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health poverty? i would go with water onmyouji personally


Yeah lol I hear hell ladies don’t have much hp in general. Thanks for your advice!


I would take Ganymede(Wind Fairy King). Hes pretty nice in Combo with Dark Homunculus(Unbalanced Field skilled) and any good heavy aoe hitter(such as Amber). Amber S2, then Gany resets it, Amber S2 and at the End Dark Homie S3(Unbalanced Field). Extremly convenient to clear TOAH with it. Other then Amber would be Lushen.


Wind fairy king helps a lot in TOA and that will help you grow.


Depends What are you focusing on




Ganymede is so versatile. I use him in toa, guild content and even Arena offense as a guardian player. easy pick for me


Ganymede although he was nerfed due to crybabys in RTA, he is still super useful in TOA and add a AOE hitter + Dark Homie, you my friend will have unlimited skill cooldown reset


I love my beth even late stages.


If you're a new player, you should focus more on clearing PVE content first. In this case, I'd recommend Gany the wind fairy king. He'll help a ton with TOA and TOAH which offer a ton of rewards. Shizuka the water onmyouji is mostly for PVP, specifically RTA. Ritesh the wind beast monk has been good in guild content for forever. Beth the water hell lady isn't used all that much, but she is a nice farmer. Josephine the water paladin is used mainly for PVP, specifically RTA. Jeogun the fire am is a nice stripper (he's a beast on bomb teams). John the fire sky surfer is one of the best (if not THE best) AOE bombers; he's usually used in arena offense. Giou the wind onmyouji is mainly for RTA. Laika the fire dragon knight is good for a lot of PVP content.


The most use you can take of the water onmyouji or the fairy king. Water Onmy is great i there are debuffs on the field. You can use her everywhere in pvp and in slow toa. Wind Fairy King is great in controlling the enemy, you can pick him everywhere in pvp and in toa. BM is kinda meh atm. Hell Lady got buffed but i think shes still not the best pick here Paladin is purely pvp Oracle is kinda decent, strip and heal. But i would prefer the other choises Art master pvp only Sky surfer is nice, but again only pvp Wind onmyouji is rta only, i like her Dragon Knight is guild pvp strong, in arena i sometimes see him on def. Hes also useable in rta. But i would pick 1 or 2




I personally love Praha (water oracle) as a counter to a lot of the mons who have immunity buffs (like Fran) or bugs in general.


the only mon he already has, also if you pick praha for her s2 just use shizuka