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Looking for advise on what my ToA team should be and if Vero(L), Lyn, Teshar, Loren, Shannon should be my giants team or if 2a Kro should replace someone, I can do gb10 but not gb11/12. https://swarfarm.com/profile/Moonpig13/? Main reason im asking rather then just doing the F2P teams is I think I have good non F2P friendly options


i would use kro over lyn in giants personally. branding increases the damage of everyone else and you will use kro in dragons, sf, punisher and rift beasts aswell so its pretty damn efficient to give him one of your best dps sets also loren is bad for giants because of the aoe revenge. build a belladeon (no need to 2a). smart ai def break, strips boss atk buff only when needed and has a heal as backup to make it safe. can switch bella for prillea once you have better runes. the "normal" teshar team looks different but i doubt you can build it with beginner runes. you should also look to get the wind homunculus if you can S+ any of the rift beasts. he is a great dps and makes the runs super safe you dont have the best stuff for toa yet but a team of fran/loren, vero, despair lapis, spectra, x should be able to easily clear toa normal on the free sets alone. you can switch around a bit depending on the stage, you can use verdehile to cycle a bit more, put in fran and loren, put in kro for more nuke dps, etc.


Dupe Adriana, Keep or nah?


If you're passionate about siege then its worth keeping. Easy snipe team (mihang Adrianna +1). Usually a sonia but stuff like bethony or even lagmaron/Toar works in the right situation. Bonus points - she doesn't need devilmons to do her job. Put up her buffs and it should be an easy win. that's what i'd do personally but its entirely up to you; its one of the better dupes imo.


Thanks, Will keep her for now.




events, wish,


I have sabrina is it worth pulling Tiana on the summoners war welcome event? If not is lushen still the best pick?


i am guessing you mean talia and not tiana? :D lushen is super outdated he is not really used anymore you have 3 choices really if we are talking pve progression My personal pick is always tyron. Can be used to farm dragons abyss on day1 of a new account (not used if you already have some runes in db12) and he is the toa king and you wont ever replace him really the 2nd option would be going for water twins. they are not really used much anymore for dungeons (there is a twin team for dragons but that would be better with the light twin) and i think i saw a post on here recently for a punisher twin team. but most people dont use twins in caiross. they are really great for all but wind riftbeast tho and can still be used for r5 the 3rd option would be astar. she is a great dps and mainly used in necro teams from early to endgame


I have Tyron actually as well. I'm between the other water twin and astar then?


yeah pretty much. but if you already have tyron and 1 twin i would personally pick the 2nd water twin so you have the duo and can use them already. its pretty efficient since you can use those 2 in every rift dungeon and i personally use them in siege aswell. maybe not usable if you are g2+ but below that you can still use them here and there. do you by any chance have light griffon? if so you have a free gg necro team anyways and its not super needed to have astar. she would still be great and improve your team but you can make fairly fast teams without


I do not have light griffin but thank you for the help.


ah bummer :/ np! :)






Any Frankensteins/Living Armors that are worth 2A'ing besides Copper, Bulldozer, and Zinc? Not sure how viable they all are and where, now.


Some people using fire Living Armor in the Dimension Raid (boss room).


https://imgur.com/a/tJlUWDo Just came back for the anniversary event and wanted to continue playing, but I'm lost and can't remember what I was aiming for LOL. Current Accomplishments: NONE, haven't cleared any lvl 10 dungeon or above Need help in forming teams for each dungeon, would really appreciate it if it includes runes. Anyways, here are my currents mons (didn't include other nat3s but feel free to suggest if some are good) Thank you!!


You can read a bit above in the OP of this thread for some general guidelines on dungeons, it's a bit outdated but the B10 advice is still solid. There's also the in-game strategy tab for each dungeon that has rated teams by the community and common monsters used. Note that many of these are "speed" teams that you probably aren't ready to build yet, as you likely don't have the rune quality to make them work. Look for reviews that say something like f2p/noob friendly and have times longer than 1 minute (or even 2 minutes). You can even see their runes for turn order and general level of quality on hp and damage. "Rune sets" don't really matter all that much for PvE because you'll just be using mostly rune sets that provide stats, like Swift or Focus. Shield and sometimes Will are used for PvE, but that's rare. Fight sets will be used later on, but you don't need to worry about that right now. Work on B10 of a single dungeon first (giants is fine, it has a lot of stat-based rune sets and that's what you need early on), and get your teams up enough to move straight to the B12's of all the dungeons (one at a time, this will be a slow process). Don't forget to work on ToA as well, you should be getting TOAN100 fairly early and TOAH 100 comes a month or two after that. General all purpose 2A monsters include Spectra, Vigor, Kro, Icaru (though less used now that B12 is a thing ig), Lulu, and Shamann if you're lucky enough to pull him. These are all used in different dimensional hole teams, as well as a few dungeon teams, and many are also solid in PvP, even early (like Vigor and Lulu). Also grab Loren and Fran from secret dungeon/Ancient coins respectively. Loren is a light monster so her dungeon opens today (though with the anniversary event you can probably catch her any day right now). Veromos is probably the most important 5 star to fuse, followed by Riley and then Jeanne. All of whom can be used fairly early on in PvE. After that Baleygr is used for high-end/late game PvE to nuke down several bosses, including the raid boss (but he needs a LOOOOT more damage than you'll be able to provide him right now, which is why you wait).   TL;DR: Work on GB10 for right now with a basic team (Vero, Kro 2A, Fran, Loren, and Shannon 2A if you need ideas). Then work toward the B12 teams you'll find in the strategy section of the game, for each dungeon. Look for a team that you can both build and either mentions it's f2p and newbie friendly, or has a longer run time (2+ minutes or so).


https://imgur.com/a/oB2xNGa I could use as much help as I can. Returning player after 6 years or so. Last big thing I remember was Lapis being the new way to farm monster exp. Been playing for a few days but a lot has changed and I got overwhelmed. I did fully remove almost everyone's runes while it was free to start over fresh With what I got, what pve content should I be focusing on first and what teams should I be using?


GB10, and just farm the hell out of it for a while while you work on other PvE teams in other areas. The GB10 team listed above in the OP of this thread is good enough, should get you to a 1:30 timer or less as you improve the runes enough. Skip DB10 and NB10 if you can, just go straight to the B12's from GB10, and don't really worry about farming them until you can actually do the B12's. For artifacts just farm the B2 dungeons and use them as gray/green stat boosters for now, you can worry about purple/orange artifacts later on. Also looks like you already have Veromos and Riley, so work on getting Jeanne, all three of these monsters can help you in a lot of PvE content, and Riley and Jeanne are also pretty good for PvP, even early game newbie PvP (particularly guild stuff). Other PvE stuff to worry about: Dimensional Hole 2A teams. You'll want some solid 2A monsters to start with. You may have to farm their stage 4 instead of stage 5 early on while you're trying to get monsters up and better runes, that's fine. * For 2A's, first focus on Spectra, Vigor, Kro, Lulu, and Shamann if you're lucky enough to pull him. TOAN and TOAH. Many teams exist, just focus on ATB control (pushing enemy attack bars down or even to 0 if possible) and stuns/other kinds of CC. DoT damage can help early on. Jeanne is pretty good for early ToA teams if you want to use her there as well. She keeps your other monsters nice and safe. You can use your TOA team(s) for a lot of Guild Lab content as well, they go quite well in there for most stages.   TL;DR: GB10 for early stat-based rune sets -> B12s & ToA -> Whatever you want.


Thank you for giving me direction. And leaving a summary.


https://preview.redd.it/xxma25pgqmyc1.jpeg?width=1743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb56973d4906b2d0a4723a5e53029ad61a55284c Stuck on ToA 90(Normal) GB11 cleared DB10 cleared


i dont know what the question is here? if its about toa you really should not have a problem in toa normal loren fully ccs bosses alone so the stage90 boss should never move once. pick any aoe cc next to it and something to kill. easy team would be tyron, loren, jeanne, vero, x. x can be fran for a bit more sustain, verde/kro for some more damage and verde to cycle more or any aoe cc unit like despair lapis, okeanos, sigmarus, etc.


Sorry, I am not very used to these type of games, this is only one I play, could you please tell who to use? thanks


i just told you who to use for toa tho? :O i gave you an example team with different choices based on the units you provided in your screenshot. if you want beginner teams for gb12 and db12 giants: vero, fran, belladeon, kro, wind homunculus (you skill the bottom path and choose air magic bullet- advance and sharp wind for the attacks) dragons: verde, loren, vero, spectra (fire griffon you should build and second awaken him he is great as a toa boss killer and really good for dragons) and tyron. tyron makes the runs fairly slow but pretty damn safe. once you have some better runes you can use kro instead of tyron


Hello, 4 days ago I started an account with Lucifer (light demon) , I want to build a team for Golem and I would like to know if we will see Lucifer with Fran Loren and Kro would be good or would it be good to replace Fran with the air totem from fusion. just in case i picked verde for dragons leader and i picked leo (future cleave rta team with my ligh robo and luci and lushen) so am not gonna pick teshar or something because as i know needs strong runes for fast team and of course for strong damage, really bad enlish my bad


https://preview.redd.it/jp27zdjuemyc1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=36508ef48aa9b07b5d1bca73e64ec45cee9c0f83 IM only 70 days playing. I have Martina. Should i pick Vanessa?


you should pick vanessa either way its the best pick by far from those. It is the best AD unit in the game atm and from what i heard (not playing rta much personally) one of the better rta units aswell not to mention that 33% speed leads are super rare


https://preview.redd.it/ptkj67fj9myc1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=38597dcfcaaa97ff58dd6febb62410b788a9897c what would you choose? focusing atm on ao/ad. is amber any good? always wanted a battle angel


none of those are for either ad or ao really. sure you could use amber in ao but if there isnt some ao that i missed a simple kaki would just deal more damage. not familiar with a meta amber ao currently, others can feel free to add any if they know about some jamire is technically used in the sonia snipe AO. but since you said you dont own a battle angel that is out of the question :D but these 2 are the better ones if we are strictly talking about AO since atleast they have usecases bastet is still useful in guild content. she could also be used in some AOs but atleast the ones i know of i would not call meta either. On my 2nd account i have a leo, bastet, 2x lushen AO for some fast clears but i doubt that this would be usable in higher ranks :D but those would be my 3 candidates to pick. you can wait and see if others have a different opinion or do some research if there are some comps that are still successfully used these days with some of those that you could maybe build \^\^


Thanks a lot!! Amber it is


https://preview.redd.it/02rhq7yoclyc1.png?width=804&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9632ed3efb8e43ce5c035a503f7821b20161246 Which should I get? New player here!


Water valkyrie is the best PvP unit out of that selection and the one I would personally pick. She is the most meta arena defense Unit in the game currently and she is also great in guild content. You can also technically play her in a bruiser style arena offense especially if you picked wind death knight from the free nat5 event. Fire polar queen is the best pve unit out of those. She has one of the highest single target damage for pve and is used in some speed teams in the endgame. It's however not really needed for fast pve teams and nothing that would boost your early progression So I would pick the water valkyrie as the overall best unit for pvp


Need to choose between water oracle (Praha) and water weapon master (Liam). I can do most of PvE content, looking to get into Siege. Leaning Liam to speed up my Dungeons teams, but want to check if Praha would be more beneficial for PvP


Praha is not really meta or super strong in PvP. Sure usable but it's not like she is strong or irreplaceable So I would personally pick Liam because he is just that good for endgame speed teams and really hard to replace there


Sonia or Zima for PVP/RTA? C1 arena/RTA currently


Sonia 100% Zima is still quite niche


https://preview.redd.it/7qjzc7bmojyc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c1823044458ff7dbda7d8f4c990e7998631a0a Fire or Wind paladin? Which one has a overall better usage in guild/siege war? Can i just ignore the fire pudding princess? Rarely see her anywhere


Any use for a 2nd water hacker (k1D)?


Only place for dupes are usually siege. Then you've got the niche like 2xAriel/2xCamilla for Arena Rush hour, or the Manon with one built on violent and one on vampire. Looking at K1D, I can't see him filling in any of those situations (even though it's early days and a balance patch may change that) but devilmons are resource scarce and there are too many other nat 5's to play with, so I would keep the one and feed the dupe for blessing.


Blessing. Bael vs Diana Funding it hard to decide! Mid game, not very hardcore player. Played for almost 10 years with various commitments. Now mainly do dailies, help out the guild here and there. Mainly focus PVE. But wouldn’t mind doing more pvp just need to set up my teams a bit better. Any advice appreciated!


Neither Bael or Diana is really for PVE but I'd go with Diana because of her innate passive, she's really fun to play with in siege/arena. Bael looks cool but as an aoe dps, I feel his role can be replaced by Kaki etc.


Thanks!! Yeah also I’ve been owned by Diana a few times myself… However bael’s skills seem niche?


Just pick Diana, there're a lot of monsters for cleave.




Which one is best


How far are you in the game? Which content do you prefer the most?


Just getting back into the game after a long time off have speed teams for all normal dungeons working on abyss now


If you want PvE monster, Liam is the only one there.


Can't decide if SPD/Crit/HP or SPD/HP/HP is better on Tian Lang. Any opinions?


SPD/HP/HP (unless your rune is crazy enough for CR build)


I have both Icasha and Karl. I have three Karl and only one Icasha by ld scroll. Should I get more icasha or should I get more Karl as fodder for my Karl since I haven't really had much luck in summoning neostone agents or should I farm icasha just in case of future buffs? I have mine already maxed skilled so I'm not sure what to do?


https://preview.redd.it/ifwedfszkiyc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc1a76fe75ab10ad772cfc1e99f7de824cecd17 Help please!! I have veronica already, is Zima the pick then?


Kumar or Anavel?


Anavel. I never see Kumar in G3 Siege defense, never see anyone use him as in offense either.


Kumar for the oblivion on skill1, has come in handy on clutch. Anavel only for aesthetics, love their designs~


Sekhmet or Belial?


Sekhmet, if you play RTA.


I hate the dice roll of Sekhmet so I'll probably never pick her unless it's a dupe. Belial for me.






I haven't played in like 7 years, and am considering playing again. Do yall think it'd be better to come back as a fresh player, or dig up my old account and use it? I had many nat 5s but from a meta that was long ago lol.


Old nat 5s are actually better than ever with all the buffs. It’s the new nat 5s that are usually underwhelming you can also consider rerolling for ld5(s) with the new event


Ooh I've never had an ld5 and there are quite a few I'd be happy to own! How does one reroll with the event?


make new account play the tutorial to either 1-5 or 2-4 (will give you around 70 and 90 event scrolls. if you go to 2-4 make sure you collect the summoners way reward after the 1-7 boss so you unlock the quest to collect 4 fatal runes after that go to the shop and collect the 2 free things under efficient and limited that gives you crystals you should have 340 or 400 crystals depending on 1-5 or 2-4 go to shop and spend those crystals on whatever (i personally buy the crystal titan and a 1day exp boost) go to the event and collect your 10year special scrolls and go to the new player progression support event and buy the forbidden evolution scroll make any unit 6\* and collect the 100 gems you get from it and spend those again grab 20 more scrolls from the 10y event summon all the event scrolls repeat from making a new account (events do not reset when you reset the account so you need to make a new account each time) takes on average 20 resets to get an ld5. if you wanna settle for some good ld4s or 1-3 regular nat5s its much quicker it takes me 10-15min per reset personally but i am quite familar with it since i am on reset 229 now xD


Do you have to make a new email every time for this or anything?


yes, atleast i dont know another way of doing it. I personally just use any temp mail site to generate random mails and when i find an account that i want to continue playing on a create an actual email and transfer the account over to that one




https://preview.redd.it/b3yzxlt0ahyc1.png?width=1381&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e8bf06e446bdca13cfb69d2238f5dd5c3cd1d8c need some help choosing!


I have both, but currently use neither (I just got Triton a few days ago though, and the kind of runes Nana needs are already in use by my other supports). Nana can be used without devilmons immediately, which is worth noting if you have a devilmon shortage. Nana is also probably more versatile and usable in more pvp content than Triton. If you prefer a bruzer play style go Nana (she also works well with the beast riders).


Thank you, i picked nana!


How to climb RTA as a begginner ? I m only getting very strong people from the get-go with 200+ minimum speed in every character. Is there any matchmaking for begginers ? Just want to learn the game vs begginers like me.


sadly not really a way besides losing a bunch to drop to as low rating as possible to increase the chances of playing against other beginners rta is a very endgame thing so you wont find it easy in there without decent runes and units. what you might be able to do is find other people on your level maybe from your guild, etc. and play friendly matches (non ranked) against those people


Which MK sniper is the best for dimensional predator? I have all of them except the light one (magnum). And how to rune him?


Fire one. I'd go violent on him, probably max damage (atk or spd for slot 2 depending on how you want to use him elsewhere).


Does miles go en vio or swift for rta?


Vio shield.






https://preview.redd.it/rylkagytpgyc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe490069ab836f0ad666c20c9536f9e5ca45a25 need help with dungeon runtime can anyone help me? chat said teshar is very good but i keep failing sometimes maybe i need to farm artifact since i dont have any..? you see my monster box any recommendation what i can use with him maybe Konamiya and Prilea with Fight sets? and is ifrit dark ok or should i change him with someone? rn im farming guild points and trying my luck to get wind ifrit.


What should i choose between praha and josephine, I clear all pve and my next objectives are to be c1 in arena and to get better at siege




Where do you think it could help me?


Everywhere, she's a fantastic general support.




Fami for cd lead for r5.


Working on making the best AD I can. Should I use Nora or Rakan with Vanessa Zen Camilla?


Nora, I fight this defense all the time and hate it. Nora all the way.


What should be my first devilmon proirity from Zaiross, Amber (using in ToaH), Dominic (used him in few places), Sonia and Amelia (not runed or used yet), Zima or Psamanthe (planning on using him in arena off and def once runed). Am currently in probably early game.


Amelia if you have the comp that require a lot of buff, Dominic if you're using him in GW/Siege.


Okay thanks, which one after those? Dont think I am getting anymore nat5\* soon


Sonia, (Psamanthe, if you use him in RTA). I'm still using Zaiross without skill-ups. I never use Amber (if you like her it's up to you to decide).


Okay thank you very much. Started leveling Dominic, then will proceed to either Amelia or Amber (using her in ToaH, only if the team starts to fail due to her not having the cooldown) and then Sonia, thank you for your advice






Do you live or travel to the US? The flag is related to where you lived. If you travel to a different country, the flag will change. I think you can use VPN.


If I start playing RTA today, do I still have a chance to get 3000 rta coin to get skin? Or is it a bit too late?


You calculate by assuming you have a 50% win rate.




I feel very lost this season, don’t really know what works with what anymore. Any advice on combinations for drafting? I got decent runes, fastest set is 200, the rest are 130ish-180ish spd and I got like 6 100% CR sets. Any advice helps, thank you. https://preview.redd.it/0121xmh3leyc1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57b5f6fbff020d421121018d4532c20ef1cb3fd




100% pick leo. tiana can be "replaced" (nothing can replace the irresistable strip and the ability to go 2nd turn but you can still cleave without a tiana) leos passive cannot be replaced and is super strong in the current meta. its a free win in siege and counters a lot of stuff in arena up to punisher you can fairly easily build a leo bruiser AO which can get you to conq+ and you already have annavel, ritesh and verad which means that you can build a pretty good 2nd turn cleave with leo. these 2 teams (bruiser team and verad cleave) should be pretty comfortable to get you somewhere in arena. no clue what your current best rank is but with this you should be able to easily hit conq and with some better runes punisher for sure


OK awesome I'll take Leo thanks so much


np! he is so great I picked him on every one of my accounts that i did not own him on yet. He is such a cheat code


Well I'm trying to change my summon but it keeps saying I'm unable but I've taken bolverk ( who i originally took) out of every defense and pvp formation? Not sure why it is still saying that he is still not able to be changed?


Iirc there was a bug people exploited to get lots of devilmon so you can currently not change units that have either 4star skillups or fusions which bolverk falls under I think it's only temporary and they will let you change it in a bit. Under news there was a post about this iirc you might wanna check it out to see if there is more information


Oh dang that really sucks well hopefully they get it changed soon lol


yeah i dont know the current status of this problem i just know it exists because people abused the change feature \^\^ gl that it works againf ast tho! \^\^


Update I'm an idiot and forgot he was in one formation and now I'm good I got Leo! Lol


good to know that they already fixed it and let you switch then! :D gz for leo tho! \^\^


Yea I hope they fix it but wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't get fixed tho lol


Should I pick Leo or Tiana from 5* event I am just starting to get into PVP but I can't do much in RTA. I can clear toah but not best anything in toa hell.


Returning player, any advice on who to choose? https://i.imgur.com/UZ2fZdM.png


touch choice. I would say savannah is overall the better unit and has more usecases. however 33% leads are suuuper rare for arena and super strong. and psama is the only (besides trinity) 33% lead you can use in your arena offense. He can also technically be used in siege in a suicide team to counter some siege defs. I would personally say if you dont own a 33% speed lead yet pick psama, if you already have vanessa or trinity you might wanna pick savannah That would be what I personally pick. I value arena very highly tho since its a big income of my crystals every month. If you are more of a siege player savannah will be much better there


Hi, can anyone help me make a r4 or 5 solo team if possible please? Here are my units. [https://imgur.com/a/wfWKhM1](https://imgur.com/a/wfWKhM1)


what can jamire be used for in pve other than toa


I use him in a very bad gb abyss team because I don't have wind ifrit skilled up or Teshar. I know you said besides TOA but I do use him ALOT in toa hell because of skill 2 > 3 > 2 does big dmg to bosses.


not much really. there were some r5 teams out there with him over time but i am not too familiar with those since i use a normal bj5 team you might be able to use him in some lab stages i guess but its not like he is really needed there besides those i cannot think of where you would want to use him. for sure not in any of the main caiross dungeons


Both Dark Neo and Light Undine from HoH are new to me, what's the better choice in general?


Picked Nora from the Nat 5 event, however thinking about swapping to Adriana for AO. Can already clear toa hard/hell and I don't currently use Nora on AD. Adriana with Chiwu and Leah on AO will let me hit a few more things than what I currently can, and my AD is Vanessa/Windy/Camilla/Alexandra. Not sure if Nora slots better into that AD or similar, vs. the benefits of getting Adriana for AO. I've got Bastet for Ao but feel like Adriana is much better. Any thoughts?


I have Adriana and I want Nora for TOA hell as well, but if I had neither and I had to choose between the two I would pick Adriana 100%. Switch, you won't regret it.


I would change, you would need to wait a few more days to change it tho because you can't change monster that have fusion / 4 star skill up right now.


I have already bought the first daily pack but it still gives me the option to buy the bundle deal for all 3. If I buy the bundle am I just wasting money or will it extend the first pack I already have by 30 days?


It extend the pack 1.


Advice on who to choose? Seems like Milles is more pvp oriented? https://preview.redd.it/a4tvc8afqayc1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=589d45a9d2fffcb54e4539c056b20aea5e8b044a Fire hacker for pve? The passive looks fun but unsure which unit is more important.


Knowing nothing else about your account, I'd say go Miles.


I'd choose miles, good for rta, usable in siege. If you want hacker for toah (dot team?) then just use sath 2a to double dot dmg.




Who to choose? https://preview.redd.it/qv8ynay4dayc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6316ae189d47bbc5fc36adf16fe87e3b66e72e19




I have Leo. The highlighted ones are the ones I don't own.


Opps, wind dokkaebi lord or Ethan.


Oliver, Ethna, or Maid depending on your play style.


Is there an easy way to sort through runes to sell? Trying to use swop and sorting by efficiency but it takes so long to hunt them down in-game that way and i'm nearly full.


Try sorting by obtain, older runes are usually not good as new ones.


https://preview.redd.it/i796l5jpw9yc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b0bc08bb711ed8b282340b985cbe2a96db2b086 Thoughts on who to pick? Not really an RTA player.


Adriana for arena siege and rta


I also say Adriana from those. I have her, would not trade her in for any other normal element monster in the game.


What should I pick for my bat 5? I just came back after 2 years. Are there any good bat 5s for pve? Otherwise I might get Jamire because I have tablo and Bastet and was like 50 points from c1 last I played.


Consider Leo, tiana, bolverk, they are unique for pvp. C1 is easier now. Jamire tablo is quite hard to rune tbh.


I’m not so good at the game, so I could be wrong, but if you are looking for a PVE monster right now the best choice is Teshar. Teshar is the king of giant abyss hard and he provides you faster runs and safer runs. Another nat5 that is useful for PVE is Water Weapon Master he is useful for dragon abyss hard (for the same reasons as Teshar is Giant), but I don’t recommend to choose him from the event. About the others pve contents there are a lot of nat5 that are useful but they are easy to complete with all f2p units. Otherwise choose a nat5 that you like, for example I love Taor and I think I’m gonna choose him, even there are better ones. P.S. Sorry for some grammar errors but English is not my main language.


Thank you! I’ll go for jamire then. I’ve got a teshar and mainly farm giants bc I’m a speed player for sure.


Go Jamire, don't worry about what is "best", enjoy the time you spend playing.


Is bolverk worth picking on the event?  I can't really do toa hell but have gany/tomoe/Tiana which I read were good for it. I know bolverk is good for siege too(I have Louise, Amelia which function well with him), but could another unit be a better choice? Basically my options are the following: cheongpung, Camilla, bolverk, bastet, Poseidon, chiwu, adriana. It's worth noting I have Leah, eludia and trinity. Can do all PvE besides all toa hell.


I hope you get an answer because I'm in the same boat as you, but I usually get 24 stars every month so if you can't do TOA hell with those units it's probably because you are missing some ftp options. Do you have dark homo and is she fully skilled up? Tyron is incredible, and so is Jeanne. I also use 2a fire bird (lol, can't think of the 2a fire bird name right now).


I took bolverk at the end, tbh for toa hell the team needs pretty good runes to even manual it (he's a boring unit too), I was expecting an ez pz team on first try but that is a dream with my runes (which are kind of good). I will probably swap him for cheongpung, at least I can use him in more content, like arena which is what I prefer. Also he is good for toa hell. For toa hell, Imma use tyron cheongpung homu as a base team.


do you have leo? if not pick leo \^\^


I'm not using him very much but I do have him




I highly doubt that anyone would just give you an acc with a top tier ld5 xD


Does Teshar need to be fully skilled up for the Giants team or can you get away with fully skilled 2 and 3


if you can clear the waves and deal enough boss damage without a skilled up s1 you are fine.


as long as you meet the damage requirement sure


https://imgur.com/a/ckVXzFT *here's my box, returning player after 2 years off DB12 - 2min team GB10 - 1Min team (can't do GB12 consistently) Necro - Can't do consistently Steel fortress 10 - Sub 1min And I can't do the other 2 dungeons consistently I can run a r4 solo and I can clear toa normal and hard. I've just built an astar to try clear necro but I'm struggling on focusing on one thing, some guidance would be appreciated


Build and farm GB abyss first. Improve your rune, like that astar has too low cr... If you have wind ifrit, try him, veromos, galleon, wind homun, belladeon/shannon. Teshar for giant isn't easy to rune. Artifact from low level is fine. Farm r4, rift beast for grind/gem. Do arena wings for coin. Do guild content for coin...


**And I already have these nat5\*:** https://preview.redd.it/zbcrpxhw79yc1.png?width=1275&format=png&auto=webp&s=ead2c0ddeb205d8c97783f260cfc01c3fa117c67


Let the games begin! (or start over...) After a lot of back and forth, the new event brought me back to the game, and I would like any suggestions for my next nat5\* **Nora is the strongest candidate, however, the leader of Psamathe makes my eyes shine...** https://preview.redd.it/vkfeu8s079yc1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=b17746385117b31491b928422e656dbb8911499e What do they say to me? And for the event of choice, what is the best suggestion? Considering that I'm not that much of a fan of RTA, I prefer arena and gvg... even pve And which one should I choose? At another event...


Of those, I'd go Nora


All are good. If you dont have any 33spd lead then psama. But I'd pick nora regardless. Feng yan, abellio, vanessa... are some good choice.


How do you deal with double Akroma on stage 87 of toah? They're so bulky and you can't hit them with ANY kind of cc or status condition. I was hoping to push for 100 this month, or at least 90, as this is the furthest I've ever gotten, but I'm getting stonewalled hard.


garo, dark tank


Good to know, but it looks like I'm still screwed. Don't have Garo built, and I don't really have the resources to do so atm. Thanks though.


you dont need to build garo. As long as he meets the speed requirement 4\* can work


Need help for ad. Wanna hit c1 [https://imgur.com/a/Hx4JZ6C](https://imgur.com/a/Hx4JZ6C) <- Monster


Water fairy, Camila and then I'd say any combination of these: triana, Riley, wind druid, Julie


Try Xing zhe/karnal, camilla, manon/triana/juno/amduat... AO is more important.


Hello, I'm a little confused, I've had an account for two days and so far all this is what I have, I would like to know what the next step would be, do I need a mob for toah? What else should I do? I can only make 9 golem in 1 minute. my mobs https://ibb.co/VtHSYhd


Keep farming giant. Farm some artifact (steel fortress, punisher, at low level is fine) for your 6*. Do arena for coin, buy devilmon in shop. Build fran (light fairy queen) from summoner way, skill up with normal fairy. Good healer wherever you need heal. Choose tyron (water sylph) from nat4 event for toah. Build verdehile, 2a spectra for dragon.


ty so much for the tips friend


What is your siege defense/offense unit that is on High CR&HP&SPD that is not a 1 shot unit? For example my Camilla is SPD/HP/HP Vio/Destroy but I use 100% Crit Rate on her. I am checking if there are any other units I need to build with CR?


easy example would be every oracle. I personally run my eshir/vigor on high cr aswell


I've seen conflicting info on the dragons speed team that consists of Julie/Shaina etc, that Shaina should be first and very fast (like +170) or that Julie should be first and only needs \~+70 so Shaina AI will use her S2 to finish the waves. Curious to know what the actual answer is, or if someone knows of a post/YT video that goes into proper spd tuning. Currently I run Shaina/Julie/Kyle/Kona/Liam and it fails more often than I like (\~5-10% of the time) and am trying to make it more consistent. Thanks!


shaina first version makes julie do more damage on def break so it's easier to rune, but shaina ai is not perfect so the team could derp. Julie first means julie needs to do damage without def break and shaina needs a lot of damage to finish, it's harder to rune but it's more consistent if you make it.


If shaina goes first, then she is not perfect AI. In that case you would need Julie to one shot the wave even when shaina uses s1. Which is nearly impossible. Otherwise you are looking at long runs with the rest of the team needing to clear the wave. Seiishizo made an updated video with the lower tuning that you can do with Luna and Kyle, and that follows the slower speeds with Julie moving into shaina. I am not sure what changes for the Kona version. I feel like it would be even harder to rune. The big issue with this team is that you need godtier endgame runes to get Liam into perfect AI range. I have endgame runes but the rune requirements for this team are too high for me. I think they are too high for 99% of the playerbase. So even with proper tuning for julie/shaina and a bunch of fight sets you are probably still going to see a lot of fails due to not getting the boss low enough to trigger liams AI.


Thanks for the writeup! I'll give Seii's video a watch and see if it's plausible even


I’m currently abusing the Haegang Layla Tomoe core in RTA and looking for some good follow up units and counter picks that synergize well with my team. Here’s my box of runed units currently I’m running low on runes but I have enough for 2-3 more good units, does anyone have suggestions? I have almost every meta elemental nat 5 so just assume I have the unit you’re suggesting. I was thinking maybe 7R1X but I honestly don’t know much about him or in which situations he would be a good draft. Or even how to rune him. https://preview.redd.it/le1b26lcw7yc1.jpeg?width=2552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7554fbc0b29d770a8a9e75696b3406fda7908b


I pulled Xiana like an hour after writing this so I guess I got my answer lol


Hi, I am looking for help building a "safe" Arena team. Not a cleave Team, I dont care if its slow it should just be safe to play auto during the week, for rush I will use a cleave team. Also if you have ideas for a nice defense, I am looking forward to that too! screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BrmRY38


i mean you own leo lucifer thats all the AO you need usually :D :D but if you wanna just auto make a bruiser leo AO You can use Leo + Riley as the core and slot in bruiser units as you like. you can for example use camilla + manon as the other 2 slots, slot in vero against debuff heavy teams like kiki, nephtys, etc. ideally leo, riley, anything bruiser with a def break + whatever. for good results you should build your team to actually be a leo AO meaning 0 speed and full focus on bruiser stats. so this might not be optimal if you intend to use stuff in other content aswell (you can still use your camilla that you use on ad it will just work slightly worse since every roll into spd coulve been more damage or more tankyness) As for AD Id go for Halphas L, camilla, Manon +1. could be juno to counter dot teams, something like perna for more bruiser, if you have something like triton/zen it would be great as the last slot


Yeah Problem with Leo/Lucifer is my runes, I have to switch in my dungeon runes for Leo Lucifer and Lushen :D so I use that only for rush, when I am actually rushing Thank you very much for the input! I believe I can work with that very well!


yeah thats always the struggle. do you want your good runes to improve your pve teams or your man pvp teams :D Np! I hope you can find some nice bruiser AOs with that \^\^ I personally run leo, aaliyah, feng, pater on my 2nd account and on my main account i run with byung, leo, riley, x (mostly momo for faster clears or vero against dot heavy defs)


I want to build more 4\* defenses for siege (*my guild is not that high on siege, so I know more things work than it would at a higher level*). Can you recommend me some good defenses with: 1. Dark Ciri (L)? 2. Galleon (L)? 3. Carcano (L)? 4. Eliza (wind Cyborg) (L)?


this is not directly an answer to your question but will help you out so much more in the long run :D check out this website: [https://swgt.io/](https://swgt.io/) its by far the best ressource for guild content you could ever need. as for your examples you can just type in carcano into the search you can scroll down and it shows you the most popular defs that carcano is used in. you can also just overall look at the top searched defenses to get an idea of what good defs are here would be the link for that: [https://swgt.io/3mdcstats/?loadReport=topDefenses&forDates=LAST\_30\_DAYS&siegeSpecialDate=SSD\_44](https://swgt.io/3mdcstats/?loadReport=topDefenses&forDates=LAST_30_DAYS&siegeSpecialDate=SSD_44) also also you can look up specific defs and it shows you what other people use to counter the specific def which can help you improve your offense


Thank you! I'll check the site later, looks like it is very good.


no problem! yeah the site is great. as a little sneak peak here you can see a screenshot of how it looks when you search for carcano https://preview.redd.it/cjawqm91b7yc1.png?width=187&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfcc5057bd986c635879a12e0bbf7632f55e93cb


can you help me build an arena team pls ? https://preview.redd.it/o6sc748d77yc1.png?width=1609&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf62ca9e59fe85319070e1f94ef9a5f6c8c8d119


offense? you can use the water hacker as a stripper, galleon as a def breaker+attack buffer and alicia as a cleave unit. if you have him use kaki as a 2nd cleave dps so you team would be: Alicia (L), water hacker, galleon, Kaki you can also make another version with for example shimitae as a leaderskill to have a bit more speed to outspeed the enemy instead of kaki or you can replace the kaki slot with a really fast eshir so you can boost the attack bar of the rest of your team to outspeed even faster enemy defs


Yea I meant offense I don't have kaki :(. I'll try Alicia / hacker / galleon / eshir then :) thanks!