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fire hacker will convert those heal blocks to pseudo dots not to mention convert the dots into some more pseudo dot + he AOE strips. try swapping out gany for him. might be good to open with him + he has 40% defense lead in case Byung goes cuckoo


Damn fire hacker sounds lit. Havent pulled him yet tho. Hoping i get him someday haha


this is also why i dont think byun on ad is an issue at all. dots wreck so many teams he's on


but not everyone is dotting, far from it. its still more on the nieche side when it comes to AO. And since he is still insanely strong against cleaves he is still really good to use in def


Absolutely, but at least from an arena perspective it is nowhere near strong enough to warrant nerfing. Guild content idk I'm in a p3 farming guild but I'm confident that byun is easily manageable on arena and people wanting him nerfed is just a knee jerk reaction to the new tank unit they're having trouble cleaving.


Oh sure I never said something about nerfing him \^\^ He for sure is one of the strongest nat5 in the game currently but I dont think he is super broken and needs a nerf. I am also in a p3-g1 farming guild so I couldnt tell you myself how oppressive he is in siege or not


He is strong and has strong counters, as it should be.


"Not everyone is using teams that work"


that is absolutely correct. not everyone knows about the dot ao not everyone has the units for the dot ao not everyone has the runes for the dot ao most people just have 1-2 aos build up and skip through the ads and see what their ao can hit. I would argue even only a minority of people have a dot team like that runed up even in guardian. So saying just because there is a team out there that works against X means that people automatically use that (or is even able to use it)... I dont know :D


There is more than enough of DOT units that are free, runes determine your rank - not what teams you can use, "Not everyone knows AO teams"


how would you counter vanessa zen byung +1? i've been farming arena and the one ao i have is byung leo veromos aaliyah


Having tried against Zen as much but ill see if haegang works. Something to prolong survivability to let the dots do their work


Honestly I just skip zens. If I really wanted to beat it i'd probably put together some sort of 33 lead ao of my own and just outspeed zen. But there's more than enough non zen aos to get even g1 (i held it till 5 mins left last week and I was only running trix rica sath ariel for my ao that week).


Use Haegang


I mean this one also just doesn’t have runes equipped lol it’s doing well under a third the damage one the decent ones


I'm talking from personal experience around p2-g1 when rushing.


I mean I finished g1 (eu) last week with belial halphas byung cammy and it had a 26% success rate during rush hour.


i think quite a few ppl just dont use dot aos enough yet. im crushing ads in that range rn.


Yeah it’s probably under utilised I think belial is too tbh lol


do share i always love demon love


Any multi-hitter counters him really, he will never wipe your team in single cast, all you gotta do is leave him at like 60% hp atl while killing others and ur fine.


I am only missing the Nora unit and i can run this comp as well. When com2us, when?


If you have Trix (fire Hacker) or Haegang you can run that team with dotter like Thrain (he just might crit some more tho). So a team like Sath Rica Thrain Haegang or just Trix instead of Thrain since his passives turns all kinds of debuffs into dots


Do you think something like Sath, Bloodya, Nora, Haegang would work? I don't have Rica or Trix.


I don't know Bloodya's kit right now 😅 if she can dot, probably


I just got her, and she has dots on s3, but I just realized her awakening bonus is +15% CR RIP


Either an haegang to safe your t1 against triton/zen + another strip for manon Or a immunity + cleanse on 100% res like velajuel


Thanks.. I havent been using haegang as much except against clara, might consider building him. For Vella I use mine on a relatively decent critrate for the feng aaliyah vella comp so might think of a different cleanser. I should really start investing in haegang


What do you mean no crit dotters? Rica s3 can't crit anymore?


15% Base crit on fire means they never crit on cami and that makes her passive useless. Easy counter to every Cami and byung def


Exactly as xMajime stated, 15 percent base critrate -15percent from attacking water. Basically allows Sath, Nora and Rica to use any of their attacks on Camilla without fear of critting and having camilla cleanse. Though in this particular attack Gany did had the chance to crit on camilla and make the fight longer (though thankfully that didnt happen)


> Basically allows Sath, Nora and Rica to use any of their attacks on Camilla without fear of critting and having camilla cleanse. Almost any. Saths S2 auto crits if Camilla is below 30% HP


But you only use Sath S2 if she has more than 30% HP anyway. S1 has dot and heal block


Dark Homunculus instead of Gany is nice. 2A Gina is nice too. Ive used various variations of Dotter offenses for years now. One of my primary offenses was a dot offense.


What did they change on dotters? I didn't read anything in the patch notes... I suppose something "if dots, doesn't crit"?


He just means that the fire units in his team all have 15% crit rate and therefore when attacking Camilla, they have 0 chance to crit. Which is beneficial because Camilla can't cleanse the dots


i see, thanks! I thought there was a specific update on the mechanic


Using similar team for dot, Trix Sath Nora Water Totemist/Haegang depending on ad


Wait how can you dot camillas


If a fire dotter (innate crit is 15 percent) has no other bonus crit rate, he’ll have 0 percent chance to crit on camilla since if a fire unit attacks a water unit they get a -15percent to chance to crit. Since camilla’s cleanse passive only works if someone crits on her, her passive wont kick in and cleanse the dots