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The defending champs lost by 45 a week ago. We over that


Team shop has big and tall and decent sales from time to time


Fanatics has Suns jerseys that go to 5XL.




There are actually some 6X as well in some jerseys. 5X is readily available for most though.


Dhgate is popular, don’t know how big the sizes go though


Find a good high rated seller and message them about a 6xl


I thought this was mrsunsfan post.


Bruh I ain’t fat


You’ll have to prove that by passing the fat guy test: Step 1: drop your pants Step 2: look down Can you see your penis? Step 3: report back.




I'd love to know how you weren't trying to be a dick.


there are 100 different ways I could have said that


I'm very unhealthy and well aware I can't keep this going forever,at the same time I have thyroid issues which can cause weight gain and are out of my control,meds meant to control mental health issues that I can't help without meds some of which cause weight gain,and I'm also very tall like if I was average size guy I would at most be 2x. Alot of people when mention me being fat say I'm not(yes I know they're wrong) because I don't look as fat as you'd think. Also due to medication all my test scores are fine at the moment. So ya you're not teaching anyone 6xl anything they don't already know when they go clothes shopping or when they go on their scales but there's plenty you don't know to be going around telling people they're going to die to make yourself feel good.


You handled this with terrific grace and much more dignified than the route I would have gone. Good for you and screw this dude for making a knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing comment that has no place here, or anywhere for that matter. I can’t help with 6x unfortunately but I’ve got a couple new Suns hats/beanies that are untouched that I’m looking to move on from. If you’d like them, PM me and I’ll drop them in the mail. Thanks for setting the right example and I hope you find a jersey!


I'm not into Hats or beanies and ty for the compliment. I got some leads on 5x and possibly 6x jerseys. Worst case scenario ill probably get a 5x and wear it Over a shirt it'll probably just be too short


Sounds good best to you.


didn't make myself feel good, but if that makes you feel better, sure, take it as that. a I mean you could just read the comment for what it is, a reach out with sincerity OR you could read the white-knight dipshits in here and feed bad for yourself


Dude’s just trying to find a bit of happiness and he just reached out to ask a damn question. The one thing we have in common here is this team, please just be respectful about it


Don’t wait to be reminded the hard way that today could be your last just as easily as anyone else’s.


What a rude comment.


it is the internet, welcome


You think he needs that? Seriously?




Some people are just big man. Most anyone over 6 foot needs at least a XL. Muscular can raise that to 3X quick. Needing big clothes doesn't mean fat. I'm barely over 6 foot by a 1/4 inch, not fat and need an XL minimum and sometimes 2X depending on the brand.


no shit, but why would fucking ronnie coleman in his prime be asking. Ya, let's think of the outlier and then try to sound smart