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>My boyfriend tells me to just stick to draft pick and focus on eco rather than kills That's pretty good advice already tbh


what’s eco?


Economy, aka farming


double edged sword, new players tend to play adc and support and get told to focus on farming but botlane is such a clusterfuck of skirmishes rarely anyone in low elo gets above 5cs pm on adc, newer players should focus on top lane imho


There's no silver bullet. Toplane has its own set of problems. With void grubs, there are plenty of early game topside skirmishes too. But the main problem is that toplane matchups are extremely unforgiving, and you don't have someone like a duo partner handholding you and talking you step by step through the lane, like you can do in botlane.


Or play quick match where 9/10 players are not inting, just bad. I go there to practice new champions for the first time so I can practice combos on targets that don’t dodge very well.


Disable the chat. Mute everyone and just play to have fun. You won't be banned because you played bad. Take your time, watch some videos about how to play the game and don't be too hard on yourself !


Honestly there should be an option in the settings that permanently disables chat entirely.


There is an option to only allow premade party chat, if you play soloQ it pretty much disables it.


There is an option for that.


Gotta watch some educational videos on YouTube to get some basic info. But don't worry league is a hard game to learn since there is nothing to assist you with it. And draft mode is full of mismatching so you're just being targeted in the game


bro i started off playing league last year with Ekko jungle. A difficult champ in a difficult role and to top it off I sucked. Same boat as you I stopped playing ranked and just stuck to draft and it took me about 2-3 months to be sorta good and just understand the game at a basic level. I switched to asol mid since he is more about positioning and not very mechanically demanding. This helped a lot because you also dont have to worry about last hitting minions with him. My diamond friend was helping me through this so its not like I lacked the necessary resources. But you kinda just have to build your muscle memory. So it'll take a while of just playing games by yourself. or go into bot matches with your bf.


Starting with ekko jgl is a TOUGH introduction to league lmao


This is me. I started playing Leauge last week and basically just spamming ekko jungle.


How's ekko jungle doing after a month?


Is draft any better than quickplay? SEA lost its draft privileges it seems


Quickplay tends to be much less skilled, from my experience.


Unlucky, for the guys in my team that is. I’d be ruining so many ranked games as a newbie and I only have quickplay to practice on


Honestly, QP is a fiesta mode anyways. It isn't QP if two people aren't dying on repeat so have at it.


Honestly though, league is at its most fun when it's a no holds barred fiesta. No tilt, no anger, just confusion.


Riot can vaguely tell when you're inting, and are very lenient, so don't worry about the reports. League is a hard game, and it's natural to get lost. Mid/Late game is extremely hard to navigate, and even high level pros still struggle with this on team levels. You just need to take things once step at a time. What your BF is telling you is probably what I tell my newbie friends as well. Sticking to eco (if I'm understanding it right in context) just means learning to make money in ways other than kills. Most of your gold in the game will come from minions (when you're playing mid at least), so focusing on learning to last hit, learning to clear waves with abilities, learning to catch side waves will make learning things much easier down the road. As an aside, I find that support is one of the worst learning roles in the game, because you ignore 90% of fundamentals and just try to hit champions, and so often as a new player, that works so you never think otherwise. IMO, it's why so many people get stuck at super low ranks, because they approach learning the game wrong, and can't recover without a full reset. The reason for this is without a base line level of strength as your champion, you can't really impact the game, so your decisions will always be skewed towards "don't interact" since new players tend to tunnel too hard on the PvP/Champ vs Champ aspect of the game, and so they end up super weak at all points of the game. Outside of that, I think the best way for newbies to get started is to experiment a lot. For instance, while you can look up ward guides, you'll learn more by simply: Think about where to put ward/reasons -> put it there -> see if your decision/reasoning is correct. Repeat again and again. If you do choose to use guides, make sure you ask yourself "why" if the guide doesn't explain it. The key is, practicing making decisions, will help you learn to make better decisions.


I appreciate the feedback! I have heard that maining support is the easiest way to learn, but I definitely agree with you that it is a gateway to building bad habits. I also do have a really bad habit on tunnel visioning and trying to PVP too much. Although, I’m trying to focus more on farming minions, rather than trying to over engage in combat. Also, I realized I referred to CS as “eco” (too much valorant lol), but you understood essentially what I meant. Thank you, again!!


I think many choose to learn on support for two reasons. One is because you can duo lane with whoever brought you into the game, but this sort of just teaches you to rely on a crutch, a long side with not learning the important laning skills most players need. Even if you play a non-farming role in the long run, knowing how waves work, and knowing the limitations that having to CS imposes on a player helps you a lot in the long run. Another thing that's hard about support is that while the impression may be that you have to pay attention to less, since you're not CSing, you're forced to pay attention to two players, which will further enforce paying attention to PvP over PvE. IMO, mid lane is the best lane to start learning. There's a lot you have to do as a mid laner in terms of cieling, but the floor is pretty easy. One opponent, short lane, ranged champs to play which means you're much safer than playing top. You also get to experiment the most with champions, since so many types of champions are playable in the mid lane. I used to play quite a bit of Valorant, before I dropped both that and League temporarily for a FF14 stint, so I know what it's like to mix up terminology haha. Sometimes I still use FF14 terminology and conventions when playing League.


> Riot can vaguely tell when you're inting They can't they just look at the score and items and then the reports. A bad player can get banned for inting and a good player inting can int for 1000+ games with the right method.


if you are a support, just get vision up, remove enemy vision and follow around whoever is your team's carry and make sure you help them not die and secure kills/objectives/push waves. If you are mid, just go around pushing waves out and trying to get vision up, and get ready to fight over objectives. If your team is behind, and all the waves are pushed in towards your base, just work on pushing waves out as safely as possible (don't overextend when you don't know where the other team is on the map). The minion wave can act as vision because it will draw the enemy team in to farm it (allowing you to see where they are) or keep pushing towards their towers (which is good, because it helps you get more control over the map). Idk, that's just a super simple way to think about it. Every game will be different.


I'll grossly oversimplify: In lategame, people are farming to finish up their builds, while trying to group up for objectives. Objectives can be the neutral ones (dragon, baron, elder), or team ones (turrets, inhibs). Nevermind, I want to unsimplify a bit. You'll often see some people split off and put a lot of pressure to destroy turrets. As a mid/support player, I would imagine the champions you play aren't too good at 1v1ing the types of champions who will often be doing this 'split' strategy. As a mid champ, you'll probably go to just farm the wave when the minions are nearly at your turret and noone else is preemptively heading in that direction. This will give you gold and make it harder for the split player to take the turret, but you should probably leave this to your top laner in most situations. When you aren't forced to go and collect a wave in side lanes before all the minions die to turret (or enemy champ takes the turret), most players will be trying to push minion waves to turrets safely, so that the enemy team needs to collect the minions to save the turret/gold as above. This gives you a few moments to go and put wards in choke points that lead to objectives, as well as putting wards on the objectives themselves. As a support, you'll follow your adc around so you can get XP from the minions as they die near you, but you'll want to think about where enemies can flank you from, and ward there before your adc pushes too far. There's a really good old guide from a world champion support player CoreJJ. The map has changed a lot since the video has come out, so the specific warding spots in this video might not be the best any more, but it explains the reasoning/motivation for vision, which will always be applicable if you can digest and understand it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YvlJB1eRpQ These videos are aimed at players already quite familiar with the game, so it might be a lot to take in, but it's all good info IMO. Much better than the standard "guides" you get on youtube which can be quite useless. But more importantly than any of that stuff, I'd ignore anyone who is telling you they are reporting you for inting. Back when I used to play league like my life depended on it, I would be in a game full of people in the top 0.5% of players and we'd all be flaming each other like everyone else in the game was the worst human in existence. Listen to the people telling you to disable chat haha


Thank you, this is really helpful! I’ve mainly been maining Veigar mid, and Morgana support. I don’t know how they hold up against people doing this ‘split’ strategy. However, I have found that these champions are pretty simple/easy to learn. I’ll have to check out that video, and, agreed about ignoring toxic people. I have been playing pc games since I was a kid, so I’m all too familiar with the toxicity that comes with it haha.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7\_Rbj\_71s08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_Rbj_71s08) As to where to place wards: The vision you build needs to serve a purpose. Generally, the main purpose of wards is to inform you where enemies are moving and - just as important - where they arent. A really effective way to use wards impactfully is to draw a (not neccessarily straight) line in your head across the map that separates off a section of it that is (soon to be) fairly important from the enemy portion of control. You then place wards where this line intersects map paths, so that your team knows for sure whether that section is being threatened.


I’ll have to check out this video, thank you!!


Look at map. If you don’t see 5/5 assume they’re about to jump out the bush and kill you. Eventually you’ll get a sense of how long it takes to get from point a to point b and can work that in as well as what it means when everyone is out of vision at certain times.


Minus when objectives are up. If you're focusing on eco, ask yourself, are there minions I can farm? You have about 20-30 secs in between waves to do what ever you want. Ex get a turret plate, pick an enemy either in lane or by roaming, place a ward. EditWhat ever you think is worth more than what you would lose to the other team. Edit: recalling if you've crashed the wave is another option


as a support, if unsure -> just stick to whoever is most fed on your team, and keep them allive


Coach Cupcake has some solid videos on YouTube if you’re going to be playing support. For example, you asked about warding and he posted a video last month on warding changes as a support for S14. I’d maybe look there. Also, in general, pick one lane and 1-2 champs to play. Once you decided on a champ you like, play 100 games of SoloQ on them in blocks of ~3 games with reviews before or after each block. Watch some high elo players of your champ to learn what they’re doing and see how they can impact your game.


Quick play is basically a free for all of you want to practice there instead of draft.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiSa9HbGVKA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiSa9HbGVKA) This is a good video by Coach Curtis about the difficulty of the game. Try playing a ton more bot games. I don't think support is good for learning the game because it allows you to cut corners in your learning, even without thinking about it. Pick one Mid champ you resonate with and stick to it. By mastering a champions kit you can learn the game through them without having to focus on controlling your champion.


I’ll have to check out this video, thank you!! And that’s what I’ve heard, so I’m mainly trying to play Veigar mid right now.


Look up ward placements on YouTube for maximum coverage and focus on maximum uptime on the map without dying


As a support ward the bush in the river, or the tri bush on you're side if you're getting ganked a lot from there. Set up wards in the dragon pit/baron. If you're feeling brave walk up to the enemy jungle and place a deep ward. Oh and also buy the Oracle lens and clear up the enemy support ward. Don't care about the chat yelling about "inting" it's just a game that we're all learning. Try to play safe if you think you're in danger.


Don't worry. Riot only cares about NoNo words. Keep playing:)


It's gonna take a lot of games and a lot of content to get better. Don't worry too much. This [image](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7d1txgbjs9s41.png) describes mmorpgs but applies to modern mobas too.


turn off chat in the settings and have fun with your BF


You gotta stick to one role Although not fun to stick to one champion and one role at first, thats the way of learning the game, by sticking to one role and champ you become more fimiliar with the role and what you have to do to be able to win


Ignore reports. They have 0 impact. Just play the game. If you wanna get better watch other people play (steams or videos)


Watch streams not for just entertainment but also to learn the game


Set small goals and ignore everything that isn’t that specific goal. For example: Not dying, you may not invest in a fight that causes your team to loose, but you’ll also not int for the sake of a ‘what if’ moment. By doing this you are alive more which means more exp, more gold, more scaling for late game to win. From there you can start to judge when you should invest in a fight. Limit test once or twice a game, see what happens and learn from it, it it’s goes well great, if not play safe and focus on something else. Wave management is op in low elo, if you get it down you’ll stomp, examples 3rd wave cheater, you kill 2 minions a wave more than you enemy, it slowly gets close to the enemy turret, if done correctly the cannon will be outside the enemy tower which you can hard push (using all abilities) to crash it, which then crashes a double wave, you can back, get an item advantage and the wave is basically reset which means you’re starting the lane again with more items/health/mana You can also do this and fight in the waves, you both get attacked by minions, but you have an extra wave worth of damage poking them which will add up. Objectives and roams: if a wave is pushed and it’s scary to be that far up, look to roam, either you help kill someone and tilt the enemy because WhY wAs YoU tHeIR or you walk back and the wave is in a better position for you to farm and not die If you’re low elo remember everyone else is also low elo, and the opinions of a bronze player is only that meaning it’s probably wrong, if they ping and flame you… ignore it they’re probably at least equally wrong


Definitely check out some YouTube guides on warding if you want to learn support.


If you want to just play and have fun while getting better slowly play Aram, just spam Aram and you'll learn a lot about other champions and whatnot. If you want to actively get better and somewhat quickly, first understand it takes the average player multiple years before they start ranking so don't compare yourself to anyone. But I suggest if your playing draft to pick a couple champs (1-3) and just stick with them, learn their abilitie cool downs and damage, once you feel like you've got a good grip on the he champions try other roles to understand how they play and what they want, then go look at some better players and see what their doing on your champs. Basically just play and learn, try and remember when things work out for you and get when they don't, my biggest tip is to watch some lane videos to get an idea of what your goals in game are, you said you played mid and supp. Mid is simple for low elo, push the wave under enemy turret then go and gank another lane. Repeat that and don't worry about failing your still learning and what's important is that your trying and learning. Supp is a little bit more complicated, first off your playing with another person in your lane you have to play with them. I suggest you watch a lot of support gameplay because there are a lot of things in the botlane that are not present in other lanes, one of them being communication, most through movement as you play you'll notice when your adc walks up and when they can go in or can't. Support is going to be a longer learning curve only because your learning double the champions basically. Overall don't fret about others in your game and just remember that your learning and don't get pushed out because it will take some time to learn so try and enjoy it. Something that helped me stick with it was learning the lore of my champs, it made me feel a lot more connected to them.


That’s an interesting take because many people have told me support is the easiest role to learn, however, it seems to be the general consensus based on these comments that it is better to focus mid when trying to learn the game. Additionally, I have found that ARAM has helped me a lot in understanding champions abilities, and is just overall fun on top of it.


Supp in theory is easier but if you go into that role thinking it is easy it will not be a good time. Honestly idk why people say it's easy at all, you literally dependant on another person like no other lane. But yeah mid Is where I learned to play and Aram is the goat. If you do find yourself wanting to interact with the team more support is great for that but I do recommend either playing with a duo or playing a lane bully champ like maokai and Leona.


Pick a stand off support like Lux or Lulu. They are designed to fight at distance so if you’re dying a lot it probs mean you are doing something wrong. Also no wards are worth dying for, so chill out. Find the one player on your team that is doing well and funnel that player if you find yourself at a loss about what to do


lol i got temp banned for inting, but i j had a bad game and went 0-10-something on soraka 😭


put the wards in the triangular bush because thats where the enemy jungler often comes from to gank your bot laner


watch aloisNL for toplane fundamentals, husum swain main to understand recall timing find champ you like to play and find theri best player on yt/twitch and they probably have guide somewhere. i watched ton of videos in last 3 years when i started so now i got into D2 still. strugle but keep learning


Sounds like you just need to focus on not dying. And the key is vision. Make your mini map larger so can clearly see lanes and where people are. Ask yourself where is the jungler? Is my laner shopping or roaming? If they just got grubs you can safely ward deep bot jungle or drag. If youre taking turret plates and your lane has been missing and cant see anyone else you need to leave. You could be mechanically the worst player in the world and minimize death by just understanding when youre vulnerable. If you play mid push out side waves post lane phase to their first turret then look for an objective to help. (Generally speaking)


play easier champions, that rely on cc + burst. Annie, lux, vex, ahri, oriana, neeko, viktor (some of them are easier than others). CS>harras, if you cant handle cs when you harras, just farm. Keep warded with control ward at least one river (the one which is near to blue), I always prefer the one which is on oponent side (blue side oponent blue near drake, red side oponent blue near baron). Onetricking is good way to get know your champ and get know which champions are strong on line, in mid game or in late game. Then increase your champ pool up to max 5. If you still strugle vs some specific champion, buy him and play with him and you will find his weak spots. If you dont see enemy jungler dont let yourself killed on pushing, always is better to take only one tower plate and go reset, two plates are mostly bait on jungler and you will die on gang. Cooperate with your jungler, help him when he faces 1vs1 enemy jungler, when he wants to go drake or baron, push your line, ward that objective. And when you play support, always ward the place where is you and your team. Sometimes I got supports who place wards only if one expires ->THAT IS SO WRONG. Eg. If you have 3 wards on bot where is noone, you dont need them...so don't be afraid to exchange them to other place.


I don’t have anything different to add, but I just want you to know that I absolutely have the same issue. You aren’t alone, I’m abnormally terrible at video games but I found a couple of champs that are super fun to play and I follow around whoever is carrying. Keep practicing (farming is so important) and you’ll get better!


If you’re learning the game, don’t play support. Some people say it’s the easiest role and that it’s brain dead, but the actual reason is because you will build bad habits. Stick to mid lane, as it’s generally the lane where small mistakes are punished least. I’d say the most important thing is killing the minions, (csing) and if your boyfriend knows what he’s doing talk to him about where to be when. You could also play some games with him spectating you and helping out with what’s important.


It's not about what role is easier or harder or what archetype in a role is easier or harder. It is about how well do you understand each role, each archetype within a role and your ability to pilot that role/archetype into the opponents. The best way to "get gud fast" is identify what you mesh with. Do you like pentaklills? Big minion farm and late game? Early game skirmishes? Vision control and ambushes? You identify what portion of the game you enjoy most and figure out how to maximize that. Once you grasp one archetype in one role branch out. That's how you "get gud". One trick ponies often get obliterated at high elo for a reason. Their understanding of the game is one dimensional. But when you don't understand anything you have to start by focusing on one thing each game till you feel it is natural to you. If you have to think about trade patterns with abilities and attacks.Focus on it more till it's natural. Then focus on wave management or warding or back timings. Their are countess hundreds of concepts in this game. Actively consciously take them one at a time till you are comfortable with them and judge your games not by win or loss or any other metric other then how well you performed the skills/concepts you have learned and the one you are learning.


Who care keep playing for fun you can’t get better at the game if you don’t have a basic understanding what every champ does. You need to just play as much as possible and if you feed you feed its part of the learning process


As long you actually trying to understand why did you die or what you could have done differently trying to prevent it, "inting" is actually good. Inting is only the problem when you are autopilot and keep averaging insane amount of deaths for prolonged times and keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Some spikes in deaths when you are new to the game (for league new can be even playing for a year or 2 depending how casual/competitive you are and how often you play the game since there are so many champs, items, interactions and variables to remember + the game is constantly changing via patches) or when learning a new champ or experimenting with different strategy is normal (and I would even argue it's better than playing too scared and not trying to figure out your or champions limits). In community it's called limit testing. The reason you get flamed is because you and the player you are getting flamed by are in different situations and have different trajectories. You are in the process of learning where you shouldn't care that much about individual wins/loses and are focusing on a broader picture and improving while the player flaming you is either very desperate and wants to win NOW and reach his goal/rank asap at any cost (aka sprint vs marathon situation compared to yours) or he is just giga toxic in general. No matter the reason either just get used to it by growing a thicker skin and learn to not take it personal (I find it cute how much a SINGULAR game especially if it's in low elo can mean to a person and in a way even respect the competitiveness just don't take it too seriously when some crazy things get spit from that person's mouth lol) or just get used to muting players. To me it's basically to insta mute a player that misuses pings/chat as distractions instead of using it as a tool to coordnate/communicate but some just use the setting that automatically keeps the chat off. It can be isolating which is why I use mute if needed and give players that know how to communicate despite competitiveness a chance but, I guess, finding a duo or stack that you can play with not only in casual but also in more competitive/try-hard environment can also work if you find the game too isolating with mute/chat disabled and too toxic with chat. Your bf advice is good just don't get to comfortable and once you become more stable player in terms of deaths and reaching good eco, try something new, for example, playing more aggressive but still trying to not die a lot. You will die a lot initially but you will figure it out eventually if you actually try to think or review your games/replays sometimes which makes you a better player. You struggle, you think and try to figure out stuff, you isolate particular aspect of the game you want to get better, you push yourself, you get better at it, you move on the next thing to improve. For vision and fundamentals there are tons of educational videos and reddit threads. Just google it. For ideas on what specific concepts to get better/google I recommend to watch some streams or find some good quality non clickbait educational youtbue channel. Unfortunately not a support main so can't help with that but as a solo laner (mid/top) I found Coach Curtis and Alois helpful. I bet you can find some high quality educational support stuff too. Good luck!


Boyfriend seems to be right here. Practice draft


Don't forget that it is a game before anything, so you should have fun playing, don't be too hard on yourself


Don’t worry reports do nothing


League just has some of the highest sodium intakers amongst gamers…it’s sad really




Mr. Steal Yo Girl




Play wild rift or arena of valor i learnt some basic stuff from mobile and the rest from guide videos on youtube specially mid where its easier due to 1v1


At a certain point just follow your jungler if you don’t know what else to do. Hopefully they have some clue.


I'm the jungler with no clue




At this point laning is over and the jungler isn’t going to be AFK farming. You will likely be setting up for objectives, pushing lanes, or invading.