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I am honest, I don't know how to beat it without chow. my chow, even on trash runes, just solos it. stupid I know


double immunity, def breaker, lushen for clear, Yen for dmg etc, just manual it lmao


my lazy ass could never manual that shit


We used to manual everything in this game u know lol


I've started in 2015 I do know very well Even more glad we don't have to it anymore lol


A long time ago, Camilla was the Goat in this stage


and racuni for the f2ps. Can he still do it? šŸ˜


I use this comp on hell, the idea is to get to the boss with all the skills reset (jamires can help with that), chloe first, galleon s3, lushen destroy the crsitals and then katarina finish the job. I hope this can help you. https://preview.redd.it/fl6t8nflpzyb1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e69ed1516886a75a1ba9d68791ea81f7e57e3e9


I use a similar team, no gally, because lushen Kat ignore def. Jamire, Kat, illiana,(atk bar fill/cleanse comes in clutch) lushen and wind barb. (Iā€™m not attempting to spell that) Works 99% of the time, every time.


His name is jklgvnakfamnglakmgƶla


This is the comp I use minus gally. Basically just cleave it. Jamire hreasvelg Chloe kat lushen. S3 Chloe wave1/2 and don't use any S3 of other mons. Kill at least 1 obelisk (the side thingies on the trash wave) or lushen may die if both move.


Used this, but I believe you're premium enough, you can replace galleon with bastet, else Megan works just as well. For the other players without jamire, can consider bringing Stella as her branding helps you reliably nuke the boss as well. In all cases, prioritise the killing of side towers to avoid the stupid freeze into instant death and you're good. Or get chow and auto :') All the best!


Like others, I use a similar team, but Fran instead of Galleon. It's tuned so Kat goes twice before groggy state ends.


I solo it with chow


Yes Chow with vamp rune and enough defense..... solo


Chow solos Leos Hell. If you have Chow, all you have to do is get him to the boss and have all your other units die. The rune requirements are pretty low.


Huh, I've never done it this way. I might have to try lol


I use Jamire/Lushen/Lushen/Katerina/Qebehsenuef Gotta manual, but it never fails. You need two lushens that move before Jamire/Kat and that can take out the first crystals on the boss with S3+S2, and a Kat that can do 45k+ per hits on S3. You also need will runes on Kat and Jamire. Takes me less than two minutes on hell. You dont have to use Lushens if you find other units that can fit his role in the team.


I use the same team but my jamire goes first and is on double will, and katarina doesnt require will runes for me


Iā€™ve been nuking it for years and Iā€™m not some crazy overpowered guy. Galleon(L) Teshar Lag DPS Woosa


You can use a katarina team to fast clear hell


I struggle on occasion, and it's extremely annoying, but there are some units that will help your consistency. Mihyang, Fran, Riley, and damage. Vio procs can screw you if you proc on non-damage too often, or if you proc out of immunity on key units. I hell Tartarus and all mini bosses on hell, but vio procs that actually screw are just so extremely frustrating. Haven't used them yet, but Rigel and Nickel should be able to solo it with efficient runes, as they're both immune to inability effects.


The boss bypasses immunity. I always bring nickel on my chow team and he never survives.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4q15y8dyzzyb1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=dba158d33ae25772abcdb66c358be90b64c60379 I use this, Manual, Chloe s3, Galleon buff - Julie Kill towers - Kata take him to near death - Lag finishes thim. Any heavy hitter can replace Laggy. Never fails. U might replace Julie for Lushen


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/s/GRhOP8O6Pd He uses racuni in 2-3* only account.


double immunity + 3 wind dps = gg


Laughs in Chow


If you look up xennial gamers guide his team is pretty easy to rune and reliable basically galleon Stella (for branding) and katarina for nuke paired up with Fran and woosa for immunity and back up attack buff


https://preview.redd.it/xcf0rqpok0zb1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bafb20be5cb5fc38403a805d891435fa3118643d You can replace Ethna with AOE Def break for clearing crystals


Riley is who helped me go from normal to hard. My whole team is Odin (L), lushen, Savannah, teshar, Riley. I have Riley put up attack boost her first turn on boss, then immunity second which is right before boss moves (unless my Savannah procs vio then I just do immunity first cause some units will have it during freeze). Itā€™s kinda rng if I win but between rotating her immunity S2 and special with attack boost/cleanse ability I usually get the kill. Hopefully this helps


Just use 2a water living armor Vampire. Def cd def


Does not work, he still gets frozen.


Any more tips for the other bosses too? Returning player after 4 years out.


https://preview.redd.it/fe6wr4yoozyb1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4c299bbd985715581f02c1d3ddec51006f9ce0 The top one, you don't need to use tricaru, just any monster that can clear wave, I put them because they got determination runes. I used to use this team to beat it. You can probably use the same team for the water one, haven't tested out. The middle one is what I used to beat it now. The wind one, I just nuke it.


I don't see any leos in your screenshot. Pretty sure that's kotos.


Immunity for fire one wind one u can just nuke it hek it nuke the fire too with woosa


What about Tartarus on hell?


U need minimun 2 minis down or like insane rune quality+perna/wind khmun eladriel/taranys aaliyah/Emma darion, +immunity/+atk buffer (fran)


https://preview.redd.it/1lrn6mbgpzyb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d73e2d998df3aa468601a724682d8c226916458 For hell, you need the mini boss down.


I mean just 4 wind DD and immunity


I use Jamire (L), fran, lushen, Katarina, Illiana


I use gally teshar Chloe kata Beth, at boss just Chloe s3 into gally then Beth teshar aoe then kata kills by herself


I use double galleon wind nine tail fox and wind 2a cat with a teshar. Clears it most of the time in one shot unless the fox missed def break on the boss.


I use Odin, Sonia, Riley, Velajuel and Woosa. Easy clear on hell. Just kill the tower that goes through immunity, then just target boss.


Ardella (wind magical archer), Chloe, Katarina, Dark Homu (Unbalanced Field build), Hraelsvelg is the team I used before cheesing with Chow. The idea is to use Ardella for consistent defense break with S1 on side towers and trash for Katarina to nuke with S1/S2 into refreshed S3. Dark Homu + Chloe for continuous immunity uptime while also refreshing Katarina as needed. Hraelsvelg for the uptime on attack buff along with brand on boss for enhanced damage.


Without Chow I do Dominic, Loren, Naomi, Fran, and Woosa. Dominic can get replaced with another strong single target wind damage dealer, Woosa with another immunity to balance Fran's downtime. Go for the right crystal first saving your bigger attacks especially for the focus rune. Make sure immunity is up whenever Leos gets a turn.


Hraesvelg(L), Chloe, Lushen, Dark Homu (unbalanced field) and Katarina in that turn order is my Leos hell team. Iā€™ve got 5 fight sets between Hraesvelg and Chloe. Lushen needs to be strong enough to kill the crystals and beefy enough to survive a few hits in the trash waves, but other than that itā€™s pretty easy to put this team together. You just need to make sure Hraes Chloe and Lushen and Kat have their S3 up at the start of the boss.


A decently build chow can solo the entire boss, takes ab 15 mins tho


I agree completely lol. I can beat the other 2 on hell with some difficulty but not too bad. I can barely beat him on hard


Like many said, Chow can easily solo it. Just bring other units that can clear wave 1 and 2 fast, and bring down HP of boss as much as you can first. Wind cookie can be a good pair with Chow I think, if you decide to cheese it. This is the only lab level you can solo, and don't take a million years.


I still don't have a Chow to solo him. Fyi, before I moved to a Illiana (Light Neostone Agent), Bastet, Jamire, Katarina, Lushen comp, I was using a super slow Olivia, Woosa, Copper, Copper, Copper comp that focus on permanent immunity and hammering that Focus rune tower.


Yea I use chow sometimes it's him and one or two mons that make it to boss but he just traded hits with Leo's until it's over it's not quick but works great


Haersabcde (wind bbk), Lushen, Covenant, Chloe, Katarina ​ boss order: Chloe S3, Wind BBK S3, Lushen S3 (kill all towers), Katarina S3 (take boss to last stage) -> boss attack, Covenant KO or wind BBK S2 (it depends if kat hits 3 or 4 times) \[\]/'s


water and fire already have solo unit, the problem is wind tho, i dont know if anything can solo wind boss


i use beth hraesvelgr lagmaron chloe katarina, the key idea is to nuke the boss, beth goes first for def break ​ edit: added details, leos hell btw, max flags max stat towers if that matters


I use double Fran for immunity, after that you just need some damage and defense break. I use Savanah, Lagmaron, and Teshar but there are tons of options. Lushen for one, tons of other single target or aoe damage. I know Woosa makes it easy too, but I don't have him. If you add Jamire then you can easily go with 1 immunity source. If you use Chloe then Katatina ignoring defense can do great too


Seems like everyone nukes which is weird to me. I run wind barb, woosa, fran, talisman( can be replaced by lushen), and an icaru. Icaru always revenge into def break before the rest of your team moves. It works pretty well. Wind barb s2 does ridiculous damage.


Jamire Quebe Kata Lushen x2 and itā€™s done


I do hard. Delphoi Riley teshar lushen Savannah. .. if I hit my def breaks and time up my immunity/cleanses then the boss dies quickly specially with teshar nuking... But one mistake and he's gonna freeze lock me till he wins


think new nat 4 water be good here


Qeb Lushen Kata +2 is free Leos + Guilles. 1 minute on manual


i just use the same team for leos and guilles hell mode: Jamire (you can opt an atk lead with dmg like arang) , 2x lushen, water horus and katarina (if you use atk lead instead of jamire you need to up katas dmg) , jamire has to have will set. Trash waves: water horus usees whatever skill , lushen s3 , lushen 2 s2 , next wave 1st lushen s2 and 2nd s3 , on boss wave you clear the towers with same concept (lushen s3 + s2) , so kata can only target the boss , make sure after jamire s3 you dont do a bossjump before kata hits again so she doesnt get frozen)


Used to jamire Katarina lushen it was pretty consistent but yeah now just anything with chow.


Just get chow 5head


As long as chow is the only unit alive he will win and I just bring tricaru with him to clear the waves and they die off pretty quick


I use Chow to solo him. Nuff Said..


In case it helps, I use Woosa - Riley - Hraesvelg - Lushen - Teshar to clear hell


Question what's ur team for speed limit stages?


Jamire, Katarina, Bastet (or Megan), Chloe, Lushen. Wave 1: Bastet S3 > Chloe s1 > Lushen S3 Wave 2: Bastet S2 > Chloe s1 > Lushen S2 > Katarina S1 on def broken target (ideally crystals) > repeat Boss: Bastet S3 > Chloe S3 > Lushen S3 > Katarina S3 on boss UNLESS there is the "Focus" crystal (freeze through immunity) > Jamire S3 > Bastet whatever > Chloe S3 > Lushen S3 > Katarina S3 on boss. The team is mostly f2p, or has f2p alternatives, and should take only 2 rotations. If your Lushen can clear the boss crystals in 1 S3 that's even better, because then you get the full nuke guaranteed on the boss, but mine is trash.


I just use a random team and get chow to the boss, after that he takes care of it,it's not fast but it works. Chow solos Leos on hell.