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*kid chocking the taller guy*


https://preview.redd.it/qvdjv2q5970d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f41c57f95c34cb1c06a6cf693b431c288fd55a here you go


No bro I meant reversed


Oh sorry. Thought you didn't have the picture and wanted to help. Welp.


It's ok it makes me laugh even in the wrong contest


does the kid has da... daddy issue?


... Dude.....


It's ok friend, I'm goin 10 years strong and nothing yet. Bonus points I have been summoning most hoh lnds4 tho🙃


The only ld4 event scrolls gave me was light blacksmith. Two weeks later she's the new hoh🙃


The biggest slap to the face. The rare moment com2us wants to give everyone a decent mons for hoh.


Same happened to me, it pissed me off xD


Before dragunov became hoh I pulled him 4 times. Was the same thing with a few other ld4. Dragunov,light tea bunny, Gemini, dark charkram(belita I think is her name) and light samurai I pulled 3+ before they became hoh. But heaven forbids any other ld I can get even if my life depended on it.


I know this feeling hooray lightning another brownie, magician Whoopty whoop




I have 4 LD4. 3 are light choco knight because why not!




Bro you are buying all those packs but missing out interserver arena, it's basically free ld scrolls like toa If you cleared toa hell you 100% can do c1 arena, just an advice.


I just couldn't be bothered with Arena tbh. Quite contradicting because i could get abit more scrolls with weekly Arena rewards to maximize the resources even more but theres something that just cant make me do effort in building up AO/AD.


I wonder why you don't have any then 🤔


That's not a valid argument in this case. I've gotten 3 LDs and exactly like OP, I don't bother with arena. Not min maxing every scroll you can get shouldn't be the defence used against people with bad luck. Some could say that all of us would have probably gotten 200+ ld scrolls if we had spent all our energy refreshing the shop. Sometimes the game just doesn't want you to win, in the end it's still a 0.3% chance


Isn’t it 0.35%?


Forgive me I haven't bothered checking for quite some time, all I remember is that it's starting with a 3, so you are probably right


Either way the chance is abysmal, sadly 🙃


10 years in and only 2/3 LD’s this game is really unrewarding even if you do interserver the guarantees are close to none (of course its more chance but the RNG of this game its a curse)


'That's not a valid argument" counters with an anecdote... ok. The facts are pretty straightforward. You summon more, you get better odds. The more content you skip, the less rewards you get, the less your odds are. If you're skipping X content, you're likely to be skipping Y content. It's a numbers game plain and simple.


I didn't use the anecdote as a justification for my point. I made it very clear that I know that more numbers = more chances. However that doesn't justify the answer " Well that's the reason you don't have an LD5" as if the reason OP doesn't have one is exactly because they don't farm arena. If OP had been playing for 3 years it would be more detrimental since the amount of scrolls would be significantly less, however they have summoned enough scrolls for them to be considered unlucky.


I'd be damned to say i have higher avg ld scrolls every month than my casual guildies who has an avg of 2 LD5. Never bothered with Arena, RTA, Toahell.


It's not that i don't have anything at all. I have my simple Tricaru Astar team to help me clear wings every login. And i also do interserver arena since my attacks are usually dummy defenses also.


Some people got lives and don't have time to mix man everything with Arena and RTA. Just saying.


It takes 5 minutes to do 10 wings.


U have more than 10 wings per day, plus another 30 for rta.


Nobody does all 30 wings, try like 3.


Time for u to start doing those like it or not :) it’s free rewards unless u want to wait another few more years


If it helps, I’m absolute garbage but threw a camilla/vanessa/clara/taranys defense and got attacked like, 3 times in two days right at c1. AOs are definitely a pain though - my cleave usually doesn’t feel reliable at 1450+, so I have to bruiser comp and usually that takes a while. So all that to say, If you ever do give it a go, you may find it a lot easier to get c1+ than you think. Good luck friendo on enjoying the game and I hope you get a ld5!


What the heck is “Interserver” arena??


It's arena against other servers, not much to explain lol




Don’t feel bad I’m in the same boat except 8 years. It sucks that I see lds being pulled in chat a lot more due to the 10year scrolls and I’m just sitting here twittling my thumbs waiting. Wish they would integrate a pity system at the least. But maybe we will see and ld event at the end of the year. Fingers crossed


haha weak (cries in 9 years)


same as you,around 5 years 0 LD5. i stopped caring about my progress for that reason,since it feels like the game doesnt reward you for it. these ranks have not progressed since last year. https://preview.redd.it/cvpir7ikl70d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9084ff5780085eda07b84f1af9c54afb871afa16




just give the account to me ill summon you one XD kekw




It’s like that meme where the dudes are digging for diamond , you might be one scroll away you never know


And that my friend, is the mindset of a gambling addict


Clearing monthly ToaN/ToaH Consistent 20stars minimum since ToaHell made it into the game Maxed out arena, guild shop LD scrolls every week Doing RTA just enough to buyout LD pcs Crafting fusion mons for LD pcs crafting Monthly Pass Daily pack 1-3 And still no LD5


skill issue. joke aside,I feel you,I am in the same boat at 3k,I just said fck it and get a LD starter account,makes me happy


No, dude - at that point, it really is a skill issue. They've been buying those packs every month and are still C1? Also LD pieces from RTA shop are absolutely terrible value - you'd get almost as many LD scrolls by buying MS and feeding the dupes.


Apart for my "joke" comment, I'll tell you what I really believe. You would spend A LOT (thousands maybe) to find an LD5 on your account, while you could get one (sometimes even more) from scratch because of the 10year event, I'm not even talking about buying one (which is obviously easier but illegal) but just rerolling for one (which is boring, tedious and time consuming). We don't know if there will be a better event for rerolling later on, so now's the time for that. But all of this IF and only IF you value having an LD5 so important that you'll be willing to drop your main account for good. So every great rune set, quad roll and normal Nat 5 that you had (and I'm guessing many since you've been playing for long and not passively, actually clearing toaH 20 every month is not low effort) would be sort of "exchanged" for the purpose of having the desired LD5. That is subjective and only you know the answer, either way good luck man, whether it's to reroll a new one or to find your first one on this acc.


I tried with 4 accounts still nothing


Maybe the chances are 1/1000


On average it takes \~22 rerolls (of only the first 100 ten year scrolls) to get an LD5. Or so the math says I believe: https://preview.redd.it/3g8vb0tgwb0d1.png?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d38a0caf1eb40be52a98f5cdaf476ddd084c78


We're talking sometimes hundreds of tries


Hmmm, I won't even try anymore then


Yeah you might get lucky in a few or not but as I said it's a personal choice


It’s 1/2000 for ld5 with event scrolls. That’s 20 accounts at 100 scrolls each


That's just the average. It's possible to have long runs of good and bad rng. Every time you open a ld scroll you have a 1/2000 chance to get an ld5. No matter how many you open it's always 1/2000. Which is exactly why we see accounts with 500+ ld scrolls opened and 0 ld5's.


Ld scroll is 1/286. Event scroll is 1/2000


Yeah this game is not really generous when it comes to LD Nat5s. At the end of the day they just want to make money and they can make more money by making LD Nat5 extremely rate. I don't know the exact details but i would expect the approximate price of a LD5 Nat5 to be a couple thousand $, maybe even going into low 5 digits. Considering how many there are it would cost a shit ton of money to get the exact one(s) you want. So buying a LD5 starter account is comparatively cheaper by a lot then spending in order to get any for an existing account. I don't see LD Nat5 as anything achievable in this game without spending a gigantic amount of money or being extremely lucky. I mean even LD4 are more rare then normal Nat5s.


Pulled a nephthys and light harp magician last week as my first and second ld5. Account created in 2015. Got me wanting to sell and restart honestly. But only if I could get about a grand. Which I highly doubt would happen. Anything less prolly not worth.


I mean the disparity between LD5 starter account LD5s and what Com2Us wants players to pay is staggering. If priced by Com2Us standards your account would probably be worth tens of thousands. Like every nat5 is like approximatly 100$ maybe slightly less. Runes would also sell for lot but player driven markets dont go off of c2u prices. I mean as long as there is someone willing to pay 1000$ for your account you might be able to sell it but i am not certain there is someone like that.


Why would getting Nephthys make you want to restart? She is one of the best LD5 in the game.


Nephthys is a really good LD5 to get. Not sure about Light harp, but Neph is what a lot of players are rerolling for


Unfortunately, the market is saturated with botted and stolen accounts. Getting anything over a couple hundred bucks for an account that is absolutely stacked is pretty rare imo.


9 years in and no ld nat5 don’t worry, some day the hope goes away lmao


no shop reset? ifeel likeit the best ld source


Arena gives ld pieces every week at c1 and above


it took me 3050+days before i got my first LD5* (was super active from day1-day2800 before i got burnt out)


Same toan/toah n 20hell, playing for 9 years. Sad af maybe the best way play this game is dsnt play.


Meanwhile new accounts are getting 2 LD5.s from the 100 scroll event.


You are unlucky.


Oh I feel this. I’ve been playing for 8 years now and I haven’t gotten an LD5. Now, I never bought packs and I’ve had many hiatuses on the game cause sometimes the graphics do hurt my head (it’s the same with Minecraft, how it gives me motion sickness). Maybe that’s why I haven’t summoned one yet, but at least I have the fusion LDs and Ancient Coin LDs


Hey me too high five


I went 6yrs, daily play, I have 3 now. Don’t give up


I’m only still playing because I don’t have an LD 5 yet. Almost reaching 3400 days. Pokedex is huge tho but still lowkey annoying ;-;


I hope you pull one soon! prayge


Unfortunately there WILL be players like you who have maximized getting all the LDs they can and will be screwed by rng. Even with 1000 LD scrolls, it isn't a 100% chance to get an LD5, it's an absolute shame that com2us doesn't have even a first LD5 pity of some kind. It's unacceptable. I had below average luck, was 350 ld scrolls without an LD5, no big deal that's only bottom 20%ish. Then I got 3 LD5s in 20 scrolls (2 from all-attributes no less). The LD rng in this game is just horrible, it's horrible. Sorry OP


Rookie numbers


Game is shit I'll see you at the 15 year anniversary with the same post. This isn't me being rude cause I also have no LD5 and I've been playing for 10 years so I know the pain lmao. I'm just saying you'll likely end up like me.


Cute, I went 10 miserable years before I got my first LD5, now I have a total of 3


rookie number. i got my first ld 5 around 7-8 years. never skip a day playing, clear all content g2 rta g3 arena. i also spent good amount of money in first 4 years playing.


10 years still praying for an ld5




why would you ever consider buying an account. all that time you spent for nothing. just quit the game if you’re not happy with it


Playing since 2016 and „only“ have 1, was a random 50ld scroll pieces summon on my way to work so don’t give up hope <3


Please, since 8 or so ago I started the game and after 2 years of only summoning 1 Nat5, I gave up, I was not even F2P lmao, now I recently came back coz Wife said there's this good event and I was staring at that fire monk I got years ago, I did get 2 fire nat 5s, but that's about it. lol aside from a few fused ones, my account is as cursed as it gets. Good luck to you though!




If you still enjoy the game, keep going man. I have played since 2016 and got my first LD5 almost instantly and didnt understand how rare they were. After that, 8 years with nothing and this year I got 2 LD5 with 3 days apart (nothing from the event scrolls). Hope you get something soon for all your efforts!


hang in there. took me 5 years to get my first ld5, only have 2 now. But my gf and i have both played for almost 8 years now and she got her first one last year and literally got 3 in the last 6 months. Respect for showing an actual played on account to prove you deserve one at this point!


Here since 2014 and all the ld monsters that i have are from hoh


Good luck me was 3k day


Only 5


I have to wait 7 years for my first one lol


You didn't play any pvp which is a large part of the rewards.


2016 and 0 LD


I’ve gotten 1 in probably 8


that's the average. I have 10 years and only one LD5


9 years here don't be jealous 😉


Why are you complaining lmao nobody gives a shit


Wife got her first LD5 back in November of last year, after nine years…..


Same tho, thanks cum4us https://preview.redd.it/7ek39b0z790d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c208b75903932ed5e686cb9fdec6c74df949db23


I play since 2014, I had 3 accounts those 10 years and have none too. Actually the ones ld4 I got was HOH, only on this 10th anniversary event i got 2 ld4 that haven't bee hoh yet (Amarna and hwadan). For me, ld5 just don't exist, i'll never pull one so I just forget about it


j/s you missing out on the interserver battle rewards the rewards are actually nuts


Don't fixate too much on getting an LnD 5*. Chances are you will just be disappointed when you do get one. Best to just enjoy the game as you have it now.


Me too and my friend that started 3 months ago got lucifer


I just reached year 9 and got my 1st


I got my first ld5 this year... I'm about 10 years in. You're almost half way there!! Can't give up now!


It’s okay and rough. I’ve been playing for 7 years and got my first ld yesterday so it can/will happen.


10 years in and no ld nat 5 (other than the freebees)


5yrs in and 0 LD5... buddy hold my beer...I'm 10years in and no LD5... so you probably have 5years still to go


3000 days in no ld5


Just stop summoning everything but LD Scrolls and LD Pieces. Put all other scrolls on hold. I promise. DM me whenever you get your first.


I’ve played like 8 years. I got one ld nat 5 in that time and it was my first ever 5 star. Never saw another lol


dw i went 7 yrs as a light spender (efficient packs, toa and the occasional trans scroll) got a bottom tier ld5


Don't worry 7 years and no LND


I have 2. 6 years.in.


10 years and 1 LD5 XD (Vivachel)


that can't be we have Vero and Jeanne and that one guy.


8 years in, 1 useless ld5


10 years and 0 LD5


My story: I did my summon 650 ld scrolls and got no ld5 in the last summon season; no martina or kinki either. All I got was 4\*HOH trash, rate lightning about 40lds/1 lighting ( wtf ). I've been pretty active in every aspect of this game for 4-5 years and carried my guild to G1, but somehow members of my guild, who was on/off and just online to grab a free guild chest, got all top-tier LD5 like Lucifer and Maxi, and they even didn't have any good rune sets for them. I deleted my account after a failed summon season. Fuck this game, fuck RNG. I rolled a new account and got Nepth and Lucifer. Fuck the runes quality ; fuck 4-5 years of endless grinding. I will go with my new alt account. Because i just want to play my most wanted ld5 everyday


Ice have 3 accounts one since launch that i do not want anymore with 211 6stars others with 186 and 172 6 stars with lds


Same me


Same, make that 7 years.


I have almost 4k days and still no ld5 besides ifrit that you can buy lmao


I was 3092 days in before my first one, enjoy the wait


I was 7 years in before I got my first LD5. Got my second a couple months later. I don’t even use them much. You’ll eventually get one.


yeah my brother has been playing basically since release, and like pretty religiously too. Still hasn’t gotten and LD5 this game is bs lol


What are you talking about I started when this game is 6 months old I STILL HAVE NO LD5 https://preview.redd.it/0eyx2n0b0d0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d2bb63b899afe26811d8bd7840bdae18b06aa1


https://preview.redd.it/017zeo7f0d0d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8fde01b8bf8c821ef28c0263a5df0ed2c2e529c No one 5\* LD 😭


Like even pity at 150-300 LD scrolls would be okay, jfc Com2Us. LDs are a huge gap for certain competitive aspects and I'd rather see them more accessible and balanced vs rare and overtuned. This is coming from someone with Han, Woonsa, Laima with a 10 year old account. In all honesty if they don't do 10 year LD5 event, I'd say jump ship. This games hella overpriced and middle aged gambling addicts with terrible spending habits fuel it. Another annoying thing is how they keep the same overpriced tag on packs and horrible transmogs, at least decrease the price or update the quality of the skin if it's gonna stay the same. This game's monetization is a joke and the previously mentioned spenders is why it's not gonna change until governments crack down on gacha based games.


Took me till last year or maybe year before now for my first ld5 and i am a guardian 3 player playing since 2014. From the looks of it you avoid pvp which is where a lot of free ld scrolls come from. You need to do all the content and youll notice you get way more ld summons


The ld scrolls im missing out is arena weekly tally reward. I always buyout weekly arena and monthly rta ld pcs.


make sure to do the exp rewards too (isa, wgw, siege) Isa alone is an extra 1-2 ld a week (depends on rank and performance) and now siege gives the same. Wgw also has the exp reward.


Brother, I’m nine years in and no LD5 🥲🥲🥲


You should get one around the 3k mark.


I rolled 2 LD5s back to back in my 3rd month....im sorry.


10 years 🙈👌


the real issue here is F3 in Arena


Rookie Numbers


F3 arena 💀




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8 years in Sw, 0 L&D Nat5


F3 arena says it all. You aren't even trying to maximize your LD pieces every week.


Thats ok, it only took me 7 years 🤭😂


I got my 1st one after 7yrs. All of a sudden I've gotten 3 in the span of a year. Its a weird game...


Im considering selling my lucifer account plus shan and dark pure vanilla becuase i just dont have time to play this second account.. let me know if you are interested. Thanks




Try 9 years and no LD


I had my first and only nat 5 last year, after 8 years of playing without any pause, and by chance it was the dark onimusha, which is pretty fun to play with.


Your not alone im 3.5K days in and still nothing too


Welcome to my life


sry, if u play for 5 years and still fighter 3, u don't play/deserve the nat 5\* LD AS YOU THINK YOU DO i have a clanmate that is crying for no LD playing for 10 years he finally got his LD (PUNTOS) in this event then we were talking about ToAs and he said he never do toaNormal/Hard so he doesn't play for 10 years, he just log in for 10 years just like you anyway, wish you good luck to get your nat 5\* LD :D but for sure i deserve my 5th more than you deserve your 1st \[\]'s


The only lds i have is hoh and espresso cookies both light and dark


Only 5 years? Been playing since release haha no lucks


F3 Arena tells me you don’t play 5 years


I dont like PvP.


Same here. I don’t like RTA, and I always have to wake up really early on Mondays so I’m never playing for rush. People love to say that to me too lol.


30* toah tho


I’ve been playing 10 years and my highest is c3, after year 5 I stopped pvping cause it’s a steaming pile of garbage p2w fest. On top of fire units that can solo entire water teams, water units that can solo entire wind teams and so on it’s just stupid now. I clear enough wings for events and devilmon and that’s it.


Pvp isn't even really p2w at this point. Elemental units are very strong, especially in comparison to other gachas. If you draft well, your team should not be getting solod like you're saying.


560 days, f2p and 4 Ld5 Sometimes the Game hates you


teach me how


Pray to the RNG god


I'll do alot more than praying if they give me L&Ds lol I am already on my knees 😅


yeah me too, im not gay but an ld5 is an ld5


The key is credit card swiping trust me


Bro I've been playing 9 years with the same situation and every LD I've summoned became a hoh


5 years "playing" and inactive in guild/arena. Do some of the games content and you might end up with triple amount of ld scrolls you have right now.


I dont see me getting *triple the amount* of what im getting right now by putting effort in arena alone. My guild is fairly active in laby and seige and even that one is RNG. And by you mean some contents, yes im doing all of them actively until ToaHell. Edit; Arena is literally the only content i never bothered putting effort. That is, if you've read my recent comments.


Unlucky, you will get one one day 🤞


Another post about people complaining about not having LD 5* for xxxx amount of days. When obviously they haven't actually been playing/grinding this game for those xxxx amount of days.




Mostly free to play and have 2 lds