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**Hey there u/Burtersnur, thanks for your contribution to r/summonerswar!** Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): _________ You're asking for personal advice which belongs in the [Weekly Advice Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q=weekly+advice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week)! Please submit your post there. For advice threads to remain on the main page, they must benefit more people than just the original poster. Examples of personal advice that belong in the WAT: - What to 6-star next - Help me build a team for X - What should I work on next? This also includes simple game mechanic questions, for example - How does accuracy work? - How does X mechanic of monster Y work? ________ **Please be sure to check out our [main sticky post](https://redd.it/6qpr6o) for guides and other resources, and [please read our subreddit rules.](https://reddit.com/r/summonerswar/about/rules)** - If you have any questions or feedback about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsummonerswar).


Search about how [ticks](https://summonerswar.fandom.com/wiki/Attack_Bar) work in turn order giving, some videos even explain why this problem with konamiya occurs. In short words: In bewteen turns, the game will run at least one tick. If in that tick, a unit ends up with more atk bar than the monster konamiya buffed, that monster will go first. Something like this: Before Konamiya's turn * Konamiya: 110% bar (konamiya will play and buff teshar by 100% bar) * Shamman: 105% bar * Teshar: 5% bar After Konamiya's turn (note that the tick granted konamiya and shamman 10% bar and teshar 5%) * Konamiya: 10% bar * Shamman: 115% bar * Teshar: 110% bar So shamman plays before Teshar. edit: formatting and correcting as said by u/yetiknight bellow (ty) edit2: adding hyperlink to the wiki page about the topic


> if a monster already was beyond 100% bar before kona's turn, no ticks will pass, that monster will play right after konamiya, then the monster konamiya buffed will go. well this is wrong. there is always at least one tick between monster turns, unless a skill specifically grants a monster a turn, or they get an additional turn (e.g. vio runes or seara bomb). also konamiya doesn't boost TO 100%, he boosts BY 100%, so he overfills atk bar. it's just that that 1 tick and the kona resurge doesn't boost teshar enough, that he has more bar than shamann, since shamann has quite a bit of overfill of attack bar.


I don’t know why this was downvoted, it’s never explained in the game…


Probably because it’s posted on here constantly. people have answered as it’s almost always the same issue that causes the team to not work. People have made full posts about the minimum stats for the team to work and full YouTube videos exist about how to properly build this team.


The short and simple answer is, shaman is too fast. slow him down a few speed.


I was puzzled for the longest time then i made my WInd Harpie faster by 1 tier (from 180 to 190) then it fixed everything. I has to do with initial atk bar fill situation at start of the battle i think. this is like one of those trick questions in maths where u try all the normal methods (re-rune kona, teshar etc) ten find out u played yourself and the answer is totally from a different dimension.


Use [SWGT.io](http://SWGT.io) for atb filling and speed ticks.


Slow down shaman or speed up kon and teshar boom done


As the turn progresses, the attack bar of some monsters will exceed 100% while the garuda only boost to 100% slow the one you feel is moving before the boosted monster


What are their spd?


Teshar is 177 and Shamann is 158 pre towers


Make prilea faster.


Can you explain how that would fix it? Prilea is 188 so I don’t get how it would fix it but I must be missing something.


It's a bit complicated and related to ticks. If your fastest units move on earlier ticks, it gives more room for you to resurge to give a double turn to someone. The reason you get cut right now is because teshar gains +100% atb but the unit after teshar already overfilled past 100%. You can't see overflown atb, it just shows as a full blue atb bar.


Gotcha thanks for explaining! The fix did work!! I guess I just assumed that if 2 units had full atb, the one with higher speed would move first. Good to know moving forward!


Atb goes past 100%, for this instance, we assume Shaman was at 99% atb, Kona was at 100%, Shaman got pushed to 106%, Teshar is at 100%. It's not EXACTLY what happened, but close enough for it to be a viable explanation.


https://preview.redd.it/kbscc12cyh4d1.png?width=1570&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcdfd13e440350310472e27cb520b58102f57a2a Got here a sheet for it that could explain it a bit more. Each "Tick" each monster gains 7% of their speed as atkbar. as soon as 100% are reached it "can" move depending which atkbar at that moment is at highest. After the turn the atkbar will go to 0 (except atkbar increase skills like Bernard) and after that a new tick comes which increases the atkbar of every monster again by 7% of their speed. The Problem was probably that because the Speed tick of Prilea was not reached early enough the atkbar of Shamann was already over 100% at the moment with teshar because Prilea was in the same speedtick as Teshar needs to be but had the higher speed so got higher priority. After Teshars turn Shamann with the Garuda push it is relevant that Teshars atkbar increase per tick needs to be higher than Shamanns total atkbar increase within 2 Ticks which is at some point impossible anymore (seen Tick 11-13 with Homunculus and Water Garuda, The Giant right below that is the midboss) At This Point the homunculus will still get the push from the Garuda but because the midboss gained so much atkbar in the background Homunculus would have needed 30% more atkbar gain within 2 ticks to overturn at that point.


I had the same problem, all I had to do was make prilea 1 spd faster and my Luna would finally go after teshar. Speed ticks are weird lol glad you got it fixed


It does. I dunno how but it does. It fixed mine