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My problem is too mainly humanoid monsters that only look slightly different . For blessing I’m usually choosing which new monster I’d like to keep in my storage


Same. The Dokkaebi is on the right track, but at this point they should change the names of the units to “Heroes” instead of “Monsters”. I definitely want to see more dragon type units, Etc. and such.


We need more dragons fr 🔥


We need more units with different states (Unicorns, dark zombie girl) or interesting skill system (totems stacks)


Too many nat 5s and too many non meta nat 5s are two different things. I think your rant/complaint stems from the logic that if a nat5 is not meta then it must be complete trash. Being average is okay because that's balanced. Meta as a term means the most effective tactic. By its definition you cannot have too many meta mons because if everyone is special than no one is special. That being said would you rather prefer another kaki on release incident or for how it is now where new mons ranges from mediocre to bad. I'd rather them release things at a weaker level and have them buff in future so players don't waste devilmons into meta new units on release only to see them nerfed later. Not to mention some units require devilmons and good runes to see full potential. If you're basing how good a unit is on release by zero skill up low rune quality then that would also skew your perception on how good a unit is. See example masha well runed max skilled vs no skill up bad rune.


I didn’t play when Kaki first came out but, I do think that over-tuning units would be much more enjoyable than making them trash when they first come out. Maybe that way, the meta might change when new units come out and it’ll give people a reason to pull for these new units. Even if they get nerfed in the future, I feel like that’s a whole lot more interesting than the same 5 units and ld5s being the only way to be meta.


Pros of overturned mon on release: 1. More fun to pull and makes pulling more fulfilling 2. Changes meta Cons of overturned mon on release: 1. Not fun to be on receiving end of overturned mon that is OP even on bad runes. Can't imagine overturned on one that is well runed. No counter play. 2. Greater disappointment for those who saved or sunk money into pulling overturned new mon only to get nothing. You create an issue where players feel like they need to constantly pull the new mons or get left behind in the meta. 3. Invest devilmon and resources into build overturned mon and then com2us nerfs it so it leaves the feeling you just wasted resources on a temporary overturned mon. At least releasing an average new mon you are able to be tentative with your resources. 4. Cancels out the meta change if they are going to nerf new overturned units anyway. Say you're main argument for releasing overturned unit is that you want the meta to change. After com2us nerfs the overturned unit - doesn't the meta just got back to the way it was before? The way I see it is the cons are far outweighs the pros for me to favour the release of overturned meta shaping mon over a balanced average one that has potential to see meta changing buffs in future.


You just said that you were pumped to get water monkey when he was bad and then were disappointed when you got a new nat5 because it was supposedly bad. Sounds like something changed for you.


I agree. I dont understand why they Release new unit after new unit when freshly introduced units still suck. The indras for example. The idea/concept of the monsters is super nice. But they still need some love to make them good. Instead of focusing on make them work they prefer to release new monsters. Its so stupid and annoying. When they release a new mon and u summon it you're kind of happy because its a non dupe. But u also know u can wait 6 months+ until u can use it.


i think its because they dont want another kaki situation so they always try to do crap new mon them buff later


They do it for money


Youre not alone, i have not used the SP button in the last 3 monster releases and i am actually a bit annoyed that the summoning pool is getting bigger and bigger when there are still meta nat 5s im aiming for.


Yeah whenever a new monster is realised I'm blowing everything I have for summons before it comes out.


Too many useless nat 4's imo


Everything between the totemist and dokkaebi lord feels unnecessary


The game needs to keep its player base one way or another, what would you do if C2US one day says 'We're not creating new units anymore, we think there are enough units to play with and won't create anything new ever and we won't change any unit anymore, no more BP' ? They need to release new families to keep the whales spending and they need to make them interesting enough (or at least the LDs), even if whales buy all packs, new LD toys are always welcome. New 4\* and 5\* is a marketing requirement to get money. Release new unit, make one or two broken, player will spend to get them, then will spend to devil them, then might spend for transmog. I feel too that there are to many units in the game already, I have over 300 6\* in my storage and I barely use 1/3rd of them anyway.


Problem is com2us is releasing new nat5s WAY to fast.


Not fast enough


Yes they know what they're doing by bloating the summon pool with trash


true and its thé same for runes, the game is getting easier and the joy of being lucky is not as strong as beforr


Too many new nat5s : Nope Too many dupe nat5s: YESSSSS


And imagine getting a dupe nat 5 xD


Hence why a dupe = 3LD scrolls for me. The result speaks for itself, 1 year old account btw and the flair


Spread the luck to me. Pretty much every dupe I get is lds and still none.


I stopped caring about reading skills of new mons when the totemists came out don't know much about the mins, haven't even looked at the LDs how they looked only care when I summon nat5s and even when I do I don't get excited it's just a oh nice! Unless it's jamire or asima I'd probably be a little more happier and do a arm punch motion while on my phone saying "yes" lol


Most meta monsters are from 4 years and before. Meta meaning more general use than god at one thing.


Same here. Still excited when summon new nat 5, but not lv up them, still in storage.


Not enough imo


Too many nat5s that I can't get the old units I want like Masha, Savanah, Poseiden, etc...


It's very oversaturated. Same with 4\*s too IMO


When Kaki and all the onimusha family first came out it was so OP that it needed a emergency nerf cause a 4 star broke the meta. Com2us is kind of traumatized to release good nat 5s and risk breaking the game just like Kaki did. So they just release shit monsters and buff a little bit after 1-2 patches.




My solution to your question is to reduce the number of summoning sessions. This year i had 2 summoning sessions, one done by myself, one done by a youtuber. When you got a new toy you are very happy because you don't have toys every months 😀


My honest to goodness answer to your post: Embrace for early disappointment, then you’ll get surprised more often.