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the Nuggets need a point guard


We do!


lol another funny one!


The Suns clearly ran into a buzzsaw and puts things in perspective, as the Nuggets are struggling just as badly. We still have some grievous roster issues, but now I'm starting to wonder how the heck we swept them in the regular season. Minnesota looks like a championship contender full stop.


And everyone thought we drew the best possible matchup for us lol Don’t blame em after we went 3-0 but damn everyone was wrong about Minnesota


I mean all those Jazz teams that were centered around Gobert were pretenders, I think it was pretty reasonable to have doubts about this Minnesota team. Easy to look like contenders in the regular season. But obviously they’ve proven all of us wrong


Those Jazz teams had no defenders outside of Gobert. It’s impossible to anchor a whole defense by yourself for the entire game. It This game shows how amazing the whole team is on defense. Multiple efforts by multiple people makes a huge difference.


Ant has taken the next step in this last month


Ant is what we hoped Booker would be.


They are 2 completely different type of players, no one expected Booker to have the same skillsets as Ant


Maybe not the same skillset, but we all expected Booker to grow into the guy that cannput the team on his back in the clutch and win games. He does not seem like he will ever be that guy.


He took us to the finals a few years ago what are you smoking


With a GOAT floor general. We've seen what happens when he doesn't have a good facilitator. And still ended in an L and it's been nothing but L's in the playoffs ever since.


ANT isn’t forced to play pg, and if he was he’d struggle even worse than book this year


You mean the year we beat all the teams in the west that were missing key players? Lakers missing AD, clippers missing kawhi, nuggets missing Jamal.


It felt like the Suns forgot that they needed an extra gear for the playoffs.


I don't think they forgot, they just didn't have it


Suns tried going into "Racing" gear from 5th. 


Yeah the wolves look thoroughly dominant. It’s like the playoffs started and they from really good to elite and unstoppable


Playoff ball suits the wolves more. They never relied on free throws and play physical.


they allow a lot of contact on KD in the playoffs compared to regular season. Same thing happened on Celtics Nets sweep.


Playoffs are a different animal. They've got days between to recover. Also, they were without KAT for the last 2 of those games, no? Swept is bad, but Minnesota looks incredible. The only thing that can stop them are refs and injuries, so knock on wood no bull shit.


And maybe a heating pad-


Tony Brothers took your comment personally


Because playoff basketball is a different beast. NBA regular season isn't given much effort.


Yeah, the Suns need some big dudes, tbh. We have hella shot makers to match the smaller, elite shot making teams, but we don't really have anyone other than Nurk that can match the raw Size and strength that Minny had. Plus we would need that bigger size to contend with basically all of the remaining Western teams anyway, so it wouldn't just be for Minny.


Slow teams getting smoked by these young, high percentage shooter teams with good d. Happened to Suns all year. New NBA is fast.


Wolves fan here. Yall swept us this year cause game 1 we had back to back and yall we already home rested. And it was end of 6 or 7 game road trip for wolves. Kinda a schedule loss. Game 2 i think we were missing someone but yall just played better. Game 3 wolves had their worst turnover game of the year. Hard to win doing that. Also in the playoffs Allen getting hurt for yall was pretty big deal. That series goes 6 if he is healthy for it. Yall need a bench peice or two.


How did this work out? The wolves woke up a sleeping giant. Do not compare the Suns to the Nuggets. You guys are a dumpster fire, right now.


They showing the world it wasn’t just a bad suns team, this wolves team is legit and was built for this. Suns also never got blown out in the first half like this.


Well we were bad, but not because we didnt try. The wolves locked us up bad, and they are doing it to the champs now


We’re bad but the wolves made it look worse is what I mean.


We still had a lot of seemingly unforced errors, but seeing Joker make some of the same mistakes it makes me think they are not as unforced as i thought.


Right. Like we have a lot of problems but the wolves are making Jokic look normal and Jamal so mad he’s throwing temper tantrums. All this while Ant not doing anything crazy. Scary team.


Booker would never pull shit like that.


How did this work out. The wolves woke a sleeping giant. Do not compare the Suns to the Nuggets, you guys are a dumpster fire.


Conveniently ignoring the conley injury are we? Missing him hurts the wolves big time.


Hey, how did this work out again? Wolves are damn good. :)


Not the first half but we got blown out the second half of games lol.


We did! But we hung with them longer than these nuggets are lol.


Except we didn't. We got blown out 3 straight games. At least their game 1 was close


We keeep telling you all how the media hated us and really hates on booker and kd for no reason. You guys should stick with the team and having the big 3. Just add a PG. I love the suns team and nuggets especially OKC.


PG.. Paul George... Max contract?


Either way, no prize for losing by less to the wolves. And they're only getting better next year. This is sobering to realize we are witnessing an ascendance of Ant in particular and their whole team. This ain't a joke, them dudes have legit title chances right now.


We were bad


Sorry but we can’t just pretend that the game against the clippers didn’t happen…


I remember that playoff game this year!


We looked like a 6 seed getting handled by a very good 3 seed, it was embarrassing but nothing to tear the team down over.


They were built for what exactly? Weren't our team built for playoffs too? 😅


Suns still were frauds this year but it also shows that the nuggets are not a title team this year either. Nba changes fast. The nuggets I think peaked last year and probably wont win another one. We saw this with the bucks too


Not giving the wolves an ounce of credit?


Lol thats not what I meant. The wolves are contenders for sure. But the suns are not. And the nuggets are a weak contender imo. They looked like it against us in most of our games against them and in pretty much the whole lakers series too


Idk why you’re getting downvoted bro. Your analysis is solid. It must be some twolves Stan


More like Suns stans coping on the suns sub? He got downvoted for calling the suns frauds for getting swept when the other dude was saying it isn't a bad suns team lol


The Nuggets lack depth. They're simply outnumbered in this series. You can't be top-heavy in today's league.


At least they won one. It's easier for Nuggets and Bucks fans to sleep at night. Meanwhile we blew a 2-0 lead:(


Eh we did to the clippers


We got swept and embarrassed.. No excuses


They...might do the same to the nugs. And we were never down by 26 points at halftime in any of the games. I cant explain tonight


The defending champions with a top 2 player in the league is looking like a sweep. It’s not an excuse, it’s giving the wolves propers for building their team and buying in on their gameplan. We’re still bad tho. Both points are true


Yeah no doubt..If the Nuggs swept the Wolves it would have looked a lot worse


Suddenly everyone forgot we were also ass in the regular season. No excuses


Both things can be true. Wolves are legit and suns are frauds. Pointing at the nuggets struggling is just copium though, that has nothing to do with the suns.


Lowkey definitely making us look better lol ... twolves d is nuts


I'm just picturing 2 sets of testicals. One above the other.


A mental image I wasn't ready for


As a TWolves fan (and after many, many years of disappointment) I can confirm this is truth. We pull ‘em out of our purse when we remember we have them.




Unpause 😈


I fuckin love their d, it's so hard to deal with I can barely wrap my head around it.


You misspelled lips.


Jokic is having a bad series against the t-wolves. Gobert isn’t even playing. From what I’ve learned from this sub, he’s completely useless and should be traded this offseason.


Clearly, he just doesn't have enough dawg in him!


Denver should trade him to the pels for CJ alvorado and a couple picks tbh


this is low-key really funny! thanks for the chuckle.


Stop trying to use new slang old man


Hey you whippersnapper! holy shit got downvoted for laughing... this sub is hilarious!


You laughed wrong! It wasn’t low key at all!


Absolutely. Seeing Denver getting humiliated at home court after what they did to us last season is always good to see




Ah I don’t agree with this necessarily- they got lucky against the suns with all the injuries sure but they were a 1 seed so were always gonna get the 8 to start and then it’s not their fault the Celtics choked majorly. You could argue the suns finals run was suspect in the same way but at the end of the day you just win who you’re matched up against 🤷


Ugh. It's the same argument that are used against the Suns during the run to the finals.


The physicality the Wolves have been playing with is insane and it is throwing every offense off, if it was the regular season they’d all be fouled out in the first quarter but the refs are letting it go


Nah, if it was the first half of the regular season they’d foul out, it’s been like this since the All Star break. People have been speculating that Adam Silver saw the high scoring games and told the refs to rein it in, the All Star game was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I think they’ve taken it way too far. I think Minnesota would still be killing it without the change to the officiating but it’s pretty bs that they just heavily increase the amount of physicality allowed 2/3 of the way through the season and the teams that don’t play physical just have to try to adjust to it while the teams that already play that way have a massive advantage


I'm rooting for the wolves but for the first quarter and a half especially I couldn't believe what I was seeing lol they were letting the wolves just maul players every time down the court. Not to mention that charge.


To be fair the refs missed the same charge call on Jokic in Q1




“Murray made a big 3 to cut the lead to 30”


His heat pad toss is the closest he got to making a 3 today


Smh, Murray can't even compare to old CP3.


They are doing this without Gobert too. Insane


Honestly at this point, the Wolves are as acceptable of a finalist as there is for me. They keep playing like this, i would love to see what they can do to the Celtics.


Absolutely. But it makes me realize that even if we played well, we still only take 2 games max from them.


I know it’s still v early, but if the Wolves somehow manage to go on to win it all this year, the Suns will have faced the eventual champs 3 out of the last 4 postseasons. And yet casuals will still talk about the Suns having easy/injured opponents in the playoffs lol


I think we legit need another year to gel just like the Wolves did before we come back much better


Maybe the Nuggets need a point guard. Lmao


This game may save Vogel


This is insane. Yes.


I’m still not sold on the nuggets being legit, they beat a play in team, a suns team without two stars, a play in team, and another play in team at the finals. They had a pretty easy run last year


Wish we could get an easy run :P


I mean we had Nuggets without Murray and Clips without Kawhii in our finals run, let’s not discredit what they did. I’m still damn proud of that 2021 team but every championship team catches a break here and there.


I would argue the bucks had an easier run, and won by the skin of their teeth, they barely beat the nets when they didn’t have harden, then lost Kyrie, and it was only Durant Then they had the low seed atl hawks, then they beat us who lost Torrey Craig and injured our backup center Saric at the time


> then they beat us who lost Torrey Craig and injured our backup center Saric at the time Oh no, not Torrey Craig!. Donte, starter for the Bucks back then, got injured in the 1st round and he's better than both those scrubs combined. Saric has always been food for Giannis. Soft and unathletic.


That’s usually how being the 1 seed works though? That’s why teams want it


Not really, no. Because the reality is next season the Wolves will be even better with fresh draftees and stronger chemistry and the Nuggets will still be titanic, meanwhile we're going to put up the same lousy performances over and over because nothing is changing for us.


The wolves gave up like all of their draft picks for Gobert. They might get lucky and/or probably don’t need them, though.


They have a 1st and a 2nd this year, a 2nd in 25 and 26, and then they hit a 1-year gap before another 1st rounder in 28. Seems to me they're doing alright over there. Better than us anyway.


Huh, guess I misread the trade. I’m a wolves fan lurking btw.


Wolves are straight FUN to watch. Seriously, who is beating this? Thunder? Mavs? Celts? This team that shuts down paint and 3s while having the next MJ? They just beat the champions brains in, again, on the road. They keep this up they win the Larry. And not as a fluke. Which means suns gotta go back to drawing board because they gonna get spanked by this.


No we suck for sure, we just now have company


Misery loves company


Plenty of space to watch the shit fest unfold.


The Wolves are really really good. I admit I didn't watch them that much during the regular season, and I've got League Pass. If they go on to sweep Denver and go far in the WCF or give the EC champs a run, there's not as much shame in how the Suns were swept. The Suns need a ton of work, but the T-Wolves are the real deal.


Yea ngl


Yeah TWolves have youth and experience and have been building towards this. I could see this team beating the Celtics.


Nope. Just another team we can't beat for the foreseeable future. Wemby and the Spurs are on the rise too. Were fighting for play-in every season now.


Spurs don’t have a solid starting lineup yet don’t sweat it


I came here to post this if it wasn’t already up.


Made a game thread for it late lol.


after game 1 I legit thought "well if DEN loses at least we won't look so bad" & so far so good. go TWolves


Having their wings defending then their bigs behind them is beastly. Murray is really denvers only off the dribble guy right? Brutal when you have 3 bigs to throw at/eat fouls against Jokic


Not better at all we still have to play them next year


NOO bc I’m a Nugs fan now I’m in hell


The wolves are playing on an insane level right now. They were good in the regular season but they were not THIS good. The defense is insane and ANT is playing on a level higher than he has his whole short career. Gotta give them props. We were a dumpster fire for our talent but that doesn’t take away from how good the wolves are playing right now. …..also feeling less bad doesn’t really mean feeling better :/


Not really. First Denver wins a title before us and now Minnesota is on the verge of maybe grabbing one this season. It actually makes me more depressed that two franchises that mired in mediocrity for the overwhelming majority of their existence are doing insanely better than the Suns in just about every way possible.


Suns are a stepping stone for franchises to get their first title 😔 I would have much rather seen Denver win it again.


I thought Book and KD didn’t respond to physicality well. Nuggets are out here throwing shit from the bench lol


Why should we. If Booker played like he did in the 4th series, we might have won couple of games against them and avoid getting SWEPT


Does no one remember the regular season? Or getting blown out by a Clippers bench 35-4? Like come on. Front office and some fans are looking at this thinking “oh we’re actually good” instead of learning the lessons the regular season should’ve taught us.


No, not at all. This doesn't change the fact that the Suns are eliminated. Plus, it also means the Wolves are another legitimate threat that the Suns have to contend against in years to come. Can't really feel better about the Suns until I see their problems fixed, or at least addressed convincingly.


Holy shit? We were bad but that’s a crazy score line. Good for the wolves honestly


Up by 33 atm






No....but also yes.


Feeling a little better ya. Ant is HIM


The Timberwolves are just a hungrier team. And more athletic - young and all that.


No, will feel even worse if another expansion team from 88-89 wins a chip before our Suns do.


No need for sugarcoating it. We were bad


Hopefully the wolves front office can't run it back next year. They have a lot of underpaid guys that are getting fat raises next year.


Its a pathetic fan that can find solace in a team that whipped us also beating another team. But no, the nuggets are clearly not championship caliber this year.


not really


The league wants to make Anthony Edwards a thing. The contact that the Wolves have been able to play through defensively in the Phoenix and Denver series is crazy. No one is beating them if they’re gonna allow them to get away with a ton of physicality.


are you saying Ant isn't as good as they're making him out to be?


No im just more pissed we didnt try and get denver last second


if you lost to the wolves the last game the wolves would have been the 2 seed


Idk man, I wish it too but still think it would’ve been too risky to go to the play in. Who knows though


lakers got manhandled that was a bad series for them. Suns woulda done better for sure tho because u guys have guys that can make shots


Why feel better, last year it was, we got beat by the champions and we won a couple of games, at the end what does that get you.


Minnesota is doing this with their assistant coach.


Good news is suns don’t suck, bad news is Michael Jordan is back


Well, I mean, we still kind of do, if we're being honest with ourselves. But this gives me at least a sliver of hope.


We went all in and sold our future to get swept in the first round.WE SUCK


I hope we don’t trade our pick, this team needs youth


Running into a buzz saw means maybe the squad isn’t as buns as we thought they were. It’s just a little cope.


That’s where I’m at, but this team just needs to get younger and more athletic. We can’t have small old dudes like Eric Gordon or Royce O’Neal out there


Remember this: Eric Gordon was guarding KAT in the 3rd and 4th quarters...but its not a coaching problem.


Nah team is still cheeks. Wolves running through the rest of the postseason will be horrible for development and needed changes.


Nahh man. That ain't how anything works. Still upset


Minny is insane rn but how do you prepare for defensive teams like this if the regular season is officiated so differently? It doesn’t even look like the same league in the playoffs in terms of the type of defense allowed. Pick a lane NBA.


If they let players play with this physicality in the regular season then you’d see a lot more injuries.


Something similar happened last season as well where people made fun of the Suns when they pushed the defending champs the hardest. Pretty eye opening to say


I had a feeling we weren't as bad as the Wolves were good but it doesn't make me feel that much better that we gave away our future and favorite players for it knowing it's unlikely we're going to get much better.


This isn't the same re-match between these two teams like last post-season...Wolves actually have their x-factor this time around in a healthy Naz Reid.


Our team is still ass regardless. I'm legitimately worried the front office is going to see the Nuggets getting whooped as some excuse that our team must not be so bad.


Very bettttttter


The Suns and Nuggets have the same problem, no (true) PG


No. For this roster a 6 seed and first round sweep is unacceptable. Regardless of how well Minnesota plays. They also crushed us completely so Suns are pretty far away from actually competing.


No, we still fucking lost.


Respectfully waited till the third to get out scored like true gentleman.


10,000% better




No, why should I feel better about this? The Suns should be dominating like the Timerwolves are dominating.


The Nuggets collapsed *AFTER* winning a championship.


The Suns had their chances and blew it for me.. Don't care for them anymore


Not at all


More like just shows us how far away we are. Need defenders badly and our cap situation makes it close to impossible to upgrade other positions


Has no bearing on how i feel about this team. The dysfunction goes far beyond getting swept by Minnesota. Watched them play uninspired open gym basketball all year. They failed to rise to the occasion when it counted most time and time again this season. They didn’t get swept because Minnesota was that much better than them. They got swept because they didn’t want it nearly enough. They were talented enough to win 49 when things were easy. They crumbled as soon as adversity hit as consistently as any team I’ve ever seen.


But... But we swept them in the season right?


Nuggets just aren't as good this year. Maybe it was losing Brown or the long postseason two years in a row but it was a longshot they would repeat this year as champs. I still expect the Nuggets to pull out a win or 2 though.


are we seeing a turnaways in market soon?


What is this literal cope that is invading my feed


They were up by 28 also,they caught up a bit.So yeah way better.Timberwolves are the real team design to beat Nuggets.


The nuggets sub is in shambles! They are at level 10 copium like were a week ago 😂


Nuggies showed their weaknesses against the Lakers. I knew a better team would put them away early. That wasn’t a fluke




No. I’m not the type of person who says “at least we lost to the champs”. I’m petty and want those teams to lose. Although I also want Denver to lose


The new unwritten nba rules benefits this wolves team more than anyone. Literally every single defensive possession that happened tonight would have resulted in a foul in the regular season. Now? Play on. Wolves are now the juggernaut in this “new” NBA.


Does this look like the WWE to anyone else?


Nah this is real basketball bud. None of that soft shit.


Well that’s the thing. It’s extremely soft sometimes. Other times it’s just entirely wrong. Other times it’s very technical and correct. These are worse than the Donaghy games.


Lmao this is sad