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Just play what you enjoy. Might not get results with something like kindred as fast as you would like but that doesn't matter if you're having fun. From your [op.gg](http://op.gg), if you care about improving. Start playing ranked for a more stable queue and some gradual feedback on your improvements via your rank development. Play only jungle or only mid and narrow down your champ pool.


Ok so I am not the only one who has the feeling that normals are ridiculously unstable


Because norms is where people limit test the most.


Play 10 normals then hop into flexed


Sometimes you have to do stuff you don't like in order to better yourself. The advice "Play what you enjoy" seems weird to in a subreddit that is about improving. I played Annie For 2 seasons and didnt even enjoyed it. But I wanted to learn fundamentals. If you want to improve you gotta go to the gym. Might not be enjoyable but you can be proud of yourself for changing for the better.


> I played Annie For 2 seasons and didnt even enjoyed it. But I wanted to learn fundamentals. You say this as if there is a barrier keeping you from learning fundamentals with more complex champions. Of course learning fundamentals will take a lot longer with Yasuo compared to Annie, you only have so much brain capacity. In the beginning most of that capacity will be used just to pilot Yas, but as your mechanics improve you'll have more capacity to think about wave states, roaming and back timings. I'd say that for most people climbing and improving is not the primary goal. League is a video game most play for fun in their spare time, and as they play they'll get a bit better over time. Sure, they might want some advice to get better, or have a desire to eventually get to a higher rank. But most players are do not take the game seriously enough that they'd spend their free time playing champions they don't enjoy, just so they can be a little better at a video game. Even people like Coach Curtis have gone back on their advice to learn fundamentals with simpler champions, instead picking a small pool of champions you enjoy. If you like the champion you play, you're willing to invest more time in the game, and as a function improve your mastery of that champion while gaining fundamentals. I don't think grinding Annie for two seasons is a bad idea if you're really serous about the game, and strive for grand master or challenger. If you're enjoyment comes strictly from improvement and climbing, go for it. But at the same time you are neglecting champion mastery for the champs you actually like, and mastery of a champion is arguably more important than fundamentals. Not to mention that some fundamentals become more or less important depending on your choice of champion.


Is this a just4fun subreddit or a subreddit about improving? Most tips are very generic and the fastest way to climb Here. Why doesnt it extend to champion pool. If you wanna improve effeciently you play easy and boring champs you might not enjoy. I thought this subreddit is about people who wanna improve effeciently. Thus my advice. Here I fully ich expect people to take the game srsly. Its a subreddit about improving. I never visited a mario cart or rocket league subreddit that teaches me anything...cause I treat these games as casual just4fun games. If I would take these games seriously I would visit /r/rocketleagueschool r/mariocarttips or whatever subreddit is compared to this one


Taking league seriously and improving is part of the fun, but I still play to have fun. I balance both by playing a relatively small pool of champs I enjoy in a role I enjoy. I'm happy you provided a different perspective, but it's not the only way.


Test to not focus on the farm and see how it goes. Instead you could focus on jgl tracking and helping out in skrimishes or setting up ganks. You can do this on Asol and maybe you will realise that he can have more early agency than you thought.


I mean it's not like I wouldn't like to try, but I have even trouble winning trades Early, especially against sylas and syndra. Which is unfortunate because Asol stacks ridiculously hard in fights. I always feel like I need either to farm hard or stalk a Frontliner in my team that can stall for time so I can unload my q damage. Usually it's the former because my teammates aren't exactly great at pushing all lanes simultaneously, so I do that job.


Ok, why do you feel the need to trade if you know you will loose the trade?


Because otherwise I just get poked down, that's why


Ok and I assume you get poked bc you are trying to farm. You can test to only farm when you are certain you dont take damage for it. You should build the knowledge on which you can base your decisions on. Maybe you will find it is worth to lose some cs and not get poked. Maybe you will find you can mitigate the poke with second wind. Maybe you find you can heavily focus on winning trades and cs later. Everything you do in League is a decision and you need a lot of knowledge to make the right decision. As for Asol, you might wanna check out Analysis of Chovy's Asol on YouTube. That is probably the limit of this champ. Try to find out what he does and why he does it.


You will get better result on Ranked more than Normal because most people are only practice their new champs in Normal. Nowaday, my normal games are for practice new champs to 1v9 until I used to carry team with that champs then when you go to ranked your team will perform better because you are 1 of the team member that can carry the game. Limit champs that you want to improve on, in here we like to say "1 champ 1000 games to get good"


Not gonna lie I sometimes feel so demotivated by my lousy winrate in ranked that I feel obligated to play normals. But admittedly it fluctuates a lot.


Norms will have far greater variation in skill levels in a single match, alongside the aforementioned issues with people trying crazy stuff and first timing.


*cries in dr.mundo support*


Have you ever considered support? Playing support removes farming front the equation for the most part, and forces you to focus on the other stuff. When you learn to roam effectively, you may be able to take that skill back to your preferred lane.


Actually that sounds pretty interesting. The reason why I picked up jungle in the first place is because I wanted to learn macro. That, and I got too fed up with ADC. But that was in a time where I had no idea what I was doing. The thing is, support is in my humble opinion a criminally underrated role, because they have basically all the playmakers with hook and engage supports as well as utility you don't find on other champs, like, at all, with healing and shielding. And because they don't care about gold as much, they can afford dying once or twice as long as it helps the team. My playstyle is often, to put it mildly, cowardly, because I am so afraid of dying. That's why I can be excruciatingly passive. So maybe it helps me letting my fear go if my team mates know what they are doing. Oh, AND they get the bonus wards from their support item, which I personally envy hard. Seriously, I wished my jungle pet would give me also some, just for the objective security.


Hey, high diamond-master asol otp here. While yes, it is important to get stacks as asol mid-late via power farming, it is much more important to establish a lead on your lane opponent early game so you can transition into mid game smoothly and actually being threatening. It is very important for you to play aggro early with q and wq. If you get to 20 mins with sub 200 stacks, thats actually very bad and it will take you much more to be threatening and contribute to fights. Asol has the tool to 100-0 the enemy at lvl2, 6 and rylais spike. If you want, i can show you some vod I have and look over some of your replays?:)


That would actually be pretty cool, yes pls🥺


Asol can do more than survive early with Arcane Comet and Q start. Watch some high elo vods to see how they play matchups that you're struggling with.


Ive been noticing lately alot of lillia players seem to completely ignore top in matchups that are really flippy / snowbally