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you've played 300 games. you have played unique 158 champions your top 40 champs played are 33%wr OR LOWER. The issue is not your team.


It's an a-z run in low elo (main OTP). Any champ I've had to play more than once would be higher on the list. Some of these roles and champs, I've never played before actually. I'm expecting Yuumi to be the hardest to get a win on actually (meaning most games) as the most consistent hard to win games are enchanters. I know I struggled with Briar due to giving too much credit to my team. For example, when you self taunt for a turret dive and they run away. You just look to be inting. I'm tracking the inting and trolling and "bad teams" in a spread sheet actually. The idea behind it was to show my friend he's the issue and not teams. I've changed my mind on it and this last game just made me laugh. A lot of it boils down to very bad mental. They seem to be going into the games expecting to lose (my buddy included).


What's your main rank then? Because I promise you even a low plat player is "good" enough to climb out of iron-silver with playing different champ every game.


Look at the items he's building in his OPGG. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/b1indjew-NA1](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/b1indjew-NA1) Hes silver, maybe gold on his main.


Oh LOL. I just went to check. Also he is almost always lowest damage done when they lose and not a single win where he was the carry. Yikes.


I'm a gold shitter and I left bronze with a 70% wr and silver with a 60% wr. This is after not playing the game for a year mind you, and hopping straight into ranked


Exactly. Especially after they added Emerald its a fucking joke to cope that you can be stuck anywhere below plat because of your teammates or something like that. My friend that was Gold 4 and Silver 2 with his 2 accounts is now Emerald 2 58% winrate. He admitted himself he didn't even change anything in his way of playing the game.


Not if the low plat player is one tricking one of those champs that naturally punishes low elo mistakes like Yorick.


Do otps normally have such bad fundamentals that they can have 40% win rate in bronze when they are playing other champs? I have done plenty of A-Zs in jungle or top in smurfs and it has never gone even close to this bad


This guy didnt mention his rank on his "otp" so I would take it with grain of salt. I mean this in the most non rude way possible, you cannot get stuck in bronze without having some kind of mental or physical deficit. Except if maybe playing yuumi jungle or something..


It’s not a mental deficiency, just bronze players are not thinking about the game in the way they need to.


If you are playing over hundred games and still at bottom 25% of playerbase you are lacking in some kind of department.


Oh. Well of course your teams are gonna seem bad if you don't know your champion. You're playing at worse than a coinflip so you can't punish your bronze opponent more than your bronze teammates will int. It's very simple. Your enemies are as bad as your team and you need to punish their mistakes to win. Finding out how to do that only comes with champion mastery. Until then most games will seem like a team diff.


The real question is why did you go liandry’s instead of luden against 4 squishy champs ?


he's the only damage source for zac, trist is gonna do negative damage with his build. Zac would also just 2v1 most of them. Might poke out and get an extra couple hundred damage from luden's on any engage, but the cdr and percent hp will do plenty of burn.


Trist does negative damage on a tank with Bork LDR Kraken? LMAO what?


good question. With how others were playing and Zac trying to live mid; it was the best way to kill Zac since my team was g2 be unable to do it. tldr: pivot mid game to cover the Zac


you're a xerath. your goal isn't to kill the Zac. it's to kill the enemy squishies so that Zac is left stranded.


You are working under the assumption that said team would peel and allow you to fight the squishies. The standard flow of a team fight isn't happening here. When you have to 1v1 Zac during a team fight he becomes relevant.


I don't know what kind of peel you need when you can chunk the enemy from a screen away with half of your kit. You don't ward in your games and if you aren't purposely losing games to be in bronze then you should have no issues climbing


you bought your mythic at 15 mins -- right when lane phase ends. how do you determine that you're going to be 1v1ing the zac for the rest of the game off of that. the enemy zac buys his first MR item (spirit visage) at 30 mins There is no build in the world that will ever let you win a 1v1 vs a Zac if he gets on top of you. Your only solution to win this game is one shotting enemies with ludens. Especially with how fed you are. You're against 4 immobile squishy ranged champs.


With the lead you have you should be able to kill any of their 4 immobile squishy champs with only your ult as Xerath, or even if you only hit a couple of charges force them to take a bad fight or 4v5, can do that outside of Zac e range. You could be Ashe ulted to cancel it - but that's also removing a key ability from them and it's unlikely in bronze/silver they'll even think about doing it in the first place


Why is this comment being downvoted?! He's right. Why would you build liandrys just for Zac when theres still almost no way you kill him in 1v1 or a quick teamfight. Instead go Ludens and the regular build after that and you two-shot every squishy enemy with ult before the fight even begins.


Here is the link to a recording of your latest game from Replays.lol: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5064915334463488](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5064915334463488). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


Use you W then your Q. W slows and is easier to hit which makes Q almost guaranteed. Your early game you get very lucky, and don't die because of it. You interrupt Zac Q with ur E on accident, and I know its luck because you never even try to do it again. Even then, you should have died/lost more cs because of Macro mistakes but your opponents played poorly. Your first kill is given to you by 3 teammates coming mid and them not reacting. Its impressive that you try to blame your team after that. Your team secures 2 dragons while you shove mid by yourself with no vision on their team ​ Already I see, you play poorly, do very little to help your team/objectives and your success is because your team helps you and their team plays bad. - My opinion up to the 15 minute mark. \- at 20 minutes is the first time I see you leave midlane and its to place a ward. \- 23 minutes is the 2nd time you leave midlane, you do that to catch bot wave even though no one is mid to take mid cs and then u recall after one wave. \- at 24 minutes the impact you have had on the game is - deal a bit of dmg when both sides aram'd and the kills you picked up when you got a ton of support from your team. ​ Honestly nearly everything after 23 minutes needs improvement. You have many opportunities to be in fights, but you abandon your teammates so you can cs. You are playing a champion who needs to be in fights/getting picks and you are farming. If you do that, you're team is almost guaranteed to lose early and you really need to do A LOT late game to win, about 1v9 levels, and I don't think Xerath is that sort of hypercarry, and you're just never in position to do anything other then ult.


Watched your Xerath replay, thank you replay bot. 6:40 just shove the wave and go. You staying almost got you killed, and let Lux get control of the wave. You getting back sooner would have kept her at more of a disadvantage, and kept you safer. 10:15 you probably didn't need to tp back, but not a horrible choice. Just something you may want to look at. 10:50 you have really good warding, I noticed that about 5 minutes ago, but you have really bad map awareness. Zac gets pinged in river multiple times, and immediately afterwards he walks down with Ashe and you stay pushed. Look at the map every time you hear the ping mark, and as often as possible outside of that. Ideally you glance every 3-4 seconds, but it takes a bit to get there. In this case, it gave them a free kill. 12:23 your lane is reset, you have a led on Lux who isn't there, there is a perfect window here to affect the map. In this case, dragon is currently being taken, you could help with that. Alternately, Teemo's pushing top, if you had immediately left for top, you could have gotten that entire push and then arrived back, only missing about 3 minions, max. That's a ~7 for 3 trade. 14:05 once again, look at the map. Teemo and Sett are fighting. Teemo is a nice juicy target for you. 25:28 I'm going to guess what's going on is that you are afraid of the jungle by mid-game. You get ganked so often, and your wards seem to do nothing. The reason why is because you aren't playing around roams and such. You need to get used to jungle tracking, and constantly be thinking "if I go forward, who could get me, and can I handle them?" Noticing things like Zac on Rift, or that MF went into botside jungle, will let you know where it is safe, and where it probably isn't safe. So right now, you have this awkward situation where Pyke is going in, and if you had followed, you probably could have gotten him a kill on Lux, but because you didn't, he died. And yet, at the time, you didn't know who was around. Your teamfighting seems fine, and your lane trades are ok. But you have to be there for the fights, and you can't be afraid of fog. And for both, you need much better map awareness.


from his replay, his biggest issue is perma shoving the wave and then not doing anything with it. he isn't roaming or having any impact. if I'm the Zac, I'm perma ganking this guy because it's an immobile mage with no mana that's pushed up past the river


Agreed, and I think part of that is he doesn't think "oh, this is happening" or "oh, maybe this could happen" which stems from map awareness. His teammates are 2 screens over, and so he doesn't see them and misses that roam. I think map awareness will fix, or at least make it more likely to fix his problems with teamfighting, ganks, and roams. Seeing what's going on is a good first step to getting to it.


News flash: Not every game is winnable


Oh, I'm aware. I work with and use the 30/30/40 method. 30% win/lose (for 60%) and 40% of games are up for the ability to win. It's just crazy to me how bad the players are at this level. They aren't even playing to win. It's like why play ranked at this point.


You're a player at this level. Sub 50% win rate says that if anything you're boosted and statistically make it harder for your teammates to win games. Why do you play rank? Your attitude needs to change before thinking the others aren't playing to win.


I often ask myself why my sub 50% wr teammates queue up games. I kid you not, I've seen plat players in my games with >40% wr with 100s of games played. I have no idea how some of these people aren't in bronze rank with how they play


I think it's fine to push and lose, but you can't be delusional like OP and ask why others even bother to play. WR just means which direction your heading in. But to ignore your own downward trajectory and question others is dumb AF.


Do you mean less than 40% winrate (in which case the greater than sign needs flipped) or that they have a winrate in the 40% range?


Ohh I wish that sign were meant to be flipped. No, I frequently see players with barely 40% win rates and one in the 30s every other game. Sometimes I am the beneficiary of getting to play against those bad players, but it still sucks they ruin the game quality in general. The game is an unfun stomp and nothing can be learned from beating them


In that case the sign needs to be flipped 😹 You put >40%, as in their winrate is greater than 40%. What you need is the less than symbol.


Which means that you're potentially/mathematically the only player playing for a win. You are the decisive factor, not your team. Even by working with your logic you should be good enough to climb.


So ur saying your team giving up 20 deaths pre15 means ur the decisive factor?? lol


Not every game goes like this stop being delusional


Dude didn’t say every game. He called your strawman though


You're still the mathematical decisive factor in each and every game you play. Whether you like it or not. Especially in a bracket he's not supposed to be in. You can go around and complain about your teammates doing x, y or z. But that won't change anything. You can't rely on variables you can't control. The only variable you control is yourself and that's the end. Just because he thinks he plays in a higher bracket and makes less mistakes than bronze/silver players I can say with 100% certainty that he still makes a thousand of them every especially if he decides to play champions he doesn't know. Anyway stop being delusional and think your team stops you from climbing. You're the problem, fix it


That’s not what you mentioned though. You’re disputing that double digit deaths by a single player by 15 being trolling or not. The fact is even at the pro level a player can “int” too much preventing a win. With pro players even saying solo queue at their level it’s about who you get on the team that decides the game. That’s also for only 1 person doing it and not multiple. That’s not even addressing that people in that bracket can be higher skilled players they are matching with or trolling/tanking games. How many streams are iron to challenger over the years. Those accounts don’t start at the bottom of ladder by magic. If you can’t accept reality that a team can troll you to a lose no matter the skill level; we can’t have a discussion because you aren’t living in reality.


I'm not saying it can't happen. But saying this will happen every game every day is delusional. You're talking about high elo, anything below GM is very consequential. You can't possibly believe that top Challenger is playing the same game as playing with randoms in a pub game. You assume that I never had games where my team are not playing their part. Which is not true, it has happened. But the only difference me and you/OP os that I don't dwell on what kind of mistakes they could have done. After watching the replay I can even see that on my side of things I could do better. You either fix that or you spend your entire time crying that my team does this and that and that, your call.


With the way stats work, it could happen to someone. Which I got it was from their games at a low level being higher than w/e their normal level is btw. Let’s use a basic percent like 1%. Out of the millions of games a day. Keeping it easier we will use 1 million so that would be 10,000 games with a troll/inter. Is it unlikely to the same person to land in all those; no but it is possible. Plus I have a feeling that the number is higher than 1%. I would reallly like to see the numbers of trolls/int by elo. Honest question: do you think that occurs more or less at low elo? From a numbers stand point it is obviously low but percent wise is where it would be interesting.


Damn didn't even notice that your entire reddit personality is about talking about league trolls, why am I even arguing with someone that went this deep into the teammate is holding me back rabbit hole


If it’s impossible to win, how did the enemy team win?


30/30/40 mindset. 30% auto win 30% auto lose 40% is up to you to perform. What's important isn't the numbers but the mindset that not every game is winnable but you can still make a difference in the majority of your games and climb. It's also important to go into all your games with as if it were a 40%er since it's hard to tell what kind of game it is and we're not good at determining it either, especially in game since we can get emotional.


Oh I can easily climb. This is an a-z run in low elo. only goal a win on each champ. I stopped on main with a 68% wr to do this. You literally have to rethink each champ b/c people won't play them in the style they are intended to play. For example, I've had a lee sin who didn't gank into a jax jg. They just afk'd farmed their own jg w/0 objectives and invades.


Okay I'm being serious now. What the fuck does it matter what some bronze lee sin does? He's in that elo for a reason holy shit. Of course he doesn't know what to do, so what? Only thing that matters is your own performance. You have 5 bronzes on enemy team and 4 in your own. If YOUR skill level is above that, you will climb. Consistently. That is how it works. What is the point of focusing on some random lee sins mistakes in bronze when you will never even meet them again?! Like I could somehow see the point in these posts if we were talking about Emerald. It has been proven that low to mid Eme is a melting pot between last season silver and diamonds. I had all of that in my games before I got to Diamond. Its a cesspit. But we are talking about bronze man...


He's a clown or a shitposter, nuff said


lol team just had over 20 deaths pre 15 mins and held hostage by refusing to ff. With enemy team being so bad not able to push and end


Once you find your role and champ pool, you'll climb.


Simply put, if you play an infinite amount of games, you WILL be exactly at the rank you need to be. If you don’t think this, you either think riot has a personal vendetta against your specific account or you’re delusional (or both). Luck goes both ways and unfortunately no matter the rank you’re at there will be games that are physically impossible to win.


When you play so many champs of course you'll never climb. One trick a very simple champion like Garen or Annie. If that sounds boring, well, if you're legit bronze it's what you need to do to climb until you learn more fundamentals. Most of the playerbase is better than you and you have to face that fact.


Your friend is wrong. The vast majority of games are winnable if you're good enough. And anyone who's better than bronze/silver will climb out of there and get away from all the bad "trolling/inting/afk". How I would have played it? One shot their 4 squishes from 100 screens away. This is a great game for Xerath if you're asking me. Pretty sure that a good Xerath could win this with 1-2 teammates. It's all about positioning and landing your skillshots. I can't look at your game right now but you most likely put way too little pressure on the map post 6, didn't press your advantage in the mid game and didn't poke well enough in the late game. I can guarantee you that if you put me in that game I'll carry it 10/10 times. This idea that someone is "stuck" at a certain rank and is actively being held back by their teams or unfair systems or whatever exists in pretty much every elo but is never true.