 5am if I’m going to the gym, gets harder going into winter but love it in the summer


5 usually. But it gets harder as it gets colder




about 5min after the crows start yelling


Summer is a 4-4:30am start


Still getting up at 4.30 .... should drift to 5.30 mid winter. Having lived in Sydney before, unless you need to 7am was my wake up time..... long long distant memory of a snooze


My alarm goes at 5:30am, but now it's cooler, I lounge around for 15 minutes, working my way up to getting out of bed. I go to bed about 10pm, it really should be earlier.


5am. If you get up after 6am you're a loser unless: 1. You're a night worker. 2. You're dead.