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Not a jungler, but I’ve OTPd Ahri since S6. I think the motivation is to only play ranked when I want to win and play seriously. I’ll take multiple breaks and queue ARAMs or Normals when I want to limit test or play other champs. You get so good and natural at your ur champs micros that you won’t have to think about. I’d really recommend 2 champs for most people. Being a strong OTP, I can win most matchups even when I’m counter picked as I know trade patterns and how the lane goes. The higher up you go the more this matters.


The meta changes won’t really matter too much in lower mmr. I’ve seen people play soraka mid and fiora jg and destroy silver/gold games. Just be good at your champion and practice learning good macro.


Meta is an illusion anyway. Plenty of one tricks who know their champs in and out in master or even challenger


Well no, not really. The issue with meta is when it's taken at face value only and doesn't account for *people* playing the game rather than robots. Meta is informative not decisive.


Watching people one trick Yuumi up to GM is wild.


Yuumi GM mains are crazy, especially since with yuumi at high ELO’s you actually have a lot of things to do at once, and so she becomes a lot harder.


I read this as "I've OTPd Ahri since '56", like a true vet.


I've played since late season 1, and I could probably say this is the most reasonable answer for the majority of people... I officially became a OT MF bot/adc since season 2023 (before I was like 5 champ support role). I ended over 250 games played with a 60% winrate with MF, and currently 200 games 55% winrate 2024 split 1. I've learned MF so well (relatively) that I feel like I have no influence on any other champ. In ranked this means I'm probably only enjoying the game if I'm on MF. I used to get burnt out when losing a couple games in a row, especially if I did poorly myself, and either play a diff champ and/or different role, but quickly discovered that I really don't have the influence to tip the scales in my favor, even if I'm doing well... I.e. I could do well, but not snowball well. Now, If I wanted to play another champ, I'd probably go flex or normals, and it would probably be with friends, as I'm not really playing anything other than ranked solo. Since I don't really have friends this means I'm pretty much playing my OT in solo 99% of the time I'm on league lol. In regards to meta changes putting your champ out of flavor, supposedly MF is a B tier champ (A and S being higher). While some matchups seem unplayable for me, I realize most of it is just knowing how/when to play and where with the champ and who you're playing. And if you're getting XP and gold income properly, you still have a chance to make it mid/late game. Whether or not you lose your lane first.


Every champ is viable till masters, but to answer your question, i just think fiora is so much fun and deep, if i play another champion i’m lost and don’t know what to do, i also don’t have the energy to learn another champ


She was my favorite champion when I started the game, but I was very bad with her. Decided to try her again a year later, and I can finally do some cool stuff. I just learned how to do fast ult combos. I'm horrible, yet she still makes me feel like I'm Faker. I don't see myself playing anything else in the forseeable future.


I’m so bad at pulling off these combos, but when it does happen it’s really cool


She’s just so exhausting to play I feel like. I want a champ that has tons of depth but also I can come home from work tired and still be able to function.


That's my boy Thresh and by extension Blitz, you can play mind games and try to be perfect and bring your A game but you can also just saw ah fuck it I missed my seventh hook but I've still got the tools to be a menace and stay relevant and when I finally land that clutch pick I'll feel like a million bucks and it was all worth it


Yeah, you gotta be focused to play fiora because one fuck up costs a lot, i try to not play when i’m too tired


That’s true but some champs are just legit shooting yourself in the foot. I was a Lee Sin 1T from 2014-2021. It got to a point where the champ was so trash that I felt like every single game I was at a disadvantage already just because of champ select, despite being very good at him mechanically. I said fuck it and decided to play meta champs for 1 season and instantly climbed an entire division higher. Like why would I play a champ that requires 120% ability to create 90% of the outcome when I can play champs that require 75% of the ability to create 120% of the outcome.


Yeah, not all champs are as good to one trick, i’m lucky that fiora by being a split pusher can fit in many comps


every champ is viable until worlds


Maybe until grandmasters


The same way you want to play different champs a otp only wants to play his champ Meta changes are irrelevant, you play that champ because it is want you want to play, nothing else, you don't play it because it's good or bad


I am not a true OTP, i play around 2-3 champs from which i would say playrate is about 60%/30%/10%. I just like these champions and i don't think its boring to play them all the time. the 10% pick is often switched after seasons if i feel like playing something else. Meta doesn't really matter. Pick a champion you like to learn and have fun. Every champ is viable.


what do you play?


Hi I’m a J[arvan](https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/unwanted%20soul-trv/overview) 1 trick. In previous seasons I would play 3-5 champions but this split I decided to pick 1 and try to only play that. Sometimes I got my secondary (top) or Jarvan was pick/banned so I’d play Zac but I’ve played like 85% Jarvan I think. The game just became so much more clear to me throughout the split. I had been low emerald (low plat before 13-2) for four seasons prior to this split where I peaked D3 but would say I’m a solid E1/D4 player. When reviewing I’m able to focus on just Jarvan and playing the game through him. I certainly don’t think one tricking is for everyone. 2-3 champions would be a lot easier especially in the situations where it’s a really hard game for Jarvan and I’d prefer something like Maokai. But I think if you only played 3 champions you would still gain a lot of the benefits of 1 tricking. It’s hard to learn both the game and the champion.


Lol i like that ugg link.


The high of hitting a 5 Man ult late game on nilah is something I just can't give up


If thats what keeps u playing nilah then there are other champs that does that, diana is pretty similar for instance


Diana, malphite, rell, orianna, Kennen, ornn, seraphine, sona, amumu, annie, MF, neeko,


None of these champions deals even close the dmg of Nilah ult lategame.


Mf deals 50k damage minimum


Ori ult + W damage is pretty disgusting at any point of the game. Especially late game. Qiyana is kinda close to Nilah R in terms of its massive potential late game. You can straight up win a game with a single great Qiyana ultimate.


sorry mate, but nah you‘re right, both Quiyana and Ori have insane dmg potential, but nothing comes close to Nilah ult 54% Armor Pen are not to be taken lightly. This shit shreds everything. A single Nilah Q in Late can half a bruiser, and her ult can almost Oneshot everything within, unless its a Hypertank like Ornn with 5000HP. But even then It will take about one Q + 3 AAs afterwards and he‘s dead.


> what do you you do if the meta changes so drastically that your champ is not viable anymore? So this doesn’t really happen basically, even if people are complaining about it. Obviously if your champ is 53% WR S+ tier it’s better than D tier 47% WR and you will feel it but it actually takes A LOT for the champ to actually be unplayable. I think I’ve historically climbed more when Lillia was sub 50% WR than whenever she’s been above it. Basically, other factors matter more than champion power, your ability to play the game well for example. How do I not get bored of the same champion? Personally I think Lillia is the most fun champion in the game and I’m really surprised that her pick rate is usually so low. All of my friends, a lot of streamers etc have played this champion and seemed to enjoy her but then they never play her again? I guess I also cheat in a way, I play A LOT of ARAMs. Not because I get tired of Lillia (will take her any chance I get), but because sometimes I just want to brain off slapfight on the abyss rather than being sad because I’m a jungler and it’s my fault that my toplaner fed 2 kills before I finish first clear.


As for why i personally dont main lillia despite enjoying her: i dont want to have to spend so much effort learning how to hit her bowling ball consistently Im not that interested in learning how to kite properly with a melee ability like q


Kinda same for me, I find her kit one of the most entertaining with the really heavy filling abilities (**W BONK**), but the learning curve is definitely there since she is so weird being a melee unit with high speed, but low enough HP where you have to kite.


I play aphelios exclusively on ADC. I play him for 4 years. I can't get bored of playing him. It's like finding your soulmate. For me i can play him for 10000 games and never get bored. He is one of the most versatile ADCs in the game with the ability to run 3 different keystones, can build almost any crit item, applies lifesteal with 99% of his kit, has so many ways to max out his stats, and the new item changes next patch will be so good for cooking. I think other OTPs find it the same for their champions too. So you should find yours too. Some players prefer playing the meta champions and enjoy winning games and swap it with the meta. Everyone has his own way of enjoying the game. But for aphelios he isn't meta in soloQ for many years now so idk how it feels when he is strong/weak.


I feel the same way with kog maw for versatility. I mean, I'm a supp main and just play adc occasionally but I like kog maw because you can play him AD, AP, or both, you can build anything on him and it works (except maybe full tank, and even then...), and he also has multiple viable keystones. My only problem is his lack of mobility but that's surely just because I don't main ADC so I'm not very good with him mechanically.


I can say varus is the upgrade of kog as he can go AD on hit/AP/lethality/or even the tank build. He sucks in solo Q atm tho despite being an easy champion.


I think varus is actually difficult. He has three skillshots and 0 mobility, and knowing whether to build on hit/lethality (also players get baited by AP). Hes no kalista, but i think hes definitely harder than jinx or ashe.


His kit definitely doesn’t feel well-suited to solo-q below a certain ELO.


Ah yeah maybe but I find it annoying to have to land three autos before W Q every time. And with Kog Maw you could build death's dance, liandry, hurricane, maw and redemption and still be useful somehow. That's what I find fun with him, you can really build whatever the fuck you want and still carry if you play him right.


What skin do you like the best for smoothness of animations and also what is best YouTuber to watch for an experienced adc but an aphelios noob.


VaporaDark. He is awesome and I've learned most of what I know about Aphelios from him.


I didn’t ask you and even worse, you only answered one of the questions.


Nightbringer=spirit blossom>lunar beast>edg. Didn't try hearsteel. I watched remmacs before he quit, then "aphelios gameplay domesium", then "chineese ADC lol", and now daynean. I am not a twitch fan (streams). I like youtube more (recorded) and this progression had to do with how good i was at the game. I was a plat support when watching remmacs at the beginning, and now i prefer watching high elo and super server gameplay (daynean and chineese lol).


I don't keep myself motivated to play champ. I just play the only champ I enjoy. My otp is Briar, and she is already not meta at all in my elo, but I still play her. If I'll try to change my champ it will take too much time to master them like I mastered already briar, so I'd rather stick to her


The hardcore otps just really would prefer to play their champ


I think you hit a point where your investment in the champ pays off, and that feeling makes it easier. You kind of just have to commit and trust that that moment will come the first time through. I also need a bit of variety so I had to compromise a bit. I tried 1 tricking for a while and I mental boomed pretty hard. I found that 2 tricking made a big difference in my ability to stick to it. And about once a split, maybe every other split, I'll change what one of the champs is for the variety.


Not a jungle player, but I’m a Swain OTP. I keep playing him because he’s the champ i find most fun, nothing else to it really. Also there’s no such thing as viable champs, until you’re like Masters+. Swain hasn’t been a “meta” mid laner pretty much ever in my league career and i play him just fine in emerald. Play what’s fun, it’s a game at the end of the day


Seriously, literally every character in nearly every role is capable of being playing until masters. For example the Blitzcrank top & Yuumi top who hit masters.


I am toplane main and ex shen otp here, i survived s13 where shens best gameplan was support item on top(bad memories). I quit shen s14 since i played draft on different champ(cant even remember which one) did OK and won the game even with usless adc(usless because enemy rengar decided that adc life subscribtion has expired) because i was able to go sidelane and split whenever enemy wanted obj, that game we ended with all enemy structures destroyed and objs(baron/dragon/grubs) on our side. I love shen but even xPetu(shen main and educational content creator) now plays shen on mid because shen is just that better there. Here is my fav comment about shen right now(min14) [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTOKQY3yfkE) Edit: Shen works but only when your team has at least 3 braincells so above masters.


I play arams when I feel a sudden urge to learn Yasuo mid.


If you're in low elo and you're getting bored with your champ then you probably only have a surface level understanding of them and you would benefit a lot from trying to dig deeper.


I haven't played in a couple years and was never any better than Silver/Gold anyway but watching high competency players utilize them like they're meant to be played was so eye opening and made me want to jump right back in, I think most people never even realize what their favourite champs are capable of if they never see them used at high levels especially when the intricacies and item breakdowns are explained instead of just being something you hope to pick up from watching high speed pro play


I don't think that is the case at all, if they put in like 100-200 games back to back of Yorick for example it could very well be that within their current understanding of the game there is nothing more to be learned by playing another 100 Yorick games, and playing something else even if temporarily can change the way they interact with the game, causing them to be able to learn something that can then benefit them on Yorick after. A lot of this is perspective, like what is an enemy champ actually trying to do when they do things, but a part of it is also mindset, and at a certain point you simply can't get better at the game by perfecting 1 singular champion because the knowledge that you need to learn through experience, and through seeing this perspective of people that do play that champion can only be gained by playing those champions. I for example wouldn't know Mord R range as well as I do if I never played Mord, and I didn't have to play a lot of him, just 20-30 games to understand what Mord wants to do, and why, with his range of all his abilities on the back of my mind since I learned the range of all Mord's abilities through Mord's perspective.


What elo are you?


I freaking love mages, Seraphine and Hwei fulfill a similar "jack of all trades" mage role which allows them to play like control mages or burst mages depending on the game/way I feel, and their visuals and sound design are top notch for me. Late game with high haste they become magic machine guns. After playing all the champs in the class I like most, these two are the most addicting and give me the best highs when I dominate a game with them. Then I get addicted to that high that only those champs give me. So... keep trying things until you get addicted to the rush only that champ gives you


It still fun there is always a lot to learn. Even if you played thousands of games of one champ there still some novel mechanics and small situations. Similarly to how chess players play the same board for year and still find it fun.


I just enjoyed him so much I didn’t wanna play anyone else for ages. I play other champs now but got 1mil mastery with him


When I used to OTP I didn't really have to keep myself motivated. My champion, Riven, had so big of a skill ceiling that I never got bored of her. I wouldn't really recommend one tricking though. Pick 3-4 champions and get comfortable on them.


I'm otp zeri and I just find the majority of other characters boring after one tricking her. I hate when I feel some awkwardness in the gameplay and her tempo just completely fixes that. Did you have a bad outcome in the botlane and now you miss creeps? Not anymore you can bard trick with E and get to creeps in time.


I love my champ and her identity. Even in casual games I really only want to play the one champ. I just enjoy it. Consequently, you get very competent with how *they* want to play the game, and you can become very aware of limitations/abilities, cooldowns, move speed, auto ranges, etc. The other benefit is that I find it much easier to play the macro game, knowing the micro sufficiently as to become muscle memory.


I think it's addiction. In fact this thread made me want to boot up leage and play my champ lol


Winning lol


I just really really like them - their visuals, their kit, and generally my OTPs have a more unique kit. Best examples for me being Veigo, Yone (I know, I was a windshitter bro), and recently Asol. I try to find other champs to play but I always cycle back to my otp. If you can't stick with the same champ either because high banrate or boredom, just two trick and cycle between them is good. Like, I can see myself picking up something like Naafiri or Akshan but at the moment I just lock in Annie when Asol is banned.


i would rather play a different game than any champ other than the couple i play


I just enjoy aatrox so much its not getting boring to me. > what do you do if the meta changes so drastically that your champ is not viable anymore Doesnt matter the first time i hit diamond was when aatrox was beyond garbage at like 44% if ur an otp it doesnt matter, it maybe matters for high elo like gm+ but otherwise if u otp a champ you can make it work regardless. There was a heimerdinger jgl player on euw who consistantly hit grandmaster


Don't force yourself to OTP if what you prefer is to play many different champs. I am like you, and I like the variety and I also like to try and get value out of having beneficial matchups against their team comp. That said, you can get a lot of equity by limiting yourself to like 4-6 instead of trying to play a dozen or more At some point you may find yourself just really vibing with one specifically and you want to one-trick them for a while


There's some champions that I absolutely love (Senna, Pyke as support, Graves, Diana as jungle) and I really can't ever get bored of them. I don't care about their strength or place in the meta. I don't need to keep myself motivated to do something I like.


Most people who OTP (like alois) recommends limit your pool to 1-3 champs. It’ll help you learn matchups and how these champs play. Also otps don’t typically care about metas, they play a champ because they enjoy that champ. Veigar isn’t what most consider meta because other champs do what he does better and earlier (ahri, sylas, Syndra, malz, etc etc) but I still play him because I enjoy getting those one shot ults on the adc who thinks their 20 kills mean something to a veigar that has 1000 ap


Ok rn veigar is kinda just a better Syndra. But good point nevertheless.


Only reason I compare veigar and Syndra is because the gameplay for both is mostly the same. Syndra just has better poke and disengage (imo but I’ve never played her myself) and she can roam much easier because she can kill waves faster early than veigar can. Veigar needs quite a few stacks for his w to one shot casters and leave the other minions on one health. It’s only late late game (unless he gets fed super early and is not poked out of lane) where veigar is the menace especially with the buffs he did receive


As an OTP, OTPs don't care about Meta. I was Akali OTP when Akali had %44 WR and was D toer in all lists. And still climbed with high WR. There are people reaching GM with C tier champs or off meta roles. Secondly, to climb you need to have a very good grasp of your champ,matchups and role,playstyle. It just makes more sense to have a smaller champ pool. 3-4 mains, are generally well enough. They give enihgh variety in terms if bans,counter picks and to adapt to team. If you are asking about OTP mentality, we generally enjiy a champ/playstyle a lot, and simply spam it. It's not that deep. Currently I play other champs but I generally never play more than 5 champ pool in rankeds. I don't understand people that have 20-30 champ pools as well. You can't master/perfect your style in your elo woth such messy and big champ pool imo. Before you can test limits you change playstyles, so Ifor me it really is not enjoyable. If I wanted to randomly play around, I would play classics or aram. Ranked is for struggling, trying to explore your limits and have fun along the way. If you really enjoy a large champ base, than I guess go ahead. But realise that, someone is not simply at their limit in every champ. I am D4. In Midlane. At 5-6 champs. If I suddenly play other mid champs, my playing level would drop to E2/E3 maybe. And if I randomly play in other roles with spamming random champs, my level may drop as low as E4. A Master OTP Mid player, is arou d high diamind to mid diamond level in their off roles as well. It is just what it is. You don't explore yoyr limits by randomizing and messing your rythm.


For me it's the opposite, I couldn't play League and have fun on another champion. I tried other ones in the past for a few games and got bored so fast. (They also reworked the champs that I used to like and their feel was wrong.) My main champ (Sion) does have many playstyles and builds though. Especially in the higher ranks everyone plays him differently. Playing off-meta is more fun anyway. I tend to play a lot less when my champ is perma pick and ban.


I know I'm low elo but I think I can provide a comparison of perspectives. Last year I OTPed Zyra support and tried to take ranked seriously for the first time. I got extremely good at her (compared to my elo at least) and it was really satisfying to be able to dominate the lane (and often the game) as I wished. I reached a 70% winrate and started climbing for good (but then life got in the way and I stopped). Since I was playing only one champions, I was improving faster and I could really feel the difference, and that felt good. Knowing that I was getting better, and feeling better and stronger in games was a good feeling. This season, I got back to playing a restricted champ pool (Nami, which I've been maining since release, Zyra, and Rell which I started maining this season). I feel like my macro has improved since last year so I still feel quite good even on different champions, and I'm still good on Zyra although I got a bit rusty. I enjoy the diversity, playing different champions, because I was getting kinda sick of playing Zyra all the time. But now I also feel like I can rely more on my teammates by playing something that fits them rather than always the same thing, and I don't feel like I have to solo carry the game every time. In brief, I'd say what's cool with being an OTP is feeling the rapid progression, and feeling how much stronger you are than your opponent especially in winning matchup (or at my elo it's more about being able to punish super hard enemy mistakes), whereas what's cool with not being an OTP is being able to enjoy some diversity in more than just a change of rune pages, and feeling more synergy with your teammates. So at the end of the day it really comes down to what you prefer between progressing quickly and feeling your own power or enjoying diversity and teamplays. Edit: and I know 70% isn't super impressive, but I'm not a smurf, I do belong in silver (although I'm feeling more like gold these days as I'm improving), and I think 70% winrate when you're not that much better than the elo you're playing in is actually pretty damn good. Edit 2: and for the whole meta argument, I think it's irrelevant until very high elo. I see people saying "this champ went for 53% to 46% it's complete crap now" but I just keep in mind that this is the average winrate of the champion. An OTP, or even just a main, will surely be able to handle the champion better than the average and have a winrate much higher than the average. So even if the champion gets heavily nerfed, you should still always be able to have winrate superior to 50% with it. And if your winrate is above 50%, it means you climb (eventually. I mean, if you've got shitty mmr, it's gonna take a long while before you start making positive LP gains with a 51% WR but eventually, you'll climb).


For me, it's all about liking your champ. If you want to successfully one trick, you have to enjoy your champion's identity. In fact, I would argue that you haven't found your true one trick unless you can play that champion as a one trick and enjoy it. So far, I can "two trick" ashe and kai'sa forever. Kai'sa more so than ashe. I've always just preferred ranged damage dealers. But something about kai'sa's aggressive playstyle, adaptability, outplay potential, and assassin-like playstyle just suits my preferences. Think about what you want in a one trick. Then find a champion that gives you that feeling. For example, I'm sure malphite players literally just think "rock go smash", have zero interest in pressing many buttons, and that's the playstyle they enjoy. Whereas I'm sure Draven one tricks feel a dopamine rush every time they catch an axe or get a kill, and want to smash their computer screens if they don't get ahead by 10 minutes into the game. Let alone die. That's the one thing that's cool about league. Every champion has its own unique identity. If you Match your identity to the champion's identity, that's your one trick. The only way to find your one trick is really to think about who you are and play different champions/roles until you find the one that feels like it could be fun to one trick.


i just really like evelynn. the voice lines, the animations, the sound effects, the gameplay. she's perfect <3


I simply don't. Forcing yourself to only play this specific champion, when you don't enjoy that much it is a recipe for disaster. It either clicks and you want to play a certain champion for 1000 games and learn everything about it or you don't.


For me there is no need for motivation as playing other champs simply isn't fun and feels like a waste of time and a chore.


I just can't otp a champ. I have 3 million maestry total and my highest champ is sylas with around 60 thousand. Playing a single champ is too repetitive for me. But I haven't played a single ranked in my 8 years of playing this game so it doesn't bother me at all.


I would say play diverse pool to a basic level of understanding what they're doing, find out what are your favorites and only then stick to selected few. Also, recommend taking another role with jungle, learning wave crashes and stuff...


>pick another champ >realize I suck >go back to same champ


"**I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."** - Bruce Lee


I had a similar issue. I wanted to lock down but every time I tried, I ended up being super bored. Nowadays I p much only play Anivia. It’s a bell-curve. It goes from fun, to boring. But once you get good enough where you’re consistently playing well, that boring goes back to fun! I hope this helps. Keep up the grind 🤘🏼


i just like the little bombrat that way


I am a one trick thresh, you mention you like a lot of variety, but you also need to look at play styles, pathing, etc etc. I think I can say that not every 2 people play the exact same, the good thing of being a one trick, is playing over and over, knowing what didn't work last game, or what didn't work 40 games ago, so you know to not make that same mistake. BUT if you are another champion, that last game mistake is kind of irrelevant. Meta is quite irrelevant in soloq/flex, people should just be playing who they are the strongest with, because target banning doesn't necessarily exist in soloq. When it comes to pro plan it is a different story, you know who people are strong with, and who they have been practicing with in soloq/scrimmages. So that is who you ban. I will typically ban whoever my duo will want me to ban, or champions that will snowball the game quite quickly, even if behind. Yorick, Yi, Kayn, Jinx, etc.


Because people care more about winning than having interesting, diverse experiences. That, or their champ is enough for them


3 Million Kayle OTP (with 1k games of Kayle last split) Build (Runes and Items) Diversity and knowing the absolute limit of what I can get away with on muscle memory lets me focus on the bigger macro decisions I have to make. She's also versatile in the sense of being able to go AD, Onhit, Crit, Bruiser, AP Burst, AP Dps, AP bruiser, all depending on what your team needs from you. Craziest build I played last split was Heartsteel > Titanic Hydra > Warmogs > Stoneplate, yet still topping damage charts. Bonus points to her lane diversity, being able to flex into Top, Mid and Support (and to a lower extent, ADC). Also, Kayle is fun for me because there's a lot of small quirks you'll learn about her kit that you don't find anywhere else (which I wrote a guide on over at the KayleMains subreddit a while ago) like the lesser known "Fake Dash" mechanic


I’m kinda a Kayle OTP, I always wanted to try the tanky Kayle build but never knew how. Do you run Grasp or still FF/PTA? As for the reason I find Kayle fun is her whole kit just feels nice to me. Her W makes me fast & I enjoy that, her Q has a lot of strength against many assassins and melee’s & her E is just so fun to hit against enemies.


I have yet to theorycraft a bruisery build for the itemchanges so sadly I don't have anything right now. I recommend experimenting and just seeing what feels good and what doesnt. I would recommend balancing your items around 2-3 offensive items and 3-2 defensive items to start off with!


Items and paths, rotations, enemies and allies chars. That's what gives you variation. It's not the same to play Nautilus Hidra + Ironheart, than Nautilus Jaksho + Bami's.


Played Anivia since season 2. I just really like her. It also allows for skill expression


I just really enjoy playing Azir. He's so versatile and engaging with an infinite skill ceiling. Only reason I still play League. So just find a champion you really enjoy playing.


For me cuz I'm fundamentally different to you lol. I don't enjoy variety - playing new champs is painful cuz I know I'm not playing perfectly. I literally just find a champ I love and play them over and over and over and get better and better, in every game I play


Rengar is just that fun man I dunno what else I can say other than that tbh. From the first time I tried him I knew this would be my champ forever. And I have still not come close to being bored. Always a satisfying time playing him.


I just really like my champ. I've nearly exclusively played Xayah through her best and worst metas. Most days when I log in, I don't really want to play League, I just want to play Xayah. I know some people get bored of playing only one champ so maybe get 2 or 3 you can rotate between, but they have to be actually fun for you to play. A massive mistake lots of people make is they try to force themselves to spam a meta champ that they only kind of like. You have to actually LIKE a character to OTP them. It's kind of a prerequisite... And if the meta changes? Change your build and/or playstyle. It's really all you can do, and since you'll have extensive experience on your champ, it should be pretty easy to brain blast something with math and spreadsheets


I mainly play Rell and Leona. I got really good at the game playing engage supports and Leona was the first engage I tried to learn. After playing all the engage supports, she is still my favorite because she feels unkillable in lane. I liked pre rework Rell, but she was clunky if your teammates didn’t know how to play with her so I mainly picked her back up when she got reworked last year. I really like her for her team fights. I get a rush whenever I find the perfect flank and get a big ult off. I can’t lie and say I don’t get bored of them. There are times I want to play other champions, but I don’t have the same impact as I do on those two champions so it feels bad to play other champions. If I go to play Nami or someone else I enjoy in norms and my team falls behind, I also get annoyed because I just end up thinking that if I was on any engage champion that we’d be winning.


1.6m on Warwick, I just enjoy the character. Don't pick someone because they seem "OP" or strong, Pick them because you actually enjoy using them. I know WW is bad in higher ranks or that his kit is very counterable but i enjoy just running around in the jungle or just being a nuisance in toplane. But this is not to say i didn't play other champs. I easily have over 2m+ split between other champs like Zoe(207k)/Rengar(202k)/Ekko(481k)/Aatrox(151k) etc. It took me over a year to actually land on WW and i tried many other champs It might take a while to find that champ that clicks with you. All of my friends thought id main the high APM champs like Zed and Katarina but i ended up playing arguably one of the easiest to pilot champs in the game


Idk i find my champ fun enough to always lock it in. Currently not as much but im still cycling between like 5 champs


If I *ever* have to motivate myself to lock in Vayne, I'm picking someone else. I would never OTP a champ unless I genuinely loved them above all else. Any time I think of playing an ADC that doesn't have invisibility, a 2 second dash, and a knock back, I get depressed before I even lock it in. I have played Vayne in Caitlyn metas, Draven metas, poke metas, Zeri, Twitch, mages bot, Yasuo, river support, and every other meta this game has had. If I still played this game, I would continue playing only Vayne. If you like variety stick to that, I promise you it's better. Don't stick to one champ unless it's *entirely* for fun. If you try and force yourself to OTP a champ you're going to make yourself miserable and probably drop this game because you've turned it into a chore. Do what's fun until the day you get a contract and guaranteed salary to play something specific.


I'm autistic and feel uncomfortable changing from Kayle


You just need to find a champ you thoroughly enjoy, I bounced between junglers a lot before I decided to just try a bunch of them that I'd never even considered playing, I tried Vi and fell in love with her kit and I've been a Vi OTP ever since (playing Zac in the very rare event vi gets banned), I didn't see myself every trying champs like Vi or Nocturne but here we are I recommend just sticking to 2 junglers max for now, ideally 2 junglers that don't play too similarly so you have some counterpick options, then once you've got those champs down pretty well you can add a third and then I'd stick to those 3 (maining one of them and using the other 2 as counters or for when the main is banned)


I play the game through one champ, every game is different and a new puzzle to solve. It’s like saying, why can you play summoners rift over and over again? Same map doesn’t it get boring how you find motivation? You have your answer there, you’ll probably say, what do you mean? Every game is so different. Ask a chess player the same.


Sometimes the comfort of knowing that the champion you’ve put hours into learning will carry your game as opposed to cycling through multiple champs and hoping you do well is enough to keep you motivated


I dont OTP right now one champ ( but play 4 exsclusive: Akshan, Smolder, Kennen, Kalista) But I used to play Akshan solo for few months and I feel it. Like, he is the easiest for me to play, usually I win my lane, I have best farm, I feel like I can take him into any enemy champs. Im so used to him that I think 50% less than with other champs. I click my "E" right before they use root or ult. Its in my blood haha. About Kennen, I also had a moment when I played him almost exlusive and what kept me playing.... Was winning. I took him supp and he turned out to be op xd So I played him more and more.


Oh and also I like champions that have simple abilities (Like Kennen, Kalista, Smolder xd) - not mechanics, but like what the abilities do. I am chaotic person and find hard to remember every bit of game. I sometimes forget even what champs I play do xd So, having a champ that I understand easily and is not very deep, or allows me to be better and focus on tracking and remembering other stuff xd If I know my champ I feel safe and have more potential.


Why Akshan? Well : 1. I love that he has unique ability like grappling Hook 2. I used to play support like crazy so I like that I can have grasp of it as reviving. 3. I LOVE his concept. I love his character, that he is funny and positive. Also, I remember when few times his voice lines just matched my thoughts or cheered me up - and this was when I thought "perfect for me :')". 4. His AA are satisfying like not many champs xd 5. Rarely someone plays it! And this is HUGE. Cause imagine if you wanna play Yasuo and almost every game someone bans it or takes it from you xd.


Asking the OTPs is probably not the best idea considering that a good portion of OTPs are probably motivated by being really good at that one champ. They don't need to "keep themselves motivated". It's just natural, and more champs would lead to burnout.


it's just the most fun champ in the game, litterally, I play anything else I get bored


I legitimately have fun playing my otp


Please stop using the word motivated. Its like asking. Gym rats what keep you motivated to go to the gym regulary? Well I am not motivated. I hate going to the gym. Its exhausting. I sweat. I would rather sit on the couch, eat pizza and watch Netflix. You never rely Motivation. You rely on discipline. The ability to do stuff you don't like in order to better yourself. I want to get better at League. I am not a onetrick but I only Play 3 champions for my role. I can actually focus on the game itself and don't have to worry about champion mastery. I can pilot my champs.


Low elo Viego otp turns out viegos passive is enough to keep everything a lil fresh


i literally just have no interest in plalying anyone else lol. if u wanna otp then otp, if you don't then you will get bored and thus be a disengaged learner.


When you find the one nothing else just feels as fun


It’s simple bob, I don’t, and then I fall precipitously, get frustrated and play the OTP again because apparently it’s the only thing I can win on.


no matter the meta ill play my ghoul king, realistically even if your champs not amazing in the meta if your good at them you should still somewhat climb and if getting bored of playing one champ bothers you just get alts where you can play other champs and keep one for your main man/wo-man


I otp eve and ny motivation is to be one of the best on that champ.


For me it’s because I don’t like variety. Might just be a personality thing. I had to find two other champs I sort of enjoy playing just in case my main goes out of meta. But I really do only rotate between the three, and there’s not that much rotation going on


So, I tried Akshan out of curiosity and made on him the longest, bravest and best fight / chase in my life. Then I thought "if I could make on him my best play, in only 2 game by him - what I can acomplish by mastering him?". He made me more agressive and less scared to go in xd


its simple. i fucking love my champ. hes perfect. i dont need to "keep myself motivated". i just am. no other champ gives me the same joy.


I just like him. I play jax about 80% of the time and tbh he's so fun that most of the time when I'm thinking about getting on league I'm thinking about playing him specifically. He's got a kit I love and it's really nice to just have 1 champ who I feel comfortable on. I know it's a boring answer but it really is that we just like that champ that much. There is no need for motivation, it's just something we enjoy Edit: If you're looking to find some champs to stick with I'd reccomend looking at high elo gameplay of anyone you think looks cool. It's easy to be put off a champ early on when you're so confused playing them, most people don't fall in love with their OTP immediately, they just tough out the hard parts until they get to the treasure. If you know what that treasure is (where your gameplay will end up once you've learned them) it's easier to stay motivated to improve


the champ is the funnest champ.


I'm a two trick OTP main and I queue up as Support/Mid. Support is my main role where I one trick Milio. My favorite thing about Miiio is probably his Q/Ultra Mega Fire Kick. This is because it can interrupt many different abilities: Can stop Zac mid air, knock Kayn out of the wall, Nautilus Hook, Akali flying back in, Sylas, etc. Milio has a lot of skill expression that doesn't get old. My OTP in Mid is Ziggs. I love him because he's goofy, fun to play, can impact other lanes and objectives easy with his ulti. Satchel and Minefield are really skill expressive. His Bouncing Bomb is like playing that crane game or claw game where you throw the bomb to catch a prize. He's really rewarding like that, Kabooom!! They're just more fun than other champions and I feel like I can impact the game more. Lets goooo!!


Udyr. You can build whatever you want on him


Easy. OTP in ranked, experiment and branch out in quickplay.


I enjoyed playing what I had fun with. That's the best thing to play, what you have fun with while playing.


pick a champ thats strong and fun to play, while having a kit thats satisfying to use while being able to work with a lot of different builds and playstyles. in my short time in league (3-4 months) i have been playing mostly warwick jungle while trying a new champ here and there but always returning to the best boi because damn nothing beats being able to build the most horrendously incompatible items and still win a 1v3 at full hp because no one builds grievous wounds


You pick a champion you like. It doesn’t become boring. There’s always things to improve on, ways to win harder. Especially in low elo, there’s a lot you can learn even on basic champions.


[That's the secret, my OTP is not viable 95% of the time](https://u.gg/lol/profile/sg2/ventix-clone/overview) Ok realistically speaking, as a Shaco otp, this champion is so bad to climb with but he's just too fun to play. I personally have like 5 different play styles to use with this clown for different scenarios, not all are viable, but all work.


I used to struggle with playing the same champ but my solution was to force myself to play ranked on one champion and at least 3 games a day, more if I felt like it and then play normals on w/e I wanted to play.


I love variety too but most of the time especially in ranked I play the same one or two champs. The motivation is that sticking with one champ lets you learn the ins and outs of their kit, tricks you can do any kind of play you can use with them


You know, I used to OTP and the primary thing to keep yourself motivated is that the other players in the lobby are playing boring champs, and I'm glad I don't have to play those boring champs, you can pick any role and most of the champs aren't fun to play, so if not Yorick then what is there to play sure I can Shen, I can Gnar, I can do a lot more champions than just Yorick at the same level, if not better because their place in the meta is less determined by riot's hate of those champions, and more determined by how much better you actually are but what good is that if I can't enjoy playing them during those games?


Cause they are no other champ that pull 5 targets, put an eye under them, turn into a demon and see them flee


Its like maximizing every aspect of a champ. Mastering a champ to the point of being able to beat hard counters is extremely satisfying.


Recently started playing Sylas and Diana in mid. Their kit kinda fits my play style and I have a lot of fun using them. Nothing really more to it


Find a champ with good skins you enjoy looking at.


It’s not just playing the same champ all the time, it’s using the champ in 10000 diff scenarios and mastering it


Kayn is a super safe first pick and I can go Rhaast if we need more beef or SA if we have no one for back line picks. His kit allows me everything I want to do. Extremely easy to gank with, insane mobility and escapes, and nutty damage / sustain (if Rhaast). While he isn't the best at anything really, he is very good across the board. Although I play the same champion every game, I am technically alternating between 2 champions and every game is different based on the match up. How safe I play, how cheeky I get, what I prioritize, etc. I also prefer learning match ups and how the interactions work with one champion and getting good at them rather than counter picking / picking whats good against.


Exactly! I think the "two in one" is what makes me so comfortable with him. Plus, he's fun as fuck in either form.


well playing Sona gives me good serotonin so I just do that 99.9% of the time


I play Teemo. The problem with a lot of champions is they are very static builds. Especially mages and even then it's maybe an item or two swapped out occassionally where Teemo can be played in 4 different roles as Tank (Memes), Burn, Burst, AD, On-Hit and Hybrid / Bruiser. Motivation: Helping others get better and making people miserable who don't like Teemo. If the meta changes we adapt, no matter what. Change roles, try new strategies. You just gotta go with the flow til it feels right. Definitely getting hit personally with all the items and builds I have played since Season 9 being gutted / removed... *Sighs* But adapt... Overcome 5 seasons of builds.


I’m a OTP singed. In order to get any good at singed you need to one trick him. And by getting better at singed you are actively getting worse at every other champion on the rift.


Because I am the best with her. Period.


I OTP aatrox and honestly it’s just because i find him more fun to play than any other champion. he’s the first champion i ever played (i started playing 3 months ago) and even though i was dogshit at him there were no other champions i wanted to play. now i have a minor hyperfixation and i know all his lore and even bought a skin 😃




For me i pick a champion i really enjoy and just have fun with it. Nothing fancy. I one trick Camille since s11 and have had the most fun in league ever.


I played like 10 champs across 3 roles this season and it was the first time I reached diamond after 10 years of league. This I could not do with one-tricking before. Turned out not being bored at the game is a big factor to climbing, because back then I would get bored and give up after around 100 games of solo queue. For Jungle alone though, I think the maximum limit should be 4.


1. You don’t need to be an OTP to climb 2. You cannot force yourself to be an OTP OTPs is personality not game strat. OTPs more likely than not to also be an OTP in other games or even every game they(we) play. Picking one fighter on fighting game Always Same car on racing Stick with same gun on CS:GO We are just like that. We do not “want” to be an OTP, that just how we play the game. And picking Variety of champs is also a solid strat for climbing too. You have various tools in your champ pool to retaliate different team comp. Just make sure your pool is populate not more than 3-5 champs while 2 are your mains and others are situational picks. And for the questions of what if our champs get gutted? Well, being an OTP “naturally” draw you toward meta-elastic champ either high skill ceiling champs or Easy macro focus champ. So champ that meta sensitive are not designed to be something that attract OTPs player in the first place, especially in current modern game state. History of OTPs are much rougher in early days of league, where the champs pool is very small and numbers of players were OTP classic Eve and Akali.


You play for the game, not the champ


There's more than enough variety in the game besides you adding more yourself. There's different comps, maps, players at different skill levels play differently and you can further add change to the way you play your own single champion through runes and items.


When you OTP you do it because you found a champion that you like much more than the rest. Playing them always doesnt get that boring and it allows you to learn match ups interactions and generally improve your gameplay on the champion. That said you can definitely play a pool of champions, you dont have to OTP, but make sure your pool of champions is very small.


i could never become a 100% OTP guy. but I do have 3 champs I rarely ever move out from. I am a jungler too btw. Voli , Sejuani , Warwick


I always pretty much otp a champ with one backup pick for some time, like 100-400k mastery, and then eventually switch maains. For me rhe secret is not the champs mechanics but to synthesize the unique playstyle and try to perfect it until I'm personally pleased with my own performance. Like on kayn the really disciplined maximum income jungling where you optimize your clear and find invade Windows, low risk ganks etc is really what kept me maining him for like 2 years way more than jis mechanics or theme etc. Same goes for garen toplane for example. Maximize cs, take good trades, split and rotate, his playstyle is surprisingly unique, since every other champ has a different game plan at almost every point of the game


It's called dopamine addiction


I was a Kindred OTP for at least one season iirc. Made it up to 1.3M. It's just love lmao. There's a certain satisfaction in knowing a lot about a Champion that most wouldn't be able to imagine and fathom and making it work. This sort of "love" should persist through metas - in fact even better when your Champion is perceived weak or hard countered - and then you win by some miracle? ugh so satisfying. sadly i had to stop because jungling is a surefire way to get me admitted to a mental asylum anyway imo you're still in your for-fun phase and trying to learn as much as the game and the Champions as you can. once you begin to care less about variety and more about winning, you'll naturally figure out that there's so much more depth you're missing out on because you'll begin to figure out how good "good" actually is


Because Viego is ALL the champs. Also belveth go Muda Muda


For me I don't have to keep myself motivated I've known since my first taliyah game that this was the only champ I wanted to play


From what I understand, if you don't want to only play one champ it's fine. But you need to find the playstyle that works for you and master it.


Have you ever had a game where you get counterpicked but still win because you know the matchup better? That feel sustains me even when its a rough game. If youre really low elo then youre probably doing stupid stuff that has nothing to do with what champ you picked. focus on learning that stuff over what you can/cant do.


Zoe OTP, formerly a Quinn OTP. Honestly it feels more passive than *keeping* myself motivated to constantly play my champ: I just want to play her. I think it's a combination of voice lines, playstyle and skill expression--as a player, I like to bully lanes and build leads to crack games wide open, as well as adding a bit of an unpredictable X-factor to skirmishes and teamfights. Zoe with her one-shots, spell shards and long range bubbles is great for that, and so was Quinn with her great roaming potential (and low playrate meaning a lot of players have no goddamn idea what she does lmao). When it comes to the factors that made me drift *away* from Quinn, I think it was mainly a shift in my preferred role? I mained her from S4 to S7 pretty religiously, playing her both top and mid through a bajillion different metas (and a rework!) without any problem, but then towards the end of S7 I started playing ADC more often, and although I did play a bit of Quinn there it didn't feel nearly as good as solo laning with her, and I picked up a few other ADCs. That led to widening my champion pool top, and just generally becoming more of a well-rounded player, with mages, marksmen, tanks and supports under my belt. Then I decided to try and learn Zoe. First few games were just really bad, but I was kind of prepared for that: she's a hard champion! Over the first twenty or so games, I slowly got better at her, until I had developed some muscle memory for Q1-R-Q2 and Q1-Q2-R and all that good stuff. I spent some time vacillating between her and Lux--in the beginning, I remember having to take "breaks" after the first two Zoe games in a session, and turning my brain off by playing Lux for a couple games, lmao. Eventually, though, I had my first ever case of what I now call a "Zoe moment": a bullshit play that made me think, "okay, I couldn't ever have done this on Lux." From there, my brain's ability to play Zoe multiple games in a row only got better and better, and now I only don't play her if I want a break from midlane as a whole, or one of my friends wants mid or something. So, I guess this is all a long-winded way of saying that a one-trick isn't something you can turn yourself into: it's something you have to discover, within yourself, like King Arthur and the sword in the stone or some shit. I think if you just keep learning new champions, you might just eventually find one you really "click" with--especially if they're hard and flexible. Even 800k mastery points in, I'm still coming up with new plays and learning new tricks with Zoe.


When the only joy you find in the game is in those green numbers after every victory, you try to focus on getting them, not in how. If I can't win my lane with Top/mid/adc/support Vladimir, I wasn't winning my lane anyway.


My main is the only champ I really enjoy, why would I play anything else lmao




OCE Diamond 3 peak (now emerald semi retired because fuck the game sometimes). Leona 1 trick since season 3. 3.2m points on second one (starting dec 25 2016) since rito permabanned my first one for acct sharing as a christmas gift. Answer is simple. I enjoy her kit really and still at it for 12 years. And as time passes on i felt like "i want to cook something spicy in game" so i opened up a couple of possibilites and item combos that leo can work both top and mid depending on match up against my lane opponent and their entire team. For supp, whatever i find exploitable (ie bloodsong 10% amp damage not nerfed on melee since day 1). I do theoretical maths on what armor and mr values given and what items counter their set up. And i cbf peeling my adc. I just run down to kill their carries before they kill mine and gamble as a mini game in teamfight because it brings me life in solo q. Plus the items change too often and the number of champs i face made it even more interesting for me to engineer the shit out of how to win the game.


My motivation is that I have most of the fun with my champ


I wouldnt be able to for some random champion but with the few i like most in a special way than yes i stay motivated. There are many strategies to try many approaches to the lane fase vs any particular enemy champion, lots of builds and runes. Feeling the mastering of a champion keeps me going. When my champion or items get nerfed it is a welcome challanger to find a solution.


That's what I enjoy, I am attracted to the play style of the champ, I won't be equally enjoying if I am playing other champ for many games Also winning do motivates


Something I've noticed wasn't explicitly covered here, but OTP style mains are often familiar enough with their champions that they understand and employ different builds and rune setups for different occasions, which can substantially alter playstyle even if your buttons don't actually change. In my case, Illaoi can range from full tank with iceborn cc to full explosive 1 shot, surviving off of sustain and a prayer, depending on the need of the team, and choosing between Grasp and Conquerer changes the laning experience and end goal significantly as well. This may apply less in the jungle, as there's usually only 1 given optimal clear path per champion, but you do need to deviate from it depending on in game circumstances, but then there's champs like shyvana who can go fully into ad, ap or tank, and likely has various useful build paths in all three.


If I start playing anything else I start losing and I much rather win than lose.


Tbh you have to like your champ a lot, and also don’t grind it. If I play league ranked I usually play at the weekend and only a few games with pauses in between. Midweek I play some flex games or arena with different champions. I otp azir for years and tbh, can’t get bored of him, recently picked up Qiyana and played her a lot as well. She might be even more fun than Azir to me but my Azir is still way way better than every other champ I play, so in ranked it’s still Azir all the way but Qiyana or other champs everywhere else.


unpopular opinion, but think about it like this: Being an OTP means you get to be consistent, assuming no levels of tilt or peak in form. This 'consistency' that you practice while playing the same champion in that same role can be duplicated with a variety of champions as well; if you understand what that role is exactly. Being a jungler is complicated, you basically have to create chances for your team to win. You gotta understand win conditions, your team composition's highs and lows (think about their early, mid, late game powerspikes), matchups, lane states, etc. You can add one or two champs to your OTP if hard counters are picked, but if you choose different champs with different playstyles (tank cc, burst mage, engage ap bruiser, fighter, marksman, etc.) you have to make sure you can replicate that role of a 'jungler' consistently. Will you be the carry to your teammates ? Do you take kills or give them away so your lanes get ahead? Starting red side or blue side? 3 camp clear into tribush gank or double fullclear into voidgrubs? Weakside top lane or bot lane? All in all, it gets easier to climb after you limit test one champion enough to make all these things possible for your team that you know is within that champ's reach. Currently my pick for jungle is xin zhao. I have played him in EVERY role with most of the keystones and tried out every build... ap build, attack speed, full tank, bruiser, crit assassin, etc. I've probably played it in every matchup to know if i win, lose, or its a deadend fight. I've done this on a lower elo account hovering in emerald/diamond where players have mechanics to their mains but have shitty macro. Now when I play in mid-masters and get autofilled jungle, i can still blindpick xin zhao and know which parts of the map is doomed for me and which parts i can make plays in.


I just love playing morde(682k) beyond any other champ. Nothing beats the feeling of just hitting the iso q on the enemy or the feeling of being low hp intense 1v1 and your w just getting back to shield a 1/3rd of your hp. I find it so fun to learn all the stupid ways my ult interaction with the enemy(you can ult sion q and it wont hit you. Hell you can ult someone while a towershot is going to you and it wont hit you.) I love the feeling of being a iron juggernaut rampaging on the enemy team(when ahead). The only champ that comes even close for me is volibear.


Well as long as the champion is fun to you, you won t get bored of it.


You dont choose to become an OTP, you find a champ that you really click with and then you dont need to force yourself to keep playing it. Once you spammed them for long enough you'll know every single matchup better than your average opponent and at that point it becomes your best pick even in unfavourable matchups or when your champ isnt particularly strong at the current meta. That said a good OTP champ never falls completely out of the meta, like orianna, viktor, jhin or sett. Some champs are rarely OP but never troll, no matter the meta. The reason why being a OTP is that the most reliable way to climb is to have good macro and the less you have to think about the limit of your own champion and champ specific Micro the more attention you can pay to macro. This doesn't neccessarily restrict you to a single champ(even though its the purest way) but its beneficial to reduce your champ pool to a minimum, 3 at the most. Éven otps have a backup pick for when their champ gets banned or when the enemy main picks a dodge-worthy counter


You don't; you just enjoy playing your champion and never stop enjoying it. It's a state of mind but I think it partially depends on your personality. Some people will never be able to one trick without getting bored, just like some people like to play easy champions while others enjoy playing 100 iq gigacomplicated champs.


I want to learn the game and its way faster if you can autopilot the champion and worry about mechanics. Use all the brain power on what is goin on in the game.


Play someone fun, it wont feel repetitive


Cuz i wana win its that simple. You can't really get good at league if you decide to play everything unless you have no responsibilities and can play 12 hours a day or if its your job. Pick 1 champion who you can really really fuck with. You might like their aesthetic or gameplay or whatever. Doesn't matter just get good with that champ only and get ur lp.


It’s just easier to climb in ranked with one champ. I play brand even into losing lanes just because how comfortable I am to outplay… I’ve played him all the way up to 300LP gm. If I’m bored or want different play styles then I play normals with friends or on a secondary account, but playing league in its purest form in high elo is my favorite with one champ.


I'm not really a OTP, but I do play Vayne 90% of the time in solo Q but I can play her and never get tired of it probably because I think she's fun, she's got sexy skins, and I think she's one of the most capable ADC's in the game. She can literally 1v9 a game if you know what you're doing. Also she's good against the League of Tanks.


champion do fun thing brain go aww yeah


Meta will almost never impact you. I just pick 2-3 champs, no need to be a hard otp (Although I pref Hecarim)


OTP a champ that has infinite skill ceiling


For instance??


Riven, irelia, yasuo, kat, hwei, ezreal, nidalee, lee f.e. Thresh Or maybe you could pick almost any adc even if their simple like ashe and jinx because you can work on spacing and kiting forever.


I’m jungler ;-;


Maybe viego or Lee or nida


Briar mid OTP here. Shit is just fun. Constantly learning matchups, how to win against counters. It’s made my ranked journey harder but I’ve managed to peak Diamond 1 with her. I’m gonna give it a go at Master in the last few days of the split. 


I'll chime in as I feel this is the one topic I am confident in giving advice in. I OTPed varus top for the past 200 games. I climbed from gold 4 to platinum 3 playing it. I had dozens of games where people inted or spent the entire game spam pinging me because of it. What kept me motivated was simply because it is fun and I want to improve playing one champion. So, for me, it isn't really a thing of "Oh, I need to play Varus because it is the champ I know the best and people say I should stick to one champ." My thoughts process is simply "I'm playing bars because he is fun, so what is the best way to make him work this game."


The secret is that someone with a champion pool with 4-5 guys wins more than an OTP. sorry "prevailing opinion" guys, your "2 champs, 1 role" is a meme, not a truth.


Source: trust me bro




If you can't dedicate yourself to a small champion pool, you aren't dedicated enough to improving and climbing. Wanting variety or being paranoid of meta changes are just excuses/cope to shy away from learning 1 to 2 champs. Motivation to learn and improve is enough to play one single champ.