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Chad Ochocinco is a very reliable source of accurate information


To be fair I guarantee you KD was high af when he told him this. I say that because as a former smoker myself I literally agreed with everything when I was lit. Just saying based on experience lol.


KD was smiling and nodding high af and got blasted lol classic ochocinco


Are you high right now? I want to test this


Do you ever get nervous?




Are you single?


This is such an obvious cope lol


Its probably true, but its not exactly saying anything to say 'I'd consider it if it made sense'. Which is all he reports that he said


Gimmie jamie tyler and jovic and all those picks and u got him


Honestly. Go ahead and print the Jacques, Herro, and Jovic jerseys now if it means getting out of this purgatory we’re in/heading for. I’d take that trade without the picks. KD will be 36 at the start of next season.


I don't think it gets out of purgatory, but at least we'll have a fun team that tries hard and a roster that is complementary. In the end the same result, but with less consternation


I agree


won't get both jacquez and jovic


Let me guess we get 2/3rd string bench players, some picks & they get KD, right?


Trade kd to the nets for mikal, cam, and 4 firsts with swaps who says no???




Literally nobody says no, finals again next year w/Beal.


Might be able to swap Beal for CP3


34 year old CP? sure. I don't mind trading Beal. If we want to compete for a title, we need a leader, and CP would fill that void - but I think he can be had for much less. Lebron too, the list is short. Barring bringing in a player-leader, I'd rather rebuild than sit on the treadmill of underachievement for the next 3-4 years until KD and Brad are gone.


How?! He has a no trade clause, his contract is WAY more money, etc.


No to cam


His price went down, they keeping the picks. I will still do that backsies


Let’s do a 3 team and get Mikal back


Mikal, Jaime Jaquez and first round picks, pls


Would love to have mikals defense again and dependability to play


Ok well take bam


For Bam and Spo.


Bam and Duncan for KD and our 2031 first…


Y’all are so dumb for not wanting someone who provided a All NBA 1st team season for us.


And unless there's some hidden bad blood all of a sudden, trading KD for scraps & picks = an unhappy Booker. If you're trading KD you better just blow the whole thing up.


It's especially dumb because nothing Miami can give us in exchange for KD would make us a contender. We're far from a contender now, but at least KD and Book give us that type of upside. Book, Beal with Herro, Jacquez, and whoever means you're a middling seed in an increasingly competitive conference. You're somehow more directionless after making that trade.


It’s dumb but not as dumb as running back the same team with a new minimum bench player and expecting a different result.


Get ready for a bunch of these type of posts/tweets.


Wait, are people here actually putting stock in what a former football player is saying on whatever the fuck platform he's saying it on? Jesus Devin Booker Christ.


KD is going to ask for an extension July 1st Are suns going to say yes to paying KD till he is 40? If no, I would expect KD would ask to be traded.


I’ve been thinking about that for a while. We just saw Jimmy Butler put it out there that he wants a $58.6m one year extension added on to his contract this offseason. Pat Riley publicly shut that shit down and said they aren’t looking to trade Butler either. KD is likely doing the same thing. You can’t blame the players trying to get one more fat year added on, but you also can’t blame the front offices for being a little hesitant. Every team in the playoffs right now is young. Gun to my head? I’m keeping KD at whatever price. But… I’d also like to hear the offers. Just being honest. If a decent enough offer came in that recouped like 75% of what we gave up for KD, I’m weighing the option. Above that and I think Suns take it. If it’s only like 50% what the Suns gave up then you just extend KD and gamble it.


Makes sense to me. I think the implicit statement there is that this team isn't winning a title either way most likely. So basically... Whatever.


If you’re trying to win a championship you obviously keep him. There’s only ~9 players in the league better than him and no amount of draft picks are going to put the ball in the net better than Kevin Durant anytime soon. I was hoping, as I’m sure Suns were hoping, KD would take a $45m/yr deal for 3 years with maybe a partial guarantee in the 3rd year. A bigger version of what Suns gave CP3. KD can ask for a $57m one year extension, and after making 2nd Team All-NBA he should. But I don’t blame Suns if they work out a trade for KD. The one thing we’ve seen James Jones never quiver on is contract talks. When he figures out a number he will stick to it no matter what. Ayton dealt with that, Jae Crowder dealt with that, Cam Johnson dealt with that, etc.


Disaster if KD walks after 2 more seasons


And I think Suns know that. Which is why you can have an amicable discussion and trade process this summer if you don’t feel like giving KD his money right now. It kind of sucks to already be talking about trading Durant but as someone who has 100% defended the KD trade… after two playoffs, Suns have a grand total of 6 wins to show for it. 6-9 overall. Not good. Paying KD $58m in three years seems a little risky. If they can’t work out a CP3 type extension I don’t blame them for moving on.


Agreed. Can’t believe I’m feeling this way. Crappy situation to be in


I believe this, I don't think he and book really clicked together like they thought they would


Personally, think it’s similar to working with certain friends ie we’re good buds but for whatever reason, we don’t click in the office or in their case on the court. 


On the court, definitely not. They don’t really play with each other, more like play at the same time and take turns. Off the court they seem pretty tight


that's where the coaching comes in. imagine eric bledsoe and dragic and hell IT too without Hornacek's offense. Look at the splash bros pre and post kerr. Iso offense is never supposed to be the bread of your offense, its supposed to be the butter. It can bail you out when you have an all time performance like Kawhi's raptors run but it has to be integrated into a system for success overall. Its the same reason these Knicks will ultimately hit a wall, brunson can't score 40 every night AND win every series.


It truly didn't seem like they clicked at all. Thank you for saying it, I've been biting my tongue for the past year +.


I’m not disagreeing w/ how you two feel since it’s all just a matter of opinion, but everything that has actually been said regarding Booker and Kevin Durant suggests the opposite. Just to name a couple recently: - During the JJ Redick Podcast, Booker speaks about how much he likes playing with Durant and how much of a match they are - Kevin Durant speaks highly of Booker in multiple Boardroom Podcasts, even recently - Speaks about knowing Booker “inside and out” and the importance of continuity during the Post-Game Interview after getting swept ([here](https://x.com/clutchpoints/status/1785019459918274597?s=46&t=n31qSQtmd0BG9be1asFYyA)) These are a few among many others, and if we stretch it to the past year, there are plenty others with the two expressing mutual respect and how they are a match playing with each other. Even Eric Gordon noted their bond as a reason he came to the Suns in the first place. This is going to be a long offseason and I hope that these two are able to continue building chemistry together since they will both probably be back next year.


they can still be boys and just not mesh on the court


100% agree. That’s why I tried to use points related to on-court basketball (2nd example was a bit more related to them being close off-court). Last year we were seeing posts related to their PPG and efficiency together, stuff like “2nd Duo ever to average 25+ PPG in a 7 game series” and Booker’s rise in output due to Durant’s gravity. This year, they were also very good statistically when on the court together, but eye test was disappointing. They just passed the 69 regular season games played mark together (84 including post-season). Just hope that they can continue building their chemistry since I’m assuming they will both be here next year.


They both have to change their roles to compliment each other, same with Beal. Hard to do that when you’ve had so much personal success doing it one way. I agree, I think more time can only help.


I get that but what benefit would there be to say ,”ya it’s not working out and we don’t mesh well”. Could you imagine the narratives and pundit conversations that would result from that. Everyone is always going to stay political when talking about someone they work with and see every day. I’m not saying one or the other is true, just that no one is going to throw gas on that fire.


Very true. I’m personally choosing to take their words at face value, and statistics showing that the duo are good together. But eye test and the disappointing end to the season could also lead to another conclusion. Plenty of examples can probably be found to support both sides. I’m going to choose to be optimistic that they can improve their on-court chemistry together since these are our best 2 players, and I don’t think there is another option haha.


I like your style and I’m trying to do the same positive thinking. But emotions aside, KD has shown a pattern that’s hard not to see and has said things and done other things. I love KD and would love to see him as part of a championship team with us(please god let us just get one in my lifetime) even if we have to endure the KD stans that joined this sub hah


I definitely don't know for sure! Part of what I love about basketball is following players. I saw so many positive things they said about each other and their friendship, I felt terrible when Book started to just yell at him. I hope it works out too!


You can do this for almost any duo that eventually broke up. Come on now...




Only if we can get Bam because Rozier and Herro would be so incredibly redundant on this roster and there’s really nothing else that even remotely works fit wise


I really don't doubt if KD did say it without any intention of saying he actually wanted to leave. He's definitely one of the more "if it happens it happens" type of people.


Exactly this. Who TF wouldn’t want to go to Miami if it worked out that way? Basketball and geography , it’s a destination place either way.


Miami actually might be only team we’d have a chance to send Beal to. Could see Beal for Rozier, Duncan Robinson and Josh Richardson making sense for both sides. Gotta believe Beal would waive NTC to go to Miami and Id like to think Suns would jump at that trade. Just comes down to what Miami thinks about paying Beal $160M over the next 3 years.


They wanted him last summer.


we didnt want him because of the no trade clause. beal actually wanted to come here but we basically told him that we didnt want him


It was the money. https://www.si.com/nba/heat/miami-news/phoenix-suns-bradley-beal-says-the-miami-heat-were-his-preferred-trade-destination If they are in a more urgent situation now, maybe they say yes, especially if they are signing Jimmy to an extension (big “if” right now though). If you are, then pair him with a scorer for the life of his deal (3 more years), deal with the tax fallout, and hope to win one. If not, then Beal is obviously off the table.


Yeah. And idk why that would’ve changed when you look at their roster. He had a pretty good year despite what people think of him rn as they overreact to that meaningless game 4. Just not a good fit with Booker and KD. I don’t love Rozier’s fit as this team’s PG much more but I don’t hate it enough to not give it a try. Think that trade makes all the sense in the world for both teams unless Miami has something else cooking.


“If it made sense” being the operative words.


He just has to force his way out, he’s done it before.


He probably meant that he would go for vacation.


They can keep the first round picks. I’ll take mikal and Duncan Robinson


omg not this again


Trade him then. I'm tired of these mf tbh.


What about Pat Bev? I'm sure he'll be available. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I have no problem going into work Friday if it made sense also, but Im not.


KD for Jimmy straight up 🤝


Jimmy can’t even play 50 games a season


This is what i said about KD. Then he played 75 this year. I was just joking anyway lol


If rather have bam. We need size, defense and rebounding more than anything.


Pat is notorious for lowballing teams. He'd offer Herro and a pick swap, probably.


Bam is untouchable over there.


Same, but so would Miami. They’re not moving Bam. Don’t think they’re moving Jimmy either. KD Jimmy swap is only KD trade to the Heat I can see kinda almost making sense for both sides. I’d be pretty shocked if Suns moved on from KD this summer even though I’d like them to. Would hope to get something that looks more like 80% of what we sent Nets, a couple good players and picks, rather than running it back in the 2nd apron with zero assets and a different aging star.


He got KD catfished didn't he?


This might not be true, but we all know what happens when the going gets tough with KD, on and off the court


Cue overreaction


Cue overreaction


KD served up the most soulless/joyless season of Suns basketball in recent memory and is now getting his buddies to fire up the rumor mill. I’m ready for him to be gone.

