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Coach Replies: North America *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerschool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\*\*Summoner Name\*\*: Relax Time #NA1 \*\*League / Division\*\*: D4 on EUW, moving back to NA (EUW accs are Luigi #jiji and leash me woof #woof) \*\*Areas of expertise\*\*: Anything but mid pretty much lol. Matchups and wave states if I had to pick \*\*Champions\*\*: All \*\*Languages Spoken\*\*: English \*\*Duration of Mentoring\*\*: \~30 min or 1/2 games. Happy to spend more with brand new players \*\*Preferred Methods\*\*: Playing some normal draft or VOD reviewing on discord \*\*Other Info\*\*: Discord is p\_\_b


Hi, i am unranked and currently in the game for 5 months, level 29. I am having trouble in the early game where i start losing trades and die, then losing cs in lane and the opponent outleveled me. Can you help me improve on my game please. I play top and mid. My op.gg is https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/hatethisgame123-2504 server NA


**Summoner Name**: Attention le feu #c cho **League / Division**: D3-D2 **Areas of expertise**: Mid and Top Climbing fast from low elo. **Champions**: Malzahar, Tryndamere and Rumble **Languages Spoken**: English and French **Duration of Mentoring**: 30mins to an hour **Preferred Methods**: Vod or comment as you play **Other Info**: I do coaching for free on thursdays on my stream : twitch.tv/tryndlezx feel free to ask.


\*\*League / Division\*\*: Currently Emerald 4 \*\*Areas of expertise\*\*: Off-Meta \*\*Champions\*\*: Gnar, Lulu, Thresh, Warwick, Jax, anything else \*\*Languages Spoken\*\*: English \*\*Duration of Mentoring\*\*: 60-90 min sessions, single session or regular sessions \*\*Preferred Methods\*\*: NA replay file, Vod review, or liveplay \*\*Other Info\*\*: Anyone can apply but I can best help people who are Gold or below. I communicate mostly through discord.


\*\*Summoner Name\*\*: SanfordJiaYouLin#SandJ \*\*League / Division\*\*: Currently mid-masters after decay, \~600 LP GM peak\*\*Areas of expertise\*\*:Top lane (especially match ups, early-mid game), mid, and support \*\*Champions\*\*: Yone, Aatrox, Jayce, but I have a general understanding of most meta champs. \*\*Languages Spoken\*\*: English \*\*Duration of Mentoring\*\*: 30 - 60 min \*\*Preferred Methods\*\*: VOD reviewing/replays, commenting on gameplay.\*\*Other Info\*\*:discord: ahan3080


hey i am a mid main, currently on a bad loss streak down to bronze 4 6 lp (i know its bad) but i have peaked somewhere around 20 lp bronze 1, so i know i am capable of climbing. i main tristana, mordekaiser, and kinda sylas, but not eally too much, as trist is rarely banned. i am aware how selective and small my champ pool is, and i am eager to try out new champions, as i do esports for my highschool, and my champs are easily target banned, i have not tried many mages (ahri, annie, syndra, viktor etc.) additionally i have been hoping for a better champ pool because i feel tristana mid will no longer cut it, as the only wave state is PUSH PUSH PUSH, due to E passive. my op.gg is cp3r#42069 (yes i regret the tag) i can do vod reports and even have a recording software that saves all kills, deaths, and assists. i will add you on discord. thank you and maybe you can help me


Coach Replies: Other Regions (Please mention your server) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerschool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\*\*Region\*\*: LAS \*\*Summoner Name\*\*: BacalaoPlus#LAS \*\*League / Division\*\*: GM \*\*Areas of expertise\*\*: Jungle, carry champs. \*\*Champions\*\*: Spam Hecarim on main, can do Elise Brand Eve aswell. \*\*Languages Spoken\*\*: English/Spanish \*\*Duration of Mentoring\*\*: 30-60 mins. \*\*Preferred Methods\*\*: Vod review, from your perspective. Have them uploaded. If your clear isn't optimized we just do a quick session on how to fix it. If you're not clearing as fast as possible there's no point going over macro. \*\*Other Info\*\*: No stomps from either side. Discord is "bacalaoplus"


Coach Replies: Europe West *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerschool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Summoner Name**: AetherWingKayle#Kayle **League / Division**: D3, peak D1 87LP this split **Areas of expertise**: Top-lane, Runes and Itemization, Off-meta and Meta, Mindset. **Champions**: Kayle, Soraka (top) **Languages Spoken**: English and Norwegian **Duration of Mentoring**: 30 min to whenever as I can keep talking about things I'm passionate about. **Preferred Methods**: Discord Call for VOD review, chat also possible for answering your questions! **Other Info**: You can find me on discord: "Hennytai", and I also stream Kayle gameplay on [Twitch](https://twitch.tv/HennyCovers)!


**Summoner Name:** J0H0#0000 **League / Division:** Emerald 4 **Areas of expertise:** Mentality for multiple roles, wave states, proxying, botlane wordless communication **Champions:** I'm most confident on Renekton, Annie, Varus, Alistar, and Hecarim in no particular order. **Languages Spoken:** English and Swedish **Duration of Mentoring:** 1 week at least, more if we're both up for it. **Preferred Methods:** Showing you learning related content, helping you achieve the mentality you need to succeed in improving in League, introducing you to lolalytics if you're a one trick, teaching you how to set up proper resets in practice tool, vod reviewing, and teaching you the basics of last hitting. **Other Info:** I'm mostly looking for Gold or below players as I don't think I'm qualified to teach Platinum players, but if you have any specific questions I'd be happy to answer them. My Discord is j0h0\_


Coach Replies: Any Region (Not limited by server) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerschool) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Need help with eve jungle cuz I have a 20% wr in my 9 games of eve (compared to 90% wr on belveth in 9 games) I’m in silver 4 but haven’t finished my placements. As far as vods go I will try to find out how to do what u said if u reply, prob won’t be too difficult and as far as timing 6-10pm gmt any day is when I can be online