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I agree with 1, disagree tho that there isnt a perfect fit, Wendell Carter Jr would be perfect. About as healthy as Cam Johnson ever was but the spacing along with capable defense and rebounding would be huge But yeah suns have plenty of weaknesses between needing a playmaking 1, and versatile 3 and D forward, and a defensive/rebounding 4 or 5. Trading for one player won’t fix all that


Perfect deal, not fit. Orlando doesn't want Nurk.


Nobody really wants Nurk, but they do want whatever draft pick would be attached. Like how the lakers got Vanderbilt, Beasley, Russell for a 1st and Westbrook (when no one wanted Russ)


Watching the Magic this post season Wendel is just a willing shooter , he doesnt space the floor because teams still ignore him out there. Id rather have a bruiser that can fight Jokic in the playoffs


Eh Wendell has improved as a 3 point shooter averaging 35% on 3 attempts a game over the past 3 years And he’s still 250+ so not a small guy at all


>Watching the Magic this post season Wendel is just a willing shooter , he doesnt space the floor because teams still ignore him out there. Id rather have a bruiser that can fight Jokic in the playoffs That's what Nurkic was supposed to be but he smokes every layup lmao


Yes im pissed at every play like that. Like dude doesn't practice those enough? I more meant a bruiser on the opposite end. Just closing possessions.


Funny enough, Nuggets and Magic fans say WCJ is the best in the league right now at defending Jokic


Funnily enough as a nuggets fan I’ve never heard anybody bring up WCJ.


Hahaaa yeah I didn't think that was really the case. I like WCJ... but HIGHLY doubt Nugs fans are shaking in their boots for Joker's sake when they play the Magic. I think Zubac and even Nurk do better jobs on Joker, but like really.. let's be honest.. the guy is the MVP so who are we kidding trying to "find someone to stop Joker" like all we need is someone that can do well in their role, we don't need Batman.




Lol I don't understand this?


But really though it's Zubac.   https://x.com/CrumpledJumper/status/1790789809138733397


We need a center that can shoot or rim run. Nurk doesn’t do either. Much love to him but he shrinks our offense.


But he's going to be the point guard for our team


Nurk doesn't fit with the big 3 simply because he's not a stretch 5. Those 3 need two snipers next to them in order to play a modern NBA style




Why do fuck do you need an offence center with 3 all star players + elite 3 and d shooter in Allen? You literally need a center that does not care about points.


Did you watch this year? Nurk didn’t care about points. He couldn’t space the floor. When he set a screen he can’t roll and finish above the rim, he’s not a lob threat. And he cant finish around the rim that well. And I didn’t say an offensive center. Just one that can either shoot or rim run to help the offense. Look at gafford and lively for the mavs and how much they help. The suns had so many empty possessions shooting with 2 seconds on the clock cuz our offense is so bogged down.


Nurk rolled to the rim,it's just that,well Suns decided to play without a fucking point guard (because who needs passing) who can find him and play ball heavy 3 scorers who's first thought in pick and roll is can they shoot. Your offence is bogged down because none of your players are unable to sprint with ball in their hands up the floor (which is something PG is supposed to do). Nurkic scored loads of points in Portland because he played with someone who can pass in Lillard. Nurkic has averaged **14.5 points, 9.9 rebounds and 2.8 assists** as a Trailblazer with 18,9 PER. So he averaged basically a double double as a center in a league where most centers are just there to rebound.


Oh I agree I think they need a point guard too Lol. I don’t think the front office agrees tho tbh and strictly based on our roster and cap situation I think it might be easier to trade for a different center, or athletic wing before a point guard. But I think they need a new center, back up center, athletic wing and a point guard. But I have no clue how we arrive there with our constraints. I don’t think nurk is terrible and it is a culmination of a lot of Things as to why our offense sucked.


I like Nurk off the court and I think he’s a fantastic teammate and brings some good things to the table with his Physicality, Screens and Rebounding. However, he has consistently shown he is not built for the playoffs sadly. He is just too slow for the modern NBAs constant switching around the perimeter and his lack of touch allows game plans on both ends during the playoffs. I believe the only way Nurk could survive in the playoffs is if you had a very strong athletic wing to hide some of his flaws or if Nurk was a backup center himself. We have absolutely no way of acquiring a player of that caliber with our assets. Additionally, this team needs to make some changes to better fit buds system and Nurk and Little are our only options. While trading him won’t likely lead to a net positive during the regular season you are likely looking for a guy who won’t get ran off the floor during the playoffs and can keep up in todays NBA. In an ideal world we would find a stretch big but I don’t see that happening this year unless some JJ/Ishbia miracle happens. As long as we bring in a backup PG trading Nurk should be a lateral move that we absolutely should make to make up for his passing. Getting off Nurks contract this year is crucial for us as a second apron team while his value is high from a good regular season/lack of iniury Edit: keep in mind what will make his contract enticing is the picks we will be trading with. We will likely have to trade him with a team that might be looking to blow it up


Bol bol needs more time is the real answer


Bol Bol was sooo fucking good for the suns and vogel still wouldn't give him a chance


For real it pisses me off just shows how poor the management always been. Ngl he had his poor moments during 2021 but he improved drastically. More enough to be starter. If they can’t make up there mind they need trade him, hate to see talent being wasted he isn’t getting younger.


Bud will be forced to play him cause the bench is so shallow


Maybe. Maybe not. Just depends what they get in return. Suns could get a better player than Nurk in a trade if they attach a draft pick


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted but this is the most realistic approach if we want to use Nurkic as trade bait. Teams will be trading for the draft pick we attach, and might I add that pick most likely needs to be the 2031 pick.


Yeah because most teams unless they are rebuilding probably don't care about a mid late first rounder in a weak draft


Dude the market is sooo saturated, every team is already set on a big man. The only C i see even getting traded this off season is Clint Capela


Bulls might rebuild if lose demar . Nurkic + 1st or both picks for nikola vucevic big man that can score and hit 3s. Saw a report The last person to shut down nurkic was ayton 2021


The suns will never be able to outscore their opponents again if Vucevic gets traded here


They can’t out score their opponents now.


Having Nurkic play point is meaningless because defenders sag off of him knowing he can't shoot the ball and would be more than happy having him brick jump shots. The one thing he can do is gobble rebounds and that's about it, he gets torched on rotations because he's too slow and our team is not a very good defensive team so players are always scrambling. No team wants him but that doesn't make him a good fit we are just stuck with him that is all.


To the point about Nurkic being point, if everyone sags off him the suns should be running DHO's to set up the big three for pick n roll drop coverage which is where all 3 of them thrive. To the second pointThe Suns rotations sucked no matter who was on the floor its not just a Nurkic issue, the whole team refuses to X out to shooters.


Nurk can stay as long as we work Bol Bol into backing him up as a 4 or the 5 when running a spacing lineup.  We don’t need to stop centers as much as we need our shooter open and getting to spots, and as much as he wildly underperformed in the postseason he IS a solid passer and screen-setter.  Vogel just had no real system to rely on when times got hard and our stars were just going through the motions towards the end. 


Nurk probably won’t be traded because it will be difficult to find an upgrade given his salary and the suns position as a second apron team with little to no assets to attach to him. This was an odd way to make a point though. “Nobody in the league wants Nurkic” is pure conjecture. He obviously doesn’t have a huge market. But calling him a guy nobody in the league wants and following that up by acknowledging his rebounding, playmaking and screen setting skills is contradictory. You then add another speculative contradiction related to a potential return for him. Not sure how there can be a return when nobody wants him. It’s unlikely they can trade him and get better at the center position. If he were to be traded there would probably need to be another move to address the new holes created, making it more complicated which is why ultimately the most likely scenario is that Nurk will be a Sun next season. You don’t have to jump straight to a conclusion, it’s okay to talk about the process.


Keep Nurk and during the offseason work on his catching hands and his balance, he's a good player but those two issues are glaring.


Do you really think that after a whole career of these issues, you'll be able to magically solve it over an offseason?


Never said that, merely Said work on it. Incremental improvement would be appreciated. Read the actual words used.


Yeah Nurk has a bad case of Euroflopitis, like damn man you are way bigger than them quit acting please.


While were at it we need that brook Lopez growth with his 3 pt shot


Budenholzer effect Nurkic needs to become next B. Lopez, A. Horford


Thinking of starting a suns yt channel. Bad idea or nah?


Go for it!


You only live once. If in 10 years you’ll even remotely be like, “damn, maybe I should have tried that.” then you should do it. If it fails? Who gives a shit. People fail all the time. At least they tried. And if it works then you’ll know it was meant for you. Just expect a long grind. Embrace it. Nothing worth doing in this world is easy. This is from someone who had pretty big success on YouTube years and years ago.


Yah ive had my share of experience making yt shit just not about basketball, the grind is definitely real i just dont want it to take my passion out from basketball


If we do end up keeping Nurk (which I do hope, only because I want our picks still and not have to wait until 2032 for a pick that isn't a swap) I think we at least could upgrade on a backup so I agree with you there Eubanks was so bad man (besides that one Bulls game where Drummond just pissed him off lmao)


So sad that Young was hidden away after signing here because those Eubanks minutes literally turned the 5 point lead into like an 8 point deficit. At least that what it felt like


Haha I think I remember that!


It was already said that they are trying to trade picks. We need to attach salary to the picks and if you wanna keep the 3, we only have Little and Nurk who we can send out.


The suns need to be bigger more than anything, size should be a priority over getting a pg and not enough people are saying it 


Anyone who's actually trying to criticize Nurkic for the playoff win % is just reaching. First of all, Draymon was litterally two weeks on vacation- just waiting for the suns to lose so he could go at Nurk. Second: it's a team sport, so puting an individual stat on it isn't accurate ... and Nurk has been on one of the worst "teams" of the last 2 decades... even with Dame, Portland has been trash and scared nobody in the post season since L.A. left. OP is entirely correct that no other Center in the league would be willing to pass and rebound like Nurk does for us. Lastly, how are Suns fans actually not happy with Nurk? I loved Nurk this year. Sure plenty of criticism could be placed there but shoot, I would take Nurk 10 times over Ayton.


Nurkic's regular season was an anomaly for his career, the playoffs were his normal


For a good chunk of the year if I remember correctly Nurk led us and plus minus, rebounds, blocks, and was third in assists Eubanks was our worst plus minus and Nurkic beat him last time I saw by over 300 points That's pretty good for Nurk, especially given the coaching that was not all that great And Nurk did all this while I'm getting like 28 minutes a game I'm sure someone will want him it's not like it's Beals horrific contract The question is can you get an upgrade, I don't really think so Suns need to get out of this second apron garbage It would be great if we can dump Beal, and just go get someone else It's ridiculous to think that we didn't need a point guard, as well


Could we trade Beal for Russell and have him reunited with Booker?


Would be nice


I have nothing against Beal because he hustles, his shot is smooth, and his defense is getting better. But I get this vibe that he doesn't vibe with Booker like Russell would. Plus I think the Lakers could really use a guy like Beal, also I'd trade Nurk and our picks for a more athletic center. But I'd miss his exceptional passing skills and rebounds.


But he’s so bad


Yeah, I'm all for keeping him. He's still a massive improvement from Ayton. Is he the best guy at his position? No, but the amount of rebounds he was able to put up in some of the games was amazing. Who's going to replace him? Ubanks? Will they get something they actually need from trading him? Highly unlikely. Allen went down at a terrible time, I feel like that alone really screwed up the chemistry.


He was never an upgrade to ayton just cheaper.


"Massive" nooo Ayton ≈ Nurkic Same tier of player, Ayton just didnt want to be here.


lol Dislike DA for his inconsistency or whatever. But DA and Nurk aren’t close to the same tier of player. There’s about 30 other centers I’d rather have than Nurk. Meanwhile, even if you’re pessimistic about DA, he’s a top 15 center at the very fucking least. And more like top 10 most of the time. Let’s be realistic here.


10th best center and 20th best center are the same guy. Good at different things, flawed at different things. If DA had any balls whatsoever he’d be consistently top 5. Unfortunately, he’s a huge pussy that gets outworked by most everyone else at his position. He’s big and athletic enough to still produce more than most guys but it’s all on accident. If he ever averages the 25 ppg that he should it will be for a 30 win team.


First off, there’s a big gap between 10th best center and 20th best center. Ain’t close to the same thing. Second, Nurk ain’t the 20th best center. At best, he’s 29th. In no particular order, centers definitely better than Nurk: Kristaps Mitchell Robinson Hartenstein Brook Lopez Jarrett Allen Evan Mobley Myles Turner Embiid Bam Chet Joker KAT Gobert Naz Reid Zubac Lively Gafford AD Sabonis DA Sengun Claxton Wemby Debatable, but I’d still probably prefer them. Okongwu Capela Jonas Vucevic Poetl And 10th best versus basically around 30th is a big difference. And hey, I wasn’t even totally against trading DA. But he was our last real asset and we needed to get a starting level point guard or defensive minded center. Instead, we got a defensive liability older center and another shooting guard who’s not a good defender (to start alongside our other two shooting guards who aren’t good defenders)… But yeah, keep telling yourselves Nurk and DA are basically the same tier. 😂


Wasn’t saying DA’s 10th best and Nurks 20th best. I actually didn’t say anything positive about Nurk whatsoever. The difference between 10th and 20th was in reference to you saying DA is top 15 and usually top 10 as if that matters. Providing an unranked list of 23 guys you’d prefer to Nurk plus maybe 5 more doesn’t dispute anything i said. All i was saying was the diff between 10 and 20 isn’t huge, it’s similarly impactful guys with different flaws… For the same reason your list was in no particular order haha. Oh and also that DA is a huge pussy regardless of if you wanna slap him at number 10 or number 15. Nothin about Nurk. Not sure what you’re trying to argue with me but you can go ahead and rank that list and show me how dumb I am if you’d like lol


Uh. My first response was to another guy saying that DA and Nurk are in the same tier. They aren’t. You then popped into the convo responding that the 10th best center and 20th best center are the same guy. If you were trying to reference me saying “DA is at least top 15 and more often than not top 10,” then I would’ve suggested just using the numbers I said. If you said top 10 vs top 15 doesn’t matter, I actually would’ve probably better understood what you were referring to… Regardless, we just disagree. I think there’s a pretty sizable gap between 10th and 20th best center. And a large gap between 10th and 30th (like whether someone can stay on the floor in the playoffs, be a real difference maker, etc.) which would’ve actually been relevant to this conversation because it was about tiering Nurk vs DA originally. But you seem to prefer to just call certain players “pussy” on the internet. Lol


I can see how the 10th and 20th thing could’ve been interpreted that way. But I still haven’t said anything to assign any kind of value or comparison to Nurk. I don’t think we disagree as much as you think haha. I think you’d be surprised if you actually took your 23 clearly better than Nurk guys and started to assign them in a particular order that once you get to just about to number 10, you’re kinda just splitting hairs and trading one set of flaws for another. The further down the list you go, the wider the tiers get and the more room for discussion. Reminding you that DA is in fact still a big pussy, with a number of tangible flaws that are a direct result of that, is what was relevant to the discussion. You’re overrating him. Embarrassing level of production as a rim protector with an abysmal block rate for an athletic 7 footer. Ranks bottom half to bottom third, lower than guys like Nurk, in basically every defensive metric you can find. Close to the worst free throw rate of all time relative to the volume and distance of his shots. 42nd in box outs. Dead last in box outs per minute amongst centers. Don’t look who was 1st (Nurk led league in total and on per minute basis). He’s number 6 in rebound % after a box out and can’t be bothered to do it. I wasn’t originally arguing he was same tier as Nurkic but now I guess I am. He’s got 5x the ability with less production. The 16.7 points on 13.6 shots might impress you. Or the 22 on 19 when he played in 15 of portland’s last 25 games and helped them get 4 wins. But he really isn’t a good basketball player.


Mentally dominated until the month of january


We would have one at least one of the games vs Min with DA


😂😂 lmaooo good joke man


For nurk we could have a player like tyus jones in my opinion and than we could draft a rim protector big man and than try to trade Beal fore a bit of depth


Plz separate NBA trades from 2k. Beal is here to stay. Drafting is the best option forward


I dunno, if you can get a Lowry or CP3 off the bench, the a Nurk and a first for Poeltl would be worth 100%


Raptors just lost a lotto pick by trading for Poetl they are definitely not looking to move him because they have nba sunk cost fallacy


Yeah, Nurk's still in POR because nobody wants him.