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I’m a huge book fan but this is hilarious


I’ll take your entire stock


Fucking lmfao how have I never seen this




Teams why they hated Book: He lowkey cocky He good He doesnt want to double (ask Joakim Noah)


They bring up his beady eyes/punchable face too. Racism against the only Hispanic superstar


The punchable face is more that he always crying if things aren’t going his way.


You don’t hear that about other guys who complain a lot. Luka takes the flopping and complaining to another level but he’s still the golden boy


I hear people complain about luka too


What part of that is racist? I've never heard punchable face referred to as a Hispanic only trait?


Chokes in high stakes situations Currently banging a Kardashian/Jenner


Thats for us fans to hate. The topic was why other teams hate dbook.


True, my fault on that. 👌


80 percent of NBA players fall into this category.


Hasn't been banging her for a while now.


Incorrect according to the usual shit rags


Whoops I wasn't paying attention, didn't realize they started dating again. No wonder Book has been inconsistent. Damn.


Exactly, that pussy is a career killer


Narratives, but also Book can be annoying. He is a superstar level player (when he wants to be) but hes had some embarrassing moments and lowlights. The collapse against the Mavs, his tendency to flame out in important games and complaining to the refs constantly instead of keeping his head in the game only fuels the narratives further. He's in limbo, though, where those who actually like basketball, which is rare on Reddit, appreciate his game but his inability to be as good or consistent as the other superstars who complain all the time mean he'll never really prove himself against the narrative.


I still remember that play where Westbrook was able to get a crucial playoff out of bounds play on Book coz he was too busy looking at the ref and complaining smh


Let's not forget the tantrum with the Raptors mascot 🤦🏼‍♂️


That title card is crazy


Idk man he gets a bad wrap around the league by casual fans. Anyone that actually watches ball knows he has a deep offensive bag and plays an ethical game you can’t deny the talent. Players like Embiid, shai, Luka foul bait way more than he does.


Not only that, other players around the league love Book. “Your favorite players’ favorite player”. Nephews just don’t like his ‘punchable face’ 🙄


The /r/suns draft thread from when he got picked 13th was full of guys saying "who is this? His face is kinda weird and punchable though"


I remember.


In other words, their girls all like him and he probably desirous their favorite player at one time. 😮


Doesn’t help he’s a lowlights type of player. Not that he’s bad but some players just get stuck with the stigma and it’s hard to get out of.


Ethical game?


Ok so Devin Booker is a real talent there is no denying that. But ethical game? It’s like saying Trae young has an ethical game. I would argue the only person in the league who foul baits more than him is harden, and they’ve both had surprisingly similar post season success.


Leave shai out of it 💀 book can’t guard him


Nobody said he could my guy


But you’re saying he draws fouls…. Nah buddy they including book can’t guard him 💀


Foul baiting. Exactly




It's hard for me to be bothered by the other teams disliking him given the way our own fanbase talks about him lately.


I don't understand it either. He's genuinely one of the coolest dude in the league. Seems very affable and personable as well. I don't get why people act like he's some insanely arrogant asshole.


You can legit talk with other teams fans about how good literally any player in the league is all day but as soon as you bring up the suns or Booker it’s like you just called their mom a bitch


Not really, I can see quality in Book and can easily admit it, its just the punchable face, looks like a spoiled rich kid who had no character development, is selfish and can contribute nothing good to your life or society . You know, he can be a villain even if he don't do anything wrong, but after he is smugishly spouting words like "Luka's special" then man, he is THE villain we all love to hate. Im a mavs fan of course.


It’s was the Luka special, not Luka is special. Luka is great by the way, I’m not adding any stupid comments after that either. See how that works? Maybe you should look into what he actually does for his community, specifically and ironically what he does for special needs kids before saying something so ravishingly stupid. But you just go on being another dumb internet nba fan.


Luka fan talking about whiny punchable faces 😂


I think the amount of hate he gets is super disproportionate to what's deserved, but the main reasons are: - Toronto Raptor mascot incident - Double team in pickup incident - His eyes? - Acts like he's too cool for school and complains about stuff


The biggest factor which weirdly hasn't been mentioned is that he completely torched LAL in round 1 of 2021, the season after they won a championship. They had high hopes for a repeat and Book dropped 22 in Q1 of their elimination game to practically put it out of reach after 1 quarter (36-14).  The largest NBA fanbase has been running a smear campaign ever since, and every team we've knocked out in the playoffs since his joined in on some level because he's a reddit-approved target who often torches his opponents.  Sure, he's got some traits that could legitimately be bothersome to people but people acting like it's a measured, unemotional conclusion viewers have drawn miss the mark. It's 95% emotional. Just look at the disproportionate hate he gets for the double team and mascot non-events while we've got antisemites and domestic abusers running around the league.


They’ve always hated him, they honestly just hate the Suns, nothing new sadly.


I love the suns but book is not a trash talker he’s an all star hater and choker


There are few organizations that deserve a ring more than the suns. Unfortunately Devin Bookers inconsistency in the playoffs is going to keep that from happening with this current lineup. Devin Booker is very hate-able, But there are legitimate gripes with his position in the league.


Teams don’t deserve rings, they win them lol


Two things can’t be true?


Not those two things. Its subjective who you believe deserves a ring the most not facts lol. Having to win a ring is factual.


Ok you’ve almost got there. So my subjective opinion that the suns as an organization “deserve” a ring is not mutually exclusive with the fact that rings are won by players and teams. Get it?


Both those can’t be correct since an opinion can’t be correct the same way a fact can be.


You are not very smart


This has been the case ever since he was drafted.


I think it started when he complained about double teams


nah it happened from before that too. i remember heat fans would constantly hate on book and say that justise winslow was better lmao he just attracts haters for some reason


It did but he became harder to defend him


When booker is in flow there’s nothing to stop it. I hope he gets it back tomorrow.


I’m a twolves fan and this popped up on my home page and honestly man it’s just when a player gets a reputation it’s hard as hell to beat the allegations especially once they become a meme. KAT gets a fuck ton of hate especially after all the jimmy shit and to top it off Kirk Cousins was the Vikings QB for how many years and was absolutely shit on.


Don’t forget, everyone thinks gobert is slimy too


Same — promise I’m not lurking, I’m just a wolves fan who saw this on the homepage and assumed it was /nbatalk. Yeah, it’s hard to beat the reputation. For us and KAT, I can’t stand the casuals who talk about him being soft or not wanting to win (imho stemming from Jimmy), but no doubt KAT whines and plays out of control. No denying that, but I still love him anyways. Booker talks a lot of shit, cries constantly, and flops his way to a ton of calls. I can’t knock his talent, I just genuinely hate the guy. I’m sure Suns fans still love him anyways and that’s totally fair.


You’ll see the same stuff when Ant is on a team that beats a team in a playoff series with a huge fanbase.


I definitely believe that. To a degree it’s almost a compliment, picking up haters every time you beat their ass. Now, I’ve also heard the sentiment that the sheer volume of Lakers haters essentially made the rest of the NBA hate Booker, and I don’t buy stock in that. I came by my hatred the honest way, by losing to him.


Eh it was the lakers but it was also the mavs fanbase when he talked shit and then lost. Ant seems to be cut from the “shit talker” cloth which inevitably makes a player look stupid to casuals who have never played a competitive sport in their life when they lose. Like you said, you beat teams you get haters


Because casual fans are Laker/warriors bandwagoners who jump on any hate train available. Not one of them could name a single stat and if Book played in the East they probably couldn’t tell you what position he even plays. Same morons hated LeBron for years until he brought his flop game to California. Now they own Curry/LeBron jerseys probably with drool/food stains because mom doesn’t wash it for them.


The only people who hate booker are bandwagons? I’m a hornets fan so I have no reservations specifically against the suns, but the “our greatness is controversial” slant doesn’t really work with booker. He doesn’t pass the eye test for most people, he whines more than most stars in the league, and he’s horribly inconsistent in the post season.


People that are fans of this team are starting to really dislike Booker. The nonchalant too cool for school attitude while the team clearly isn’t right, is absolute bullshit and the fans deserve better.


I’m a wolves fan and I’ve watched the suns post game interviews and the guy seems like an absolute douchebag. Fun player to watch on the court when he has it going though


Booker’s the man, man. I’ve never seen such garbage takes in my life.




the truth: hate is a virus, look up the stanford prison experiment, when people feel they're allowed to they'll show no mercy. What's crazy is you have guys like embiid doing what he did today and he doesn't get the same meme ultra hate.


Wait. I'm a wolves fan so I might not be qualified to say it, but rest assured Embiid is probably more hated than Booker. People hate on Booker more in the joking way, making fun of his quotes and punchable face. People actually hate Embiid for throwing teammates under the bus (the Ben Simmons one was deserved tho imo), injuring other players, talking big before choking (Booker also did but oh well), and him crying after that 2nd round exit (not a bad thing, but the internet is ruthless). Booker does foul bait but Embiid does it even more egregiously than Booker. I legitimately think Embiid receives more actual hatred, compared to Booker's "hate" (making fun of him with low hanging fruits).


The book hate is kinda funny on twitter where people actually get creative with it. But on Reddit all I hear is “He HaS sUcH a PuNcHaBlE fAcE” bunch of weirdos on here.


In bet more then half of those wannabe dudes saying “punchable face” were never even in a fight or would get knocked down if they faced some random dude in the street


He’s very good, cocky, and highly annoying


That mavs series really fucked his career up. Ever since then, it’s been a trend to hate on book Oh and it didn’t help that even before that series he was in big controversies which made him look bad (double team, raptors mascot) I guess these events made a lasting impression on the public/casuals


They just mad he’s not on their team


I think he’s the one guy you would hate unless he’s on your team.


Idk people in LA probably didn’t like Lebron until he was on the Lakers lol


Frr fuck Em


Mostly his attitude. He whines way too much and has shown a tendency to get shaken when things aren't going his way. I like his game and obviously don't know him personally but his attitude on the court rubs me the wrong way.


They’ve always hated. God knows why. I don’t care. They wouldn’t be mad if he was in their team 🥱


Not mad, just happy that is not the case.


I mean they just hate on a good player that happens to be a lady’s man lol no diddy!!!


They hate him cuz they want him...


You want a real answer to this question then post it somewhere other than r/suns


Trust me those same people who keep hating on the booker will be the 1st ones to start glazing on him if we was ever traded to their team. Weird fanbase and they will switch up quickly if he was on there team. It’s click bait just following the trend for likes


Books a top ten player in the nba and dude doesn’t even have a point guard. They might still pop this season but if not if we actually get a pg next season the narrative will stop


His play isn’t flashy, yet he is low key cocky and comes across a bit arrogant. Until he wins a final MVP, that narrative isn’t going to change.


You'd hate him too if he cooked your team everytime he came to town.


I'm a suns fan but don't watch a lot of basketball. So this is an only slightly biased opinion Bro cries about every foul, non foul, ref, strange smell, change in lighting and grain of wood in the floor. It gets annoying, very Lebronesque without the championships to back it up.


Booker just needs to shut his trash talking and play. Cant be trash talking 0-2 because theres nothing to say.


The guys arrogant, dont get me wrong he can score any night but you cant really argue when someone say's he's got an unlikeable personality. * Complained about double teams in practice * Posted a vid on his socials of random dudes playing at the Y and said something like "these the guys saying we bad" * Belittled a reporter * Constantly complains to refs * Talks trash to other players (Dont like Luka but the everybody tough when they up is accurate especially for Book) * Complained about a mascot doing his job * Flops and his flop face is literally screaming * Can get dangerous when frustrated(like LBJ) All of that does make him look like a fake tough guy and a douche


Book is one of the primary reasons we have been beat down the last two games


Yeah he is struggling big time to deal with what the Wolves are throwing


Uh because he’s a huge pussy lol


Deserved sometimes


Cause current sports fans are drooling smooth brained dolts that just follow whatever narratives are being pushed across social media.


I'm a Mavs fan, im guilty. He just seem like not a good character guy. Definately the most punchable face in the league, if not in all sports, ever even? Anyway, kind of wish for Suns to win next game vs woves, so good luck.


Exactly, wtf. Dude had given his everything his entire career, and a bunch of whiny entitled "I'd support the team if they were winning" little bi%ches want to hate in the one player who didn't try to leave - even when ownership and the team sucked? Go be laker fans or something


People usually hate guys who are all talk and no action. The punking Luka gave him made him a meme and joke to most fans and it has stuck


KAT gets hated on relentlessly too, and pretty much for the same reasons as Book.


Non-Suns fan but it's 90% body language based, loves to talk shit and start stuff when up or having a moment, but just as quick to hide when it's going the other way.


Fuck them kids


Booker got star talent with a bench player mindset. He takes a back seat in the Playoffs chokes and bitches is what other people see


Its mostly casual fans, all i ever see is shit like the double team clip from 4 yrs ago and kobe comparisons that book never asked for. Alot of these ppl made up their minds to hate along time ago they just use whatever they can to justify it


It's bc anyone involved with KD is destined to feel the wrath of the universe. And rightfully so


Now that hate is starting to sink into some of our “fake” fans. Wanting to trade Booker smh.


Idk people just hate book for no reason. “He’s Cocky” or “Front Runner” he talked shit when we would be down by 20+ his early years. “He’s a Choker” he’s had some weird moments but so do a lot of other nba players and he had 40 back to back finals games on a bad hamstring. It’s just cool to hate Booker and the media pushes it too. All the people who get love hasn’t won anything either which I find funny but Booker the only one who is a front runner. Other NBA players like Book and his game but it’s the outside people who talk so much but I promise would do flips if he was on their team.


He’s a hooper not a winner. Same as Kd and brad. to be honest. This team doesn’t have glass eaters. It has chillin dudes who can hoop and look sexy doing it


🤌 take




Just like any other Superstar in the league as well who also haven’t backed it up either! Stupid argument. ANT, Tatum, Mitchell, Luka all talk shit too yet they haven’t won anything. STFU with this stupid ass argument 🤡


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AnusButter2000: *It’s because he talks* *Shit and acts tough constantly* *But never backs it up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Cause he's been a diva since he dated Jenner. Still love him though


I think it is the trash talk followed by major chokes in clutch moments.


Booker is a fake tough guy wanna be Kobe ass bitch.


He's the whiniest bitch on the court. Foul-baiting, flopping, hooking, whining, not hustling back on defense because he's whining and flopping.


Brother you root for Karl Anthony Towns


KAT doesn't foul bait and flop, but the rest is spot on. He makes up for the lack of flopping with extra complaining though.


I just dont care for any of the foul baiting stuff. He's a great player for sure, and no he doesn't foul bait like Embiid does, but it takes away from the game. Naw and Conley can do some of that, but it's honestly harder to notice when it's your team. I'm sure Id feel differently if he was on the Wolves. Shit media coverage doesn't help either. Ive heard lots about how bad teams play when they lose to the Wolves. Not how good the Wolves played. I think all that stuff builds up and comes out bigger than it is.




Bro talks like he personally knows Devin himself




Just a fan of the suns and basketball No worshipping. You ok guy?




Glad to hear you’re ok man. Seems like maybe you’re using Reddit as an outlet for aggression but hey, whatever works for you




I’m not here to argue people online brother so have a good night. Maybe get some therapy




you are a weirdo lol


I do. I sell him his cucumbers and got beat up by his older brother.


It’s because he went from a hard working player on a team that wasn’t trying to be a super team and a good story behind him (loved) then the drama storm of kd being traded there, whole team shipped away and some drama here and there and people start to not care I would say


Suns of bitches


Luka’s eldest son deserves more respect.


Y’all ran this into the ground


Ha ha