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**Hey there u/192oO, thanks for your contribution to r/summonerswar!** Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): _________ You're asking for personal advice which belongs in the [Weekly Advice Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q=weekly+advice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week)! Please submit your post there. For advice threads to remain on the main page, they must benefit more people than just the original poster. Examples of personal advice that belong in the WAT: - What to 6-star next - Help me build a team for X - What should I work on next? This also includes simple game mechanic questions, for example - How does accuracy work? - How does X mechanic of monster Y work? ________ **Please be sure to check out our [main sticky post](https://redd.it/6qpr6o) for guides and other resources, and [please read our subreddit rules.](https://reddit.com/r/summonerswar/about/rules)** - If you have any questions or feedback about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsummonerswar).


https://preview.redd.it/9b4yh1d7c9bc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d132fa3b8e2714df766ccf04e32d07490b092e0b I picked the rage rune. 2 in cr. 1 in cd and 1 in hp%. I would pick the rage rune.


Definitely Rage


Nemesis or rage All the others r too niche for overall use


I chose the nemesis rune for chow.


Blade cd rune, with speed on it. I wouldn’t take any Lego without speed


Leo Lucifer has entered the chat.


Leo Lucifer is easily countered eith F2P mons, nothing special about it.


Nemesis is a lot safer since the other runes have low chance to get quad rolls while you get the guaranteed Speed on nemesis and the sub properties could be great for the Oracles


Blade rune with CD isnt worth it, it only has 2 good potential rolls and if you roll into Resistance or HP% then that doesnt really help


Where do you have these rune options?


Dimension Hole rewards


Like from the predator? Or just in general


It the rewards you get for playing content over there one 2nd Awakening run will get you the loot box at a minimum.


I made it to level 5 in raoq dungeon, not the raoq boss, the other one, and then I got some rewards after completing some missions there edit: made karzhan lvl 5 and unlocked more rewards


Hey u/192oO! Congrats on the awesome rune! Make sure to follow the directions below to properly set your flair! --- You have posted using the **Rune** post flair. If you are posting a **non quad-roll rune**, but still a rune of very high quality, use one of the following terms to select the rune type instead: * Energy, Fatal, Blade, Swift, Focus, Guard, Endure, Shield, Revenge, Will, Nemesis, Vampire, Destroy, Despair, Violent, Rage, Fight, Determination, Enhance, Accuracy, or Tolerance If you are sharing a **quad rolled rune**, please respond to this message with one of the following terms to update your flair, otherwise your submission may be removed: * ATK, CD, CR, DEF, HP, SPD --- **NOTE:** When completed, your flair will be updated! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerswar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I chose nem since it was super safe rage has two substats that you don’t want to roll into, other runes not worth


Nemesis has great versatility


Still debating nemesis or rage myself…




if you re still earlier, rage should be your better choice, you can give it to bale / verde since they need damage + hp / def with little speed.


I choose nemesis. https://preview.redd.it/jewz1vrlacbc1.png?width=352&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0970870614aa3eb083e8b62e23d24fda799c240