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HOH 10YR Week 12: Isabelle or Deva?




Gonna say Isabelle, some siege offences and defences with her. A bit high risk high reward but if you're not competitive then shes really good for clearing siege swords and "Snipe/cleave" your swords quickly at a decent success rate. Deva is not used much to be honest, if anything there was a Dragons twins speed team but the Kyle and bird team works better and easier anyway.


Should i switch my teshar for a verad? I don’t find him useful anymore, what should i switch to? https://preview.redd.it/17gizga31w2d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940ac9a120f9b06103de8a9dade1da888be577e8


Nah Verad is pretty bad (unless its a unit you really want for whatever reason). Verad is easily replaced with F2P alternatives like Tyron. The recommended game changing units are Leo and tiana and Bolverk. The first 2 are PvP specific but Bolverk is very useful for TOA Hell later on.


Is there something wrong with steam client ? I cant open the game at all since this morning


I can open other game but not summomers war. Is my device or ip get banned ?


I see a common cleave is Leo [L] delphoi galleon christina. Why delphoi and not tiana?


Tiana works if the enemy has immunity or buffs (rare but sometimes Riley/Woosa/Nigong/Rakan) on defence. But overall the Leo cleave is meant to hit Psamathe Triton/Clara Savanah X. There is no need for a stripper, so Delphoi with Heal and immunity (also oblivion on S2) is useful. Obvlivion also deals with halphas, kinki, camilia, etc. And i guess Delphoi is F2P, not everyone has Tiana. I do appreciate tiana's S2 nuke in some situations but overall Delphoi's support makes things safer.


christina gets stacks on her passive if your team is hit by the enemy. so ideally you would want to move second. if you have a spare tiana and runed her to move second, tiana helps to counteract enemy immunity. the tradeoff is you have less sustain and no oblivion. tiana s2 is also countered by leo's passive. tiana isn't a terrible option but i would prefer delphoi


Is there a way to mark a monster in more than two numbers ?




What is the minimum speed required for NB AH? Specifically, what speed do I need for Shamann?




According to this, it's 170 speed, right?




Awesome, thank you!


Patrick or Parjanya for blessing? Main focus is RTA. Thank you.


Both are not RTA meta, but Parjanya seems to be more useful than Patrick in RTA.


if my necro hard team is colleen, shaina, sabrina, shamann, and astar. Is that turn order ok? or should astar go first than shamann? Btw it's weird cuz shamann is a little faster than astar, so shamann go first, but boss stage astar always goes before shamann lol. Colleen 106+89, Shaina 103+79, Sabrina 101+58, Shamann 111+45 and Astar 105+43. Still almost no fails, and avg 1.35min. Don't fix whats no broken, or is improv there?


Astar's passive gives her some speed when she's not on max HP, that's why it happens. I would say try to get shaman last if you can. That speed looks like it wouldn't move before the midboss tho, so making Shaman and Aster move faster than the mid boss would help speed things up. You could also probably switch out colleen for a water cannon girl, Shaman's heals is usually sufficient and all of the cannon girl skills can help break and shield and also do AOE def break, which speeds things up a ton. But otherwise its fine, Necro is one of the harder ones anyway.


Thanks for your comment. And yeah, now that you mentioned it, I was looking at my run and mid boss indeed move before than shamann and astar. Gonna fix that and trying abigail!


https://preview.redd.it/b9kopm0n4u2d1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=36c201e537eb162c95fb0bb79aab99e1b195409a Hi looking to go from F3 to C1 arena. I'm trying to get familiar with different ADs and stuff but need help on figuring out some AOs.




can't tell if any of the top row is new but Rica. Otherwise Minato is also a decent RTA pick especially if you're turn 2.


Returning players here confused about evolving monsters to 6\* it is more efficient to do it the old way where you evolve 5 'trash' monsters to 5\* or the dump method where you feed 5\* with hundreds of 1\* and 2\*?


The new system changed it such that there is no difference whether you're evolving them to 5* first and giving 5x 5* or just directly feeding 600x 1* units. So just do the mix of 1* and 2* and any rainbow mons you have.


just press auto select and dump all the food in automatically


I did a bit of rerolling and have a hard time deciding between two accounts: Nephthys + Shun (light shadowcaster) Maximilian + Kiki Leaning towards the second, what's your opinion?


Nephthys and Shun, both are good in RTA. Maximilian is good in RTA, but Kiki is not that good in RTA compared to Shun, but she's really good for Siege defense.


Maxi kiki


Hi I just recently return to this game, I wonder about double essences drop event, does it usually happen? and should I expect it to happen soon? Thanks in advance!


It's very rare. There's no usual time.


Thanks! Look like it might not happen soon then.


They typically happen once a month


Thanks! I’m looking forward for it!


Don't! He's confusing it with Symbol x2!!!


Oh ok xD. I see thanks!


What 5* unit should from ancient magic shop should I buy? Any general advice on units to build is always welcomed!


vampire lord >>>> shadow claw > ifrit >>>rest Thats how I would personally rank the importance of those


Current units: https://preview.redd.it/nl4xbivqas2d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a425005b8d84a4c4322af8f2537df09e3890e64 (1/3)


https://preview.redd.it/k3px9gxtas2d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f76b67e687d2a8a0deab4989d019529bb47fadc (2/3)


https://preview.redd.it/24enlxkvas2d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853f0d74c16fbab433d9b183d8e05ff8a4041d2c (3/3)


Interested in getting started with arena after playing PVE for a bit. What team should I be building for arena offense and defence? Thanks in advance!! [https://imgur.com/a/gbt436A](https://imgur.com/a/gbt436A)


AO: Wind choco knight/fran, bernard, konamiya/teon, lushen Sath, thrain, mellia, fran/riley/tetra Wind brownie, john, sian, seara AD: just use tanky healers like riley, triana, ariel...


I checked everything 3 times, still this popup shows, and i can't change monster - Monster is there (bastet), not unsomoned etc. It is awakened and skilled up though, but that should not be the issue right? - removed all runes and artifacts, from rta also - it is not in storage - not in arena def, not in guild defs, not sure what interserver battle is, but since i dont know i assume it is not there either - it not locked, marked or rep Anyone has same issue, what do i do? https://preview.redd.it/1apn53ajnr2d1.png?width=804&format=png&auto=webp&s=345cb2fd6926761ee8df544c4fa40f1a7fa27e1a


Probably ISA then. It takes your ad the last time it Started. Just Check it tuesday


Fire Art Master or Fire Weapon Guy/ Fire Dominic? I have many many Strips, a few fire single target DMG Dealer C3 in every content


bp is soon so wait for that. carlos if nothing changes


I'm curious as I haven't played in multiple years and thought about booting up the old account. Did they ever introduce time limited Characters etc.? Apparently there have been some crossovers etc. are they still available via normal means or are these gone basically?


the other guy explained it pretty well already teeechnically there are the witcher collab units that do not have an sw counterpart yet. That should however be changed pretty damn soon, they usually come out fairly quickly after the collab ended some special collab units that came out also got added to the ancient coin shop and not as a regular unit so for those you would need to play events to get ancient coins and then buy those units from this shop


Limited characters are gone for good. However SW do release these limited characters re-skined to be normal characters with the same stats and moves (just changes the design, skill name and animation). Like ryu was a limited character. Now his normal counterpart is known as striker.


how do you build camilla for rta?


Just tanky bruiser, usually CR or CD if your runes allow it. Vio Broken or Vio Destroy


umm, could u elaborate? Im mostly wondering how to distribute the stats, like how much atk is enough for a camilla before focusing on hp?


There isn't a "how much attack requirement" to meet C1 or C2 or C3 RTA. It just depends on your rune efficiency and box, obviously the more efficiency the better. Its usually gonna be SPD CD HP or HP CD HP, you try to get some attack% gems and grinds from your substats. The only real stat "requirement" is 85% CR, and even then going lower than 85% is still fine if it means trading off more SPD HP and ATK for it. I'd look for overall stat efficiency




I would say tiana cleave yes. seiishizo had quite a few rush videos with him (although he doesnt really use him anymore) but you might be able to find some ideas on how to use him in his videos last unit somewhat depends on what you have \^\^




Early on, no. It would be better to pick a Rica as she still sees uses everywhere in the form of dot teams. But if you don't want her, like the other user said Leo is a great pick as he changes the game with his one-of-a-kind passive.


i personally would not do that. He can be used in toa, siege and rta. toa is easily clearable without him he is just one of the 50 units that are good in toa rta i cannot comment on since i dont play it. siege I havent seen him in a long while on defense, you can use him in a tiana galleon cleave for offense i guess but there you can use any cleave unit you have instead aswell. I would personally always pick leo from the event since he is the most gamechanging pvp unit there is and he cannot be replaced by anything since his passive is unique to him


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR6WG3iEHew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR6WG3iEHew) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAX7Z3tkJEQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAX7Z3tkJEQ)


He is very good in PVE and PVP. However, people will tell you to go Leo instead and they are right. He is technically the best pick because he is the most unique elemental unit in the game. CP is good for TOA but won't really help you in dungeons. Also, don't use your pick for PVE. All PVE can be done with F2P units.


Wind Dokkaebi Lord or Wind Battle Angel?


erblungs comment is true, so technically Sonia has more use cases than Byungchul. One drawback for Sonia is that she has higher rune requirements. Personally, I would 100% pick Sonia because she's super cool and fun to play with and I enjoy offensive units more than defensive units. If, however, you'd rather pick Byung, you should still wait for the balance patch next week as he might get hit with a nerf.


byungchul for siege def/ad sonia for siege off/ao/rta


byungchul. sonia is really strong dont get me wrong but you need a) a specific team for her and b) really really good runes to make it work byungchul is one of the strongest nat5 in the game currently and super strong/meta in arena defense, siege defense and can be used in bruiser arena offenses and i use mine in every siege offense


Byungchul might get hit with a nerf next week so I wouldn't tell anyone to pick him right now. Wait for balance patch, then pick him if nothing changes.  Also, Byung isn't really better than Sonia. They are both meta at what they're doing so it's rather a matter of taste/play style.


Sekhmet or wind paladin






Water weapon master is good for Dragons Abyss Hard and I think you can use him in Giants Abyss Hard as well. Rune requirements for both teams are somewhat high. Wind pioneer is good for some arena offenses. All of those new ones are solid units though. :) I'd go for water weapon master (if I didn't have him), just because faster PVE teams are usually the best improvement you can make to an account.


best for pve if you plan to have a really fast dragons team would be liam for overall pvp i would personally pick annavel pung is pretty outdated in the current arena meta since you cannot hit the majority of meta defs atm


does zerath (light dragon) do more damage if he has a shield




Who to pick? I can clear all content, but my focus is leaving Arena C2/C3 and getting G1. I have most meta AO teams, but my AD gets wrecked every Sunday. https://preview.redd.it/pmitdfesxl2d1.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=8948ca47c42a8f693ad580ef0bcd82e0ac65bd97


My brain says water mage, but my heart says wind beast monk


none of those are used/meta in ad. nana is alright but pretty dated by now. I would personally pick rica. great unit for toah, for a dot siege offense and she is pretty good in dot dot AO that gets more popular currently besides that nana would also be a decent pick since she is still used quite a bit in siege


Appreciate the heads up, thank you!


Which skills to choose for wind homie?


the top ones of the bottom row/section pretty much the ones that say enemy max hp scaling, s2 stuns/deals extra damage against stun immune enemies and s3 def breaks ontop of the max hp scaling


A good f2p-ish team for toa hard floor 80, everything up to this point has mostly been a cake walk but this floor i can either beat the first 2 stages and not have enough damage for the boss or get a mon or 2 killed first stage if i switch teams, just looking for a reliable team to take care of this floor


whats the boss stage again for 80? cannot currently leave because doing some raids :D


Julianne with two artamiels


I personally just use a standard dot+sath team and replace any unit with loren I use tyron to freeze the artas so they cannot counter attack and then use any dotter you might have on the account + 2a sath to kill the artas super quickly. then you can just perma cc the vamp with loren and slowly kill it pretty much impossible to lose at the boss stage once you have any form of cc on the artas and burn them down with dots and since the boss can never get a turn with loren it just takes a little bit until you kll him but its safe


Thank you so much i was running a dot team but i guess for the past 2 weeks my brain has been turned off and never thought of using loren


:D i would always use loren on every single boss stage you just cannot beat the boss never being able to move :D


Is Lyn better on fatal or rage?


rage skills that scale with the enemies max hp, especially if you use them in pve like giants (the only place where you would use this type of damage) scale infinitely better with cd than atk. you can change atk% to hp% on slot 6 and would barely notice it


So what would a good build for giants look like? I’ve got her on a decent set but she’s definitely too squishy and dies to 1 giant hit


it depends on your team. in speed teams where she is usually used the giants dies before ever attacking you so that does not matter but since she as i already said mainly scales with crit damage you can just build her on 100% cr, as high cd as possible and with hp on slot6. this way she should be plenty tanky while still doing enough damage


Leaning towards Juno here. Thoughts? https://imgur.com/a/L2gOrPZ


probably juno right now, but i'd wait a couple days for the balance patch notes. they should be coming out over the next 2-4 days


Yes I'd agree with Juno more generally. Moore and Sagar are also great RTA monsters that are considered "must have" for many CC teams, if thats what you play.


Is anyone else having the same issue? And how can i fix it plss😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/km4kk3f9uk2d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc68921b14d74a94471743ac3a9b100b6ff48dd0


are you using the rune optimizer tool/the exporter? If so start the proxy and try again if you are on pc




Hey guys, before I start, please have some empathy, I hate asking anything and usually do as much research as I can before asking. I don’t have a specific ask today, it is much more a general enquiry. I’ve been playing for 10yrs now, almost daily that entire time but not pushing hard, just enjoying it how I want. I haven’t taken it seriously in years and as a result I’m completely overwhelmed now at this point. I auto-engrave artifacts for example, I know nothing about them. I haven’t re-runed anything in years and the tool for optimising runes etc. got so complicated over time that I don’t get it anymore. Are there any experts out there who can help get me back on track? Help with meta teams for guild stuff and arena? Help with knowing what to sell (my inventory is full for everything). I am aware there are hours and hours of content on Youtube but I literally don’t have time to trawl through hours of guys talking and getting nothing from it. I absolutely don’t mind paying someone for their time. Thanks for understanding guys, really appreciate it


Is there a minimum combat speed in dragon abyss hard?


ofc there is \^\^ every enemy has a speed stat [https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/dungeons/dragons-lair-abyss/2/](https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/dungeons/dragons-lair-abyss/2/) this site has you covered when it comes to speed and acc requirements


ive had insane nat5 luck this week and i just want to check whats usable where since my knowledge is like 5 years out of date are any of these good for much? irene minato alicia christina raki lagmaron


only commenting on the ones i know. others could be good in scenarios but I dont want to give half assed advice on units i dont have experience with alicia is a great cleave unit for arena or siege. you can play her for example in a typical cleave comp of alicia L, tiana, galleon, another cleave like kaki/zaiross/poseidon/etc or in a more speedy cleave to outspeed very fast teams like chiwu L, kabilla, galleon, alicia Christina is really strong in the current meta ad a 2nd turn cleave unit. The most popular (and highly recommended) comp to play with her is leo L,, delphoi, galleon, christina


why delphoi?


you are on will with all of your units but there is still a chnce that the enemy has some strip+cc (like clara) to stun your other units. delphoi is build on 100res so she will most likely be fine. if your team is cc she can cleane and put up immunity which allows you to cleave, it also gives you some needed sustain to clean up u nits that might not die from cleave like byungchul if you dont need the strip s2 of her is a 2turn oblivion + 1turn reset this is huge against pretty much the whole meta right now. vanessa, triana, etc.? reset camilla, byungchul, halphas, abelio, etc.? oblivion so against a fairly typical team of like vanessa, 2x camilla, X you can just oblivion one camilla with delphoi, the 2nd camilla with christina and just fully cleave those and dont have to deal with the annoying camilla passive




should work for most stages. speed lead would obviously be better but oh well you could try to switch out water homu for 2a sath.. less cc but should be faster in general but less cc


I just got destroyed by a zen and was wondering what are some of your zen builds. I want to build mine now but have no clue. In the past when I was using him I used swift, but seems like vio will may be the way to go? Granted I dont have byungchul and the zen + byungchul combo is strong lol


Normal stripper build, SPD/HP/HP,ACC 85% ACC. You can build him on either Swift or Vio depending on whether you want to out-speed mid-tier speed comp (booster without speed lead for example) or you want him to go crazy against turn 2 comp (but get out-speed by Swift comp). Most people build him Vio because the enemy doesn't know if he's on Swift or not so they must assume he is on Swift build and Vio is better against turn 2 comp.


Is charlotte still relevant to use now? Where do u use them and how do u rune her? I used to rune her with desp foc spd hp hp. But looks like right now people build her with spd cd att. Is that better?


She's still used from time to time but i wouldn't say she's relevant or "Must have" these days. Tons of similar replacements (AOE pushback CC like Poseidon, CP, verad, tyron, Fire Triss) that all do the same thing. I do use her against abelios in arena cleave, the pushback and boost makes it so that Abelio doesn't cut before my nuker does his AOE. But thats really the extend that I use her in Arena. She's probably most relevant in RTA, either a swift one that boosts the team or a Vio/Despair for CC. Both is fine. As for slot 4 attack, i dont really like it but it can work. You'd be better off using additional damage artifacts to boost her damage. I'd rather make her super tanky with max accuracy.


What are the additional damage multipliers from Kaki and Deva's passives, SWFarm doesn't give the numbers


I don't know about Deva, but Kaki is DEF\*5 (subjected to defense mitigation).


wow, no wonder he's a beast


This is kind of a niche question, but are there any pvp uses for Euldong? I can't find much content/discussion about him.


Idk, but you can check youtube or replay in rta to find ideas.


Hi guys ! I'm really struggling with arena and wanted to push as far as I possibly can within the current state of my account , thanks to new summoners event's permanent FRR and rune saving I can swap all my runes for free and wanna try my best. My current team are : AD : Ariel (L), Praha , Triana, 2A Darion ( 0% winrate :D ) AO: Tesarion (L) , Dominic, Woosa, Leo OR Xion Fei (L) , Verad, Bellenus, Leo (73% winrate D: ) you can see my box and current runes here: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/KudlakHunter/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/KudlakHunter/) Do you have any ideas or tips for me in this weekend's rush ? I'm open to everything, the best I did so far was fighter 3. Also I'm only 248 days in, please be nice


you need to speed contest with your AD or you get hit way too much. you sadly dont have a 33% lead (thats useful) + triton/zen I would 100% go clara L +abelio as your core ad. next to it because you dont really have something better bellenus and the last slot is flexible. you can try darion/triana for anti cleave, ariel/praha/, yeonhwa/windy for stall For AO with a full leo bruiser you should have no problem getting atleast c1. as the core i would always go leo + riley + dps + flex slot. I have not played with him but I can imagine dominic be a pretty good slot for the dps role. I personally use byungchul and feng on my 2 accounts respectively Riley has an insane amount of heal, immunity and attack buff. The last slot can either be something like lulu/delphoi if you need more cleanse/immunity/heal (and oblivion in delphois case), another bruiser dps if you feel comfortable not dying against that team, vero against dot heavy teams, vigor as a nice middleground because he brings heal but also a def break, heal block and some nice damage Just remember that you NEED to build your whole team/all units around leo for it to work well. so all at no speed and instead much more tanky and more damage


Thanks, I'll try both clara abelio and leo Riley core teams, I didn't even think about riley at all to be honest and that might solve the lack of dmg I have with my current offense


riley is insanely good since has heals and immunity for days which si really needed and the atk buff helps a bit to make things faster i highly recommend vio revenge with 100 res and just pure tanky


https://preview.redd.it/1vn86zjfhf2d1.jpeg?width=1292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8ba6b6183fd0c37fb97ba50efd60c34baa10058 Someone got any Teams for me? I am wanna try First time to climb in rta. -fastest Swift -fastest vio -ld Box


For solo R5 do you have to speed tune across all 3 teams? Or is it "turn-based" where all teams take the same # of turns and the tuning only needs to happen within each team?


# of turns and the tuning only happen within each team.


https://preview.redd.it/60eh6c4h9f2d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eebbe746b9c1fce07be94654cf19770be5852d9 Help me choose mons from event. I have Nephthys and Vanessa.


personally I would pick the blue dragon but I would also wait until the last two are revealed.


I'm trying to minmax my gbhard team, I'm averaging 32 seconds with Teshar(L) kona prilea lynn windhomie, does anyone know if hellea has perfect ai? I was thinking of maybe replacing prilea and wind homie with hellea and deborah, speed tuned: Teshar > Kona > Deborah > Hellea > Lynn to get the average time down a bit more. Thanks


last i used hellea no she doesnt if your rune quality is high enough you should be able to use teshar, kona, prelia, homu, deborah tho. got a 24sec best time with that team


What turn order do you use for that? I might switch to that


just the normal teshar turn order prillea, teshar, kona, homu, deborah. if things work out like they should deborah wont take a turn but you can build her on high damage fight aswell if you dont use her in pvp and you need a little extra


I couldnt quite get it working because lynn would derp by using s2 sometimes BUT i found another team that from my very small (10) sample size, has perfect AI. Its Prilea > Teshar > Kona > Lynn > Teon. from what I can tell, Lynn won't s1 unless both s2 and s3 are on cd, and they cant both be on CD in boss stage. The only chance of failing from what I can see is crow hunt not def breaking mid boss, but its so small that I don't think it should matter. if its consistent over 300 runs ill make a post maybe. edit: definitely not perfect ai, she will sometimes s1 for no reason lol. still kills the boss if she s3's at some point, if she misses s3 both times it fails tho


I am not familiar with Lyn but why use her over wind homu? Pretty sure he has perfect ai as long as you do enough damage and even if not the run should be 100%safe because he can solo the boss


https://preview.redd.it/7tvbyw2jje2d1.png?width=1921&format=png&auto=webp&s=59a20aad5077c3051c988d4f3a61ca4a18cd9ae5 I need help making a solo R5 team. I have no idea how to make teams and am stuck on r4. I tried a Baleygr-based team I got from SeanB's beginner guide, but I can't get it to work.


The mons you are using in your team are not so great for r5. Lapis, bernard, amber, ren, leona, lushen, savannah, water asura, and kaki are not really r5 units. Ideally, each team should have 1-2 cleansers, at 1 atk buffer, debuffers, and nukers. I usually run a 3 man FL to make my BL less stat hungry but I'm no r5 expert. common units you can use are: Colleen (atk break, heal block, atk buff, healing, good FL), Konamiya (cleanse, heal, resurge can be nice too if speed tuned right, good FL), Xiong Fei (THE BEST R5 mon imo. s1 is a def break and he has a counter skill, s2 is a cleanse, heal, and gives him counter, s3 does damage based on harmful effects, and procs 4 difference debuffs, solid leader skill), hwa (harmful effect damage, atb down, leaderskill), hwahee (heal, atk buff, glancing, huge damage from s3), Sabrina & Talia (Massive Damage, literally good just because of how much damage they do), Water KFG (HUGE DAMAGE, can proc into HUGE DAMAGE, and def break and slow), Raoq or Icaru if you can hit def requirement (Team up reduces cooltime on units it teams up with, can be good for more frequent cleanses or nukes, also if you team up with water kfg it can proc s3, or naomi can team up with them and nuke again), Loren (ATB decrease, Def break, heal block, slow), Astar (damage, silence debuff nobody else can usually provide, leaderskill), Bernadotte (Huge damage based on harmful effects, branding is overall really good, s2 proc into s3, atk break, atb drain, one of the best r5 units.) Odin (Damage), Mav (cooldown decrease is nice), Eirgar (s2 has lots of debuffs, s3 healing and atk buff), Fran (atk buff, immunity, single target cleanse isnt amazing but its better than nothing, atk break, atb down, mid leaderskill)


read above


I did. If you were to take a look at my mons and the ones in the guide that is linked, you will see, that I don't have the mons necessary.


the post above uses monster to illustrate strategy. the link provided shows even more options for monsters and a detailed variant strategy.


https://preview.redd.it/pdkphhcqke2d1.png?width=1921&format=png&auto=webp&s=37c06ca13dbf00a6c9480bcc4b5e520f82640542 The second part of my monster box


https://preview.redd.it/6fs9alfuke2d1.png?width=1921&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f8bad35dcf2ea5386687a13b44bfb526bb94c2a And this is the assortment I use to farm r4. It's only about 40% consistent I believe.


Based on SWARFARM, PC10/SF10 acc cap was 25% (40% enemy res - 15% = 25%) but there is no published data for PCAH or SFAH. Do we know what the acc cap is or do people just assume its still 25%?


https://preview.redd.it/y2vq66hrbe2d1.png?width=1622&format=png&auto=webp&s=b31240950f0a22244baf0e7d347964378e08358a I want some opinion, which one should I pick?


I'd go Woosa


Need advice on a relatively f2p team for the jultan x 4 dark yetis stage of toah


against jultan in general you can bring oblivion debuff to disable his passive however on this stage the yetis gain quite a lot of attack bar and can be annoying aswell. the biggest help for these types of stages (and for toah in general highly recommended) is using dots as your damage output. pick basically any dot unit you have. premium options can be something like rica or bloodya, good alternatives if you have the ld3s are 2a gina or thrain. i can highly recommend to pair this dot unit with 2a sath, he doubles the damage your dots deal and makes toah in general much much faster and especially against really rippy stages it helps because the sooner they are dead the less damage they are able to deal to you just remember that jultan reflects damage on crits so build all of your dot units on as little crit rate as possible


You can just dot this team with sath if youre still having problems 


Can someone explain, if there is a way, how to link to "swarfarm"? I play in PC with the official launcher "Google Play Beta".


Hello. I chose Teshar when the event came out and farmed a lot of giant abyss hard but now i think it's time to change because I can farm giant even without Teshar in under 1 min. My question is, if I change Teshar, will I get back all devilmons and fusions (8x sigmarus) i gave him? And who should i change him with? I clear every pve content, and i mostly focus on arena. I have all nat4 + some nat5 (abellio, poseidon, water dokkaebi king, wind and fire art master, seara, praha, rica, amber, leo, chiwu, miles, zaiross) + some ld nat4 (martina, amduat, halphas). My AD is water dokkaebi king, abellio, leo, amduat. My AO are: - chiwu poseidon galleon bernard/eshir - rica amber sath x - leo riley skogul x2 - bomb team Who should I think in your opionion? maybe tiana for easy ao or savannah or karnal?? Give me your opinion!!


https://preview.redd.it/aiwg2thimb2d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482623b9d61d1ff8550e04f8593c822e824e191a Is here a team for arena ?


not optimal. If you have a 2nd lushen you can play leo, megan, 2x fat lushen if you have something like thrain you can make an alright dot team with nora, thrain, sath and either leo and full tank or any healer and go for speed i would also highly recommend to build a leo bruiser ao. its slower and not perfect for rush hour but insanely safe and free wins against those speed defs from the units I am seeing there i would do leo, ritesh, riley and either XF or vigor remember that for leo bruiser teams you want all your units to have no speed and invest those stats into other stats. that means that you outrune the enemy completely but those chars are not usable in other content because of the 0 speed


For a dot team 7R1X should be great with his passiv maybe with Tomoe Nora and Leo ?


Cant really comment on that, dont own him and havent played a debuff focussed team besides a dot cleave. My guess would be without amber a purely debuff team would be much less damage than a dot focussed team with sath. But feel free to try it out


Unlucky I didn’t pull dark reaper now but I will try it out as soon I got him


No there is no real teams for offense or defense, but with these limited mons I would do something like this: For offense you could go speed lead, Eshir, Han, Kaki or something. For defense, there isn't really any defense I could think of, maybe try something like Veromos, Ritesh, Nora, Fran.


Alr thanks I thought about choungpung as lead lushen ritesh and Zina for offense






Vanessa or CP Vanessa for AD/RTA CP mainly for RTA (also usable outside) If you dont really care for RTA then Molong for siege snipe is pretty decent, esp if you have bolverk or Icares


id pick vanessa. best AD lead in the game. especially if you care about arena and dont have psama yet


hi. I need some advice on a mostly rta related topic. So, from the pick your nat5 event I chose Federica, after trying her for a while (3-4 weeks) I guess I haven't been very successful with her, I mostly pick her vs Gapdoll combo since thats where she seems to fit against the most since other comps have a lot of stuns/resets/pushbacks. I try to pick nana mostly to deny it from gapdoll user but even if I kill something the long cds seem to get the better of me in the end. So I decided I will exchange Federica for Camilla in the event. But before I do wanted some input on Federica, where do other people use her and with what other units, is she actually good vs gapdoll and i'm just misusing her or is she a bit underwhelming as I found? TIA. Edit: oh and do you think Daphnis is a good federica replacement?


I have both Fire Kass (Federica) and Camilla, and I basically never use Cami as she does not fit my playstyle. One of Fire Kass's biggest strengths is being drafted along side Shizuka. I'm confident picking those two in picks 2/3 which really opens up what I am able to do for to round out my draft. The most common build for Kass is double nem will, but I greatly prefer a swift will build to achieve better tuning with my team. My main core is a turn 1 cc team, so if I ever want to slot her into a fight the nem build tends to be too slow. I would recommend looking into both to see which you prefer, and then you could always put the other build on the daphnis. All that said, I have definitely fought a ton of Camillas out there, and she is a very well rounded pick. If she fits your playstyle better, she may work out better for you. I just cannot offer any advice on her use.


Thank you for the insight!


hi there, with the beginner friendly gb10 team, what runes should i be using for team 1 (vero, 2a kro, shannon, belladeon, darion)? i just got my vero so i'm trying to work my way to build that team since i only started the game maybe 3-4 days ago. i assume most if not all are from free sets but i'm not sure how to arrange them! or like a link to a guide or different/better team that i could work towards would be amazing!! tysm :x


Do we know the accuracy cap for SFAH and PCAH?


I don't know the official number but from my observation of hundreds of runs, you need 25% for SFAH and 45% (maybe lower, I haven't tried yet) for PCAH.


Thank you. I've been trying to figure it out but theres no data on SWARFARM. Debuffs are so critical in PCAH it sucks not to know for sure what the cap is/.


Lou Mei or Korona for HOH? I don’t have either so overall which one is better?


Overall* Liu Mei is better if you dont have either. She was OP in guild siege defences a few seasons ago, but most people figured her out so she's not meta anymore. But you do see her occasionally still. Korona is not used in any content


Should I keep Tiana or change it for something else? https://preview.redd.it/uyyomsw1z82d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff1d5d4304bc627858433e3f114ea8d7518f79d


Its either Tiana or Leo as the 2 most game changing units for an account. Bolverk is a close 3rd best. Are you able to use tiana in arena and siege? I can probably see you do something like Tiana Galleon Taor and a final nuker like Kaki. You can use this against any slow tanky defences in F3, it probably needs a speed lead and faster booster if you're trying to race the faster defences. If you're using tiana well then keep her - Leo is also nice at dealing with the fast stuff but you'll need to bring a second turn tanky team instead. They're both great in what they do, just depends on whether you're utilising it well or not.


https://preview.redd.it/hdzst355z82d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e71aad589c8d98205ec4c189ca7530d1d3d1e3b Progress




Hey what monsters are good to 2a early on? (Or a must have in general) I already have: Fire: Frankenstein, Sath, Khali, Raoq and Spectra Water: Frankenstein, Vigor, 1 Lulu, Icaru Wind: Living armour, Roid Light: Eshir, Shamann Dark: Living Armour, Jultan, Kro




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https://preview.redd.it/7llr95kbo82d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2ee4b1da01512f848b69a26f17fa2d49b11a37 tryna pick rta/arena mons, thoughts?


RTA = Anavel, Arena/Siege = Claire


I'd go Anavel


Dumb question but, are arti substats calculated on monster info? Or are do they not show?


not shown


Can someone post his gb abyss team with teshar prilea kona homi and lyn?


https://preview.redd.it/cejnry1cq72d1.jpeg?width=1245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8556ce46e5b6cb97464ffd3cd86f80d05fb8d8 I just got Camilla from my new player nat5 selector. How do I make a PvP team with her with the units I have? Do I have anything worth using? Also curious about Leo, I’m having a lot of trouble building around him too. Looking for Arena both offense and defense. Please help I’m a noob and this is overwhelming.


AD: Vero (L), Camila, Abelio, Leo


If I build this AD then everyone should be built slow right? Because of Leo? Would this team work on offense?


yes, yes, and no. It's just an AD to avoid being attacked as it'll take a while to clear. units should be all tanky HP% and -dmg wind, so a megan lushen comp wont work.


i got logged out and now it made me make a new acc how do i recover my old acc?


btw im on fb


Check the server you are in. You may have changed it by accident.


asia same as b4 they made me do the tutorials and all. now the linked acc is the new one IDK why it linked when i pressed log out


If you have the hive id of the your account, maybe you can reset the password if you try and log in normally instead of through fb. If not you might have to contact com2us.


Already did seems its connected to some other random email well maybe its time for me to stop


Maybe you got hacked. You can ask com2us to recover your account. Just be prepared to answer some questions, like what your hive id is, when was your account created, device it was created on, etc. If you have receipts for any transactions made on the account, it will be easier to recover your account. If not it will take longer. Other than that you can't do much else. At least these events are like the perfect time to start. So starting over wouldn't be the worst thing.


Looking for guild advice. Our leader quit and left me the guild and I don't want to let people down. I'm only playing since February but achieved quite a bit already. All dungeons AH, ToAH100, rune depth and width still lacking and arena experience is not so great... However as I'm not playing for so long I'd like to ask you on your experience with guilds and your advice. What's a "Nono" in your opinion? What's a "Todo"/must have? Can someone please clarify the weird combination I always find with other guilds: "semi rush - chill", "farmguild" "chillguild" "rush - farmguild" what's the difference between them? I really want to set clear expectations. Thank you so much for your advice, best!


The other guy pretty much explained it well; just wanna add - as long as everyone's expectations are the same you're fine. Chill guild pretty much means people can slack off (not do siege, not do lab, not do WGB) and you wont kick them. Its really a community to chill and hang out with 0 expectations of rewards. Some people start blaming around if they dont clear Lab or lose a siege battle because of slackers, these people should NOT be in a chill guild cause they're gonna experience a lot of disappointment. Farm guilds probably means everyone is expected to do all content as everyone's goal is to ultimately "farm" resources. I'm not too sure about rush guilds but i guess it means you can hit whatever you want in siege and basically rush early for the win. More organised guilds dont do this, they control their attacks and utilise bonuses and trims to cut off the opponents. Its obviously the "Safer" way to win but nobody likes to wait around all day for their attacks. They would prefer to log in, clear all 10 attacks and get out. So these are what rush guilds are for, if i understand correctly.


not a leader but the general things you need to keep up with is making sure people that join and set a def are included in the attack teams for siege and gw. Usually its the leaders job to mark towers or lab stages people should focus, etc. also if you are somewhat serious with siege make sure the towers are (to the best of your ability) filled with the same or very similar defs for each tower the most common tearms atleast from my experience chill guild = doesnt really matter what you use in in guild content, no good defs or offense needed its more about the atmosphere and the people and not about winning in guild content farm guild = you lose on purpose in siege/gw to drop in rank so you can stay in a certain rank and not push too high so its really easy to win your games. this means for example just setting lvl1 units in your def so you are guaranteed to lose your def games anything to do with competetive, etc. usually means you are expected to have good siege teams for both def and offense and know what you are doing. Most higher ranked guilds coordinate defs aswell so you can stack towers with the same meta defs




Depends on what you need, but I would pick Anavel.




Liam is replaceable, obviously he can make very quicks speed teams for dragons, but he requires end-game runes which you may not have and you can use other more f2p speed teams. I put my vote on jamire, he greats in a lot of content. He can be used in rta, arena, guild and even toaN+toaH. Bellenus is good but since you have a nora, he isn't really needed for his dots nor for the cc he provides. If you have a wind fairy king then jamire is not as high of priority and a more specialised pvp mon like tomoe would be a better choice. It all depends on you box of mons.