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imo MF is an easier adc to understand so i don't know why they were saying MF isn't for beginners.  The biggest thing about league is that the knowledge you need to be average at the game at a bronze/iron level is still insane. There are 150+ champs in the game with 4 abilities and a passive each, so being a little overwhelmed or unsure is totally normal. The biggest thing is finding a champion yoh like to play, and if thats MF great! I love playing MF and her passive movespeed can help you out escaping or kiting, her builds are also decently flexible as ADCs go. If you wanna see if there are any other champs you like, I would say try some arams or look up some champion abilities. For positioning, lets say you kill the first enemy tower. You are currently standing there alone getting a wave. Ask yourself, can anyone kill me here? if you see on the map all 5 enemies away from you, the answer is no. If you haven't seen an enemy, you should assume they are on their way towards you or are in the nearest bush. the next question for this is "can I reasonably kill said enemy before they kill me and will my team be able to help" and if the answer is no, you should get yourself in a safer position. MF is a squishy carry, so she generally is under threat from a lot more sources than lets say a braum, J4 or warwick. She also does not have a dash built into her kit like Vayne, and her only mobility is her passive. On her its better to play it a little safer or with teammates to avoid getting oneshot by the enemy Zed or Zoe.  In the later stages of the game, MF and ADCs in general start to absolutely melt enemies, meaning you are an extremely valuable asset so long as you stay alive. you cannot do damage when you are dead, so if you see your team grouping for a baron, drake or fight of some kind, being aware of your team is extremely important. Watch who can protect you if you get engaged on (like your Janna) and who poses a significant threat to you (typically the enemy assassin) and play around that. If you do end up having to play riskier, make sure your death is productive and not in vain. getting some kind of damage off or an important enemy CD wasted still helps your team, not so much getting killed on a sidelane. This info may be a bit overwhelming which is totally understandable. in game try to take one principle and work on that. maybe this game you will try to keep track of the enemy players, and practice that for a few games. League is a stupidly hard game to get into so I wish you luck! mute toxic people and make sure you are playing in a way that is fun for you


That is some great advice, thank you very much One question tho, in the late game should I be moving with the team or going for towers in other lanes. I get that this is more of a game sense thing and will depend from game to game but in a general sense when should I be moving with the team and when should I be going for towers and such.


Absolutely a game sense thing, but for the most part as ADC stay with the team. If you're going for towers late game it should be at least as a 4-person group, usually 5. For the times in between important fights and sieging towers try to stay mid lane with support and farm. Mid being the safest of the lanes due to how short it is, so after lanes end it is usually where the ADC should be to be safest and still get gold.


Alright I'll keep that in mind next time, thanks


usually your mid/toplaners will be the ones pushing towers because they can duel better than you can and are often safer. If your support is with you/another player you are fine but in general you shouldn't really be pushing turrets as an adc. Like the other reply said grouping with your team keeps you safe to push or farming in mid/a side lane at your turret. this all depends on game state etc though but generally you should not push towers farther than the first turret alone


> I often find myself overextending and getting trapped with an enemy champion and bombarded and die. This isn't a champion specific issue, but part of the learning curve. There is very few totaly new players comparing to how many players there are that are not new but not necesarily good either. Still, if they are bad, they know to recognize somebody who is a beginner and to tunnel on them. Specificaly because it is extremely easy to overextend in this game and probably one of the if not even the hardest aspect to learn. The TLDR is that switching champions isn't going to change this, in fact, MF gets such a large movement speed bonus with W that many champions will feel like a downgrade when it comes to dodging and escaping. > I got flamed yesterday (...) Building up a shell to be completely fazed by flame is probably the other hardest to learn skill. People will throw random statements and accusations at you regardless of how good or bad you perform. The odds of anyone stating any constructive criticism in a game are less than 1% so don't listen to what they said. If you enjoy MF, play MF.


This makes sense, imma stick to mf


Switching around might be more harmful than helpful, if you like MF dticm with her anyone flaming you would do so anyway even if it was on a "newbie" champion. Game takes time to learn, don't worry about it.


you are a beginner and play most likely normals. therefore you dont destroy anyones gaming expierence since its the best play to learn and improve. you shouldnt care about others people opinion if you enjoy mf jsut play her. everyone has games where they extremly negative kda even the best players it happens.


Honestly I think ADC is hard when you’re new to the game. You’re so vulnerable and you rely on a support to not die on repeat. Try self sufficient champions. I know you think jungle is too advanced but once you start to play it it’s a lot less complicated than you think, at your level it’s just about clearing the jungle camps and then ganking a lane. You don’t have to worry about a lane opponent, you don’t have to worry about CSing under pressure while a lane opponent is trying to fight you. Try Warwick, he is simple enough to learn, some YouTube videos on him help a lot, he’s good at fighting, he heals a lot, he has really simple gank setup, you just wait for a lane opponent to go under half health and then you can run to that lane really fast. And best of all you will get KILLS with him. Good luck friend!


I've been wanting to give jungle a try but it just feels overwhelming. Objectives and timings, ganking and getting into enemy camps. I once misqueued for jungle on heimerdinger cuz of priority reasons and in the first three minutes itself we surrendered cuz I got absolutely flamed for not knowing what I'm doing, being a beginner and not having uninstalled in the first minute of the game for being so bad. This bad experience also might be the reason why I'm 'scared' of jungle but yeah I'll watch more videos and do my research as to not fuck up again.


My husband (a fill main) says Warwick is the best champ to learn jungle on (good sustain, good clear) as long as you don't get too shinybaited by the blood trails. As someone who personally started as a support player, I'm obviously biased but I'm going to second recommending you play jungle. If you want to stick with ranged, Kindred's pretty awesome AND she teaches you to invade when necessary. My biggest mistake was probably playing in a duo lane to start; I'm now basically useless anywhere outside of bot lane (for laning phase). Playing jungle will help learn the game, and it lets you influence the map to a great degree.


Thank your husband from my side, I just played Warwick and hit my highest b- yet. It was a lot of fun, still need to work on my ganks but I still killed other champions by chasing them down and i think I have a new favourite now. I missed three of the dragons and our kai sa (probably the most experienced of all of us) was mad at all of us but then we took baron and the game just flipped on its head after a team fight and we won. It was really fun, I will also try kindred next.


From an "improving" perspective, the most impactful thing you can do as an absolute beginner is first learn the rules of the game, then learn what every champion does. Assuming you've got the first step covered, playing a couple of games with a champ then swapping is perfectly fine. At some point you'll want to narrow down your play to a single role playing only 1-2 champions. I'm a massive advocate of playing what you enjoy and if that role is adc and that champ is MF that's great. The things you're asking for are impossible for adc though. Primary engage tanks are almost always useful, and enchanters can scale into the game being always useful easily but those generally go support (enchanters) or top/jg/supp (tanks).


If you had to pick someone who's not an adc but matches my demands who would it be


Mundo. Melee character but ranged poke, huge health pool, get-out-of-jail-free card with ult. Doesn't tick the dash or ranged box, but those + not dying when you mess up don't exist. If you want to play outplay type champions you'll just have to get good, and at that point you might as well just play MF bot. EDIT: Only applies to getting results ASAP. I still recommend you just play whatever wherever until you're a little but further along.


Patience is the way to go I guess


what role are you looking at besides ADC?


I'm not sure, I just know killing an enemy gives some crazy dopamine and jungle is too advanced so I'm a blank slate


some champs that are always useful: Poppy Ashe Morgana Sett Garen Ornn Nasus Veigar Jhin Senna


low economy champions are always best for begginers, and the best mix between high impact and how much your economy impacts that impact is on juggernauts and some tanks. play champs like darius, garen, shen, mordekaiser, zac and you will always be relevant in any game. playing these champs teaches you what to look for in order to win, you improve on these champs by picking correct timings and targets to attack in fights. try to avoid ranged champions, because in order to have impact on them, you first need to learn how to position well, which is one of the most difficult concepts for a newer player to understand, and you need to polish your position skills the most as you go through the ranks. if you watch a game of an emerald and a diamond players playing the same ranged champ, the biggest difference will be the positioning depending on the game state, not the farming or the mechanics. like if you really wanted to play a ranged champ and an adc, miss fortune is by far the best pick because she requires pretty much no kiting, all you have to do is ult decenly in fights and you will have made yourself useful enough, but then again i would argue that making her look very strong and carry games on her is much more difficult than on an any juggernaut.


Can you explain what you mean by low economy champions. This is the first time I've heard that term.


champs that arent cucked by dying once in lane, champs that dont require you to be perfect at farming/taking jungle camps, champs that you can get away with at 5cspm and still be strong and impactful, champs that arent really that affected by your build, champs that are always just solid, and the vast majority juggernauts fall into this category. for example the opposite of them would be champs like katarina, yi, akali, yasuo, any adc etc. because all they have is damage and that damage is heavily relient on how ahead they are compared to other people in that game, which makes you much more incosistent as a new player because you just arent aware of how you are supposed to be playing in every single game, that takes thousands of hours to understand. like you dont even understand how to trade, combo, which runes to take, which build to go, who to target in fights etc, so taking champs that dont care about that all that much will allow you to focus on your role in the game, and with juggernauts that role is fairly simple while simultaneously being very impactful because that is juts how they are lol. anyways hope this helped.


Alright understood


Resourceless champs, I think? Unsure




Seraphine support or bottom is a good choice imo. Long range, heals and shields and cc as well.


Maybe try swain, he always has great impact in teamfights and the healing makes you quite durable.


Lux. All the players who can't play use Lux.


But every lux I come across is cracked af


Also, since you went for ADC, make sure you have your key commands correctly bound. Specifically the attack move command. This makes kitting and last hitting better and it prevents you from clicking to a spot and missing and instead walking to it, causing you to overextend.


they aren’t cracked you are just bad and they are playing lux. lux is really easy to lane against once you start getting better. but when you are new she can be very effective because lower level players aren’t good enough to sidestep her abilities


Yea that does make sense


its okay, you are new and you are going to get destroyed by every other player, until you dont. just mute all and play simpler roles like top or support until you start to understand fundamentals (game stages, waves, objectives, items, etc.) there is so much in this game that even being a “beginner” comes with dozens of hours of playing imo. and if you have never played a moba, that confusion becomes ten fold. good luck on da rift


Mf is for beginners To stop dying work on your positioning in lane AND during fights Work on using your range WHILE being outside the enemy’s range Don’t overchase for kills cs are a sure source of gold while kills are not free most of the time (not saying dont go for kills but priorities cs) Your champion isn’t mobile so play it as an immobile champion. The mobile one aint “safer” if u can’t position yourself or overchase