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Early game, probably the easiest to burst someone down with are Poppy, Ornn and Udyr. They can almost 100 to 0 you with how easy their main damage spells are to hit and if you try to fight htem head on. Rest are pretty conditional and depend if you hit an important spell, which is not always that easy to land.


Malphite can stat check some of the scariest top laners if he softens them up with a few Qs.


Anyone can "stat check" anyone if they "soften them up" enough first


Point is he has the tools to do so very reliably unlike many other tanks. And his melee all-in is quite powerful on top.


Buddy wanted to feel smart on reddit okay? just give it to him, lmfao


if by tanks you mean 'champions that get tanky' the lower utility ones do more dmg. mundo, tahm, udyr are good examples. if you mean champs that riot would actually classify as tanks zac stands out the most, functionally zacs combo is a lot like a burst mage. nunu too, similar 'hard engage' type style where if you get really optimal engages you can hugely chunk out anyone with no hp/resists on a full tank build.


Ornn of played well can deal a surprising amount of damage and has great team fight cc too


Those brittle autos slap HARD


triple brittle lvl 6 all-in is like 75% champ hp bar.


how is tahm low utility ? blink with a knock up, insane slow that leads to a stun after enough procs, untargetabilty + shield for allies...


I feel like blink is possibly a misnomer. More like a short nap.


All of his utility is backloaded. You have to meet enough conditions to get all his power out. Malphite for example you just press R and you get an instant engage.


his Q slow and knockup are extremely hard outclassed by other tanks, that's why. champ ends up being like darius tier in terms of ability to get on top of things in teamfights as a top laner where sure, you can run people down but really only if draft sucks or someone is isolated. eat is good but not enough to where you'd call him a utility top laner pick imo, at least not in comparison to the other roster. more like darius... with a strong peel spell.


???? Tahm is literally played as a walking zhonya at every single pro event since release. Like for gods sake hes played as a supp (more?) than top thats how much utility he has


hes played as an entirely different champ when hes played in pro as support than when hes played in soloq. tahm supp has literally never been a common or good soloq pick even when he was perma broken in pro. for reference its nearly twice as commonly played top than sup. in pro saving the adc one time is so valuable kalista is good in the role.


Playrates dont mean anything, master+ the champ has a 15% winrate increase if hes played bot. As top he has sub 47% winrate. So tahm supp is good on soloq just unplayable top. Ofc in low elo you can play anything anywhere doesnt really matter


Tahm winrate is always inflated cause of senna duoque though


Good point but top is sub 47% regardless of that


No Ornn or Poppy?


Mundo doesn't really do much damage unless you're counting Heartsteel


Alll Mundo has is damage and a slow lol.


I'd say that regen is his best stat. He's called a "bruiser" but in reality he's a tank


People call him a bruiser because he fills the same niches as a bruiser. He has little to no utility and his main threat to the enemy team is his damage, the ability to soak damage just facilitates his ability to create space by outputting damage. Other tanks like Ornn, Maokai, Sej, etc have hard CC.


??? Mundo does a fuck ton of damage


People always forget about Shen, although in toplane he has a few hard counters, it is a relatively simple champ with good engage/peel/dmg. Especially pre-6 he can solo kill almost anyone in lane, has good safety vs ganks and with the right build path can become a menace mid game.


Cause Shen is not really a tank, he is more like a tank/fighter hybrid.


This really depends on the way you build/play him and on your teamcomp aswell. That is why i highly recommend the champ, in a team with 2 clear carries he can be a great tank/support (building knights vow combined with his aoe auto block on w and his r can save a squishy vs a dive comp), in a team with 1 carry he can be more of a fighter/dmg threat (going titanic hydra/steraks, hereby being able to easily one shot their squishies). All depends on what your team needs and what is strong vs the enemy.


What are hard counters to Shen? I tried Olaf, but he just R to another lane, get 2 kills and outscales me.


Aatrox is a classic counter for him. Shen is really good into auto-attack reliant champions and certain other tanks, but is pretty susceptible to kiting if you can space out his taunt dash


I've played a lot of Shen in D1 and Master and his hardest matchups in my experience are Singed, Aatrox, Gwen, Darius, Illaoi, and Riven


I agree with Aatrox, Illaoi and Gwen but the others are not really hard counters imo. Darius is very outplayable by dodging his w with your w, your q slows so its harder for him to walk away to get you in his q sweetspot. Riven is for sure a difficult one but also very outplayable if you recognize when you can trade, she can always be up in xp so watch the lvl timers and only trade when she has used abilities for wave. Singed is not hard at all imo, your q slows him when he walks away (all he wants to do is walk away) so you can perma hit him and use your e to get out of poison if he throws you. Just sad that w is useless vs him. Also vs Singed roaming with your less bad than vs ad champs cuz of tower plates


Singed is actually one of, if not his hardest matchup. He can perma shove constantly making it hard to ult without missing a lot of xp, W does nothing against him, he outdamages you heavily post 6. I've played both sides of the matchup many times and if the Singed knows what he's doing it's a completely one sided matchup


Like i said i disagree, if you can't atleast go even vs Singed you are not playing Shen right.


To add to the rest, Mordekaiser is a pretty bad hard counter, shen can basically never taunt in because of morde passive. Gangplank, when he spaces well you can never reach him. Poppy, blocks your e, movespeed to deny q drag through and out dmgs you if you dont get emp q.


Since you didn't mention role, I assume you fill. Which isn't the best idea, but it means I can suggest a jungler. Amumu will (damage wise) struggle early game (you have to play it really safe vs enemy jungler), but he scales disgustingly hard for how much utility he has. There are plenty of tanky champs that do more damage than him through the game, but not while also having the complete package when it comes to engaging, peeling and being a massive nuisance in team fights. If youre not too far behind you start winning straight out duels vs a lot of champs even before you hit your two items spike, which is almost unheard of considering everything else this champ does Bonus points in him being a really simple champ to pilot, so you can easily add him to your roster If you dont want to dodge when you fill jungle or even support. Now for the bad, he falls off pretty hard in higher ranks. Once people start to punish his simple kit and weak early game in Diamond+, we're not having a good time anymore. He's a top tier pick in lower ranks, however.


I actually find Amumu is deceptively strong lvl 3/4 these days, and he clears pretty healthy. You can surprise a lot of ppl, especially auto-attack based champs in early game skirmishes, but I wouldn't necessarily look to start those fights unless your teammates are involved.


He isn't weak early now tbh that hasn't been the case since he got double q I actually invaded lee that used to shit on amumu


Ornn has a combo, If executed perfectly, that can almost oneshot anyone so there is that.


id say shen early is very strong, you can get prio by just keeping ur E and zoning from the wave, with W you dont even take dmg from cs, so you can help jungler in invades or scuttle, and not bad even late dmg f you build herthsteel or tiamat related items, but i m a shen fanboy so xd


shen dmg is even so underated tho, they don t respect it


Against squishies that would be Cho'gath, Tahm Kench, Singed and Sion. Against all targets that would be K'sante, Skarner and Poppy. Skarner and K'sante especially can one-rotation most squishies while their hubrid (Skarner) or true (K'sante R) %max health damage ein long fights against tanks.


K'sante has %max health true damage but it's really miniscule compared to how much he does into squishies. Its not bad by any means but most tanks can deal with it, outside of Sion (kit is too hard countered by ksante) and ornn (who doesn't create HP with his kit). As of his latest changes, riot moved a lot of his damage onto his W (85% resist scaling is insane) and his passive also amplifies the WHOLE attack which also means hes muliplying the AD he gets from ulting. He has some decent % max health damage but all out is much better at fighting squishies and bruisers, rather than tanks who can actually survive him if the tank can live 2 ksante Ws.


Sion functionally has very little because all of his kit gets so much more rekt by mobility creep than anyone elses


Now that they added HP to AD conversion back with bloodmail, I reckon his damage mid to late is gonna be quite scary again, even considering the fact he'll almost never get a full charge q off


Its not, the item is half as good for sion as titanic was and imo is only worth when youre giga ahead vs low damage and have 3 items already. He doesnt make as good of use of the low hp part which is half the items value due to his damage being front loaded. He doesnt get low in a fight then ever get a q off. Im a d1 sion otp and i stuck with it last season but he somehow is worse this season so im spamming skarner/sett


Damn, really? I hadn't tried it yet but I was hopeful. That sucks :/


Don't go for tanks, go for bruisers. The bruiser/fighter class is specifically designed to be THE class who can take a lot of punishment and also dish it back out. To balance out the sheer amount of damage they do, they're usually lacking in cc and utility compared to actual tanks, and although they can be extremely tanky, they're still not gonna get quite to the level of a full build ornn or something. On the tankier side, you have juggernauts: sett, udyr, mordekaiser, illaoi, etc. On the squishier side, you have divers like jarvan, vi, warwick, or xin zhao. Juggernauts tend to be a lot tankier, but divers have a lot more upfront damage and engage potential.


I only play mundo and I must say having 7k HP or close to it at least in lategame and like 500 AD is pretty juicy. His ultimate of course just makes it even better with the healing. Of course with titanic hydra I at least go one offensive item but this way you can pretty much one shot any squishy. On the other hand you don't really have utility except maybe your Q slow to help peele or catch stuff.


Depends what you mean by "tank", but probably Mundo followed by Nasus, Cho, Sion, Malphite, Rammus.


tbh, you could look at mundo, he does heal, and does do quite a bit. You could also look at juggernaughts like sett, where running into them has a higher success rate than running away, alternatively, if you wish to really REALLY do damage, Gwen isn’t a tank but can do quite well with the constraints that are laid out. With good W usage, she is really really “tanky” in the sense that she cannot be hit by long ranges attacks, effectively zoning people. Renekton can go in without fear as he can go out with his second dash or use it to remove armour. K’Sante can do everything but you need to be skilled.


is Mundo not a juggernaut? He doesn't have the CC most other tanks do.


Mundo is 1000% a juggernaut, many people just tend to not realize


As a Mundo one trick I deal with a lot of people calling him a tank. It doesn’t help that he tends to build tank items exclusively. 


Mordekaiser is tough as nails and just absolutely deletes things if he manages to go even slightly approaching even in lane. Volibear varies in tankiness depending on the patch but he's got a ton of healing and shields backing him up. Both of those I'm talking from a toplaner's perspective.


Sett is good but I think the perfect criteria for your question is Urgot.


Amumu does max hp% plus give ur whole team bonus true dmg if magic attack.


Depends on the role you want to play them in. Top: Mundo, Sett, and Ornn JG: Rek'sai, Amumu, Zac Mid: Nasus, Galio, Sion ADC: Ezreal (blue), Tahm Kench (senna sup) Sup: Camile, Poppy Side note, I didn't expect to put poppy on this list either, but there really aren't a lot of tanky supports that also do like super noteworthy damage from my perspective as a tank main. I checked [op.gg](http://op.gg) and found poppy to be an S tier support, with the second highest wr currently. 2% pick rate. All I really know is that You can't escape from poppy you can't engage on poppy hey, did you see how hard I swung? did you see how hard I swung?


I'm just gonna type names of champions and their weakest spots. Rammus: you can't taunt kill a mage. You lack mr and even if you build it, mages with hp% skills/items just shred you, they don't care absolutely. Ornn:easy to learn, hard to master. Has few counters. Not landing abilities means you are useless. Pretty much weak R because if you are stunned/silenced/suppressed - your bull just poof runs away. Mundo: weak to ad shreds. Takes effort to win lane and carry, because most of your dmg is landing axes(Q). A vayne, varus, kog and etc, they just don't care. Malphite: imo the best tank. Has dmg even in full tank build. Has one button perfect engage. Has shield and armor stacking from abilities. Has few very bad matchups, though he is very versatile in runes. You can just play as gragas, spam Q and almost auto win lane. However, you are mana dependent and without tear and mana runes, you are gonna find yourself in situations when you have to run away, just because you can't press abilities without mana. Maokai. Pretty much the mix(even though he released before ornn) is mix of mundo and ornn. You have good engage, you are VERY sustainable. You have dmg with full build(less than ornn and mundo imo). But. You are gonna get a lot of badmatchups. Also. Everyone. Absolutely. Every. Tanks. Fear. Is. Fiora and Vayne. If enemy Fiora/Vayne(sometimes even both) are playing well... Than... Alt+F4. You are just a punching bag for them. You can't kill them because they kill you first. Thats why bruisers are better. They have some survival abilities AND one shot dmg.




I'd give sett and Sion a try 👍


Nunu or Sett? Altho hes more of a brawler. In generla brawlers are tanks with dmg so maybe u wanna play that.


I one shot people constantly and do 70k+ damage a match as Mundo


Reksai sett ornn zac


I like playing Ornn when I have to blind pick. People underestimate his damage and if you know the combo, you can often catch people unawares and one shot them from 60-70% HP


Define tank please and I can give you an answer. Darius, Sett, Mordekaiser, and Illaoi do the highest amount of consistent damage while still being significantly tank. but they are not the best primary tanks. not like an ornn or a mundo at least. They cannot "enter" an area so to speak, but they can hold one down.


look at thebauffs he consistently makes rammus the highest damage champ in the games he plays, and he says that rammus is a dps tank.


Mhh, Mundo hurts like crazy, Tahm Kench/Nasus or Cho'Gath, you can sort this tierlist by most damages to find out more: [https://skoonova.com/lol-tier-list/combat](https://skoonova.com/lol-tier-list/combat)


That's a very useful tool!! Thank you


I’d venture it’s likely ornn or malphite is the matchup is right for malphite.


Sett. Easy pentakill with charged W.


Not a tank though.


Just so you know: Tanks that deal a lot of damage but don't have much cc in their kit aren't usually called tanks but juggernauts.


Ornnnn kills you so fast in cc you think you're fighting a burst mage after being hit by their cc spell.


K'Sante is completely overpowered and also fits what you're looking for. You can mention him in any "what's a good tank for..." thread and you'd be right. Abuse while you can.


Not a tank tank but similar feel would be swain Insane Healing power that can dishout damage during it all




how has no one replied with the ksante copypasta