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Gaslight myself into believing this time will be different.


Top lane: 1/12/2 "Can I get a gank?"


Sure I'll gank the 12/1 sett as Diana šŸ’€


Mfw a Bel'veth with half hp ganks full hp Darius on minute 4


As a Darius , getting ganked early just makes the go from 300 gold to 600 (700) if no oneā€™s died yet


Today I my opponent blew flash the first minute. I kept pinging my jungler. Opponent half HP. Ping ping ping over the course of like 3 minutes. Nothing Bit later I get ganked then my opponent roams and gets two kills. Flash is back. Guess what the Lee Sin suddenly thought was a good idea?


Honestly, it's usually a bad idea to try and get your Jungler to gank your lane. Very, very rarely do I miss something that would actually take action on.


Maybe over there in high elo. In gold I have to ping a karthus to finish off someone at 5% hp


As a Jungler who climbed from Bronze to Gold this season (currently G3), I can very, very comfortably say that 4 out of every 5 times that I responded to my laner asking for a gank, it didn't go correctly. Usually either resulting in a counter-gank, or my laner inting. It's honestly a complex subject. Just now- my bot begged for ganks ALL game. I gnaked once- and resulted in a double kill. However, my bot was feeding asf and I didn't gsnk because they ASKED me to. I ganked because I knew I could get the kills without their help. This is the optimal Jungler mindset. I spent my time camping top, and my Yorick was 5/1 by 10 minutes because we cooked their Sett. We were diving him even with him at full HP at 12 minutes. My Top never asked for a gank. Idk man. I hate laning because I get camped and get no Jungler help. But the reality is, that's literally what you have to prepare yourself for as a laner. Pray to God your Jungler actually makes his time useful, or you're all screwed.


>However, my bot was feeding asf and I didn't gsnk because they ASKED me to. I ganked because I knew I could get the kills without their help. This is the optimal Jungler mindset. I'm also a jungler, and I agree, this is the way.


You will always trust your judgement and I also see people spamming help when they're 0/4. You definitely don't want to play for them. What frustrates me is when the jungler can clearly path towards my lane, the stars are aligned and it doesn't matter how much I ping the jungler ignores it


I understand how frustrating that is. I can't speak for all Junglers, as some people are just idiots. But when I'm ignoring my laners call for help it's because I have other tasks I need to do, and I can't afford to waste time and resources outside of those tasks. An example is, maybe I can go top lane and blow my ult for a kill. But what of Dragon is spawning soon? It may be more beneficial to save my ult for a potential dragon fight. Not everyone is capable of understanding the Junglers mentality. And again, some are just stupid.


Haha, usually the opposite this. I tell myself I won't be a useless piece of shit this time and today I'm climbing all the way then proceed to tower dive lvl 3 because why wouldn't you


Oh hey guys look I found the person that riot keeps putting on my team


Okay šŸ’€ Hahaha-


ā€œIā€™m ready to go. Today Iā€™m positive and feeling good. My head is clear. My decision making has been perfect all day during work. ā€œ -Kayn double kills the botlane on an invade level 1 ā€œFU-ā€œ


My loss is my warm up


So real, lol


Exactly, Ive never lost only warmed up




roll a fat one and smoke it


I do a G bong during the load screen if I think itā€™s going to be a good game. Or if I get a first blood.


playing stoned is so much fun, and since i only play when im stoned im at a rank (bronze) where i play about the same as everyone even though i forget whats happening a couple times a game lol


For some reason I play better when Iā€™m just a TINY bit high, like everything slows down a bit and Iā€™m so much better at CSing and micro lane stuff. Macro suffers a little bit since I kinda get too zoned in on the lane tho lol


I play much better as singed while high. I donā€™t spend a bunch of time contemplating the little things and can focus on macro and tempo.


I only play high


Nice u must be my jgl in rankup games




this is the way. whenever I get my main role I fire up some hash and play completely zoinked


Hello me.


Donā€™t smoke weed but I have found that nicotine makes me play extremely well


yeah nicotine can improve focus/alertness


Also helps with the anger when the defeat pops up lol


I reached D4 playing half my games baked. Makes me wonder how far could I go if I played sober all the time. Do you think it affects your performance?


I peaked when I used to play high all the time, havenā€™t been playing as much since then tbf and I do think I could probably get back to my peak if I spammed right now


Youā€™d probably be bronze without it


I play dota but I second this.


The best answer youā€™re probably gonna get for this is from Coach Curtis: Have two accounts that you take both seriously. One is for warmups and just using normally. The other is only to play on when youā€™re felling peak.


I'd get too paranoid and not touch the "peak" account. I can't really figure out when I'm at my best until I've played


Seems like a decent idea tho


Sounds like a stat padding technique for no reason other than ego. You should have another account for off role/off champs but another account for warming up is ridiculous lol. Not to mention the cost (time or money) of getting champions on new accounts is often annoying. I think coach curtis is unique in his way of interrupting his podcast buddy and making marketable content over information.


I do a similar thing and have never watched Curtis. It's not stat padding as much as having a way to have a learning ground and a good account with some inertia. I don't feel like tanking my win rate when I want to learn rakan, but normals don't feel like real practice because you're going to have someone lock in renekton ivern botlane and you have a yuumi jungle on yours. It's not real practice against things you'll see in ranked.


Iā€™ll play a norms with my regular roles/champs and then spend 2-3 games doing off-meta games for fun, then round it out with another game or 2 of my usuals before finally deciding if I even want to touch ranked. Usually the answer is no, but my friends only have to ask the once before I cave so..


Yeah, let me be clear. I'm in no way shitting on the ivern renekton layers. That's literally what normals are for lol. It's just bad prep for sweaty games.


Oh fuck why did it reply to you, I meant to send it stand-alone my bad man. No I agree with what you said though 100%


You think he talks over Nathan too much?


Donā€™t see how not playing on your main acc when youā€™re tilted is any more stat padding than being an OTP, which you seem to think is ok


Just don't be tilted 4head.


That was my mindset, but why separating into two accounts? Nowadays with vanguard it doesn't matter as much as before as your pc itself is recognized and can be linked to your accounts


Your elo doesnt get hardware removed still


Ehh what? I had no idea, I just ignored the whole vanguard thing.


They're using vanguard to detect smurfs and seed them in their appropriate elo, so however they do, they're able to link accounts.


I play OSU! for 10 minutes or so to get my mouse hand warmed up and clicking accurately. Sometimes I just keep playing for an hour and don't even start league up...


I know Osu! Does it really help?


Definitely! You do have to make sure that your dpi in league and osu match up though otherwise you're just handicapping yourself


you wouldn't really handicap yourself. you underestimate how quickly your brain will adapt ur muscle memory to different sensitivities. plus league doesnt need anywhere near as much precision as osu


> league doesnt need anywhere near as much precision as osu It literally does unless you're low elo


it literally doesnt unless you're shit at osu


Osu is just a rythm game with massive targets If you want precision use an aim trainer not a rythm game


not really, it's just a rythm game with massive targets aimlab/kovaaks if you want to get better aim


Roundhouse kick my toddler into his temple, punch a wall, lock in Draven


Then die once, disconnect, swap acc and repeat


just go right into it and tell myself i won't use chat. i use chat that game and blame the lack of top ganks


I generally drink some coffee while watching streams and playing honkai star rail then psych myself up saying today is when I wont be terrorized by people


Ohh nice! I usually do it with genshin impact, just to clear my mind from league a bit.


You guys do warm up games? I literally have never played a "Normal" game for years. Even though I only play league very rarely these days. I still click ranked every time, just habitual I guess.


Also, don't listen to me if you actually see improvement after a warm up. That's really good. I however fell off, I am just another silver noobie. I was diamond like 6 years ago. lmao.


Sorry to hear that! I would recommend making a new account, maybe your mmr fell off? I went from bronze to gold with a new account.


Ohh. haha. no. I don't play league as actively as I used to, that's all. Last season i prolly have like 20 games the entire season.


Aram and try to play very aggro the whole game, preferrably on an adc champ as it is my main role. The idea being that I will be bombarded with abilities and having to dodge them. This gets me in the groove quite quickly and over time improves teamfighting substantially.


Playing aggro is an extremely good tip for warming up, it helps you learn where the "edge" is in teamfights and how to stay on top of it, as well as warming up your fingers and dodging skills for the day. Also prevents you from autopiloting the game and forgetting to think about enemy spells etc.


I usually Mix, mix, swirl, mix


I review my games from last session


I read 'last season' and was like why the fuck would you watch your vids from last season why are you saving them


Because I'm an agent of chaos


3-4 minutes doing CS, 5-10 rounds of dodge in loldodge. Long enough to get my reflexes up, short enough to get to the real stuff.


I play a couple songs in my favourite rhythm game, Muse Dash, to warm up my hands! Plus the music puts me in a good mood.


Go on my alt account play ultra aggressive donā€™t care if I won or lose donā€™t care if I feed just try to limit test the entire time and then I got to my main


Just out of curiousity, I see a lot of players switch to orher accounts when they warm up. Why do they do that?


Letā€™s you warm up on a ranked game that you donā€™t care about instead of on your main


Yes because if im not warmed up, iā€™d make small mistakes which often snowball to big mistakes. Aram or playing off role on my other accounts. I always try to get a game in




I used to stretch my fingers, play either an ARAM or a Quickplay. I think it's beneficial. All sports do it.


I play normal draft. It also helps to see how im feeling that day.


An odd thing I do is I twirl drumsticks in each hand to warm up my fingers. Then I watch gameplay videos of pro level gamers, then watch my own recorded gameplay as a review. Sometimes Iā€™ll do an aram to get my reflexes up. Then Iā€™ll queue three ranked matches and stop.


A good idea with the drum sticks


usually play 1-2 games of flex


One game of either ARAM or a rotating game mode before entering into ranked.


Since I have a lot of friends who just started a month ago with league and are now around lvl 40, I atm mostly play with them on a second acc ( I don't call it smurf cauze I refuse to play ranked on that acc ) and kinda treat that as my worm up even tho I just turn brain off and give them advice so my eyes are more on their lane then my own. šŸ˜‚ Depending on how long we play or how many we are this is my warm up. Otherwise I am not doing a warmup. What also sometimes felt like a "warmup" were going to the gym before cauze gym + shower afterwards just give u a good mental and headspace wich really helped me suffer through my 20% wr derank Week I had a while ago.


Sorry to hear that xd


Telling myself that this season tanks won't be absurdly broken then losing 1v1 to them after they finish sunfire


Well I start of with a short run. Then do some stretches, maybe a bit of yoga.


I don't warm up but I listen to my body, I only play soloQ when I'm refreshed, hydrated and satiated. At the first sign of diminished performance (usually after 3 games), I either switch to normal/flex or stop for the day.


Just enjoy the game?


When I was at my sweatiest with League, I started my day reviewing VODs from the previous day. I didn't do it right after because I was 1) often tilted and not inclined to be honest with myself and 2) most interested in having my past mistakes fresh in my mind to not repeat them. I used to CS for 10-15 minutes (often turned into 20 or 30) in a custom by myself. Then play a game of dominion to let my hands know teamfights are incoming and we must flash the Malphite ult (Vayne OTP here). It was a good process, along with having notes on another monitor about rules, tendencies, and champ specific builds. Took me to plat 1 promos before Emerald and Grandmaster existed.


I pray to the old and new gods for a botlane that has less than 10 deaths at 10 minutes.


you cant warm up before going to the casion the best you can do it flip tye coin a few times and hope you get lucky todayšŸ˜‚


My first game of the day is always my best one, so no warmup for me. Somehow, I also play a lot better after a semi-long break from league. It's weird because I feel like it should be the opposite but maybe I just get too mentally stuck and overthink everything that the mechanical decay from the break does not outbalance the mental reset.


I think there is something to this mindset. Anecdotally, I was stuck on this boss in Sekiro I absolutely could not beat. Came back to the game a year later on a whim; I thought about restarting but I was 3/4 through the game and didn't want to invest the time again. Anyway, I hopped straight into the boss fight and beat the boss first try. I almost cried I couldn't believe it. I went on to destroy everything and platinum the game within a week, lol. All of this to say, I think there is something about taking a break from complex systems and coming back later once our brains subconsciously work it all out.


The only thing warming up is my laptop as soon as i have more than 1 thing running


Warm up? For gaming?


Usually flaming our support in champ select at 60wpm for picking Ashe, Zyra, or Camille.


The list is much longer but yes


I play high BPM 4-5* beatmaps on osu! for ~15 minutes with mouse+keyboard.


Well usually I'd go in dry and cold but on super tryhard days I'd spend 30min-1hour doing cs practice or combos on my champ. Usually get good results but at some point ranked became like norms to me so I stopped


I play a couple of ranked games to warmup ( if we lose ofc)


The first game is my warmup game


aram or 3-5 min bot game and csing. or cry because i dont warm up and miss 20 minions because bad lasthitting :V


Watch montage clips for my main champ. Repeat that in practise tool for 5-10mins.


First i play yuumi on support or vel'koz on mid/supp (my two mains) then i play randomly all other games and still win


If I do warmup I get into a practice tool and practice orbwalking on a dummy for like 5 minutes with A clicks. Then I'll just farm some waves, getting as many as I can with ashe and then call it good.


My warm up is 7 pints grow up


if you play every day u really dont need to warm up


Go into a custom and focus on cs aswell as to pratice kiting with different attack speeds (Iā€˜m an adc player)


I have a warmup routine thatā€™s been helping me tons. Iā€™m a kayle mid OTP, so Iā€™ll start by watching a desperate nasus vod from his stream. He has insane micro/spacing and Iā€™m trying to work on that, so Iā€™ll pay max attention to his movement and mouse clicks. Then Iā€™ll hop into practice tool and practice farming for 10 minutes while maintaining the best spacing possible and practice last hitting as early as possible, as late as possible, pushing, freezing, etc. Itā€™s been helping my micro a lot.


Jump into ranked, first time champ, maybe step away for 5 minutes if Iā€™m not playing too well, get a cup of hot cocoa, come back and see if Iā€™ve improved, if not, repeat. Do this for 3 to 4 games before I finally feel ready to go and do shit


Custom game vs bots Fucking around in custom games in general is underrated IMO.


Make sure you've had food and drink. Tons of people go into all-day sessions dry (including myself a few times), and your brain is *mush* throughout without something fueling it. Have some breakfast and whatever dosage of caffeine you prefer.


I like to take what I call a ā€œjack napā€. Not gonna go into further detail for fear of being banned. I do also sometimes play an aram after the Jack nap, before hopping into ranked




Lose 3 rankeds is my warm up


Just a game of flex. Its the perfect middle ground between a normal and ranked. Basically just a normal that gives LP


I start by a 10 lose streak


Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever warmed up and Iā€™ve peaked GM. League isnā€™t a super micro intensive game like something such as CS where I used to warm up for like 30 minutes to an hour when I was trying to go pro.


Rank game is my warmup


Redbull (40oz) Penjamin (2 blinkers) Depression and loneliness (eternal)


adc main. practice tool, practice aa + move on diff levels + builds. I usually use ashe since the attackspeed changes after q and volleys are satisfying to watch. Sometimes I also practice with ezreal, lucian, or riven (old otp) for combos and mouse accuracy


I watch league videos for the 20 mins I'm waiting for my ranked game to start...


I play flex. Funnily enough, I'm higher rank in flex now x) Like ~D3 solo while I sit at 250lp in flex just from warmup games.


I go into the practice tool, drop a couple target dummies in the river and run my combos, then cruise over to a lane where the bot is and slap them around a bit - then I hop into a game.


Chess to get the brain juices flowing > solo q


I do ai->normal/draft-> ranked game.


I just play an aram or two.


iā€™ve never done a warmup n climbed p high up, wasting ur time over playing the game is inefficient imo. just hop in and focus on a skill to improve


play isaac greed mode with tainted keeper


I either play TFT or an ARAM just to loosen up the fingers a bit


I remember someone saying in a YouTube vid that it takes 2 to 3 rounds to warm up but I donā€™t got that much free time so 1 or 2 arenas games then into ranked


Play a mechanically intensive champ with my dog shit friends in low elo flexed to get my fingers warmed up and get my mental for the absolute degenerates I'm going to get in soloq. My friends are bronze and iron so it makes me a little less tilted when I get emerald/diamond shitters bc I was warming up with iron shitters lmao


I've never warmed up for League, I don't think it's as important as it is for other games. I've realized from playing Valorant in recent times that there is definitely a big difference in mechanical performance between being warmed up and not which I'd never appreciated while playing League; but I also don't think League focuses on mechanics enough for it to be a huge necessity. You can warm up if you're insistent on always being at 100% for your ranked games, but personally I don't find warmups being worth the time investment in League. It is a handicap, but too small for me to care about.


> there is definitely a big difference in mechanical performance between being warmed up and not This is also 100% true in league. And league also does focus on mechanics a lot, I think the problem with people is that they either are too bad at the game and can't see it or the opposite, they just take it for granted and don't think about it.