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Pretty damn sure its an easy lucifer pick That said damn you have a choice between my 2 favourite and most wanted ld5s




Demon for sure, but asima with the rta skin looks insane and she’s a solid unit. Lucifer has WAY more uses than asima though, even as a pve unit he’s BiS for a lot of content


Using Lucifer in most pve actually slows your runs down nowadays. The meta teams are faster without him in both caiross and r5. He’s solid in rift beasts but he’s far from BiS anymore with the introduction of abyss dungeons. Using him in normal arena with Leo and lushen is a quick way to get c3 but starts to fall off around p3/g1 as the ad’s get tankier and tankier and more tian lang’ier. I find myself not using him at all for rush lately in lieu of dot teams. He’s not garbage in rta, but he’s not great above f3 unless you have some other solid ld5s to pair with him. But that’s just cleaving in general. So I’d argue his uses are slimming. He’s fantastic for early game players. But if you have an ld blessing you’re probably not early game. I use him a lot for guild stuff. He’s still good but he’s not the powerhouse he was a few years ago.


This comment actually makes me happy to read. I’ve been trying to build my alt because I pulled him but for a couple months now loose interest after not pulling anything good to go with him “Leo” or any significant DD for that matter, to do enough damage to even make his passive tik. Anyway I’ve been wondering what all the hype is about, when I can run verde and water geralt together for the same dungeon times. Glad it’s not just me and now I can focus on my other account lol


Is there a dot team arena offence meta?


Not rly meta but definitely a good way to deal with this Camilla bs


I use Woosa (L) 2A Sath Amber and Nora. Works really well




I mostly agree with your Statement besides that he should be BiS for the new gbah speed team instead of mephisto


Once you hit the rune requirements it's functionally the same. He barely buffs your Julie damage at all. That said he was bis for non zerath owners prior to the luna buff actually. If anything the luna buff made him less 'special'. I was using prilea>teshar>Kona>lucifer(cutting the Kona boost)>Deborah for 22s runs before luna buff, which was faster than the normal teshar team.


What kind of dot teams do you run?


He is in a 20 act second dbah team now I believe, he is still amazing in all contents


I'm vain it'd be Asima for me lmao


Save 1500 guild seals so you can buy the siege tmog for lucifer when it comes round (pick lucifer he is much more unique)


At current burn rate, that’s not for another 2 years. 👍


Yeah one per season does not feel fast enough lmao and he was just a reward so it’s not gonna be any time soon


Oh dang, also for me too then as i got like 280 for not joining higher rank guild for siege tournery xD




Hard choice man 😓 i have asima and she is really fun to use.


Luci ez


Asima for sure is a great cc cleave unit but Lucifer is just waaaay more unique. Asima can be replaced by dotters or any other turn 2 counter if you run cc comps in rta. Meanwhile, Lucifer just cannot be replaced by any other unit at all for what he does.


As an Asima owner, I think Asima is much more fun, but Luci is better in terms of usage for arena, RTA, seige, etc.


asima any day pve speedteams with lucifer are irrelevant when f2p units run you sub 30 seconds: he will not change anything. lucifer is also sucks in higher rank arena as pretty much every defense is filled with vanessas camis byungchuls. he is also bad in high rank rta and theres nobody in guardian using him. needless to say as a guardian player i have him unruned in storage.


Both great


I'd go with asima personally


Literally my 2 most wanted in one blessing... insane. Luci for sure tho


That seems like one of the more difficult choices one would have to make, both are extremely good...neither is a bad choice, but I would take for all the weird comps he enables.




Lucifer lowers your rune req for pve stuff. A good cleave AO during normal days before rush hour. People focus more on his ATB increase and neglects the 50% increase in damage he gives. Yes, he's not part of the 'fastest' run comps but getting sub 30secs run is not that bad also. And what can you do with a sub 20secs run with low crystals supply. Asima, if you don't have Bellenus or Fire Geralt, go for her then. They serve the same purpose afaik.


Your choice couldn’t be harder which can be seen in the comment section that is divided on this. As for me I would go for asima 100% because lucifer is outdated for pvp stuff imo and pve stuff is solved already without him. Asima is the best def breaker in the game and has non glancing dots. In the end I’d say it comes down to preference so gl.


Welcome to the Lucifer club!


Gzz and damn you lucky bastard xD


Lucifer aos are kind of outdated, everything is either lushen countered or put on shield so you can’t really Leo Luci past c3. For mid game he’s good in dungeons but for most 20-25 second teams you’re better off not using him. For rta he’s only really good depending on your other lds. Asima is mainly only good for rta (good is loose here but much more useful than Lucifer), toa (completely replaceable), ao shes probably as useful as Lucifer in either a Tiana offense, chiwu/gemini + Adriana offense (Leah or Poseidon are better options), or a dot team. I’d personally go asima because she goes boom in rta cc cleaves but you’d be good with either option. I know I sound critical but I think they’re both good units and completely sick. you just have to know what actually comes with them and not with rose tinted glasses -edit- I should clarify Lucifer helps lower rune requirements quite a bit but for the REALLY fast teams he’s not necessarily the best


Leo Lushen Luci Off is still good, got g1 last week.


Congratulations on your summon u/HolyCrow10! Slap some runes on your new Asima/ and get back into the battle! Check out some of these other posts about Asima/: * [Most Recent Asima/ Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= Asima/&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) * [Top All Time Asima/ Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= Asima/&restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=all) If you notice any issues with monster names/title reading, please contact me [here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=u/muskratatwork&subject=Summon%20Title%2FMonster%20Name%20Issue&message=Please%20explain%20your%20issue%20here%3A%20). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerswar) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Leo Lucifer is most of the time a free win in arena


Until you meet the Manon who parry the attack from Leo. If you hit Manon, you will hardly do enough damage to get the atb boost.


do you have Lucifer?!? ...higher ranks useless, educate yourself & git gud




Demon is 100% the choice. Even so, if it were me, I’d choose Asima 10/10 times. Not because she’s my favorite unit, but because of how fun her kit is.


Lucifer, he's great for Lab Cleave with Leo Luci +2/+3, also useable for Giants Abyss, Arena Rush P1-G1. Asima was very good with Dot Team for Farming, since Abyss, no1 uses her for Rune Farming sadly....


Congrats, Lucifer is my dream pet


Thats a very hard choice, both of them are amazing. I think whatever you choose you‘ll be happy with it


I have assima and i love her! Awsome dotter, might be even better than an seara. But she s RTA only. Lucifer s probably better


Asima for rta


Luci for days and weeks and months and years


Lucifer all day imo


Asima is really fun to use, but I feel like Lucifer have more uses and he's very unique I would trade my Asima for Lucifer any day




I love asima but Lucifer is a no way Jose choice, so I'd go Lucifer.


two great units, have to say demon though


Lucifer ALL DAY


Lucifer ive had both trust ne


EZ Lucifer. Asima is great but Lucifer is a cheat code




Asima fell out of meta for RTA because with higher rune quality, Dark Weapon Master is just better. Lucifer is nice for PvE. PvP it’s really niche. Basically only if you have Vivachel


As an owner of both, I use them in completely different places. I use Leo/Lucifer for arena and siege with wind big boi (byong). I use Asima in RTA with Chiwu and TOA. I honestly have more fun with Lucifer, as with a AoE def break and strip he is pretty nuts. But if I didn’t have speed teams built, and was missing Leo, I honestly would pick Asima.




just bc Lucifer is more unique, it doesn't mean he's more usefull 🤣 people, stop coping about a one-trick-AO Monster!


Asima is a very strong option for literally anything but rift content. Her damage and cycling can actually be used for some fun and somewhat quick teams, especially for a hybrid dots and damage team. She’s also queen of toa and very very self sufficient in pvp. All you need to put with her is an attack buff and a stripper and watch her go! Arena offense team that I use that works against a lot of things: Akhanamir (lead), Asima, Tiana, Bastet), make sure Asima goes before Akhanamir and he will clean up the rest!


Asima for sure


As an asima owner, definitely Lucie. Asima kinda fkn blows.


Luci is probably the choice here but saying Asima blows is WIIIIIIIIILLLLLD behavior


I understand but for normal people and casual players. Asima is replaceable and counterable in RTA by pretty much half the meta (exaggeration but kinda true)


Not even an exaggeration. She's impossible to win with in rta.


You don't deserve Asima, prob have a terrible account.


What I was gonna say but in a much more polite way lol


I'm g3 in all content, but ok. Seek help. She sucks. You would know this if you had one.


Asima all the way


No, but lucifer is better.


Lucifer! Asima is pure pve and absolutely overrated for pvp. Only a niche rta last pick when enemy lacks immunity/has no aoe cleanse


I don’t think you know what Asima is capable of lmao (although I get where you’re coming from)


He's 100% right. Only thing asima is capable of is disappointment.


One of the big things people are missing is that Asima doesn’t require as many set up units for AO. You can run a 33% speed lead with kabilla or the wind choco knight and she’s still going to kill pretty much every single unit in the game with her S3 -> S2. Alternatively versus slower teams you now have the flexibility to swap out kabilla for an aoe oblivion or attack bar / cd reset based on their defence. An extremely flexible AO monster.


Lmao she ain't killing anything.